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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. i think he said that the oil should be boiling not smoking , in fact oil doesn't boil like the normal boiling water with bubbles, but you can know that the oil is boiling if it begins to move or shake, i don't know how to tell you that. the important thing is oil begins boiling after 2-3 minutes and maybe shows white smoke but absolutely not black. another wrong step is covering the pan. when you cover the pan you keep the hot air inside the cover and that will make your ingredients soft not crispy.i know all these details because i am professional in burning food and i know most of the time when we fry food, it is only a matter of seconds and everything turn to black.
  2. when you upgrade your system by adding new cards or changing cards like graphic card. you absolutely don't have to format your computer, because changing cards deal with hardware, and your windows is a software, even if you get an error after operate your computer you don't need to format, the error mostly occur when you didn't plug your card in the right way. all you have to do turn off your computer, change the graphic card and make sure it is in the right place, turn on your computer and windows by default will detect the new hardware devices that plug in to it, so install your new graphic card software and that's it.for the power supplier, in general you should check the prerequisites for your graphic card from the manual to see if it fits with your system or not. if not then you should replaced it as mentioned in your manual. however, it is better to change your power supply with one supplys extra power to get along with your graphic card, especially if you want to play games with deep illustration and graphics or it will explode .
  3. social bookmarking is a method of advertising your website or blog contents to reach your readers in many ways. personally, i tested some of them and found that the best websites that put my blog in google search engine less than 24 hours are:1- twitter.2- digg.3- stumbleupon.4- delicious.5- facebook.6- reddit.these websites are doing a great job by presenting your website's latest update to their readers. they were useful to me when my blog was under sub-domain, especially during my blog's first days. and i am sure there are even more good sites that doing the same thing. all of us come across these bookmarking website someday, some stopped using them, some continue. to me, i like the idea of social bookmarking and continue using them after i get my own domain name. but the annoying thing is it takes a lot of my time adding each post in my blog to these six social bookmarking websites. i don't know if others feel the same, but i really take my breath after finishing doing this. and absolutely i won't do that and waste my time, if i know that it isn't necessary for my blog. now, share me your ideas.do you prefer using social bookmarking in your websites or not? why?which are the best social bookmarking websites you use in your website?
  4. thank you little asterisk, good tutorial. simple and direct way of explanation, and very useful information for beginners. the first steps are the most important steps because they are the basis that every developer stands on. thank you for sharing.
  5. you welcome, we are all here ready to help each other in anything we can. and i hope it will work for you, if not these links contain a lot of galleries but in jquery, similar to dfgallery. i didn't test them yet, a little busy these days. but you can see the effect of each one from demo, then download the source code. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i take a quick look on this one i think it is easy to implement and same as df gallery http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ and this one too http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ good luck.
  6. i believe that some of us here are like this. their parents sending them emails when they want something from them to me, i was staying in my room for a long time, and when the dinner is ready, my mom was calling me by telephone
  7. hi trappers, since things are very boring in the forum the last few weeks. so, let's have some fun trappers.
  8. thank you goufilang for you reply, i just expected more replies here but it seems there are no many of members to reply and that just even more prove my idea. anyway, i prefer to think that many members didn't post here and tend to post in other sections of the forums. as long as the result is the same, more activity from members.
  9. check this site, there is a good and easy flash image gallery called df gallery 2.0 http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ you can see how it works in the site, just scroll to the end of the page and check it, good luck.
  10. i am not quite sure of what do you want to do? i mean how do you want to connect visitors with weather!!! but i will try to help, this link for a weather website contain weather stickers show the daily weather of your local area, all you have to do is choose a sticker, click on it, copy the script and past it in your website. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this link for PHP scripts or wordpress plugin "if you use wordpress cms" to add weather to you site http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ this link for weather ajax script http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ i hope i could help, good luck.
  11. now, the number of relies for this topic is prove my idea. that the number of active members in forums is decreasing. in spite of the fact that everyone these days are busy in study or vacation, i saw members today so busy in exams but the enter the forum for a while to relax ans see what is going on here.honestly, i feel like my topic makes even more members to be inactive .
  12. Computer all stand on numbers or digits like binary system, decimal system, or hexadecimal system and they are all use numbers. -Binary describes a system that has only two possible digits (0 and 1). Every number expressed in the binary system is a combination of these two digits. 0 or 1 is working on the concept of ON/OFF, just like the light. 1 means ON and 0 means OFF. Just like this: 1: 00001 11: 01011 2: 00010 12: 01100 3: 00011 13: 01101 4: 00100 14: 01110 5: 00101 15: 01111 6: 00110 16: 10000 7: 00111 17: 10001 8: 01000 18: 10010 9: 01001 19: 10011 10: 01010 20: 10100 -Decimal describes a system that has ten possible digits (from 0-9). Every number expressed in the decimal system is a combination of these ten digits. Like this: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 Any decimal number can be converted into the binary system by summing the appropriate multiples of the different powers of two. For example, starting from the right, 10101101 represents (1 x 20) + (0 x 21) + (1 x 22) + (1 x 23) + (0 x 24) + (1 x 25) + (0 x 26) + (1 x 27) = 173. This example can be used for the conversion of binary numbers into decimal numbers. -Hexadecimal numbers work in the exact same way as decimal numbers do. Hexadecimal describes a system that has 16 possible digits (0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and A, B, C, D, E, F). like this: This chart will let us convert values easily between the various numbering systems: A computer is a Binary machine deep inside. It knows only 1 and 0. When the computer shows you Decimal numbers, they are merely a translation of the Binary representation of those numbers inside the machine. Bits and Bytes in Binary form are long and cumbersome, we can't work with them on a daily basis. Since the Byte is the unit of information that computers work with (A group of 8 bits), it was convenient to find a way to express bytes that was still sort of meaningful to us, and easy to work with for a computer. This is where hexadecimal came in to play: One Hexadecimal digit can be expressed in four Bits, 8 bits, or two nibbles, or one byte can thus be expressed by two hex digits. We can identify hexadecimal numbers in either of two ways: if there is H behind them (Such as 12H) or there is 0x in front (Such as 0x12). The conclusion of all that long explanation is our computer or laptop is based on numbers and digits, you can check that in your computer from: Start> all programs> accessories> system tools> system information> from hardware resources> check I/O or memory. This path is for windows xp professional sp3, You can see clearly the hexadecimal that deals with the memory. Now, do you really think that changing the name of computer is a good idea???
  13. so you are decide to start from scratch, at least we all did. the first editor i used for coding is notepad, it lets you learn step by step and learn from your mistakes. but if you find it hard to trace errors try an advanced notepad, for me the best are editplus and tswebeditor, the first one isn't free but you can use the trial version but the second is, have fun and good luck. we are looking for your site.
  14. it is a good way sheepdog, this way you can fix things between you and yourself. better than some people, when they get stressed or angry they disturb everyone around them, they even do stupid things they regret it later.
  15. hi kosmik, welcome in Xisto. if you are looking for having fun, talking,free hosting, then you are in the right place. we are here a very cooperative community, you can ask what you want, talk on anything "in the rules of course" and eventually get your free hosting. have fun and good luck.
  16. well, anwiii thinking deeply is an important way to fix problems, unless we decided to forget about it and pretend like nothing is happened. but for me, i try to figure out a solution after i get relaxed. i know myself if i did that just right after the problem happened or when i was depressed than all i got is being even more depressed like i said to bani it is so hard to do. and always i loose my temper and be sorry. so i try to relax myself a little, by shopping, ice-cream, talking to friends or write what i feel. sometimes the problem fixed itself without starting to find a solution, sometimes not. which will make me sitting alone in a dark place listen to music or not that depend on my mood and try to think for hours to find a solution. like you said before people differ how to react toward situations.the fact is, if you get depressed from a problem happened in your life, and you do your best to fixed it or relax and fixed it or deciding to avoid it and continue in your life, all that lead to one result. that you will refresh and feel better again. but if you are depressed from something happened in your life that you don't have control on it, either thinking or not thinking will lead to nowhere, then that is the true problem. for example, if you lost someone close to you, i mean if that person is dead. of course you will be depressed, and that depending on how much he is close to you and how sensitive you are. that is the real problem, when you can't get rid of depression for months or maybe years. and that what make a lot of people become ill psychologically and mentally. because they can't fix a situation happened in their life and be happy again.
  17. REALLY? the most thing i can do if i was depressed, is going to the salon and try to do the usual things to refresh myself but cutting or dying hair is absolutely the wrong decision to take and 80% she will regret it later that's right for most of people. also, there are people who can't eat anything at all, they can't even feel hungry. and this is worse than eating a lot i think.
  18. oh, bani this is the most hard and direct way to fix your problems and get rid of your stress. i think this way you will be even more depressed but you will fix the whole thing without delay. even focusing on another things to do is kind of wasting time, by avoiding the main problem but it will relax you and clear your mind to take the right decisions.
  19. i prefer dreamweaver as an editor, for many reasons. the most important reasons are it helps me debugging errors, i can find the error easily in dreamweaver, especially when forgot closing tags or semi colon, the thing i do most of the time
  20. GOD, where did you find these they are extremely annoying websites. i got a headache just from looking at them for a one minute. i wonder what the designer was thinking of when he design such a horible one? after all, we are kind of advertising to these websites, but in a negative way. like it is a top 10 list for the worst sites ever .
  21. another suggestion, if you have only little time and you want a good plain website, with good visuals. use adobe dreamweaver cs3, through it you can create a good website as stvenwesley said, and better you can use HTML template that gives you a great and fast way to create websites, you can choose how many columns in your site, choose if you want it fixed, liquid, elastic or hybrid, you can even attach CSS file to it and do all these in visual "from design tab". in the same way you can learn all about your code "from code tab".
  22. hi, karen_white, welcome in Xisto forum. there are many sections here, you can start posting good quality topics and participate the discussion, talking about your interests. this way you will be able to earn mycent that let you get free hosting or domain name and you will have fun. if you have any questions, please don't hesitate and ask whatever you want, we are happy to help, good luck.
  23. thank you ash-bash, i find it very useful topic since i don't know much about seo and advertising websites, i am one of those that heard about xmarks for the first time. thank you for sharing, keep on good quality posts.
  24. great way to relax little asterisk, i love listening to guitar but in your case i don't think so learning online is good too, so you are from the minority that can be benefit from their depressed.
  25. if you use only colors in HTML then you are right, your page will load so fast. but if you use images and flash in your site even you are using HTML then it will load slow too. if you compare plain HTML page with plain PHP page " with plain i mean with no images or flash" then HTML certainly will load faster, because php needs to connect to the database most of the time. the point here, images, flash or java scripts will slow your pages even if you use it with HTML. also, keep in mind not using a lot of tables, because tables are slower loading than divs in CSS. i think since you have a background about HTML, in a month you can make a good website if you use a little of CSS too. CSS will make your site look better and you will have more control of it. anyway, we are ready to help, if you need any help. good luck.
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