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Everything posted by web_designer

  1. well, nirmaldaniel. i think this is the second or third topic about social networks security in general and facebook security in specific i read in a very short time.so all these make me go and check my accounts security, and be sure it can be hacked any time. i think you are absolutely right and we shouldn't trust the word "privacy setting" but in fact we do, we do trust these words, we upload private information and private photos and sit down thinking that we are secure. if we lost our privacy, and our info and photos had been stolen we will start complaining and accusing that website, but we are forgotten the fact that this website is just like any other websites "no matter how much they talk about its strong security" it is a collection of software that can be hacked and messed up at any time. especially with all the evolution in software programs and programming languages. with every new program released, there are new ways are invented to hack these programs. and the reality is that no program language or software without bugs or errors, and this leads there is no secure website. but the problem is how many people in the world do know this fact.
  2. the last three years of my life i moved a lot, so right now i am not so fan of travailing. but i am always dreaming of visiting France, Italy and Spain. i love being for at least a month in each country, and visit every city, in France i would like to go every where from alps mountains to Normandy. i think traveling to these three countries, will make me experience many types of people living, many cultures and most of all i can satisfy my passion in art.
  3. i was trying to enter my control panel but the drop down list in the right upper corner doesn't work , for both the member name and notification. they only navigate you to the member profile and notification list.
  4. seems you fixed the images in "topics" tab in member profile, but i think not. it breaks your layout boundaries, see this
  5. great...i have a spammer in my blog...

    1. k_nitin_r


      The akismet plugin for WordPress should help in reducing some of the spam on your blog commens. You can also use a captcha plugin to prevent bots from spamming too.

    2. web_designer


      i didn't use it before but i will try, thank you a lot...

  6. not too slow for me, but slower than before yes. i think that's normal since it is a script keeps running with all pages.
  7. HAY, what a COOL bar you added, i like it. when did you do that, i just left the forum for two or three hours. most thing i liked is the dynamic map, good job i am so impressed. and k_nithin_r thank you for your explanation.
  8. i am not sure if i have to report about this or not, or maybe someone reported before me but i am a little lazy to read 10 pages to find out any way, i noticed that the number of member's posts differs from place to another, for example: - in member's info that appears in the forum, my" posts" are 389, same as the posts number that appear in the popup box when i click the small thing near my name in the forum. - in my profile the "active posts" show 409. - in my profile in "find my content" shows that "There have been 185 items by web_designer " (Search limited from 10-May 09) so, as you can see the numbers of posts are so different. also, "find my content" shows both my topics and posts, and i wonder if there's a link that points to my posts separately from my topics? other than the "topics" and "posts" tabs in my profile because they show only the last five topics and posts.
  9. well, thank you for your reply, seems you are specified in asp, i realized that from your replies in asp.net category. and yes i am planning to take microsoft exam to get certified. although retiring MCAD and MCSD bothered me at the beginning, but after i checked out the new exams i cheered up. as you said before the new exams are more specified and more relative to websites developers. so i chose MCTS and MCPD that fit my skills, at least i don't have to study about "data structure hierarchy" that was required for MCDS.and thank you to inform me about the new microsoft .net framework 4.0, i didn't know they will release it already.
  10. i studied about mainframes in college, not too much just a general idea and the basis. you know, how they was working, their CPU, integrated circuits, memory, programming language. we even had a one in our department so we can check. however, they didn't give us detailed information about mainframes, just the basics because as you said they are the stone age technology. therefore getting in details won't be beneficial a lot. especially because my major was computer science and programming language not system engineer.that's all i know about mainframe or at least what i remember, but i wonder why are you so interesting in mainframes this much?
  11. thank you nirmaldaniel, for these information. btwn: don't panic, a lot of people don't know many things about windows or linux. how do you think they can know anything about the operating system that works on mainfarmes, also IBM is not popular as microsoft at lest these days. anyway, useful information, thank you for sharing.
  12. this problem shows in firefox, opera and internet explorer 6. as i mentioned before this appears only when i use codes, even this is not the first time i use codes but seems there's something in this codes breaks the boundaries. anyway, i tried many plugins to separate the code from the text. and it didn't work for me in the beginning, but after more researching i found that i should add this wordpress function to the footer <?php wp_footer(); ?> so, i used this plugin (SyntaxHighlighter Evolved) and added wordpress function to the footer and it worked, the code displayed perfectly inside the layout as it should be but in the code area i still see these tags display with the code: <strong> or <pre> i tried to delete them manually, but this is even more annoying than before. so, if anyone have any idea to deal with that i would be appreciated. well truefusion, i find it odd too but i don't know why. even i added it to the parent container div tag as you said ( i have one container wrapped the post area and sidebar and i added the first code you gave me to it but nothing changed). i will try it again and see because i got now a lot of plugins in my site, the last one make the "pinned notepad" i use for category fly away in opera about width and height, i already defined each div with specific width and height in my css. and the spaces between text in my screen-shoots i don't fully remember how i took the screen shoots i was in a haste. but in general when i post, i always got a post with no spaces at all and i add spaces manually using <br /> thank you for your help and replies.
  13. REALLY getting sick of posting and wordpress bugs....YUK...

    1. k_nitin_r


      Hi! What kind of WordPress bugs have been plaguing your blog?

    2. web_designer


      well, when i post code, it breaks my layout, i post a topic about that in web design category..

  14. REALLY, as i remember "billing and support" tab which was above the shoutbox was a link points to xisto account. at least i was using it whenever i was in the forum and want to check something in xisto account. and thank you for visiting my site, glade you liked it. about the footer, good you could see it, most don't, they stick only with the header i don't know why? maybe because there are too many colors, so they don't think that there is more in the bottom
  15. good morning trappers...

  16. seems i was looking far away and forgot looking under my nose. thank you for the explanation.
  17. thank you for your reply truefusion, i just added the code you gave me but no change at all, still the same problem. on the other hand, i think it is not a browser's problem, because browsers show my other posts very good. the problem is only with this post. i tried to post just texts without codes and it works. so i will double check the code and see.
  18. i searched for a link that connect the forum with xisto but i didn't find a one. i think it is important to add a link to Xisto - Support here so that we can check mycents or other things from here just as the old forum did.
  19. hahaha, it's so funny. and i was thinking of a logical explanation and waiting for more excitement. people really can do silly things when they are tired and exhausted but that is the best i heard. good one opaque.
  20. haha you are right, cannibals shouldn't look cute at all. anyway, if you could solve this one faster than the frog test that means your brain has been stimulated, and that's a one of the scientific facts. our brain just like everything else needs training to give the best performance. therefore you could solve the cannibals test faster than the frog whereas both of them are using the probability theory.
  21. yeah k_nithin_r i agree with you, i am quiet sure that microsoft windows xp home edition doesn't support IIS, but Microsoft windows xp professional do. so that must be the same for microsoft windows 7. but just in case, i suggest you to check your windows features to make sure if it supports IIS or not.
  22. hi, i made another entry, i get inspired now and you can't stop me
  23. i updated my entries ti fit the dimensions, and a little changing.
  24. hi, i encountered this problem yesterday in my blog. i was trying to post the weekly tutorial but i couldn't, every time i preview the post i got this weird look of my post. as you can see both the text and codes are breaking the layout. for the first time i assumed that it is a code problem even this is not the first time i post codes directly to the blog. anyway, i installed this plugin (syntaxhighlighter-plus). but nothing changed, in fact things getting worse. right now, i can't think of more solutions so i decided to post here asking for your help, thank you in advance.
  25. that's a good point, i will separate them and post the entries again as soon as buffelohelp replied me about the dimensions to make the change once. it is not pink anwiii, it is LIGHT ORANGE in hexa (# f9ad81). even if i like pink but i absolutely won't use it for the forum logo i know it not fits. btwn if this is my forum i will make the logo full of flowers and butterflies, just kidding.
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