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Status Replies posted by web_designer

  1. "?"...sheeeesh...hmmmm...re.....they are all mine now...MY WORDS...:) :) :):)

  2. Backstreet Boys are perfoming live in my province... should I blow them up while I have the chance?

  3. Still enjoying...I love this place!!!!!

  4. "?"...sheeeesh...hmmmm...re.....they are all mine now...MY WORDS...:) :) :):)

  5. "?"...sheeeesh...hmmmm...re.....they are all mine now...MY WORDS...:) :) :):)

  6. When you try your best but you don't succeed..When you get what you want but not what you need..When you feel so tired but you can't sleep..Stuck in reverse..And the tears come streaming down your face..When you lose something you can't replace..When you love someone but it goes to waste..Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home..And ignite your bones..And I will try to fix you...

  7. When you try your best but you don't succeed..When you get what you want but not what you need..When you feel so tired but you can't sleep..Stuck in reverse..And the tears come streaming down your face..When you lose something you can't replace..When you love someone but it goes to waste..Could it be worse? Lights will guide you home..And ignite your bones..And I will try to fix you...

  8. I know I'm not useless, because God doesn't create garbage

  9. Been Touring around the province...I love it and there are only few days left. But it is so intriguing and the weather is just so wonderful!!! Dear Canada...I love you !! :D

  10. Been Touring around the province...I love it and there are only few days left. But it is so intriguing and the weather is just so wonderful!!! Dear Canada...I love you !! :D

  11. Been Touring around the province...I love it and there are only few days left. But it is so intriguing and the weather is just so wonderful!!! Dear Canada...I love you !! :D

  12. no! i am not ok! so stop askin'!!!

  13. sooooooo tensed..........worst day of my life....some1 in bus stolen my 3 month old samsung star superb :(

  14. ahhhhhhhhhh, There's no place like home!!!! Finally home sweet home :)

  15. bored on my last day...

  16. no! i am not ok! so stop askin'!!!

  17. Happy Independence day to all (Indian Independence day )..We dream for a clean ....peaceful. growing country.. with no poverty and no terrorism :) :)

  18. Awesome site, glad to have signed up :)

  19. hii am siri !! new to this site :)

  20. I'll be there for you! (When the rain starts to pour) I'll be there for you! (Like I've been there before) I'll be there for you ('Cause you're there for me too)

  21. i thought i would break down the town i live in, CHILHOWEE. "chil"- a place to chill and relax. "how"- how the heck did i ever wind up here?!? "ee"- eeeeeeeeeeeee!!! i am in the middle of nowhere!

  22. i am a flower in glass...with no roots or land to belong...i am a flower in a glass...lost my past...lost my bonds...even i look better for now...but i know i have no one to support when the wind blows...

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