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Status Replies posted by web_designer

  1. My Wisdom is showing up here :P:D

  2. Loneliness is always looking for a friend..It found me once and it has been around since then..Loneliness is never waiting by the door..It sweeps right through and it will never be ignored..Why, why was I chosen? Why am I left without? The love of my life, the love that I need..The love that they say is in life for free..The love of dreams, the love that I want..Loneliness knows me by name...

  3. I'm back, now I have to kick out the hobos who moved into my home while I was gone...

  4. I'm back, now I have to kick out the hobos who moved into my home while I was gone...

  5. somewhere over the rainbow...blue birds fly...birds fly over the rainbow...why then oh why can't I...

  6. I throw my hands up in the air sometimes Saying AYO!..Gotta let go!

  7. I throw my hands up in the air sometimes Saying AYO!..Gotta let go!

  8. :( The Summer went by fast to me. Tomorrow is the last day I have until school.
  9. The forum is boring these days

  10. i want 2 post rite now

  11. Trying to end it...i hope it opens door for a fresh start

  12. I am doubting myself and thinking that I was wrong and that it's all my fault...sorry anwiii :( you warned me but I don't know how to fight it :(:(:(

  13. Someone in this forum found it amusing yesterday to make fun of what I am going through and thought by sticking insensitive messages on my profile that he/she is being funny. Well tell you what...you know yourself if you would like us to switch problems I am up for that because I'd like to see you walk a mile in my shoes. Sometimes silence is gold and if you think my troubles are funny keep it to yourself.

  14. in so much pain...

  15. Would be busy for some days ..but can't miss to come and talk to friends here :)

  16. When life seems difficult, (P.U.S.H) Pray Until Something Happens!

  17. News everyone can enjoy, I made this: http://www.youtube.com/GLXdance

  18. lift me up.... let me go...lift me up.... let me go...

  19. When life gives you lemons, throw 'em at someone. It'll make you feel better.

  20. Ugh, for some reason my new topic won't show up -.-

  21. lift me up.... let me go...lift me up.... let me go...

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