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Status Updates posted by deadmad7

  1. lift me up.... let me go...lift me up.... let me go...

    1. anwiii


      don't talk about my azz like that!

    2. web_designer


      is it the name of your donkey???

    3. deadmad7
    4. Show next comments  18 more
  2. God save us everyone, Will we burn inside the fires of a thousand suns? For the sins of our hand. The sins of our tongue. The sins of our father. The sins of our young. No. And it can't be outfought. Can't be outdone. It can't out matched. It can't be outrun. No.

    1. rob86


      The fires of a thousand suns? That would grill a mean steak. Bring on the apocalypse!

    2. anwiii
  3. late happy birthday! i mean, happy 25th and 2/365 days birthday! Just 5 more years and you are going to be miserable... like the people who commented below :) especially anwiii, hes horrid :P Youth 4Ever!

  4. aahhhhhhh.... even the chatroom is more interesting than the forums nowdays... comment if you agree! or if you aren't evil... but don't not comment cause I said that.

    1. chini13


      thats true..chatroom is more entertaining these days

    2. anwiii


      yes....very entertaining if people haven't heard "chini's one hit wonder" yet :)

    3. kritya


      right anwii and u r also there

  5. tried to give you warning but everyone ignores me.... told you everything loud and clear but nobody's listening.

  6. I knew a kid who had a weird way of looking at it and this is what he said "slip out the back before they know you are there and at the worst you will see that they don't really care, you don't wanna be around when It all goes down because even a hero knows when to be scared".

  7. do you know the feeling when you forget what you're happy about? :)

    1. web_designer


      yeah...and it is even better from being happy for something deadmad...enjoy...

  8. Its just like a cigarette, its something that I do. Once in awhile but between me and you. Its just like a cigarette. Nobody's really fooled. I dont want the truth, I wanna feel *freakin* cool.

    1. deadmad7


      its a song WD :)

    2. anwiii


      song or not....you ARE cool! you're the FONZ! heyyyyyyyyyyyyy

    3. web_designer


      i know deadmad...but liked to tease you a little hahaa...

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  9. It's like im paranoid looking over my back... it's a whirlpool inside my head... it's like i can't stop what I hear within.... its like the face inside is right beneath my skin.

    1. chini13


      its like human:D

    2. anwiii


      be afraid.....be VERY afraid.....

  10. Happy Birthday... jinxing the guy who said this about 3 years ago XD

  11. YoAnime ( .COM ) is UP AND RUNNING! Yippie yippie yay yay!

    1. anwiii


      good. now do something productive with it :)


    1. chini13
    2. anwiii
    3. rob86


      The answer my friend, is blowing in the wind, your request shop is blowing in the wind...

  13. lol... I'm starting to miss the old forums... this one is crappy as HELL! everything is broken, moods aren't working,sigs aren't allowed, header is not displaying and million other things!!!

  14. I am now WISER THAN ANWiii! "This is a same step for the dead but a GIANT leap for the MADkind!

    1. chini13


      u are always wiser than anwii :P :P

    2. rob86


      I wonder if the other wise men of history once shouted that. Plato - "I am now wiser than Socrates! If knowledge is truly the food of the soul, than surely I am morbidly obese!"

    3. anwiii


      thanks chini. took the words right outta my mouth! haha is it really that difficult to be wiser than me? :)

  15. Wd's worst nightmare.... BREAKING NEWS: "Thank you for sharing" has been banned! WD: noooooooooo!... *opens a thesaurus*

    1. web_designer


      *WD forgot deadmad making her a signature*

      nooo..deadmad i was kidding...

      *WB will get DM after he finished the signature..hahaa*

    2. chini13


      hahaha..deadmad will pay for this later

    3. anwiii


      for the last time, it's WD....not WB! hahaha

    4. Show next comments  18 more
  16. MY FIRST signature request has been completed! Yay! Party time!

    1. chini13


      Congrats Deadmad :)

  17. anwiii and a snowball. Sitting on a tree. K-I-S-S-I-N-G!

  18. Ohhhh... Who gave me my second wisdom flag? Thank you mystery person :)

    1. mahesh2k
    2. web_designer


      happy for you...

    3. anwiii


      you are turning out to be very wise!

  19. whoohoo! laracroft joined the forums.... Larrrrra croft

  20. how about calvin and bart? (avatar and usual profile pic)?

  21. god bless us everyone, we're a broken people living under a loading gun.

    1. web_designer



      why ?? who threatening you deadmad??

      just tell me...

    2. deadmad7


      its a song wd! not a real gun!

    3. web_designer
  22. you hate arthur? everybody loves arthur!

  23. o_O u didn't know that he calls me 'little arnold' and that I call him 'pimp glass arthur'? Anwiii knows... ask him.

  24. Hahaha Arnold is just so I can annoy bani :P

  25. look at my profile pic... arthur! :)

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