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Status Updates posted by DodgyPhil

  1. Why is your user name 'Deadmad7' if your real name is Ezekiel? :o

    It's 'DodgyPhil' because he was my favourite character from the radio comedy 'World of Pub'..

    "..It'd be easier to do that if it weren't for Dodgy Phil, their extremely sharp cockney geezer mate, who's forever coming up with frankly idiotic schemes to make the plac...

  2. 6 days until I turn 17 years old!!!!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. Nameless_


      Happy Early Birthday! In case I don't get to say it to you later. :)

    3. deadmad7
    4. DodgyPhil




      Anyone notice a contradiction? It's illegal to smoke below the age of 18, but no action is taken unless you're under 16. I love England. ;)


      Also, everyone knows smoking makes you cool, ergo: I am cool.

  3. Contemplating whether using the phrase "lexically coterminous" in my English essay will make me look pompous.. I originally heard it being used by Boris Johnson. :)

  4. Dj Rush - Do You Like Bass

  5. For the first time in my KS life, I am on the 'Today's Top Posters' block with 2 posts! CELEBRATION!!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. chini13


      wow im proud of dodgyphil :)

    3. DodgyPhil


      I'm proud of myself, even if DeadMad took the opportunity to rub Shahrukh's achievement in my face.. :(

    4. chini13


      whatever but atleast u did somthing for the first time..now u can repeat the history

  6. GODK come back! I feel we had something special.. ;)

    1. ghost of delete key

      ghost of delete key


      It took a dozen years, but I'm back :^)


      I discovered I had a login today completely by way of a Google accident.

  7. Going on holiday to Cornwall tomorrow.. No internet connection there.. Bye for a week!

  8. Got my GCSE exam results: 5A*s, 4As, 1B, 1C and 1D (in a lame short course I did when I was 13 years old).

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. web_designer


      seems good scores...good job...

    3. deadmad7
    4. DodgyPhil


      Thanks for the kind words WD and thanks for the shock DM..

  9. I demand that every man, woman and child who frequents Knowledge Sutra check out my thread in the Music section!

  10. I turned 18!!!111 also hey



      *high fives you* Now go do 18 year old stuff.

    2. Baniboy


      Happy b'day! ok so I'm a little late but haven't been here for a long time.

  11. I'm 17 years old today! Woop woop! Bring out the party poppers!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more


      ^ thats why i chose my username

    3. deadmad7
    4. chini13


      hey belated happy b'day dodgy.sorry i was not here..so could'nt wish u

  12. I'm 17 years old today! Woop woop! Bring out the party poppers!

  13. I'm back. Just sayin'. ;)

    1. Baniboy


      *plays 'back in business' in the backround*

    2. web_designer


      welcome back... :) nice to see you around again... :)

    3. anwiii


      you're not coming back to anything special :)

  14. is going to stay sober tonight.

    1. anwiii
    2. DodgyPhil


      I'm assuming you're talking about alcohol? :)


      Naaw.. I really shouldn't be smoking too often. A night of industrial strength spliffing will turn you into a spaced out hippy for the rest of your life..

  15. Just back from holiday to Shropshire (apparently the 'heart' of England, it was.. alright) so I haven't had access to the internet for a week.. :(

    1. web_designer


      welcome back phil...

    2. anwiii


      i still don't see you :)

  16. Just bought myself a 105 piece pack of Nicotine Gum. Just put in first piece, and my previous sensation of "OH GOD I WANT A CIG" is gone.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DodgyPhil


      Actually, NRT (nicotine relief treatment, me thinks) is common practice in England.

    3. Baniboy


      It's nicotine replacement therapy, and, it doesn't help you get rid of your addiction, there is no nicotine relief. deadmad i don't trust your commercial doctors over there, advertising every drug treatment available, sorry :)

    4. deadmad7
  17. Just saw India's performance for the Commonwealth Games. Amazing! Really well done! It was so lively, chaotic and human, unlike the Chinese performances at the Beijing Olympics performance..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. chini13


      yeah it was awesome..i loved it and im proud of my country :)

    3. livepcportal


      as an indian.....i m glad tht u like it :D

    4. rob86


      Anyone know where to download the full video of it?

  18. Never hesitate to put a fool on his back rat-tat-tat-tat tat ta tat like that, and i.. Never hesitate to put a fool on his back rat-tat-tat-tat tat ta tat like that, and i.. Creepin and peepin' and i can get with these the chronic, slangin' fat keys from my block and it don't stop! (Everyone seems to be posting lyrics)

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. DodgyPhil


      "Dr.Dre - Rat Tat Tat Tat"


      My favourite part of the song is when they use the N-word (once every 2 seconds).

    3. anwiii


      i was listening to dre when he was rapping in n.w.a. before you were born haha. brings back memories. that was in the 80's. i wasn't really in to that much rap but i liked the gangster rap style of nwa and i also liked eazy-e. rap started getting popular in the early 80's. i thought it was just a fad back then and it's been interesting how rap has changed over the years and what an influence it has had.

    4. DodgyPhil


      Ha, I was really into early 90s American rap when I was about 12.. Around the same time I first started playing GTA: San Andreas. I tried the whole walking around with your trousers around your knees and limping around like a pimp until someone called me a twat.. I pray for them daily. :D

  19. News everyone can enjoy, I made this: http://www.youtube.com/GLXdance

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    3. anwiii


      ahhhhhh phily has a new friend! :) hope life is staying good!

    4. deadmad7


      wow... you are on MOST SUBSCRIBED #99 OF THIS WEEK congrats.... wait, NVM its United Kingdom hahahaha

  20. Only 55p more on my PayPal and I could've bought GTA:San Andreas via Steam.. RRARHH!!!

    1. deadmad7


      download it lol! no cares about GTA SA anymore

    2. DodgyPhil


      I have downloaded it now.. GTA SA is still the best GTA! Also, because I am lacking in legal tender, I cannot pay for a PS3 or a good PC to play GTA 4 on.. :(

  21. Really enjoyed Chris Moyle's on-air meltdown. What a twat. Complains about being the 2nd highest earning radio presenter in Britain when his payments are ONE MONTH late.. He just ranted for 25 minute without playing music.

  22. Someone hacked my hosting account and has been sending spam emails. Consequently, my account has been suspended. I got the message "Please switch your account to VPS to activate your account." Can someone explain what this means because I don't really want to submit a support ticket..

    1. mahesh2k


      they are asking you for upgrade to higher level hosting account. weird.

  23. Sorry if I've acted strangely for the last few hours, I explained earlier, but my post seems to have been deleted..

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. DodgyPhil


      ..Skip forward, he tells me he knows where I live, and that he's going to stab me. I call his GF who tells me to reason with him, and I do..

    3. DodgyPhil


      I'm neither brave, nor strong, so the whole experience left me shaking. It also left me with a 'f*** it' mentality that kept telling me to offend people and not to take 's***' from anyone. Anyway, I just got a PM from Anwiii, a member I truly respect, so this is my penance.

    4. DodgyPhil


      For expressing myself with an overly expansive vocabulary on the Chatroom. Even if it was hilarious at the time- I now realize it could have been misconstrued.

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