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Posts posted by tuddy

  1. Just by matter of interest,How many people use MSN Messenger as there only MSN product?How many use most of or all of MSN features?How many out there hate MSN all together and wouldn;t touch it no matter what? :D MSN has some good ideas, there heading down GOOGLE road though, its like they are now getting the hint people like google more, which they do of course! :DWell i'm off to download 7.5 bye... :(

  2. 7.5 Beta Is it like the 7 Beta when it came out?All holey and bugy with pestky annoying pop-ups saying cannot save messages and blah blah blah blah.....MSN is only good for one thing only.Chatting with friends far away! :)All these fancy features slow down peoples computer to much i say.Maybe they should come out with an MSN lite version that has all these fancy non-needed faetures not included. To use it for chatting! ;)How many resources are there, already for this new 7.5?Like MSN Plus, Stuffplug...

  3. Any number of things sadly!Installing new sofware, can and sometimes does without knowing effects the performance of them, outdating of the drivers etc.Hardware may also do this, there may not be a compatiblity between them with the current drivers. Trace back to when you first noticed the slower/weaker performance, and think about what you did to the computer at this stage?Also Viruses! :D

  4. It comes back to Quality Vs. Costand company. You can get some really good cordless ones, that don't affect you to much sitting in front of the reciever.Then you can get some cheapo ones that, are good for music listening quietly.If possible, do a try before ya buy thing. Don't know how, but.... :P

  5. Mini, I'd lose it B) Who has the time to sit and listen to 4GB of Music anyway?and since when is there any good music around that combine to make 4GB of good music to listen too! B)Turn it into an external HDD for documents and website programs on it, thats all i'd end up putting on there beside the 20 good songs there are. Jimmy Barnes Rocks!! :PB)

  6. At the top, you have 3 Boxes in a horizontal line, the 2 on each ends are smaller in hieght, it looks out of place.Also when a user scrolls down, the boxes increase and decrease in width. This will confuse the user. If you keep it all to 3 colums running down the page, it is more flowing to read. But overall looks great, Whats the main purpose of your site by the way?...Is it Personal, or are you trying to achieve something business wise?

  7. Has it only happened when accessing the CPanel on Xisto.Sometimes it could be your internet connection settings to a area like the CPanel. I know here at my school, i'm not allowed to access the CPanel (Even a teacher acount, with limited restrictions can't.).Also, using IE, i have had trouble in IE with accessing the CPanel, but with FireFox its quick. Theres a number of reasons. Most Microsoft Cause :P

  8. :P If you got Linux, why would you want Windows?Can you download LILO from anywhere, or can you only get it from the installtion CD?Does it have the option to password protect your HDD?OR/ANDDoes it have a feature that allows you to press a shortcut (ie. Ctrl+Shift), to access another operating system, with not having pressed the shortcut, still just boot to a default operating system?Lost yet?Is it hard to configure is themes, or is messy like goingt o a directory playing around with this code and etc.?Tuddy

  9. If to expensive for cordless etc.,Then get one of those extension cords, and that when you get up and walk away, the plug may only pull instead of snap, and you may reliese before the tesion gets so tight that it snaps.Otherwise get the packaging tape out and stick it all up real good... :unsure: Maybe have yourself positioned so that when you stand up, that the cord comes staight out at the plug, ie. not snapping the cord??

  10. Frontpage Vs Dreamweaver debate again! :P Frontapge really is quite easy to use for a beginner to HTML, and is an easy way to learn some basic Tags.Frontpage can cut back alot of work from typing cose out manually if you don't know what your doing.On the other hand dreamweaver gives you the flexibilty to do lots more with your site. It may also give you some trouble if you have no idea how to use the program to its full ability.It depends on the person, Microsoft have easy to use, slopy code, bug infected programs.Macromedia have fully featured programs giving you full control over content and is great. Enough blah blah from me... :unsure:

  11. steve, as said in other topics, it depends what you are going to use it for?If your lookiing for more space for HDD, then the Dell 9900 would work.But comes back to the fact that, why pay for something you won't use? :unsure: For graphics and web design then it depends really on how much you create and often you use it.Really, comes down to your needs!, Portability, Power, Speed, Connectivity? etc.

  12. Also, What program do you use?Just for others that may be reading this, and thinking i know alittle more, and i use Frontapge or Dreamweaver.You can save your site to one whole directory, and images to an images folder within this directory.That way you can use the program to browse for the image, rather then having to type out the code.Once site is complete, structure and all, goto your directory, select all, and upload it to the server, and if Microsoft, being Microsoft, didn't thumble it again, it all should work just peachy! :unsure: Microsoft, No Good!..But good for training i believe!P.S Your son should be more helpful! :P:D

  13. Buy from a trusted source. ie. A compnay that refurbished laptops for profit.Its should be like buying a new computer, what you need, your budget.To keep yourself outta the hot, make sure it comes with Warrenty.Only main problem with buying refurbished laptops, is you got no way of knowing whats its been though. You need to be 100% sure that, what your buying won't die within the next 4 months.Have you thought about a new laptop, with downgrading some stuff?, it can be reasonable cheap, and you get a better buy.

  14. Sadly, thats how this world operates, maybe one day what you say will become a reality.More along the lines of a panel in the wall. Like those in the movie "The 5th Element".Even in transport, you can now have online tickets machine hooked by braodband to a server location. Like online credits sorta thing. Imagine the future with broadband, how many people would bother going out then?

  15. Family Computer:Has gone though manys things...Basic Web ServerNovell Netware 6 ServerWindows XP Home and PROLinux RedhatUse it for everything from, Letters to surfing the web.EmailsMy Computer:Expermenting! :PTake parts out, put some in.Now is the Novell Netware 6 ServerRuns the other 2 HDDs i have, both with Windows XP ProUse is as a back up to Family computerLately everything i do is around web design and programming.Also Novell Netware & Features and the Client. Learning Log in Scripts Great Fun :unsure: Also being an instructor of certain thins, my computer serves as aa easy to use computer for showing videos/powerpoints, flash, help sites and anything.

  16. :P What next?I guess internet can't get more advanced from this point, Only Quicker!Could then be a standard in every house to have a internet capable point in every room just like a powerpoint!Need to get rid of paying for the line, and pay just for the plan, that way you can have other people use your line when there around and stuff. ah well, Life can only get better...Sits awaits for the worlds computers to go bang, and Cry! :unsure:
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