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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. I see under Reputation have line : Warn: (0%) -----

    Ok, I am going to try and understand the topic title which is in 3 year old...hmmm uh do you mean what is it?

    Thats your Warning(duh), if you spam too much or something like that you can get warned, once it gets to a certain % you lose posting abilitys I think. for like a certain ammont of time...i dunno not sure how it works on Xisto.

  2. Yeah I have the banner without the animation. I have thought of bringing it up but this is just a temp until I create a new banner made directly for this forum. I try to have a custom banner for each mB.
    The animation is actually two different venom ones.

    LOL and you have a Christy banner. You watch WWE?

    No...never heard of it >_> yeah I do, since it became the "WWE" instead of "WWF" its been kinda eh but the divas are still good <_<

  3. ok. thanks.
    but in the file manager, why can't I browse my files ? Cuz' when I click on one folder, i can only delet it, rename it, etc. but i cant explore it.

    And where precisely do i put my site files ? In public_html or in www (like in esayphp) ?

    You don't click the text itself(thats for the options) click the little icon to the LEFT of the text to explore it. oh and make sure you upload all your stuff in public_html.

  4. Welcome to the one and only Xisto :( hope you enjoy it here and post.I am Triple X.....see Choyan's Hello topic for more.EDIT: Oh and please do not double post, well post count doesn't increase here I think but eh kind of annoying, if you misspell something or forget to put something in a post use the "edit" button :( just a tip.

  5. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    I was wondering, is there anyway to make a php script so I can put a thing under the thumbs like "This game has been played # many times" or something? I mean maybe like how many times its been clicked cuz that might work...I dunno I was just wondering. If there is a way(I'm sure there is..) could someone tell me? thanks.

    EDIT: oh and yes I have the right to use those games on my site, funflashgames lets you freely do it as long as you have the comment in the source(which I do, I changed it but it gives credit and thats all they ask). I'm going to try google for other ones I can put on it later.

  6. I <3 it, sweet, good job hatebreed. 9/10. The reason I didn't give it a 10/10 is cuz of one thing, the white lines animation...its the only thing I don't really like. But the rest owns.

    well, i like the animation. thats the main thing that really thrills me about the sig. anyhow, i still love it the way it is.
    I don't mean all the animation, the white stuff around the rule or be ruled text and the way it goes brighter and darker looks sweet...the lines just seem er out of place..its ok just IMO it would look better without it.
    BTW you didn't have to respond to that, of course you like it it is yours and you said you like it, you asked for my opinion(and everybody elses) and I gave you it. Its only my opinion anyway, it doesn't really matter if I would like it w/o the lines better(which i do) cuz its YOUR sig, you have it the way you want :(.

  7. Oh did I mention I could have your site taken down? That layout is from a free layout site I know that for a fact. And I know they always have copyrights...and yours doesn't have one for the layout so you had to have taken it out...which is illigal...here at least.

    Please give me a link because I can verify and provide screenshots to prove to you for 100% fact that the site layout i am using is not from another site in fact if you look at the source code it says how i put it together all throught it is called XARA. look at the source code before you assume please.
    I didn't asume I've seen it ~_~ but I don't remember the site...and my history cleared yesterday so....screw it.
    So if you made it why the flip did you put all that stuff on it? like "Your Heading 1" and others I mean, thats normaly only there when its off a site...or did you submit it to a site? that might explain it...
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