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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. When my girlfriend Anne constantly smoked near me I found it disrespectful. Why? It bothers me and my asthma. Did I tell her? Yes. Does she care? No. Either way..I don't approve. Breathing in fire so often is a bit..doesn't it get boring? :)

    She didn't care? what a b >_> j/k.
    So uh GET OUT OF THE ROOM then.

    You don't breathe in fire dude o_O you inhail(sp?) the tobacco, you light it so....well I don't know EXACTLY how it works but w/e.

    Boring? helllll no.

  2. Ok, I've been messing around a bit with my space today, uploading scripts and what not but what I'm not 100% on is where do I put all my content, layouts, everything basically?
    Does it all go in Public_HTML?  Will it not work in the root directory?  And if it goes in Public_HTML will people be able to gain access to scripts and such?

    Thx in advance.

    Anything you want to BE on your site has to go in public_html yes.

    If they find the name of the file yes they can get into it, but you can easily p/w protect a folder, create one called "private" or something in public_html then go into your cpanel, I forget where exactly but in there somewhere there is something that lets you p/w protect a folder(directory w/e), you can choose the u/n and p/w, so everytime someone goes there it'll pop up the same login thing like when you go into your cpanel.

    Just don't choose an easy p/w of course.

  3. I wouldn't have cared as much if you just said "fu" when you got pissed at it, but you kept saying "queer" tons of times and it was simply annoying and made you look stupid.......er.That last part(the flame) I just threw in cuz I fealt like it, I wasn't THAT pissed....just fealt like throwing it in.You owned me? ha, right, we've played 2 times, I won one and you won one, you call that owning? hahaha oh god tell another one man you kill me.Plus you think your all that and you brag like a mother****er and makes you look even more retarded.That is all....

  4. I really hate smoking.. on my first try.. damn.. i get cough. it sucks...

    So you coughed? ohhhh how horrible, I do but only when I take too big of drag.......hey and for the weed thing, I'll quote Fieldy(a member of KoRn) from his solo album,
    "You don't wanna choke, but when your done its fun"

    or something similiar to that haven't heard it in a while.

  5. that happened to me once too. All i did was remake a new admin name and it worked fine. Maybe that will work for you if not i dont know anything else that you could do, other than reinstall. You will lose data that way but if worse comes to worse i guess you could.

    Ok I'll try that, then if it doesn't I'll try reinstalling....sigh all that work.....and now Nob(hatebreed) tells me he didn't have to make all the folders, I went through making every damn folder and uploading the correct files into them but he just uploaded them all to the main folder and it worked...what a waste.

  6. Reinstall it again and see what happens. Probably something wrong with the Database.

    NO ****ING WAY! It took forever to upload everu single file create every single folder and upload ever single file to the correct folder and figure out the simple thing I did wron with the db.
    This is bullcrap I did everything right went through install.php fine and I had thought for once i did something right...but i guess I was wrong..sigh.

  7. Might you use browser no support or disable cookie !If you can use control panel of admin then that error of  VBulletin , you must seen again it !

    To the first: uh no I don't have it disabled...cookies work.

    To the second thing: uh.......what? me no speaketh your lang...eth...w/e.

    Also I tryed adding my site and my site/forum to the "allow" list on stored cookies yet when I click ok then go back into it its not there wtf, so i thought it might be FF(even tho it works here and on other boards i go to....logs in and "remembers me" I mean) but it doesn't in IE either...this is pissing me off.

  8. So I FINALLY got VBulletin setup right? went to log in, it said I had logged in and it redirected me back to the index page BUT....it didn't really log in...my u/n and pass are right(if they wheren't it wouldn't have said I logged in) PLUS it put me on the active list so I dunno wtf is with it....help.Sorry I know i ask for help allot its just I'm not too good with this stuff...

  9. Thanks, actualy he's a good example of what can happen when you drink >_> *tells the story*Him and my other cuzin Willie who was visting decided to get drunk, Willie's 21 so be bought it, Kyle had an id that said he was 23(and he's tall enough to look it) but he didn't have cash(the reason he did is cuz they messed up on his first driving permit..he "lost" it). And since he was with they where ok walking around town after 12. They decided to rob a beauty shop(the door was unlocked...), got some tongue rings and money. Later blah blah a bunch of **** happened they got caught(not at the store but i don't feel like explaining it all). Willie didn't get much cuz it was his first offence, he got robbery and helping of a minor or w/e. Kyle got robery and underage drinking, a couple other charges i don't know about but they got dropped. It was Kyles 3rd MAJOR offence(one being when him and me took gramma svan for a spin..no i did not drive and someone hit US, damn town camaras..) and another when he got pissed cuz his g/f cheated on him and him and his a friend Eric went out slashing allot of tires. So he got 4 to 6 months...although if he does get out in Jan or Feb i don't think it'll be that long(maybe I'm wrong), it all depends on when he finishes the "program".its the second time he's been in juvi, the other was for the tires.

  10. You seem really smart....but....even if I wanted to quit i probably couldn't. I will take what you've said and think about it though so thank you.BTW you say the thing your mainly talking about is weed? then how can you say alll this to me when I've only done it twice and don't plan on doing it allot even if I could. I don't want to become a pothead just every now and then when I had the chance I got high, one time on a vacation in Wisconsin(well a few times there cuz my cuzin kyle who was with us got some from a friend of his). And another in a Burger King bathroom >_> also with kyle cuz I don't know where to get any....nor do i really want to cuz if I did the chances of becoming a pothead would increase allot and I don't want that.Background note: My cuzin Kyle lives with our gramma(she's his legal gaurdion..yeah so he's my cuzin and my uncle in a way laugh it up), he's 17(will be 18 in march). His mom took *BLEEP* care of him so "they"(the law....social security I think) took him out of her care and put him in a er whatever you call it, then later gramma became his legal gaudrion(not adopted him...there's a difference). He's in juvi right now though, my mom and gramma say he should be getting out either in Jan or Feb not sure.EDIT: Oh and Polaris is a company that makes Snowmobils(sp?), Four wheelers(used to make 3 wheelers but stopped cuz they flipped too much...), Motorsycles and thats all I can think of.

  11. HA! you think I PAY for cigarettes and weed(which I've only done twice so su and I haven't in a while)? Hell no I barely get any money(and before you say spit its cuz my mom can't get a job because the only stuff around here she CAN'T do with her disabilitys) so I would never waste the little....itty bitty...ammount I ever get on that ****.Go through school? I'm homeschooled and I am doing fine, my smoking doesn't get in the way of that. Carreer? ha, yeah right, i don't want to go to collage and become a lawer or hell I don't want a big career, when its time(when I'm 16 or 17) I'll get a good job to make some money then when I'm older and living alone I'll get a better job that'll make me enough money for food clothes bills ect. I might work at Polaris which my mom and gramma both used to work at(my gramma still does, and she has no money troubles at all...she's freaking rich compaired to us, but also she has worked allot of over-time and has worked there for years). I know that'll at least keep me going.

  12. Uh I smoke as I said, and I'm 13...and the commercials that say "tabacco is whacko if your a teen"...its "whacko" no matter how old you are.mobile, I've only smoked weed no other drugs, you wanna be "ashamed" of me? ha go right ahead see if i care, I don't even know you so if your "ashamed" of me it means nothing.I know about every damn thing you mentioned in your post, i just don't care enough to stop, its my life I'll live it how I want.Oh and....so i lied I'm posting again in this topic....just had to say this now *poof*....or maybe *puff*

  13. back in myhay days of designnig i saw alot of website doing the shtml format before php and asp came into full.  if people still use especially in php would it be still higly recommended to drp shtml and go stright to php or implement shtml into php or html doc?

    I have never used it o_O I use .xxx for just html just php and both >_> its mine! html works in it by default and php does cuz I added something to .htaccess so it would.
    What exactly IS .shtml?

  14. Well, look at my sig for my sig.  Anyway, i created it, i like it to blend into the bakcround so i tried making the backround color same as this forum, boohoo its one shade darker and i didn't save the project file.  Anyway, i still think it looks quite alright.  To make it it's really easy.  I'll give a hint.  I have 2 font layers plus some additional effects.  What do you think>?




    Sorry, it does blend in, only in tyhe control panel i can see the difference in backround color.  It looks fine.

    Damn, looks sweet IMO, 10/10. Good job :(

  15. Seen it before, ok sure, I'll stop smoking cuz of a ****ing pictures....not. Wait, so smoking kills and you can get cancer? well where the hell have I been, I did not know that! ~.~ ok cutting the bullcrap yes smoking kills, and if you think otherwise your an idiot. I know what it does, I just don't really give a damn. Does that make me an idiot? maybe, but its my life I'll do whatever the hell i want and just cuz people on a message board say "please quit smoking" doesn't mean I will...ok hell if ANYONE says it I don't care, in real life/on the net/whatever.Although I do find that pic funny lol *saves*Ok...so I'll leave it at that, you an all either ignore this reply to it I don't care, I'll post this and only this in this topic. Cuz if you still wanna *BLEEP* at me after wat I've said nothing I say will make a difference.

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