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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. Join help me PLS

    Pls come and help me male us big

    i want 2 get big if u join and your a good member i will give u a admin or mod

    come look at us and try to join

    "me male us big"

    somehow....that sounds....so very wrong...o_O.

    Also god is everyone gonna start making topics to post there forums or sites(well kinda the same thing..)? There is a topic for that, the Sites topic. I let the one go...and I'll let this go, but if theres another it will be closed as well as any others that follow.

  2. But, I have a few questions. There are four free packages, right. Packages 2, 3, and 4 are allowed to have a domian from, lets say, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/,'>http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, right? Well, uni.cc gives a subdomian (ie. you.uni.cc), as so does Xisto.com (ie. you.trap17.com). So, what would be the difference about this that would make it so that only package 2 and up are allowed to do this? There both subdomians. I can see if it was something like the dot.tk thing that gives away free .tk domains (ie. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/), or a payed domian with a .com, .org, exc. , but why give almost the same thing to package 2 and up? Or is there some special feature dealing with this that I don't seem to see?
    I had another question, but I forgot it.

    I really don't get the whole .unc.cc and .trap17 thing, thats why I stick with .trap17. I had a .tk but dumped it cuz I thought it was pointless.

  3. Triple X, please confirm what you're going to say when you say something aobut other users first.
    And Triple X, you are correct.

    O_o oh ok, so I'm supposed to know since I was on last night that you changed your sig when I havent seen you post at all...till now. Yup I guess I should just use my mind reading powers :(

    Anyway...lets not get off topic.

    Image map sounds interesting o_O I'll have to look it up sometime.

  4. What can you put in your signatures, is there a limit to what u put in them. Is there a size limit like the max your sig can be is 500 x 500? Can we use image maps in them(linking them to different places)? Can you use html tags like

    <center> </center>

    and things of that sort? Just wondering before i get in trouble because alot of other sites i use have limitations to them.
    I don't think there is MUCH of a size limit...I say that because Zenchi has a big *bottom* sig IMO. But don't have something like 500x500 dude o_O that'd be ****ing huge.
    And you mean like an image thats a link? if so then yes.


    At least I think thats it...I may be wrong bu something like that.

    And no, you cannot use anytype of HTML anywhere on the site(posts sigs ect) only BBCode.

  5. Link doesnt work anymore and I want one of these logos!

    Hm damn seems the site ie either down...or gone. I'd make a costum one for you...but it would *BLEEP*. Just wait I guess....maybe its just temp down.
    EDIT: eh I found another one....but its not as good, the quality of the pics are meh. But I guess its better than nothing.....http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    just put "Oompa" or w/e your gmail name is in that and it'll make it. Sorry but its the best I could find *shrug*


    Its the ****ing whiteFyre source he did not make it in case you thought he did. Its the most used GF source ever and it pretty much sucks IMO...I should know I've used it. http://whitefyre.com/ o_O seems since they got hacked they changed the boards layout...as you can see compaired to his board. Anyway erm please don't double post, if you didn't see that one till after then next time just edit your other post please. Thank you.

  7. About a month ago I brought my coputer in to get the DVD drive replaced because it stopped working. I figured it would take a few days to fix, a week max if they had to order parts. But here I am a month later just got it back today, and it isn't even fixed. Wow does this *BLEEP*. I hate HP and or Comp USA.

    Well then er sounds like whoever you took it to sucks o_O_o
    Also good to see you back :P even though I've never seen you before >_> more active members=good. If you become active I mean *cough* also before you go and ask about the d hosted thing its cuz you where inactive.

  8. Hosting by Bowjthewen .. it die .....  why? ........ i don't clcik it.......
      please  create again !!!

    One: I have no mother loving clue what you are smoking but man it must be good O_o or bad....I don't know but I'd like to.

    Two: I'm going to guess you are talking about the fact your suspended and/or "D-Hosted" although I'm not totally sure o_O if so then er you where inactive so its your own fault. If your going to START being active and not just spam PM admin and ask him to unsuspend you.

    Now pass that **** down!

  9. Yeah well every freaking board I've been to used "n00b" as an insult so what the hell did you expect me to think? Not that I even wasted the time reading your whole post :D


    Also please do not call me "kido" I FREAKING HATE that.

    Also, I didn't say it MADE you an idiot i said it made you SOUND like an idiot, there is a difference...

  10. Whats your favourite song or songs? My favourite songs are:'N Sync - Dirty Pop
    Cutting Crew - I just died in your arms tonight
    Blue - One love!!(Probably best song ever!!!)
    and a few more I forgot :/....how about you guys?

    Nsink!?(sp wrong on purpose >_>) o_o *shoots you* and also, there is already a topic like this in the Movies and Music...or w/e forum. Closed.

    P.S:I was going to move it but there is already one so meh.
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