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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. Well, I should have the posts for it o.O but I lost my hosting because I couldn't get on computer at all barely and didnt get to tell an admin, well I said I wasn't gonna be as active but still, lost it, so if I need to get more up-to-date posts thats fine, I plan on posting more now, if not..which I doubt...I'll post the required info.Just thought I'd ask.....IDK if I should post this here or what, like for one this place is all new to me....allots changed @_@Anyways....

  2. Agreed, well, I swear(when my mom or gramms not around >.> one is a rule and two its nice) allot but I dont do it to sound cool nor have I ever, and the only time I do the whole no sense swearing thing where you justr throw the f word and whatever around making no sense is when I'm very...very pissed off.The people who walk around swearing allot thinking their cool......they are just annoying.Eh basicaly I swear allot but naturally, not to sound cool.

  3. I am not much of a book reader, I'd rather have pictures(as in a movie...not a picture book :() than have to picture it in my head, now sure I can do allot by doing that, but I don't really like it.....Movies? I watch movies too.Flirting? Nope, sorry, i'm 13 almost 14, and till I'm 17 18 19 around there, I don't wanna get into serious ****, and I also don't wanna waste my time with sex-only relasionships(sp?), I'd rather have sex when it actualy means something.....I play vid games, so what? got a prob with it? sthu you *BLEEP*in bout it just annoys me, doesn't stop me. I'll be a vidgamer wether you like it or not.You can say "vid games take no REAL skill! go play a sport or something!" actualy, GOOD games do, they take smarts too, you gotta know what to do and what not to, gotta figure out where to go and where not to go, and that....is....not always easy.I play soccer and basketball too so kiss my..............hand.EDIT: oh and, I would like the time I spent reading your post and replying back please, gift wrapped too.

  4. Hosting....web layouts, scripts, videogames, tv shows...ect.I don't know why but i can't see the ads o_O and I'm using IE so i can't block them...in FF I'd say I must have blocked them and I could unblock them but....I dunno why I can't see them in IE(btw I prefer FF, but it won't work....piece of crap). maybe its my Norton....it is messed up...maybe when my mom reinstalls it it won't...I dunno.

  5. yes shity posts but what do you define as a ****** post

    and furthermore an opinion that does not meet ones expectations doesnt have to be shity

    therefor mods should act objective in this matter


    heh and im still with the true vibes from kris parker


    What the hell ever, sure, your right, I'm not in the mood to argue. Plus I don't wanna get into more **** with you, so I'ma shut up about it.


    I might do Evil Deedz if I feel like it...i think I have it down enough >_>

  6. Freedom of speech is great, I agree, but guess what? when your on Xisto, that **** doesn't apply, well it does and doesn't. Its like going into someones house, you follow their rules or you get kicked out....or beatin up.....or both.admin is the owner, but when he makes someone a mod their job is to delete **** posts, I just didn't want people coming in posting crap like "EMINEM OR RAP SUCKS! LISTEN TO REAL MUSIC!" blah blah blah I am sick of people who do that.If I am wrong admin, fine, I won't *****, this is just what I think....anyway.Lol I am a big em fan yes, fanboy no, fan yes. Fanboys are annoying >_>I've been listening to the new Encore cd ALLOT since I got it like a week in a half ago, I'm kinda tired of it, but even more sick of my other cds.I have the Slim Shady LP, Marshall Mathers LP, The Eminem Show, and Encore.All the main cds(as in not Slim Shady EP and Straight From The Lab EP ect.) sept Infinite...which I think was a mainstreme cd...I forget.BoSZ, thats fine, I personaly think that the MM LP is his best CD, not counting track 12 >_>EDIT: Oh and I missed a few words.....but close enough lol.

  7. You find me offensive, I find you offensive....**** this is the same verse I just did this,When will I come to my good senses? probably the day Bush comes to my defenses.My spide-senses telling me Spiderman is nearby and my plan is to get him next,and open up a wipp-*bottom* canister..*dre snoring*..goddamnit dre wheres the goddamn beat!? *dre*yeah*/dre* anyway,Anyway I don't know how else to put it, this is the only thing that I'm good at,I am the bad guy criptonite the green cronic, demonic, yup yup don't worry I'm on it,I got it, high-five Nick Lachey, stuck a pen in Jessica's head and walked away, and as she flew around the room like a ballon I,grabbed the last can of chicken tuna out the trash can and zoom I,headed straight back to the neverland ranch with a peanut butter jelly chicken tuna sandwich.And I ain't even gotta make no goddamn sense I just did a whole song and I didn't say ****!*Chorus*----KtHxBiA

  8. Now in the bible it says, thou shalt not watch two lesbiens in bed,Have homosexual sex, unless of course you were givin the consent to join in,Then of course its intercourse and its bisexual sex,Which isn't as bad, long as you show some remorse for your actions,Either before during or after preforming the act of that which is,normally referred to as such, more commonly known phrases, that are used by todays kids, in a more derogatory way.But who's to say whats fair to say, and what not to say, lets ask Dr Dre.Dr Dre *dre*whatup*/dre* I got a question if I may, *dre*yeah*/dre*Is it gay, to play putt-putt golf with a friend, *dre*yeah*/dre*Who watches butt-butt when he tees off, *dre*yeah*/dre*Butt-utt I ain't done yet! In football a corderback yells out hutt-hutt,while he reaches in another grown mans *bottom*, grabs on his nuts but just what if it was never meant it was just an actsident.But he tripped fell slipped and his penis went in, his tiny tiny little round hiny and he didn't mean it but his little weenie flinched just a little bit.And i don't need to go into any more details but, what if he pictured it as a females butt, is that gay?I just need to clear things up, till then I'll just walk around with a manly strut because..*Chorus*----*points down*

  9. Note: if you don't like rap or eminem or both, then sthu and leave, don't post **** cuz I'll just delete it.BTW this is off the top of my head, so if I screw up..........sue me. Oh and my spelling sucks.You find me offensive? I find you offensive for findin me offensive,Hense if I should draw the line in offenses, if so to what extenses,Any **** I go cuz its getting expensive,Being on the other side of the court room on the defensive.They say I cause extensive sycological nerve damage to the brain when I go to lengths this far at other peoples expenses.I say your all just too godamn sensitive its censorship and its down right blasphemous.Lets send this **** down cuz I won't stand for this, and crist-if-er-eez(?_?) won't sit for this neither.And lets clear this up I ain't got no beef with him either, He used be like a hero to me I even believe I had one of those 25-cent stickers on my refridgerator, right next to darth vader.And darth musta put a hex on him for later, I feel kinda bad cuz of the way I,Set him up in between him and Lex Luthor, I killed Superman I killed Super..man.And how ironic, that I'd be the bad guy criptonite the green cronic.*Chorus*Because I ain't got no legs...or...no brain,Nice to meet you..hi..my name is...I FORGOT MY NAME,My name was to become what I became with this level of fame my sould is possed by this devil my new name is, rain man.----I don't really like multiple posts but......screw it, one verse per post, *points down*

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