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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. If i call a object gay, its cuz I'm pissed and people shouldn't take me serioius(I say allota *BLEEP* when I get pissed, most of the time that I don't mean).If i call someone gay its simply cuz their acting gay, not once, not twice, but repeatedly, on and on acting gay.Why? I am hobophobic in a way, I don't really mind talking to gay people or *BLEEP* unless well they come on to me......duh. I just don't agree with their beliefs and would RATHER spend time with straight people for one reason, most *BLEEP* I see, act....just......retarded, some are ok and I don't mind being around them but most........I don't wanna get into this.....damnit *poof*

  2. lol yea EE throws the n word out more than shoooter(er another guy I know from spinoffs) and shoooter IS a racist(well, he said it himself he finds most black people annoying, and he never hesitates to use the n word).Plus his hate for rap gets annoying, I mean fine if you don't like it whatever I don't care, but he neeeevvvvveeerrr missing a chance to b**** about it.

  3. I am the night, I am the "you" from Linken park songs, I am batman!No seriously I go by many names *shifty* I will not list them though, I've been to allot of spinoffs(Cable, FO, wF, ect ect too many to name) and of course GF, current GF accounts=One Crazy Dude(CAN'T REMEMBER THE DAMN PASS! and loaspass.php is screwed up...). U Cr4zy M4n(also can't remember the pass, but on a comp i sometimes go on it has it remembered o_O). And the only one I know the pass to, H1t Th3 Fl00r(name=disruptive? bah maybe >_> if it had been reviewed that is).I have a love/hate thing with the boardwalkers >_> mainly cuz a few of them I simply hate, EE for one, DMA eh he's ok, and PL well he's god @_@ lol, won't list them all.EDIT: "Grab your right make your left one jealous(sp?)" damn spelling errors.....

  4. O_o is the person from here? well I'm guessing he/she must be............silenthillfreak perhaps? >_> seriously do tell.EDIT: ohand I'm guessing silent cuz I saw a while back someone posted the u/n and pass to ur cpanel on gamefaqsexploits and it got deleted like 5-10 secs later >_> and he was the only mod/admin on....well not invisable.Ohand.....damn I haven't been on GFexploits for a while....I signed up after going from gamefreaksl(I think his....) sig.I don't even remember my u/n and pass tho :)

  5. Bush can kiss my *bottom*.Kerry would have better because i think he's more deticated and cares more than Bush who I simply hate.PS: I am SICK AND TIRED of people saying "but think about that 9/11 speech Bush had" SO WHAT? Gonna base a country, millions of lives and basicly the presidency on one freaking speech? Jeez.>_>

  6. I am so very very tempted to move this to spam.....but I won't(can't promise someone else won't tho).Seriously, you'll pay someone 50 dollars for giving you cheats? Thats freaking bs no offense. And if you really would.......your an idiot(hey no offense but think about it.....).There is probably no VC cheats that people don't know about.........Now SA is something different.....god I want SA.

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