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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. o_O *is 13* *doesn't drive...duh* when my mom gets behind them she passes them >_> unless its no passing then she just gets pissed off.But when I'm walking around town and see them I just wanna yell out "HOW THE **** DO YOU STILL HAVE YOUR LISENSE!?!?" >_> its even worse on the road in front of my house when they are the only car on the road...and still going 5 miles per hour or friggin less. I can walk faster.

  2. When I edit the index.html file in the file manager and i go to my site, it just shows the "Welcome to Xisto!" page. Even if I add /index.html, it does the same thing. I also can't locate files that I upload.
    Also, I'm having trouble adding a user to a database. I went into phpMyAdmin, put in my SQL, but there's no user, which is very inconvienient.

    Any help please?

    Did you upload it into public_html? if you didn't then delete it and upload THERE.

    If you did try adding "DirectoryIndex index.html" w/o quotes to .htaccess.

    I can't really understand the other question...so er can't answer. Uh you go into "MySQL Databases" or w/e to make dbs and also below add users o_O phpMyadmin is for tables and stuff.

  3. Its called "Nuke Anything" and it freaking owns, you can remove ANYTHING on a site which is sweet.

    Erm yeah so I thought I'd let any other FF users know about it if they didn't already.

    It says it works fore 0.7-1.0PR so it shouldn't matter what FF you have.

    If you want it go to http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Edit: Oh and if you wanna see an example...Click Here.

    Oh and NO I did not edit it, just took a screenshot and uploaded it. See for yourself(and/or get it :P)

  4. Looking to get anyones opinion the theme is going to be a place for me to start showing off graphic design and web design i work on as well as a place or "blog" for me to post about my star wars galaxies gaming info and everquest info as well as movies i want to share with friends that i make from within the game.


    If you made it yourself, good job even though I don't really like the colors(and/or red and blue...) but its still pretty damn good.

  5. Can you say er "deleted"? The first one, was worthless pointless and yeah. The second was just plain dumb. And I just deleted the third cuz there was no point for it now..Also *points to "creativ" in description* >_> its "creative" er I think :P my sp sucks tho lol.Good call making the forum :D I won't be posting much though cuz I'm not very creative >_>

  6. i woulda pmed you but i wanna increase my post size :D .  i checked into my post at aboho and they arent even mad or anything  :P .  they asked for a description of my site and that was from the junior admin of aboho.. here look for yourself... http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Yes and that my frind is spamming, now ignore what i said in the shoutbox I'ma go check ur posts and maybe mod. Also....PM! Closed.
    EDIT: seems I can't, none of them seem like spam but dude...screw it nvm.

  7. Once you have posted 10 messages, trap 17 will host a site for you, but... you need to stay active


    What do they meen with staying active ( how much messages do you need to type each day/weak/month/year/decenium/century/millenium?)





    is it true that cgi/perl, php and asp(.net) is supported?


    staying active means,

    showing you didn't forget Xisto,

    we didn't make a post count you need to post,

    but as we see that you dont post anymore,

    you'll get warnings and stuff,

    so dont let it go that far...

    ...what can I say? wassie nailed it again.


    Also yes those work....not POSITIVE about asp though cuz I prefer a combo of html and php.

  8. You should check that yourself. You can't expect us to spoon feed you. We can only help you to a certaint point. Please check that yourself. I believe the broken links are very obvious.
    Please don't ask these type of questions. These questions can be answered siomply by visiting your site and clicking on the links.

    :P you hit the nail perfectly on the head :D

    Also forgot to say, <3 the layout.
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