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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. Man, her profile online says, "If you like someone you should tell them, they might like you back".  I did tell her and she laughed at me.  Wow, that pissed me off more than i have ever been PO'ed before.  I went home and beat the living S*** out of my pillow.  Now im happier but still in a S*** mood. <_<

    >_> beating the **** out of my pillow helps sometimes too....normaly I try picturing the face of someone I hate on it...helps <_<

  2. I went to her house and tried to tell her how i felt but she just laughed at me and called me a loser and told me that she played me so that i would tell her i liked her so she could make fun of me.  Im soo friggin pissed off. I ****ing hate myself.  This sucks soo bad.  :(

    Man.......she must be a real b**** if she said that, I don't know her but...anyone who says that needs help and needs to...I dunno but man thats retarded.
    No offense but forget about her, if she is that shallow and mean she isn't worth ****...probably.

  3. Hey What Is Outwar I Know Its A Game But What Kinda Of A Game A Shooting Game *BLEEP* Like That Maby Driving Or What.

    Dude chill with the capitals o_O
    Oh and its a thing where you sign up, get armys and such, and you get more points and **** from getting people to go to a link....I see it like crazy on NG reviews and its annoying as hell.

  4. While I don't normaly like people posting 2 or 3 times in a row.....there, I merged them and I'll leave it like that this time.Tip: Don't make three topics dude, it is a waste, you might have been able to fit it all in one post...well I doubt it, so you could have just posted more than once, because in that/this case its ok.

  5. I have all the Harry Potter books, all the books on casset(sp?)(screw reading >_>) and I've read all of them and listened to them...oh and I have the first two movies on DVD.So yeah I like them, sue me, I'm13 and I like them, and I don't think only 8-10 year olds like them...well duh since I do, it just depends on the person if they like it or not...like with everything.Yes thats pretty much the five books wrapped up in one...I still like them but yeah they are simple.I never really liked reading books, funny thing is I read the first two in like 5 days, and thats fast for me, my mom was like O_O;;;;. Read the third one pretty fast too...and the forth took a bit longer. Then the fifth...I wasn't AS interested..took about the same or maybe a little longer than the forth.

  6. How about we bloody stop being creepy, put our hormone levels down, and talk about something else? This picture probably is of someone else, hence why she is facing away.

    Then close the f'ing topic for f's sake.
    lol.. You guys the mods... not me
    Uh no **** I wasn't talking to you, why would I be talking to you if I quoted Zenchi?
    I would close it but I don't wanna have Zenchi come back and say "don't close it I was just making a point" or some bull like that.

  7. links not working, but join my forumst

    We offer tutorial, gaming, anime. etc!

    ...well...at least you didn't make a whole new topic. Oh and by the way...with all those links in your sig....well it sucks. If I hadn't already joined your board and I saw your sig I wouldn't even click it simply because I would think to myself "if he has that many links in it....means he doesn't get many members because...it sucks".

  8. I tryed getting it but it took forever and then my comp froze, restarted and had to take the **** I got off cuz it said it could "cause problems since it didn't fully download", did, took a long *bottom* time, and I just haven't tryed doing it again. It has to be a time where I have nothing to do and can stay near the comp because of ****ing Spybot coming up everytime the download changes a registry or w/e...and it does.

  9. Ok dude if u dont want 2 join u dont relly need 2 say any thing its somthing 2 make me  more populer so u can join or not i dont care

    Uh dude, I didn't say that cuz I don't like your board or anything, but why have a bunch of topics with people advertising their site? a topic is enough. If that was needed there would be a advertising forum....
    Oh and I didn't join cuz I don't play any of those games.

  10. However, uni.cc domains can be clumsy, and well, quite unreliable. I believe .tk are not free, whereas uni.cc are. Although, Xisto.com subdomains are the most reliable, as generally as long as they are up, your hosted pages are too.

    You can pay for a .tk, and you can get one thats a..whatever its called domain which uses a frame of your real site for free.
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