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Triple X

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Posts posted by Triple X

  1. N-e-v-e-r. Too damn lazy I guess, and don't really care, my teeth are ****ed and I don't care....I don't even brush regularaly. But I make sure to do it ENOUGH just by thinking of my gramma who didn't brush and lost her teeth....*thinks of having fake teeth* ew..hell no.EDIT: oh well, a few times I have....getting meat out of my teeth, the toothpicks we have suck....

  2. Uh wait, going to a forum, what else did you expect? as zip said a forums a forum, the other *BLEEP* I have on my site isn't much yet. I'm lazy sue me.SQL error? Uh....I don't see one, maybe you went there while I was setting the portal back up(I re-uploaded some files taking the shoutbox off...they where older files, BUT I forgot, those files didn't have the portal setup so i set it back up).IMO invision>>>>>>>>>>>>>phpBB thats why I use it, its only my opinion though, like what you like w/e.

  3. Well, first i used invsion 1.2, didn't like it and tryed phpbb didn't like it then tryed xmb didn't like it...and well kept changing going back to invsion and phpbb once or twice again.

    Then I FINALLY er "got" Invsion 2.0 which is what i really wanted. So I'm keeping it this time.


    Yes the name "Our World" is kinda weird, i just couldn't think of a better name and just came up with that since my sub-domain is "myownworld".

    The home page of my site pretty much sucks, i am THINKING about making the forums the home page but I'm still not sure.

    I have Unreal Portal setup which is sweet.

    I had a shoutbox but **** got messed up(my fault of course...) but killahg will be helping me add it again this time 3.7 instead of 3.6....(D2-Shoutbox).

    I might also add an army system later on too(don't really care for it myself but I know allota people like it) if I can find a working one, the one killahg tryed from invsionize didn't work and he had to re-install the board....so i'm not touching it.

    Right now all there is is the default skin and the temp halloween skin(might keep it after halloween tho...I dunno for sure). Invisionize doesn't have allota good skins....for 2.0.

    Its still kinda new but i figured what the hell I'll post it here.

    ~Our World~

  4. Bush, is a dumbass plain and simple, he thinks he can just go do this and that and he'll have the support of everyone. I could list more things about him but I won't.Kerry, man he needs to get his **** straight, he can't make up his mind. Like for example first he's for gay marrage, then he's against it then he's for it again. Make up your freaking mind damnit. He does that allot with other stuff to.....Thats why I don't care who wins, even if I ould vote I wouldn't.

  5. I use hotmail and gmail.....I didn't check my hotmail space tho, don't really care enough to.Even though I have gmail.....I know I'll probably never use 1gig...hell I bet I'll never even use 200mb.I'm still at 0mb....and I don't delete anyting, even *BLEEP* I don't need and will never need.

  6. Here is my sig i made this and if anyone needs sigs just ask me because i can help you with them. Or i can just tell you to use Photoshop CS and you can easily make your own signatures just go to google and get cool pictures you like....

    Yes, and how about you give me the money too?
    I cannot pay for it, every Torrent I found sucked *bottom* and didn't work, and I've used up the trial....

    Oh and nice sig.

  7. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    Thats all of mine(not allot), I put them on freewebs so I wouldn't have to use space on my sub.

    I don't have FW PS PSP or anything like that, I have a crappy program called PhotoFiltre(Filtre NOT Filter). Thats pretty much that best I can do with it....

    EDIT: Er I made everyone sept the gmail thing, used the old gmail gen for that.
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