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Everything posted by munna.raghav

  1. Well, thanks guys for your suggestions. What I can make out from these is that changing the username is going to be tough. And I too think that admins are too busy to entertain my request. So I am thinking of doing what anwii said. I would delete this account and create a new one. So do I have to PM the admins to delete my account or should I leave it as it is ? Or there is any way I can delete it myself ?
  2. HI everyone.When I joined this forum. I wasn't that sure that I would take it seriously. But now I like it. I know I was absent for about two months as I was busy in preparation college placements and didn't get time to renew my internet connections.Anyway my point is, now I really don't like my username. I have seen creative names of users in forums. I would really like to change my username and have a stylish name. Is there anyway I can do it. I have checked the control panel, it has no options for changing the username.So is there any way?
  3. Hi Zagubadu..You didn't tell me the size of your hard disk. I think you must have partitioned your hard disk. So if you have more than one partition then there is no problem in backing up your data. Just copy your data to a partition which is not your system(OS) partition and then then format that system partition and install XP on that partition. I haven't used windows 7, I guess it also uses NTFS file system, so there will be no problem in reading those files in XP.If you have only one partition then, you might have to look for other ways like the above said online backups or external drives or burning to DVDs etc.
  4. I really liked your blog. You have got a good theme. In my opinion the only things that need some improvements are the - Search on the top right. The word "search" is written quite away from the box and the font too isn't that pleasing. And the second thing is the Menu and its background, I think it would look more attractive if you used some bold colors at least for the text if not for the background.Every thing else is just perfect. A very good job done and congratulations.
  5. First of all -Sky- I don't think that any CPU can be overclocked to increase it's speed to double. I think you can only increase it by 5% or maximum may be 10%.Your computer doesn't start. There can be two reasons. One overclocking. To undo this try setting your BIOS settings to default settings. If your computer isn't booting in the first place then you should try clearing CMOS ram. I think many motherboards support this and your Motherboard manual would have the way to do this.Second there can be a cooling problem. Make sure you CPU fan and the other fans are working properly.
  6. I think blaming fast food restaurants is meaning less. They are there to provide you with the fast food. So that you can eat on the go. Its up to you how often you have food in such eatouts. I think its harmless to have food now and then in these restaurants but eating regularly from these restaurants and avoiding healthy food is what makes people fat. So enjoy now and then with your friends and family in these restaurants, but don't don't make it a daily habit. Have healthy food, exercise regularly and remember enjoy the fast food too, but as fast food not your regular food.
  7. Yes, the Ipad I don't know what the apple is trying to do with this. Is it designed to be a laptop, notebook or a netbook. I think the most appropriate would be netbook as it hasn't got laptop capabilities. I think this is just a bigger iphone or you can even say a bigger ipod. Its price is lesser than laptops but its features are too like its memory, its graphics properties. The only plus point I get to see is the touch screen, yes we don't see laptops with touch screens. That was my opinion, but I know there are many Apple fans who might find it pleasing, but as I said its no way near being a laptop and its just a bigger iphone.
  8. I think I am just like you. I get into fancy things all of a sudden and get tired of it after a short while. When your computer is new or you have installed a new operating system or installed a new graphics card then its natural to go for new and fancy things.When I got my new PC about 6 years back, I tried each and everything eventually corrupting my windows several times, especially themes would spoil some of the OS files and then it was difficult to restore every thing to normal. But always get bored and annoyed by the fancy things after a while switch back to simple and plain look because thats the best for what your OS is configured for and it must be true that I love simple and uncomplicated things.
  9. People have been using pirated CDs for a long time. Some of them use them purposely so that they don't have to spend anything and some of them are so unaware of the piracy. Some of them don't even know the meaning or existence of piracy for them it appears that they have paid the price and they have what they wanted.For knowing that your OS is genuine you need to use the Microsoft's WGA, but its not always correct, sometimes it tells you that your copy is not genuine but it might be genuine. So there's no tool to tell with 100% gaurantee that a copy of OS is genuine or not. Now a days people use cracked OSs or some genuine keys which could be used many times. But if you find an OS on a CD-R or CD-WR then its definitely pirated.I am currently using UBUNTU so I don't have to care for genuineness. Yo...OpenSource.
  10. My favorite subject has always been SCIENCE and strictly speaking my favorite subject is PHYSICS. I loved physics when I was in school, but now I can't study physics anymore because I have landed in programming area. Now I am pursuing a bachelor degree in Computer science.I love programming but not as much as studying physics, but now I have no choice. I made a wrong choice a long time ago and now I have to live with it.
  11. I don't remember dreaming in sequels ever but I have continued dreaming the same dream after some interruption has taken place.Like I am sleeping and having dream and somebody comes and knocks on my room door( I live in a college hostel room) and asks for my bike's key or something else. Now after this interruption, I again go to sleep and I can continue with my dream again. This doesn't happen always but, I remember it happening for quite a number of times.Does this happen to anyone else??
  12. I have been using computers for the last 6 years or so but never felt the need of being a good typist. Because what I did was just watching movies and listening to music and playing games. So I never felt that, I should be able to type at a greater speed. But, when I got an internet connection, I started chatting online, and at that times I realised that my typing speed was very poor and I must improve it. But I didn't try too hard. Just kept chatting a lot and my speed improved automatically but, as the change was significant but the typing approach was very wrong. I didn't use correct fingures to type corresponding letters.But, now I am a computer engineering student and I need to be good at typing so I have seriously started learning typing.As of now I can type 32WPM with 1-5 mistakes. I know its not good but, its just the beginning and I hope to reach the 100 mark soon.Can anybody tell me, how much would it take me to get to that mark.
  13. Hey man this is a splendid game.I didn't knew any thing about hitman. But one day by chance I got to play Hitman Silent Assasin on my friend's PC and I liked it so much. Since then I have played every version of Hitman and I like the gameplay, the story and the character very much.I got addicted to the game.The bugs that some have stated here...I don't remember any of them. I played it quite a long ago, but didn't experience any such problems like some have mentioned here. I would say Codename 47 is great and so is the game.
  14. We can certainly assume that there can be life away from earth. If earth could give an atmosphere to evolve the species we are familiar with, why can't some other planet in some other solar system or some other gallery might provide with some other type of atmosphere to develop some other type of species which we can't even imagine of.So existence of aliens is justified.But, the fact that they visited earth seems illogical because, I could happen only if they were able to travel at speeds comparable to light because we all near planets and heavenly bodies around us, so they have to from somewhere far away, that means they should be able to travel light years of distance that means, they should be able to travel at speeds comparable to light which is scientifically impossible.But we can never know all the deep secrets of science and we also have heard about the alien stories around so there is a possibility that aliens might have visited the earth. I wish I could meet one.
  15. I have never used them before, may a few times during chatting on gtalk where we need to type "" things and these convert into smileys. I never knew about these untill I saw one of my friend using these. I think I haven't used smileys because I think I haven't been a regular chatter or a forum poster. In fact its the first forum I have joined and started posting regularly. May be I will get into a habit of using these as I get more familiar with these or actually this thread might motivate me to use smileys ...so here I go
  16. The same were my reactions when I started using Linux for the first time. When I installed it, it looked great and I felt very amused to see the new operating system that was so boasted about. And I did the same thing you tried to do ..ya ..play a mp3 song and it complained, it didn't had the necessary drivers for the playback and I was totally shocked..what the use of a player which can't even play a mp3. Then I was doing the same thing you talked about downloading packages and installing them. That was really annoying at that time.But now I have changed my way of thinking about Linux and now I appreciate the efforts of the community involved in development of this free but so powerful and useful operating system. Now a days the Linux distributions are so Graphics based that a novice user can deal with it easily without knowing much about the character based interface(the terminal). Now there are package managers which download the needed software and all its dependencies so that you don't have to worry about the dependencies any more. Now you can install that codec you talked about with just two or three clicks. Its a very good platform for program development especially people dealing in open source. Now at the speed with which the operating system Linux is growing... I can see its bright future.Initial I hated Linux, I was annoyed but now I feel proud of being a Linux user.
  17. My first day in college was the worst nightmare I had ever seen in my life. That day for the first time I came to know what did the term ragging meant. Where ever I could see, I could see only seniors and seniors. On the first day we were introduced to the college culture it was a ..sorry it is a fully residential college, so there was no escape from seniors, you had to deal with them. The first week was the worst one wasn't willing to get over quickly. The seniors made us do things that you wouldn't imagine and the language they used was so offensive. It was like ..we used to think lets run away some where. In the college teachers would eat us and when we used to come to the hostels the seniors would eats us. I was like we were meant to be tortured.We had to wear formals all day and we couldn't sleep before 2, we had to wish each and every senior we used encounter, we would bring eatable for them from the cafeteria.After a while everything started looking normal, we started knowing seniors, our way of interaction changed. Now we were like friends where the junior one should respect the senior one and where the senior one would do anything for the junior one.As day passed our life got eased up and eased up. Now we knew everything about the college. When to attend lectures , how many to attend.Now a days I barely attend more than 7 lectures a week(there are atleast 20 lectures a week). Studying is something you would never see us doing except the day prior to the semester exams. We have nothing to do except sleeping, watching movies, series and playing games(both PC and outdoor). I should say we are living a chill life.The first year was the happening year and I can't forget it.
  18. I participated in your survey.But now I have noticed that you have already declared the results, so it seems I was late. But I would say have done a descent job, making them look different with minute differences would have been very difficult. How did you do it? I mean which software did you use?
  19. Yes me too. I have also experienced the power of thoughts. Its like ..you always have a feeling that this is going to happen. If you worry too much about something you don't want to happen but inside you somehow have the feeling that is going to happen then that event really happens. I have noticed thing quite a few times. You might have heard a term called The Placebo Effect. Its the term veterans use for effect of positive thinking which makes someone better. Like if you are sick and doctors gives you anything and says it will definitely cure you even if the medicine given by him is useless, you develop a belief that you are getting better and you really start feeling better and get well in the end. This might also word in the negative way. Like if a snake bites you and somehow you are convinced that you are going to die, then your condition will go on worsening even if the snake was not poisonous. So our thinking certainly makes our body do things subconsciously.Thats the power of thoughts for you.
  20. Hi everyone! I am a final year engineering student so I need to submit a final year project as they say it here. I have a team of four. I have gone through many project topics but this one seems intriguing and this is something new I want to do. Here's what I want to do...I want the mobile camera on cell phone to act as a usb webcam. I have searched internet about it. There are only two softwares available for this one is Wiwigo and the other is mobiola. Both of these software are meant for Nokia that is for the Symbian operating system. And both of these worth through bluetooth and not through usb. What I want to do is make a similar,but I want to do it with the iphone. I know some of its libraries are available. I havn't worked on anything relating to mobile devices. The IDE used for iphone application development is Xcode and I have heard that to develop something related to iphone you need to be a registered developer with the company. Is that true? Second thing is that I don't have a mac , I have a PC instead. Would it be possible to develop the application on the PC. All I want to know is that is to possible for four guys to do something like this in less than 7 months. I know its too difficult,but I want to know your views so that I don't end up wasting my 6 months and hard work for nothing? Is this feasible? Doesn't seem like to me. Please tell me and if its possible please help me in this regard in any way you can? meanwhile I am searching for other project ideas...or you can suggest me some new ideas I would be very thankful.....
  21. I have played both FIFA and Pro Evolution Soccer both.I have played FIFA for long time, I have played FIFA 007,08,09 and I liked 08 the most.Then I started playing PES at the beginning I wasn't really impressed by the game,only found the graphics to be good. But after playing it for a while I realised that it was much better game than any FIFA edition.So in my opinion PES is great.
  22. Money or happiness ..For some people money and happiness mean the same thing. As they believe that you can be happy only if you have a good amount of money. For them earning money is earning happiness. They think living life with luxuries and having everything they desire is called happiness. For these sort of people this money or happiness debate means nothing.Then there are the other kind who think that true happiness is the piece of mind. These people have different meanings for money and happiness.These people don't care much about the luxuries they are living with that doesn't mean that they don't want luxuries.But they prefer a life with less luxury and less worries to the life with lot of money and lot of worries. If someone could get a luxurious life with no worries then no body can be as lucky as him/her.I am somewhat the second one. There's no doubt that I want a lot of money but would like to live my life easy.I don't want the income tax department or the mafia looking for me.So I would like a descent amount of money so that I could live a strainless life with happyness.I know thats asking a lot, but that's how every human is made.
  23. I have nearly played every version of Need for speed till NFS Most Wanted.Because after that my computer wasn't able to pull the other newer versions as you all would have guessed I don't have a graphics card.I have also played Burnout.But the best I have seen is GRID.I usually play this game on one of my friend's PC. This is an ultimate racing game. It can't look realistic than this. Playing GRID would give you the real feeling of driving the car with all ashtonishing graphics and real scenarios and the real game is the car damage. Yes you can't go anywhere and hit anything you like as you can do in NFS. If you do so your car will get damaged according to the impact of the collision.So all I want to say is that you can not get a more realistic racing game than this one.Its truly amazing but you need a descent graphics card to deal with this game.So final verdict..the best is GRID.
  24. I haven't really tried meditation yet.I used to have yoga classes in my school days once a week. Those were just time, nothing would be serious enough to show us any result or effect. And at that we even didn't care about yoga and all.I think young people like us don't find meditation of any use because we are too busy to try it for a long time on a regular basis. We usually get bored after a while and we stop. And we draw a conclusion - meditation is useless.But for the elderly people spirituality and meditation have other meanings and those people find them useful. Yoga is something which is found to be very effective and the western countries have started using it and now a days its existence is quite same in the asian countries and the western countries. Now a days even some companies make their employees practice yoga as a part of daily company routine.And some yogis in India claim that yoga has the power to cure most of the deadliest diseases like cancer,diabetes,asthama,acidity,migrain and many more.I myself feel that it is quite useful to keep yourself healthy and happy but as I have said we don't have time for these activities may be we would find some when we grow old.
  25. I am new to Xisto and the reason I joined this forum is absolutely the free hosting it offers. Yes most of the people join such forums for the same reasons as mine. But after joining Xisto I realized the huge community it has and what it has to offer(content wise not hosting wise). It is definitely a place to visit quite often even if it is not offering any myCents. Xisto is not limited to technical forum or some any kind of a particular area wise based forum. It is a general forum where you can talk about almost everything including technology,spirituality,news,health,reviews and even personal problem and you have a whole big community to answer your questions. Its great even without myCents.So in my opinion I would come here even if it stops offering myCents. Yes, I know I would visit the forum only when I would be in need of some help. I would not come so often or regularly as I now plan to do.So definitely number of users and number of visits per user will decrease if Xisto stops offering myCents.
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