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Everything posted by munna.raghav

  1. I think the idea of adding more languages to Xisto would not prove to be very fruitful. Because the posts which will be made in languages other than english would be very difficult for anyone else on Xisto who doesn't understand the language.What I mean is the posts will be limited to the user group who understands the language the post is written in. Besides english is an international language and its used worldwide so its the obvious choice for something which is meant for everyone. Besides if you are here and posting then you know a bit of english if not you will learn in a matter of days. Sticking to a single language keeps uniformity in the forum so it should remain the way it is.
  2. Thank you for the warm welcome! So you are saying I won't be awarded any myCents untill I register at Xisto's billing and support centre. But I thought I needed at least $2 to register at Xisto. But you are saying I should register now i.e. after my 5th post. Well this is my fourth and I will be registering after the next one. You said .."enjoy free hosting and free domain!! I know you meant a subdomain but is there any way I can get a domain for myself.I mean is there any provision for that in Xisto?
  3. Hey , here is a way in which you can keep both your operating systems completely separate. In this way your operating systems won't even know the presence of other operating system. For this you must know how to connect your internal hard drives to your computer and of-course you must have more than one hard disk and in your case you have more than two. So here's how we do it. 1. Open you computer and disconnect you hard disk which has XP on it. 2. Now restart your computer with the Ubuntu disk in the CD drive. 3. Ubuntu won't detect any OS as the disk containing the OS isn't connected. 4. Now follow the instructions to install Ubuntu. For partition choose manual and if you want your Windows XP to recognize the partitions you can give the file system as NTFS except for the boot partition. 5. Finish installation and reboot. 6. Turn off open your computer attach again the drive containing your Window XP. 7. Now go to your Bios setup and give the disk preference according to your choice of OS which you want your computer to boot into by default. 8. Whenever you want to boot into other operating system just at the time of POST press the appropriate key which gives the boot menu allowing you to choose the media to boot from.( In my case its F8). Choose the appropriate drive and you boot into the OS you want. Note : you won't be able to see Ubunto system files in Windows but you will be able to see and do whatever with windows system files in Ubunto. So be careful. Best of luck.
  4. Strange name!!! This was my first reaction.I have just joined the forum. In fact this is just my second post. I should say the name is strange in an intriguing way.The word trap might signify something like catch,hold,capture,conquer or something like that.But I really don't know what the number 17 could possibly signify.It might just be a random number or might have some relevant meaning behind it ...the administrator might know.
  5. Well, I have just joined Xisto and this is the first post I am writing. After reading your story, I think I will not be disappointed by this site, as you find this forum addictive, I might too. A friend of mine kept boasting about the services offered here and now I am here to find them for myself. As you said initially you used to spend more time at Xisto to earn more and more myCents. I think my strategy would be the same as you. I will be posting a lot in the near future to get a hosting account. And I have a lot of time to waist as I do nothing besides watching movies and playing PC games.As you started giving less time to the site after you had enough myCents, I might do the same, but you can never say...I may continue posting because I might find it interesting or I may..quit even before getting a hosting account if I find it boring. Let's see what happens? Best of luck to me.
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