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Everything posted by truefusion

  1. If i'm not mistaken (and i know i'm not :XD:), though being closed-source, Microsoft Windows has the problem you have stated above with its OS. Microsoft also has a problem with their OS being pirated. One of Microsft's attempt in stopping this was trying to limit one's copy of Windows to one computer, if not, you would have to (re-)register your copy of Windows. Also, you yourself have mentioned: But, of course, nothing is 100% secure. As it stands, open source and closed source can be equally insecure, but open source has become a community, where there appears to be more programmer's helping each other than destroying each other. You don't have to fully format your PC to use Linux. You can just create a new partition and install it there. Unlike Windows, Linux "allows" other operating systems to be accessible on the same system. Windows overwrites the MBR without any care for other operating systems on the system. And since you mention Kubuntu, you can try out the distro before installing it on your system, being a LiveCD.
  2. The way i've seen it work is it refreshes at an interval and it refreshes after the user submits a shout; the interval and shout times don't affect each other.
  3. In order to have the PHP script run, it has to be first called, of course. And in order for the AJAX to pick it up, it would have to be running at some kind of interval (of which the PHP script would be runned via cronjobs, whether or not there are visitors) to check the PHP script. This would not only put (extra) load on the server, it would also put load on the browser (however little it may be) of the user. On the version of my shoutbox that i'm working on (it has AJAX), i don't have it refresh at certain intervals, i just let the user click the "Refresh" link if they want to; the shoutbox will reload if they refresh the page or move to another page on my site. So i don't think what you want is possible: having PHP contact AJAX; for in the end it'll just be AJAX contacting PHP anyways and not the other way around.
  4. Isn't this how Internet Explorer does things? If i remember correctly, i read on Microsoft's Internet Explorer website on how IE renders tables and how Firefox renders tables. Firefox renders it as it gets the information and IE renders it once it gets the ending tags. But i'm not exactly sure how accurate this information is. But it really does depend on the browser on how it handles tables.
  5. Don't businesses also use Macs when dealing with image manipulation and video editing? I'm always hearing about Macs in the office where my friends work. Also, i hear that several businesses have been switching over to Linux (again, where a friend of mine works; they use Debian). So i am expecting things to change in the near future. But as with any (well-trained) computer programmer, a simple ascii editor is all they really need. If they move onto more advanced editors, it would be for convenience and time-efficient purposes and probably because their boss says to use it. :XD:
  6. [1]I live in the states as well, but i don't care about laws that prevent justice.[2]This is where blood drives and [3 (my response to it)] would help. [2:2]This is one of the reasons why i took up the assumption that the interest in the child's life is not short lived, because i know that child has little to no hope in receiving justice after death (if not found alive) in this life. [3]I did not say to compare and contrast the child with their parent(s). [1]I beg to differ: [2].[3]Then the Baby Moses Law would be just in this case, for it asks no questions and makes no comments. [1]The only difference i see is that one living being is inside an enclosed area and the other living being is outside that area. In the end, they're both a living being. This decision and law, of which i already knew of, does not have a good excuse.[2]You can't save without making some kind of judgment. [1]Wait, what doesn't? You've lost me here... And context doesn't help.[2]Yeah, your friends were lucky from their experience, and you provide their story which proves the first part of my statement. For everyone needs a reason to do something whether or not their intentions were pure. [1]Sorry. I didn't mean to imply that it was limited to T.V. alone. I just mentioned what i thought was widely used or, to be more precise, what i have found to be most effective (but this is limited to my observation).[2]Unfortunately, the ones that are willing to cause a change for the good have no power, and if they did, they may become corrupt or taken out of power.
  7. It may be your extensions. Whenever Firefox wouldn't open for me in Linux, i would delete the extensions and "magically" Firefox opens up again. I find the extensions for Firefox in Linux a bit unstable when compared to their Windows' counterpart. Your Firefox settings should be located at ~/.firefoxBut i'm an Opera user. I only use Firefox in Linux for checking out compatibility between browsers.
  8. Assuming interest in the child's life is not short-lived: People do blood drives. People go to the doctor and get check-ups. I'd use the media here, make them have some kind of report that'll incline people to give blood and go to the doctor for a check up of this kind. Yes, there's a chance that these people may not go and this process may take long, but this may help get a large amount of people to give out samples and cases tend to take a while to solve anyways. But you may not really need a DNA sample. The hospitals should have records on how the child looks and who was the parent that gave birth. [1]This law doesn't necessarily mean that they won't suffer the consequences, it just means they won't suffer any consequences from the designated places. For they may never hear the end of it from their families, and who knows if this'll look bad on their Judgment.[2]Err, isn't abortion similar to leaving the child in a dumpster? Isn't it the same as flushing a baby down the toilet? You're doing the same thing: you're putting an end to the child's life at the will of the parent(s). I find this site quite interesting: http://www.abort73.com/ a little warning, by the way, about what you might see is not for those who have a weak stomach and heart, and it requires the flash player plug-in. It appears that people are both willing to take in children from third-world countries and the black market and from foster care centers whether or not these people care for the child and whether or not there is paper work involved. And if legal work that goes with adoption is a financial burden on those who want to adopt, i would expect it to be worse if the system were to improve. For that may mean more taxes to provide for these improvements to these services and or more money out the the pockets of those who want to adopt. But i'm not sure how much of a financial burden it really is for these people, i mean, take a look at Mermaid's quote. That family has 7 foster children. Either these people are rich or are "rich" now. Though i agree that the world requires a lot of improvement, people just won't put the effort into it if it takes a lot out of their wallet or purse (if it doesn't help them). As for the sex offender living two doors down, there is a way to have the sex offender move from the location and be forced to live in an area that is not around children. Of course assuming that the parents are able to properly teach their children about things like these and not promote foolish actions. And God forbid teachers like mentioned below (in Mermaid's quote) should tell these parents how to teach their children about this stuff. And if the media plays a major role in these children's lives, then it is obvious that the parents are not being the parents that they should be. [hr=noshade] [/hr] To clear things up: i'm a he , and i don't watch T.V. unless i see bad weather heading my way. When i watch T.V., i actually feel my brain cells die. :XD: Even good ones? No, right? For that wouldn't be called "consequences," it would be called a "reward."
  9. [1]We have the tools, but it's up to us to make good use of them. Some don't care, and therefore don't bother with using these tools (effectively). The Abrahamic religions also state that God's work and or creation is sufficient enough to cause this kind of thinking. But, as stated before, it's up to the person to get their mind to work.[2]I suppose if you have a scholar from each known religion debating with each other, then of course they won't come to a conclusion as a group. Those in the Abrahamic religions tend to conclude that the meaning of life is devote yourself to God. Good point. But would it require it to be as big as it is now for it to loop? I mean, if you were just going to loop it, would you go through the "trouble" of making it this big? But that would be some phenomena, looping in space, wouldn't it? Scientists would be baffled. :XD:
  10. One could use Kompile or Kinstall (i think it was) for this, but i prefer terminal. I've also found myself having to use extra options for ./configure a few times for certain programs. But for programs that i know that don't really need me to have these extra options i just run: ./configure && make && sudo make installThe && make things easier, not having to wait for one process to finish in order to type in the other command to continue. I usually install from source when the repository doesn't have the version i want, but *ubuntu 7.10's repository has everything up-to-date. I find make errors the most annoying—especially on programs that take hours to compile. :XD: ./configure errors are easier to fix, though, it's usually a problem with the PKG_CONFIG_PATHs or LD_LIBRARY_PATHs. Installing *-dev(el) packages fixes this problem. However, in source-based distros you would have to manually modify these variables.
  11. Aye, for a record, of which only those who keep up with this stuff will remember him, he's willing to commit adultery, and yet implies that he's a Muslim. But you can't put all the blame on him, you must also put the blame on the women that allow him to marry them just for the sake of having children. But of course the majority of the blame goes to him. This fellow must be rich, for if i remember correctly, in Islam you're supposed to give your ex a portion of your stuff if you want to no longer be with them. He must have either had nothing from the start and has just been free-loading off of these women or must be insanely rich. What amazes me is how many women are and were willing to join him. Did they even bear knowledge of what they were getting into before getting into it?
  12. Only a selected few even bother to listen to the useful advice that is out there today. When people get the urge and feel like doing whatever they want—they will. It may be due to people being easy on others or perhaps following the "live and let live" concept. This is common belief without proper instruction: "What feels good must be good." Children barely listen to their parents, why would they listen to a stranger? Unfortunately, many learn the hard way; some don't even learn at all whether it was hard on them or not. Perhaps instructing people every year or every 6 months from the end of middle school to the end of college may help a bit. But it shouldn't be limited to girls. The major problem of unprotected sex is that it is unprotected. [hr=noshade] [/hr] I believe the Baby Moses law was more with rape in mind and not insomuch for those who actually were willing to have intercourse. In any rape case, the child deserves to live, and this is the best possible alternative for the victims. No questions asked or comments will help the victim ignore what has happened, and it'll be easier on them.
  13. Whoa, whoa, whoa! People actually left their babies in dumpsters!? If so, the police should check out the DNA of the child, and track down the parents and place them in jail. [1]So if these people get told "You did horribly wrong!" they are allowed to give their baby to these places? [2]Did you know common sense is not common? I myself have started to wonder if it ever was. [3]Since when do people who act like they want ever control their urges? You've heard the saying, "Have fun! Enjoy yourselves!" Unfortunately, some don't say to what limit, and people, therefore, listen. [4]Because they were too busy being controlled by their urges and were too into the mood. They don't realize until after things happen. [5]To an end. :XD: [6]Although it may have a bad affect on the child, it is better than having a life go to waste—literally speaking. Besides, better is a loving family than a mother and or father who hates their child. And yes, my state follows this law too, but the child must be within a certain age (near out-of-the-womb age), if not, they will not take the child.
  14. To answer your question: It's the activity that keeps the service up. I guess this could be said for any business. And i guess you can say Xisto pays back activity with their own activity. :XD: The forums used to have advertisements that would help pay for the Xisto service. But ever since Xisto - Web Hosting (another Xisto service) has been doing great, the adverts have been removed and the income that pays for Xisto comes from them. Xisto had become a big community before then, it would be unfair and odd to discontinue the forums. By the way, i hope you're enjoying your stay here.
  15. It looks similar to what i've seen in BASH, as if you're running your own terminal or something. Truthfully, i wouldn't be surprised if the filenames—if any—end in ".rb" or ".ror". Either way, some of it looks slightly complicated for me to take the time to learn. Nice thing to have, though.
  16. The topic title is modified, i'm guessing, using the ucwords() PHP function. The fact that "FAQs" is actually "Faqs" is not his fault. I too thought it was something else when i read "faqs". I'ma modify the title...
  17. It would be a whole lot easier if we could view the source code. But do you have any cellpadding and or cellspacing defined for the table(s) or any padding whatsoever? What are in the table cells and do they have any padding or margin themselves? What exactly are you trying to pull off as a whole with what you currently have? I am ignorant of this other topic you have posted, but if it has a preview of what you currently have, such would be helpful.
  18. You go there all the time, you should know what schedule he has by now or at least have gotten a good picture of it. If he works at the desk, then the next time you feel like renting a video (assuming you can rent there), pick a time when he's bound to be at the desk. That way you'll be "forced" to interact with him (to whatever extent that may be) and maybe shrug off this shyness. Of course if he doesn't get any time at the desk, you'll have to find another way. (Emphasis on the part about you committing an act, by the way.) He already knows your name, so that's a start i suppose. If you got hired, that'll be helpful. If you didn't get hired, you could try asking for another application but from him, just for the sake of interacting more, and when you're done filling it out, you can give it back to him. You know you are capable of talking with him, for you told him your name. I know this is easier said than done, but don't let your emotions get the better of you. For you may be falling in love with someone that isn't who you thought would turn out to be and could lead to a big dissapointment. But here's a question you should answer before making any movements: Why did you fall in love with him?
  19. Pertaining to the Asteroid TheoryIn order for the dust to cover the entire earth, it would have had to have been a REALLY big meteor. But heat would still manage to exist, and this doesn't explain how the dinosaurs living in the water came to be extinct, though some claim to have seen the Lochness monster. And this also doesn't explain how the earth managed to recover from such a REALLY big hit. Pertaining to the Volcanic Activity Theory Similar to the previous theory. Heat would still exist, and does not explain how the aquatic dinosaurs became extinct. Not only that, in order to shoot out that much ash there would have to be a really big volcano in the center of the United Continents (assuming all land was once one back then), and it would have to shoot constantly, ruining all land life: both plants and animals. And as we all know, when lava hardens it becomes rock, meaning it would be a bit hard for plant life to re-grow. Pertaining to the Ice Age Theory It would have to have fully frozen the water (which would require REALLY deep temperatures, for the ocean is salty) and not just the surface to kill off aquatic dinosaurs (and even then, they could have probably still survive), for even today's fish can survive if just the surface is frozen. Also, there is an insect (not sure of the name but saw it on T.V. before) that is capable of surviving such temperatures though being frozen solid. It defrosts itself when the winter season is over. If there were dinosaurs that could do the same thing, they would have survived. So the ice age would have to have be more than just severe to even kill off all of the dinosaurs, for if the latest ice age was over 10,000 years ago, it is obvious that we survived it. Pertaining to the Massive Disease Theory In my opinion this one has a higher chance of destroying the dinosaurs than the others. But if the disease was corrosive, it may feed off of the plants, down to the roots. It would be hard for life to "restart" if such were the case. The disease would also die out, for lack of food. Pertaining to the last mentioned Theory Similar to the ice age one, but i doubt the aquatic dinosaurs would feel dry. Also, aren't the skin of dinosaurs dry regardless of the climate? [hr=noshade] [/hr] This "form of fire" is actually a flaming sword that floated around the entrance to the gate of the garden of Eve not permitting any sinner to enter. But there's no mention of it going against God's command and burning the whole garden down, for i highly doubt such a thing can have free will, nor is there any mention of it having free will. But your theory would explain the extinction of dinosaurs completely: God removing the dinosaurs in order to bring about the time of Human existence. Of course this theory completely ruins the theory of evolution for those who believe in it, but anything dealing with the Biblical God does so anyways.
  20. Have you tried removing the two forward slashes in: onload="KeyTester=setInterval('dispMultiKeys()', 100);//Frames=setInterval('dispDimensions()', 1000);" ?Also, check to see if your Internet Explorer supports the canvas element.
  21. Redirects will not stop double posting, for the info will still get submitted, and if the user has a connection problem and hits Send or Submit twice, it may get submitted twice or more (depending on how many submits the user has committed). Redirects are only helpful to prolong spam from happening and maybe other unknown reasons. The stopping of double posts is either dependent on the submitters' side or the webdesigner's JavaScript (you know, those scripts that render buttons useless after one click).
  22. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  23. It is possible to boot into Ubuntu through the Windows boot loader. You can do this manually yourself without the help of some kind of automatic installer. I saw a tutorial on how to do so, i think, in UbuntuGuide.org. It's useful information, but i'm okay with GRUB or LILO, whichever gets installed by the Distro i'd install. I guess the convenience for this is if you want to remove Linux but not have to go through booting up the Windows CD to restore the MBR. But you would have to manually remove the Ubuntu entry from Windows boot loader, i suppose.
  24. Since the GIMP is more manual work than Photoshop (since Photoshop provides more convenience/automatic processes), if you can master the GIMP, you would practically be mastering Photoshop but being somewhat more experienced. The GIMP is not all that different than Photoshop. The GIMP, feature-wise, is very close to Photoshop 6, especially the development version of the GIMP. The main things that the GIMP is missing that Photoshop 6 has are adjustment layers, group layers and styles. The GIMP 2.4 will be very nice. The current development version of the GIMP has some very convenient features and better organized menus.
  25. Do you get inspired easily? I would recommend going to graphics(-heavy) websites and taking some time to analyze and examine things, to try and figure out how to pull off similar effects easily. Although you can pull off a nice-looking website with just HTML and CSS, sometimes a simple background gradient (whether it's for the body or other elements) can really help spice things up; especially gloss-like effects. Gloss effects aren't hard to make either. Practice makes perfect.
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