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Posts posted by inverse_bloom

  1. @post 1 Trust me rob86, try out wobbly NOP you might like it!. Its only a 100+ meg download and one blank cd. Wobbly NOP contains compiz fusion on puppy linux (with easy access to office application downloads through pupGet). Really is kick butt, you can also turn it off easily if it gets in the way of productivity. Only issue though is the current version of Wobbly NOP is based of puppy 2 or 3 i think... but not the modern 4 release. Im fairly sure you can get puppy 4 and use a configured installation to get it to wobble. The 27 or so meg file is contained on the same page as wobbly NOP full download.Try it people!, i cant see why youd regret spending a little time trying out a light weight OS with high level effects, its just a very cool notion. As always you can run puppy from live CD or install onto USB.

  2. mm... cant see exactly what is happening here. Notice after he grabs the clock his torsoe is unaturally upright as if he wasnt lying down at all but actually standing up (i think during the process of him grabbing the clock he goes from lying down to standing up). After he places the clock down and is beginning to lay onto the bed (or pretending to) he flicks the covers up enough for the woman to curl up on the bed (you can see the form of her legs and hips which are not the form of a mans).About half a second before the covers begin lifting he slides his head towards the center and under the bed and while he does that, he throws the covers enough over his head to disappear underneath. Meanwhile the woman throws herself up out of bed. How he conceals the trap door i cant say exactly and im not sure where the mirrors are. If you look at where the light and shadows hit the floor underneath the bed it looks realistic. Although when the woman gets up and the bed rocks i cant identify if the shadow on the right leg moves accordingly to the rocking, its to difficult to determine due to video compression. Notice also that there are two camera changes during the whole sequence, but then again most of the audience seems to be engaged, either that or a room full of actors.

  3. Im not sure if this will help you, but i'd try ending any processes to do with AOL then turn off the external hard drive... not sure, see if it helps. On my brief and somewhat unqualified understanding on the matter, it doesnt seem like it would be any issues to do with external storage drivers but more so a process that is accessing external drives and therefore hanging when you make any attempt to disconnect.If you havn't tried this already, it might give further indication what the exact issue may be. Hope this helps...

  4. Has anyone been in a pickle with an external hard drive which just decided to become totally unrecognizable under windows? . I encountered this problem a few days ago on a friend’s old portable hard drive which he had lent me.?Upon returning it to him (carrying it in my backpack) he had found that windows 7 could only pick up that the USB hard drive was some kind of storage medium. Windows 7 had assigned the portable USB drive a drive letter, but beyond that the drive couldn't be mounted under any method.?After mounting it in Linux I identified (or rather Linux identified) that the drive had been partially corrupted. This is where i used "GetDataBack for FAT and NTFS" to begin the task of retrieving data. This is my first time using this program and I can honestly say that it did the job really well. It preserved most of the file names and most folders. Out of the 650 gig of data on the tera byte hard drive, I managed to rescue around 450 gig which my friend was grateful for.?In my case the impact of the hard drive moving in my bag had caused physical damage, which this program had managed to deal with and retrieve data effectively. If you’re having major problems with a hard drive and don't want to take it to a data retrieval specialist, maybe you should give this program a shot. ?

  5. Hey everyone, another birthday for me, don't i feel special? Not really, any way just wondering who doesnt care much for celebrating birthdays and who does? Only good thing i can think for me is i get $100's from my dad, haha sucker!I think it starts in about your mid 20's when you begin to say, ok these are going by a little too quick now.

  6. This is a really great discussion everyone!


    Personally, the only thing i firmly place my beliefs in, if nothing else is the idea that "for all human thought and belief on these topics, we have not drawn any closer to any ultimate conclusions" i think this was brought up by a few in previous posts, in their own manner.


    What i mean by this is that we could talk about it and continue to for as long as we decide, but the point before the beginning of the universe (where ever your beliefs stand on this) there is a huge puzzle piece (or a concept) that is out of our realms to understand (or access through believing) . We do not have the capacity within our minds to fully believe, evaluate or perceive it because its not made of the same stuff as our observable universe (or we) are made of.


    What this indicates is "anything" anyone says will be ultimately untrue in some sense, period. (Even if it got close, you are not the ultimate "it" that encapsulates everything). It's simply unattainable to get to that point. You would have to be out of this universe and decoupled from all galaxies bounds to get some grasp about these realities. But indeed, reality itself in the whole picture at every step of everything - may not be even able to fully realize itself in its own entirety and that starts delving into the irrational concepts as we know it, in this universe.


    But please, thats what on my mind.... By all means, if you wish to keep the discussion going dont let me stop you.

  7. The use of symbolism is fundamentally an integral part of the human psyche, we can't help but live without it (its a part of what we are and always will be). But i agree that the masses allow themselves to be influenced too much by generalizations, which are promoted by those who seek to take personal advantage. (such as using symbols of fear or idolization as a tool to control people)

  8. Yeah, VmWare is on Linux. I tried it for a bit on windows and found that it kept crashing (probably PC specs weren't good enough). You can install VMWare on puppy, check out this link - http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=15460

    I haven't tried it out, if someone does can you let us know how you go? Running virtual machines is excellent for security, if you have dual cores and anything over 1 gigs of ram then your performance should be good, especially under puppy (be aware though that there is an option for virtual machines in the bios that you HAVE to tick to get decent performance).

  9. Yeah, I've been advocating puppy Linux on trap 17 for a while now, really is great isn't it? Getting it to install can be a bit of a hassle (at least it was for me). I actually posted an indication of how to correctly install it a few months ago. The self contained puppy package files are much better to deal with. The only thing that i haven't got up and running is Anti virus software for puppy NOP, but that's due to not putting enough time in to find it.

  10. Subzero was one of my favorites his moves were too easy to bluff. I used to play it often as a young teen, to be honest after seeing the first few fatalities it didn't seem to be obscenely gory to me at all. I was more occupied dealing with my impatience in learning new fatalities. I mean it's kinda laughable that something that unrealistic (such as punching a character through the roof) is going to influence kids to take on violent behaviour. I mean if it did, then you'd be raising other questions as well about their actions.

  11. @ post 1You should try watching Leman's races or European touring car championships or i suppose Australian V8 Super car racing if you can't get access to anything else. I totally agree with every point you raised above, the cars do make such a difference to the race that it seems to be a championship of engineering and technology more so than anything else. I also agree about the point you raised about Fisichichella's driving ability and the possibilities if he was in a better car, if i remember rightly Fernando Alonso is another good driver in that category. Personally id be more interested in F1 if more stats and comparisons were flashing up on the T.V and a little less camera switching to different views of the track. Admittedly i don't watch F1 anymore because it just fails to intrigue me. However if Leman's was on local T.V, I'm sure id be much more keen for that.

  12. @eurobeat
    Sorry M8, i thought you were having a joke, sometimes i get carried away and i can be a bit of a git. Anyhow after researching the subject i have found the following links which maybe helpful to you -

    http://www.tcpdump.org/ - if you use linux
    http://www.winpcap.org/windump/install/ - for windows
    http://www.tcptrace.org/ - to analyse output from above programs.

    I can't really say much about them becuase i haven't used them. I can only say that to adequately use them without modification for your needs, you'd need to set up a computer network with one computer connecting to the internet (or something like that).

    Also if you begin enquiring on other forums just give people a little idea "why" you want to do such a thing, my automatic "assumption" after you asked was you were playing a joke or had intentions that were not good (for which i'm sorry for).

  13. Mmm... I reckon you could get away with two meals a day and be ok, but one isn't a good thing to do. I am similar sometimes i'll only eat dinner and thats my one meal for day but that's becoming more rare for me to do. I realise know (for me) that their is no way i can adequately concentrate on my day to day affairs on one meal a day. Regarding your stepdad i think he is a jerk and i think you should boot him in the testes next time he puts you down. Either that or throw a brick at his head. For proper weight loss you need to eat average amounts of (good) food and create a daily deficit of calories by burning a bit off through exercise (walking for 30 minutes at least each day). The way your doing it know will take muscle away and muscle is important for losing weight, the more muscle you have the more fat you lose when exercising. P.S. Give him another boot from me.

  14. Ah.. alexthemans, you really are the mans. Although i only shifted the main content box down 5px its a noticable improvement. I also increased the top padding for all text in the main content box 3px to relieve the tension a little further. Later i may try to add a bit more visual interest by adding more graphics, maybe after i finish a couple of tuts for it.

  15. Usually i dont complain... and i suppose im not really complaining, but when i first heard the name "Xisto" and began researching it, one my main priorities was to search if it was an illegitimate site or something. It's a catchy name and it is a totally innocent site/community for those who know, but... to an initial recruit who has never come accross the site before via googling, may be very unsure or hesitant about coming aboard.

  16. I found Xisto through a website, i have absolutely have no idea what the address was. It listed most of the free web hosts available and Xisto came up with support for php, asp, etc. If i recall correctly in the list only Xisto and another provided what i wanted, I'm now totally glad i chose Xisto.One of the great things is this whole credit scheme and the flexibility it provides. Being able to use that credit on plans, domain names, etc is a great thing.Just by lucky chance i picked Xisto over the other one, which I'm sure if i had chosen the other i wouldn't have been happy with that decision :lol:.

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