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Posts posted by inverse_bloom

  1. Bizarre law isn't it? The UK govenment seems to be becoming increasingly oppressive. I dont see how the UK government can implement this without significant resources, it seems to me they are using this to manipulate and discourage the public from engaging in such actions rather than do it large scale.They may get a few people, but i just can't see how they would examine a large percentage of public activities. As rvalkass mentioned they will probably target specific users such as those who use torrent apps, as the likely hood of catching people this way is higher. But for other users who just casually browse the net, surely it would be an incredible waste to monitor those poeple. I'd imagine they'd flag anyone as suspicous who enter a torrents site and monitor what they do from then on. It will be interesting how they try to implement this. I guess its very important for all in the UK to keep up to date with local news.

  2. Presumably your under 20 years old? I'd suggest you talk to a counselor, who can refer you on to someone who can help you further. A psychologist will give you some techniques to help alleviate physical stress. Although i can only judge by the details you have provided, it seems to me your blurry vision can be attributed to eye strain and is particularly evident when you are under stress (such as your exam).To alleviate eye strain you should spend less time looking over a computer screen or T.V each day to help give your eyes an opportunity to rest. A standard technique to reduce eye strain in an office environment is to focus on a wall for a short time every hour (5 minutes is usually what is recommended). Using an object to help focus your attention (as you described above) is a strategy to help your self, which is definitely a positive thing. You could try drinking more water as that will help. Meditation will help you (but could be a bit difficult for you to keep focused), if you just try to relax your muscles you should see some benefits from doing that. There is a technique to assist sleeping which may benefit you. You tighten your muscles for about ten seconds then release that tension (you really have to focus on letting that tension go as much as you can). You start from your feet to your calves, upper legs etc all the way up to your neck and face. Don't over do it, what you should feel after 5-15 minutes of doing this is your muscles are relaxed more than usual and generally you feel more relaxed maybe even sleepy. As i mentioned this is a technique is to help you sleep, but if you do it after waking up for the day you may be in a better position to handle tests. (I can't say how much it will help).However, if you want to try to overcome your problem, try talking to your doctor. If you have tried that, then a psychologist definitely should be able to help. They will give you techniques such as the one i described above and also shed better light on the issue.I almost forgot to mention, don't forget your breaky!

  3. To be honest I'm not too big on Apple Macs. Admittedly the last Mac i used was a very long time ago so things may well have changed. But the last Mac i used was a 99 model i believe either a powerMac or G3, i never took notice. On them was Mac OS 9, we used them through a graphic design school and they proved very unreliable for our requirements. I think they were 450 Mhz with 300 or so Megs of ram, but Mac OS 9 was evidently very glitchy to deal with. They were terrible to multi task between Sound Edit 16, Photoshop 4, and Illustrator 8. Freeze ups were common, network issues were a major hassle to sort, they looked cruddy compared to Win XP at the time, etc. At the same time OS X leopard on G4 was brought out and was a huge improvement apparently. But after using those original Mac's i never saw any reason to believe the hype or the words from the few fanatical lecturers we had.Although despite mentioning all that, i have used a powerBook or whatever they call them for half an hour, and based on that brief experience it seemed silky.

  4. Hey welcome buttons, hope you enjoy it on Xisto. I've been meaning to get into php but havn't had the time yet. You should give a link to one of your sites!Yeah tried the link too http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, definitely down at the moment. @gissellebebegirl San diego? that reminds of the movie "Anchorman" i reckon that must have been one of the most funniest films ive seen so far.

  5. Greenday's "Greatest hits" is a good purchase although personally i was dissapointed with their latest album but that is more so because it doesnt really fit within my tastes. I could understand why some people dont like them, but personally if think they are a band deserving of the awards they have won.

  6. To me 2 terabytes is a bit too cumbersome, i consider how long it takes to do a scandisk check, (virus scan) or to format the drive and that is what puts me off. Despite this, i have an external 1 terabyte hd, an external 160 gig, and internal 160 gig, and 2 40 gigs across my laptop and pc. The WD terabyte drive takes a VERY long time to format when using a proper hard drive format program (like 2 days). I usually use the external 160 gig pocket drive and back up to DVD every now and again. Personally i'd prefer a blue-ray burner as an ideal alternative.

  7. Another important aspect of SEO is the odds of finding customers who have a greater propensity to purchase what you are selling. For instance you target less clicked keywords to get more people coming to the site as explained in the first post, but also another factor is finding the kind of keywords that will bring people who will follow through to a purchase from your site (not just visiting the site for a short amount of time or bouncing off).For example a specific such as "quality purple silk bowtie", rather than "silk bowtie". Or even mention specific brands of bowties (for people in the know about them).

  8. The sound playback from the first post sounds like its backwards or something. They had to add a Nazi speech in with it, didn't they? :) What actually surprises me though is anyone could believe it. If the supposed hole did release evil spirits where are they now? Chilling out, smoking a joint on a Siberian mountain top?

  9. I think technology such as the "web", can and does alienate some. I remember reading one story from a computer magazine where a tech journalist explained how his huge obsession with the internet broke down his marriage and deteriated his health. Fortunately the guy got out of his predicament and wrote an article shortly after his flip side. I think certain personalities who like to fanatically focus in on the details of things, are at risk of these mistakes. Particularly because computers provide vast subject material to explore, with little effort.

  10. So google are getting into Telco services now. Not a bad service, kind of relaying inbound messages to your devices through one number, but also using that same number to make outgoing calls to various destinations. Looks like it could save people money, i'd question how secure the service is first. Only available in the U.S at the moment so i can't get it.

    Wikipedia gives a quick indication what its about - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Voice

  11. I agree with mahesh, quality content is very important for higher ranking. If people are "generally" less inclined to click on a Xisto results found in google becuase they have come to believe the trap doesnt provide good enough information, then obviously the trap will rank lower importance. Remember content is king (well generally speaking). Although i have been surprised observing Xisto results through google much in the same way as _nameless described above, sometimes its only because the trap is the only place which contains a particular article of information.

  12. Actually we can do some of that already with Adobe Flash. For instance you hook up your webcam up and design a Flash interface were you press you finger in mid air to click on buttons (kinda like Minority Report). If i remember correctly this functionaility is a standard library from Flash CS3 onwards.Not forgetting to mention that some upmarket webcam's (particularly logitech) is able to recognize facial movement and adjust an onscreen characters face accordingly. The trick for television manufacturer's will be to get all this "current" technology to work reliably together to get good results.

  13. Actually summer's just starting here (southern hemisphere) :) . Absolutely agree with you on the customer relations point, i'd always greet with a smile and lightly jest with them. I think that makes enormous differences how customers percieve you, it can make a big difference if you contrast that with somone who is in a rush and is "totally business" with the client. I'd consider keeping the the services at standard price but do an extra service which wasn't asked for. For instance if a customer wanted a mow and whipper snip (line trimming?), i'd for instance weed to add something extra to the service. I'd make a point of it. I do have a friend that kind of interested to go into a potential partnership. The problem is at this point i cant tell if he is cut out for it. For instance my idea to start would be to invest at least half any revenue as equity back into the business to purchase more tools and funds towards advertising. But he will come from the perspective that its a job and will prefer to keep it as simple as that. So i dont know about that, he's my friend but at this point i dont trust that he has the motivation to do what it takes. The other thing is he has about 60-70% of the equipment, though i believe he'd loan use of equipment, no problems. I'm not totally sure about it at this point.

  14. I've been thinking alot about this lately - how hard would it be to set up mowing business? 

    Locally for me, its an already filled niche. Approximately a 10 kilometer radius around where i live there are 38 businesses listed in the yellow pages that perform the services described above. About 4 or 5 of those businesses have adverts which contain logo's and colored graphics. Of those 4 or 5 businesses 3 are major franchise businesses. 

    After checking about the top competitor franchise, locally known as "Jim's Mowing", they are a fully developed franchise spreading both nationally and some countries internationally. They also have spread into other area's such as "Jim's Antenna's" etc, etc. An article i found here - https://www.jimsmowing.net/afr-success-systems.html describes Jims Mowing as one of the best franchises to get into below $50,000 au dollars (in australia that is).

    From this and other information i've gathered Jims Mowing knocks back would be franchisee's who dont seem to cut the mustard. This despite the fact demand for their services currently outstripes supply. 

    It seems that many within the biz don't necessarily start with a huge range of gear, just the basics. Often many will invest around $25,000 au into buying an existing business with some attributable clientelle, the rest is business setup and equipment which they are paying for. Although those clientelle aren't guaranteed as they are not under contract usually. 

    So it makes me wonder, im not in a hurry and i have all the skills to create corporate branding and also business knowledge to make wise decisions. Basically i would have a look into "Jim's Mowing" processes and business model (as much as possible) and aim to match it, therefore competing well again'st the other smaller biznuses. I'd slowly build up clientelle in my spare time on weekends to start off. 

    Not sure, obviously they are just my thoughts. 

  15. I tend to think if the topic is interesting and it seems like more people will respond to it, then its worth contributing to. If its relationship related then it will become dated quickly... not that i would really want to reply to those mushy topics anyway, me thinks.

  16. I actually tried excercising my eyes at a certain period a couple of years ago and didn't get any benefits. Actually i think it caused more strain, i dont believe i was doing it wrong but more so that i didn't allow my eye's enough opportunity to rest. Due to being at the computer, studying or reading books the standard eye exercises to strengthen eyes wasn't effective for me.

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