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Posts posted by inverse_bloom

  1. Opera is a very good browser indeed. For one it saves web pages to hard drive much more successfully complete than explorer or mozilla does. But it also works really great on a single core cpu laptop behind virtual machine software. Opening up new tabs is another goodie which opera is better to at. Mozilla is also very good. The main thing that i see internet explorer "8" has over other browsers is it antialiases text on webpages really well. I'm not sure many other browsers do that (at least not on my versions of firefox and opera which are recent versions).

  2. @post 10 Yes doomed in a very bad way, what no internet..... argh no Xisto, gawd...... Wasnt the internet always developed as a community initiative, i mean initially it belonged to researchers and the military but was quickly put in the hands of governments to use as they wish. So it gradually spanned out to a wider audience so everyone hooked up with infrastructure and had partial ownership (not just one person or organisation)? Ive always wondered if a set of global viruses were strategically released, could that bring down the internet. I reckon that could be quite possible.

  3. Its unfortunate a stimulus plan in some form didnt come in quicker for the U.S. Apparently before the recession hit many economists had a strong inclination things werent going to be good news later, about a whole year (probably longer) before the recession took hold. Warning signs were very apparent in late 2007 and it makes me wonder what effective plans were put in place by the bush administration to conteract the issue (if much at all). Unfortunately Barack Obama put the stimulus plan in too late. If it was a few months earlier, the situation in the U.S (and the world) would have been better. How much better, who really knows. For instance in Australia when the recession hit we got our stimulus in quick (it was a big sum of money by our standards) and as such our economy is currently doing well considering the global economic situation.

  4. Im not american, so obviously i dont know much about the subject. But i think after having bush in, any modern elected president would do much better. I figure bush left the U.S economy in a weakened state from what it could have been? (his war on terror for so many years for instance). I don't know if this is something people would rather forget so i won't say anything more.

  5. I'd recommend kaspersky when i've had a hardcore nasty on my computer i download the trial version of this software which will usually erradicate the problem. Kaspersky has had a solid reputation for being one of the best antivirus programs for a while now. Although from experience i can say it sometimes slows my system down a little. I have found Nod32 to be a quick performer, but im not sure how thorough it scans now (it did have the highest scan rate for picking up viruses a while back). From a little research, bit defender is the best antivirus software at this moment. Webroot seems to be reviewed well but im not sure if this is due to marketing or not.

  6. As most people seem to unanimously agree piracy without a doubt cannot be stopped. First of all cracking encrypted data has been been an age long battle for thousands of years where no encryption method has been found to be unbreakable (just much harder). Governments putting more measures in place to try to stop piracy will only cause people to go underground. In this instance information and activities for reverse engineering will still be accessible, but will cause people to operate more covertly. Companies can try and make it harder, but crackers will automate their patches to keep it easy for the average person to use. Maybe the only way is by all companies to make software cracking difficult so crackers begin to give up (too much bother). If governments were to try to monitor and enforce restrictions on P2P sharing this would work. But then we wouldn't have what makes the internet so good, which is the freedom to share or to use digital information as we desire.

  7. Definitely tool, any fan would tell you that this is a very intellectual band. They construct many of their songs based on mathematical foundations (such as the Fibonacci sequence used in the song "Lateralus"). The lyrics in the song 46 and 2 follows the topic of chromosomes and transitioning into a higher level of consciousness. By delving deep into your own psyche and challenging your inner demons in effect you personally evolve. Serj tankian of "System of a down" writes songs with very meaningful lyrics (including his solo albums). Although not exactly "thought provoking" but easily identifiable, are lyrics by "Billie Joe Armstrong" from Greenday. This is evident in songs such as "Jesus of suburbia", which contains the line "the center of the earth, is the end of the world". Little needs to be said about Rage Against the Machine and their efforts towards bring attention to issues about corporate America and corruption in general. (last i heard they had re-formed as a band)

  8. Another good thing to do is search the web for "Free feasibility study template/s" many people and businesses use these to assess if their ideas are feasible to take further action upon/ or to abandon. Chances are you will find some relevant templates for your associated industry (or at the very least extract general ideas for constructing surveys/other feasibility study guides). Conducting your own statistical analysis of competitors/competitors products is a good idea, especially if you can get it off the web. Mind you this is a very long process where you can't take any shortcuts, unless of course you pay an organization who has done it already. You may find free information archived by local governments, but i haven't tried this myself. (I've been told that it exists, probably at my local library somewhere within a group of massive folders)I just remembered use a competitor analysis template if going through the process i just mentioned.

  9. Actually just checked that link out, at quick glance looks good. Its features are listed at /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi. Although i couldn't spot anything i didn't like, its new software and doesn't have a large user base yet (but looks easy stuff which is alluring).

    I checked out an eCommerce CMS called "Magento" definitely seems like one of the better ones if not the best. Its "community edition" is offered under the OSL 3.0 license similar to the GNU license. I gotta admit, i'm impressed from what I've seen so far. Check out this link - https://magento.com/products/overview.

    Towards the bottom it details the different feature sets between the "community edition" and the "enterprise edition". Some reasonably high profile companies use Magento (probably the enterprise edition i would assume). As always you don't get any support for the free edition, but the forums seem very active and there is a book for it so....

  10. I believe the universe collapses in on itself then explodes/folds out into a new creation, maybe even along a dimensional membrane (Hence my idea behind "Inverse_Bloom"). In that way i think we will be recreated in other forms of matter, in newly formed universe's or even dimensions. Regarding post 1, a good part of our personal unhappiness is based on the "expectations" we place on ourselves and expectations "of" and "from" the world. One of the goals of meditation is to properly bring an individuals focus inwards to decouple themselves away from that state of mind and to shift focus towards a more natural state of contentment (not necessarily bliss). After saying this, i have much the same problems as you do, although i do practice meditation and realize it is a developing skill.

  11. I'm not actually into social networking sites much. "Facebook" is the only one i use. Not as much conversation as i thought it would be, haven't linked up with the right people obviously. I did allow one jerk as a "friend" and quickly found spam advertisements mounting up in one of my email accounts from him, obviously i got rid of him. (He was actually sneaky, he'd send a little here and there trying to build my tolerance up i guess. Then i found seven bogus emails in one day, at that point i got feed up).

  12. I think it is important to distinguish from the a particular moment if "patience" is needed or "call to action". Having that wisdom and acting accordingly can only benefit an individual. After saying that however i am generally an impatient person, my attitude is "no-nonsense lets get things done" and its especially difficult for me to rely on people to get things done in a timely fashion.

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