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Posts posted by inverse_bloom

  1. Here in Australia we call high school "secondary school", then primary school, prep school and kindy or "group of brats gone wild". We have a nationwide technical college called "T.A.F.E" where you go for courses from 1/2 a year to 3 1/2 years in duration. A wide variety of different courses are offered there. If you finish 3 1/2 years at a T.A.F.E Institute you obtain an Advanced diploma. Not just this but if you want to follow up further you can do an extra year at University and you then have your degree in you chosen occupational field (in some fields). 10% attendance for post secondary school attendance? The guy must have been from boganville (meaning he must have resided in a place where all the drop kicks are cast out too). Probably lives in Tasmania ive head about those poeple, nah just kidding. :)

  2. Yeah i know what you mean at "that" time there werent many 3d graphics accelerator cards about. On mine, a 1996 pentium 120 Mhz (tops at the time) i had a 2 mb 2d graphics card. The graphics were slick as anything i had seen at the time. But it performed so well!The choice of cars was good and simple - porsche, supra, corvette, lambo, ferrari, etc. I always went for the ferrari as the lambo was a little too difficult to handle.

  3. I remember playing one of the orginal Need for Speed versions "Need for Speed 2 SE". It didn't take much of a guess at the time to believe this would become a popular ongoing series. Since then i have finished or played most of them but for me personally i've lost a bit of interest and would rather try something of a different flavour.

  4. I vaguely remember Mr T on the tele when i was very young. Although i cant remember what i saw him on (besides rocky), he definitely had made an impression. He's probably the celebrity i remember best from the 80's. That and the show "Knight Rider" I thought that show was sooo cool! Kit, cook me my dinner.... and after pick up the missus.Huh, after a quick search on the net they have been producing a new Knight Rider series, but it contains a mustang? not a modern pontiac trans am...

  5. Actually many modern developed countries appear to be planning to implement AntiCounterfeiting Trade Agreements in some way or another, here is a link for more info -




    I don't like the possibility of ISP's or whoever looking through my activities on the Internet. I don't like the fact that any personal information i send will be processed by another party, not just sent between myself and who I intended it for.


    I'm probably over reacting, but this opens up a can of worms in my opinion. What if there are modifications made for governments to interfere further in future? Or will they stop at this? Could this eventually be abused to gain more power?


    Personally i reckon I'm gonna begin researching how to keep myself private, just in case they try to block that information in future.

  6. Hi wana12, welcome to Xisto!Just as a friendly reminder, in future try to add at least a couple of sentences into each post. As people may consider it spam and give a warning. Plus it gives you a few more mycents to purchase internet hosting if that is what you are after. Anyways, hope you have a good time on Xisto.

  7. Interesting siggie post 11. This topic reminds me of something i saw on T.V in 04 i think. In it, they presented the hypothetical situation that if a series submarines who are on a hairline trigger got strong indication other coutries were going to attack, our planet would be obliterated by retaliation (a heap of nuke missiles flying the skies). I'm not sure if there are any valid facts to this, but i guess it makes for interesting television.

  8. Actually i did use Bulletin Boards! We had a couple of good ones in our local area that we dialed our modems into. I believe we connected through hyperterminal via a shortcut (not sure about that one). Youd then enter a dos screen with a text based menu. But once on, you'd be cruisin. I had a 33.6 kbps modem which at that time was begining to get a little slow, people were favouring 56 kbps predominantly. Although the net was in full swing by 96-97, we used the BBS's in the local area to download and upload stuff efficiently. Our local BBS's at the time were something like what we now class as a warez site nowadays. These BBS were color and from them you could download games, progies, but also pictures, sounds and other stuff. Although i had restricted access so i was only limited to a certain portion. We'd navigate via keyboard keys, for instance (e) Exit allowed us to exit to main menu. Every page would contain these textual indications ( B ) back, etc, etc. I believe i once downloaded a Duke Nukem demo on one occasion. There was also another interface to talk to other people on the BBS. Bulliten Boards were customizable much like a templated webpage is now and incorporated functionality that set up access permissions for different content and different users. Usually for us, some above average consumer PC was used as a server. The screens were totally text based but pictures were formed with text, symbols, etc.

  9. To some degree we have adopted some American culture as are own. Personally, i think we identify with them as much as we do the english, from where a majority of us place our origins. Our prime ministers always seek to gain favor with the U.S. The younger generations have shifted more towards the ways of American culture.Personally my head gets a bit nauseous delving too much in Australian culture, there is some thing about it that seems very monotonous to me. Probably because know one else is excited about either :) .

  10. I think this largely has a lot to do with some peoples subjective veiw on external factors (not just numbers). What i mean by that is people choose to focus on one facet of something, they interpret it and form a belief about it (as a whole). For instance if a person who you have never met before is rude to you, then your belief maybe that they are an "ahole". The fact that they could just have had a really, really, bad day doesn't enter your belief's about that person (and thats normal). But in that way the mind has a very powerful hold on how it interprets objective reality. I'd imagine that perhaps "these" particular individuals are easily prone to stress and paranoia. What if their subjective view of the world has become askew?, far from any objective basis? More specifically, their mind is fixated on a very narrow facet of the external world; for which they believe represents danger to them. The risks of this occuring to some individuals would be compounded by the fact they exhibit strong traits of paranoia and obsessions within their personality, before this occuring. Depending on situational factors they may have worked up a state of mind where they are highly susceptible to illogical, innacurate thoughts. They may have become paranoid and fearful of many things and then something like these numbers enter the picture (just by co-incidence). Their mindset becomes fixated.Then from that point onwards they cycle along that path, their unhealthy obsessions increasing in severity.

  11. Its amusing how much interest this topic has conjured up. I've heard numerous myths about the daddy long legs so i dont know which i can attribute as true. Everyone seems to be adament they have a deadly venom. But personally ive heard 3 variations why they can't kill humans.1) because their legs are too long, which hinders them from biting a person.2) because they just dont have enough venom to do us any harm.3) because their fangs are too small to get through all our skin layers.Its probably seems like a mixture of all three factors, we are too big for them to be bothered at all.

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