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Posts posted by BordaForx

  1. I've got to say summer is my favorite season, too. It's the best. It's not too cold so you have to actually wear a jacket and all these layers that make you itchy. I love summer, spring is good too though. I really don't care about seasons, actually. It's the "weather" that makes me like the actual season. :) Where I live, they say our 4 seasons are summer, summer, summer, and spring.

  2. Yes, it takes longer for Google to actually add a website to them. Well, it can take over a year for them to add you (slow, aren't they?), but they make sure you don't spam and all that. If you have a long/good article, and great websites linking to you, you won't only be added to Google, you will be in the top ranks. Hopefully, that helped you. :) Maybe you didn't even get it, but the answer to your question is Google takes longer. They always had. By the way, nice professional websites. But you have some typos you could fix.

  3. Yes, I do see a decrease in today's work ethics. It's horrible. In college, people just mess around and do nothing. When I was in elementary school, every good kid was well behaved and wouldn't do anything bad. Look at today, they're all running around screaming at the teachers. In high school, kids would just say, "You never assigned me homework".You can actually see the decline in work ethic. Remember in Florida, when the kid brought an airsoft gun painted black? He was later shot and killed. Well, that's just a sign of the decline in this world.

  4. Well, number one, please don't sign off a post with your name. It will be considered cheating, and your hosting can be rejected. I recommend you take that off before an mod/admin tells you to. They usually don't warn new members.To answer your question. you should buy your own "server" computer. Considerably fast. This computer will be on 24/7. Hook your ADSL up to the cable TV lines in your home. Then you would either have to purchase a Linux or Windows server (your choice, either one. I prefer Linux). Or you can hire someone to set all that up for you.I think, if you're just starting a site, hosting it with a hosting company is way better than hosting it by yourself. Until your website gets a reasonable hit, you should host it with companies. If you're hosting yourself, you would need these:FTF serverMail serverA good back up routerANTI-VIRUSHope this helps you!

  5. I don't see what the problem of school is. I liked it, and I still do. What's wrong with being considered a "nerd". Like you said, you're not. Are you good in any sports, or anything else besides school? I bet you are. If you check the definition of "nerd" in the dictionary, I'm sure you can prove to your classmates that you certainly aren't one. By what you're saying, I can tell you're not in the United States because school just started during...March. Also, when someone "asks" for help, you don't really have to help them. Tell them you don't "know", or the truth. It doesn't matter.Hope that helps!

  6. Come on, be real, guys. Whoever voted for milk or milk products are bad for your bones are crazy. It's studied in science over and over again. It has been scientifically proven that it is good for you. I don't really like milk, but I do drink it. The kids in these forums should drink at LEAST 3 cups of milk, daily. By 35, your bone strength will be determined by how much calcium you have gotten. If your calcium you have gotten before 35 was not a lot, then your bones will be weak, and you might get chances of arthritis. It will be easier for you to hurt your bones. Trust me, you don't feel the pain now, but you will. If you really, really can't stand milk, I suggest you eat cheese, yogurt, and as a last resort, calcium pills.

  7. Hey, how about this? Okay, first imagine a toilet. Easy, right? Then...imagine the toilet with a de-smell the feces/anything. Well, maybe the toilet can have a self gluteus maximus massager. Wow, that'll be awesome, wouldn't it? Then a self "butt" cleaner. :P Well, that's already inventer, but how about a gluteus maximus heater. It'll warm you and give you therapy, let you relax while you sit in the toilet. That'll be nice, wouldn't it. Imagine that on a cold, snowing day. :)

  8. Well, virtual reality isn't just "crap", like numerous people say. Come on, think about this guys. In ths 1600's, we have acting, or as they call it, "plays". Then something extradinary came out, called the "black and white TV!". Which was more real than ever. Then the "color" TV. Later, wow, the HD (high definition) TV comes out, then boom, plasma TV. Now, in movie theaters, some movies are actually in 3-D now. Imagine what vitual reality willl be like in...say 100 years? Maybe you can actually feel the objects what they're showing (don't think dirty. be mature. :) I know what you're thinking). :D Virtual reality is great, hopefully, it will be improve more, and let's see what this world will be like. Maybe flying cars with virtual reality. I have no clue what I'm saying. :P The future is so scary. :D

  9. Well, it's certainly good, to me. I barely find mistakes. (I just heard on the news though that Wikipedia banned the government's IP from editing themselves, because they hired people to actually erase all of their bad stuff and rumors and stuff. So, Wikipedia is checked often, so I think it's pretty reliable. It's also written kind of professionaly. Come on, admit it, you would expect some of the writings to be like this:

    1337 sp38k pwns j00.

    So, I like Wikipedia...and yeah, I use it for work and stuff. It's very detailed.

  10. Oh my gosh, I know! I can't believe they let you choose for the little "clip" to be a magician and all that. I hope they get rid of that...clip on Windows Longhorns. Everytime the clip guy comes up, I just turn off my volume, I don't even know how to get rid of him! Anybody know how I can really get rid of this stupid annoying paper clip! :)

  11. Well, that's actually pretty nasty if you think of it that way. Come on, I mean, I've been to many public restrooms, and no kidding, but people miss. What if they miss, I'm sure you don't just want to "step" on that. That's just pure nasty. But, I love the idea. (This topic reminds me of American Inventor 'Fox')

  12. Well, rock, pop. I actually listen to everything. Actually, any "good" music. No bad music (i.e. William Hung). I love music and have a great passion for it. But I especially love rock. It's...my expertise. Back in my days, we had a rock band, and it was pretty cool. :) Well, I love drumming! I always wanted to learn the turntables but never, ever had the time. Used to play piano, too (15 years). I'm really into any type of music. Any, as long as it's good and not bad.

  13. Well, Google is my main search engine (as for most people here). But...sometimes, just sometimes I use Yahoo! if I can't find the information I want to find in Google (which is barely). Google, in my opinion, is one of the best search engines ever created. The Google creaters to me, are just geniouses. Well, I sometimes use Google for mail services. But, I have a question. How did Google get a whole picture of the whole earth?!?!? Confusing!

  14. We got cybercafes here where people play games on LAN like crazy. Some sit for hours and bring packets from Mc.Donalds. :S

    Really? I've never seen that but in Starbucks in my area. It's crazy too. I don't intend or want to go as I have too much to do with my time. To me, it's just a waste of time. Oh, and games nowadays are pretty boring now. Stuff have really degraded since 2000. :)

  15. Well, I actually disagree with this one. Do any of you guys have any clue what Falun Gong is? I certainly wouldn't want ANY, I mean, ANY information from their site. Well, first, it's a horrible/terrible religion nobody here should be getting themselves into. The Falun Gong is a "religion" where they practically burn themselves alive while praying and pretending they don't feel any pain. Also, they are the cause of many, many deaths. If you are into this "religion", you will practically kill your mother, father, children, and wife. You will lose all your money because of this..."religion". In reality, it's actually illegal to study this "religion".

    I know "stealing of organ thing is wrong", but, it's just like a death penalty for them practicing their practices. Even though this is not stated, I know this for a fact because I have been to China myself, and I have seen of their many wicked doings.

    Here are some real life examples gotten from the media:

    A follower of the Falun Gong cult has shocked society by poisoning 17 innocent people, most beggars or vagrants, from May 25 to June 27 this year under the Falun Gong cult doctrines, according to a commentary to be carried in People's Daily on July 15.
    By now more than 1,700 innocent people have been killed by Falun Gong cult followers in practicing the cult's doctrines of "clearing crimes committed in a previous life" or "complete oneself in this life" either by killing themselves or killing others.

    Chen Fuzhao, a 29-year-old dermatologist from Cangnan County of Wenzhou City in Zhejiang Province, east China, was one of them.

    Under his "master" Li Hongzhi's direction, Chen started killing, first dogs then human beings.

    According to the heretical ideas of the Falun Gong cult, Chen believed killing could improve his own power to reach the ideal state advocated in the Falun Gong cult.

    The crime once again showed that the cult still threatens society's stability and safety and the crimes once again ridicule the cult's so-called doctrines of "truth, kindness and tolerance," the commentary says.

    The commentary calls on the people to remain vigilance against the Falun Gong cult and take effective measures to crack down on the illegal crimes organized by the cult to protect people's safety.

    "When I was reading the doctrines on Feb. 17, I suddenly felt Master Li Hongzhi told me to do bad things, which though contrary to my usual practices, would help promote my power, " Chen said, " and I felt the bad things included killing, setting fires, and all the bad things are extremely good for our practices."

    "I began killing mosquitoes, flies, then dogs and humans," Chen said.

    With poisoned drinks, Chen killed 16 beggars and vagrants in streets and one Buddhist believer.

    "Most people would not take my drinks, so I chose beggars and vagrants, " Chen said.

    When asked how many people he wanted to kill, Chen answered he wanted to kill all human kind within one year.

    Chen used to have a happy family before he was obsessed by the Falun Gong cult in 1996. "He was good-tempered and often chatted with me, but after he practiced Falun Gong, he talked little and was often seen sitting in bed murmuring with weird looks," Chen's mother said.

    This is just an example of Falun Gong. They take the right ways, and for some reason, they can turn the rights into wrongs. Like, let's take homosexuality for example. Very controversial, right? Well, they're against (like most religions), but when they see one, they kill one.

    Hope you guys understand. But still, China doing that is very, very wrong.

  16. Yeah, that's very nice. I like it very much. But, like Kubi said, I think there is a little too much rain. But besides that, nice graphics everything. I'm actually now planning to buy Photoshop, and I can hopefully participate in tutorials/sotw/etc. :) It's nice, really. I really like how this community contributes to the members and has a tutorial.

  17. Guess what? It's called...yes, you guessed it, your dog is sick! Bring him to the vet, get him checked up (I know, expensive :) ), but you'll have to do it. Or else, it'll only get worse (for dogs). Yes, my dog as thrown up all over my school stuff once before, too. It was annoying, but I found out he almost died (I just got him). It was amazing how the vet saved the dog. They gave him over 24 shots that day. :P Poor guy.

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