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Posts posted by BordaForx

  1. The first thing I want to comment on is your website. All I see there, is information about your game, and I actually can't find the place where I can find where the game is. Maybe, if you organized the site better, there could be more "traffic" to your already almost fantastic site. Also, "freewebs" is not a great site to host your game. Games should be hosted in a domain, so it would be "professional". So, maybe you could get a good hosting here or in Xisto - Web Hosting. I'm sure they could provide you with great hosting. Finally, I have a quick question. How do you make games? I have no clue and would love to learn how. I don't even know what "program" or "language" you use. Maybe, if you can tell me, that would be of great assistance. Thanks!

  2. First of all, I would start off by what President Bush has accomplished during his presidency. During Bush's presidency, there were many natural disasters; from Hurricane Katrina, to Hurricane Rita, to the destructive Hurricane Wilma, he has done nothing about these disasters. Yes, maybe he has "visited" the cities damaged, but what has he done? He is right now, wasting American money by fighting the useless war in Iraq.


    You might now ask, "But the war in Iraq isn't useless. We are freeing the Iraqi people. We are going to fight terrorism. This is not a useless war." But, accordingly to my knowledge, the news' knowledge, and the knowledge of a high percentage of people, the war is a lost cause. Why are we fighting this war? This question still goes unanswered. If you ask Bush this question, he will simply state that we are in this war to fight terrorism, and he is there to free the Iraqi people. I would beg to pardon differently. First, he state that Iraq has a myriad of WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction), in which later, he clearly stated that the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) has misinformed him on this issue. He hastily changed the name of the war. He is now saying that we are in Iraq to free the Iraqi people and to fighting terrorism. According to the world, the US army has accidentally fired at innocent Iraqi civilians, and has killed more innocent civilians than terrorist and Saddam Hussein combined.


    I would also like to add that during President Bush's presidency, he has wasted money. As of March 31, 2006, over $251 billion USD has been dedicated to the Iraq War as well as the war in Afghanistan. Ever since this war, Bush has requested vast amounts of US money, your tax money, to fight for this useless war. Now, instead of installing a secure, stable government in Iraq, there has been a civil war, in which Bush denies there is one.


    While all this is going on, Bush was the first US president to not follow the UN. The UN clearly states that they do not support and will not support this war. Bush, incautious and inconsiderate, hastily sent American troops to Iraq. Remember, Bush has spent over $251 billion dollars. Also, instead of protecting the US citizens, I have made-up my mind that Bush is not exactly a "fantastic" president. While Clinton has lowered our debt by vast amounts, Bush quickly raised it. The debt owed to the second super power, China, is curretly standing roughly at $202 billion USD. While the president of China just visited the United States, Bush has confirmed that, while they aren't agreeing in everything, they are making progress and are great "friends". If the war wasn't fought, China would have had their money back. Bush has continually asked that the $202 billion USD be cut to $0. I'm shaking my head in disgust. If someone owed the US $202 billion USD and have asked to cut that debt, the US will probably revolt.


    Also, look at the oil prices. Nobody knows why, but during it just so happens during Bush's presidency. I don't find that a surprise. Oil prices have rised up to $3.00 a gallon, almost equivalent to the European gas prices, which was always high. Maybe, if Bush would actually try to be a good president and not waste money, people will like him more. The reason he is not retreating from Iraq is because he is stubborn. If he retreats, the US citizens will know that the War in Iraq was a lost cause.

  3. Standing at 6'3" and 167 lbs., I wouldn't be considered "fat". I would almost be considered underweight, actually. I am perfectly normal (in weight) and am working out everyday to maintain my weight. So to answer your question, no, I am not fat. I am bordering on the underweight section, even though I am not yet. It would be great if my weight advanced a little bit more.


    I still don't know why America is the "fattest" country. Maybe we should stop going to these fast-food restaurants called "McDonalds/BurgerKing/etc" and should proceed to the nearest gym immediately. Americans sould stop relying on plastic surgery/pill/etc and start losing weight naturally. It would be more healthy, and you will be vastly proud of yourself.

  4. Look at that, scammers, trying to make some "cash". Whenever you get an email sent like this, it's scam for sure. I didn't even sign up for anything, or gave my e-mail away, and I get a coupld hundred thousand (in euros). I doubt it. What pure scam...I reported this to Yahoo!.

    Batch: GW/06/7676

    are pleased to inform you of the result of the just concluded annual
    final draws of Payday International Lotteria Program.Payday
    International Lotteria draws was conducted from an exclusive list of
    25,000,000 e-mail addresses of individual and corporate bodies picked
    by an advanced automated random computer ballot search from the
    internet as part of our international promotions program which we
    conduct every year. No tickets were sold.After this automated computer
    ballot, your e-mail address attached to serial number 25-6565 drew the
    lucky numbers 08,15,23,16,33,42 which consequently emerged you as one
    of first five (5) lucky winners in the secound category.You have
    therefore been approved for a lump sum payout of 150,000.00 (One
    Hundred And Fifty Thousand Euros) in cash credited to file GW/06-
    AT/7676.Your fund is now deposited in an offshore bank with a hardcover
    insurance. Due to the mix up of some numbers and names, we advice that
    you keep this award from public notice until your claim has been
    processed and your money remitted to your nominated bank account as
    this is part of our security protocol to avoid double claiming or
    unwarranted taking advantage of this program by the general public.
    Please note that your lucky winning number falls within our European
    booklet representative office in Spain. In view of this, your
    150,000.00 (One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Euro) would be released to
    you by our affiliate bank in Europe. Our agent will immediately
    commence the process to facilitate the release of your funds to you as
    soon as you make contact with him.To begin your claims please contact
    our licensed and accredited agent assigned to you:

    Mr.Frank M.Lopez
    Chalets Security Agency.
    Tle +34605196898

    Your claims agent will assist you in the processing
    and remittance of your prize funds into your designated bank account.
    Please, note that you will be required to pay for the issuance of your
    winning certificate and that all prize funds must be
    claimed not later
    than (4)four weeks. After this date all funds will be returned to the
    lottery treasury as unclaimed funds. In order to avoid unnecessary
    delays and complications, please endeavour to quote your
    Number: GW/06-AT/4273 and Batch numbers: GW/06/7676 in every
    correspondence with your agent. Furthermore, should there be any change
    in your address, do inform your claims agent as soon as possible.
    Members of the affiliate agencies are automatically not allowed to
    participate in this program.

    Yours faithfully,
    Mrs.Patriccia Robcerto
    Promotions Manager.
    Payday International Lotteria.

    Lottery, what are they talking about? :blink:

  5. Yeah, I believe in the "friend Zone". It's happened to me...once, and is still currently happening. :lol: I wish it stops. So, yes, I believe in this friend zone. Has anybody seen the movie "Just Friends"? That's an example of a friend zone. It's basically, this (beautiful) girl is really good friends with this (fat/ugly) boy called Chris. 10 years later, Chris is a music executive and has dated hollywood stars. He's fit and suave. He tries to woo this girl he's been friends with. Unfortunelatly, that's what is happening to me. :blink:

  6. Well, my internet connection is at&t (former SBC) Yahoo High Speed Internet (DSL). You could just threaten the guy that without his professional manner, you actually might consider changing to comcast/roadrunner, I don't know, whatever their competition is. I'm sure the guy would immediatly change his attitude toward you. Also, state the reason why he is here. He is here to install your DSL, not to sit in the shade and take a leak.Good luck!

  7. Yeah, like jlhaslips says, place the cage (with water and food) and the hamster will come back soon. First, they'll need shelter/food/water. :lol: Hopefully, he'll come back and you'll have your hamster back, but, if he doesn't come back, sorry. Maybe it's like in the movie Stuart Little. :lol: Yeah, out to save the world, maybe? I don't know, hopefully he does come back and everything's fine. Sorry you lost your pet.

  8. I would love to disagree, and I do. First thing, it's 06/6/2006. And also, even if it was really 6/6/6, whatever, it still wouldn't be true. Come on, the "Mayans" say the world will end in 2012, people say it's gonna end in 2010, but...it's all just rumors and guesses. Nobody knows the truth for this. Somehow, I have this feeling, the world won't end anytime soon while I or you guys are alive.


    Hey, but it's always the gut instincts that's right, huh?

  9. Links all work. I don't play the games, so it doesn't appeal to me, but it is a nice enough site.Also, I don't rate them on a numbered scale like you request. Mostly on form and function. Yours works well.
    You might want to include an index page to re-direct the site when someone deletes the last part of the URL. The file list of your account directories all show up when the index.htm file is missing from the root directory. Makes it not so professional looking. Send me a PM and I'll send you the code for that.

    jlhaslip, I would love to have a coding for that, too. May you, by any chance send a PM to me, too?

    By the way, I love the site. Very professional looking. It doesn't look like it was done by a first-timer. :lol: Are you lying. lol. Well, I'd give it a 9/10 because of the great layout and all the links work great. Good color, good design, working links, :lol: fantastic site. :lol:

  10. They're decent. Actually, some are pretty good. You only make grunge sigs, I assume? I like MOST of them, the ones I don't really like are the second and third one. Others are great. You made with PS CS2 I guess? =/ They're nice, maybe you can post some tutorials. That'll greatly contribute to the Trap 17 community.

  11. No, hacker's aren't good. From what I have read, he was hacking into the government information. First thing wrong was that he hacked. It's simple, hacking is against the law - you shouldn't do it. Second, hacking into government information, that's just stupid. Who would do that?I would say that this man is stupid and deserves life sentence. By doing this, the US is proving a point to hackers that hacking a government site wouldn't be such a grand idea.

  12. This is right on the point. These TRUE ads, in my opinion, are not exactly the best ads. Well, first of all, it's not really "kid" friendly.By posting your picture on this website, it will immediatly prone to endanger you to "rapists". If anybody has taken Biology, a man is aroused by "looking" while a female is aroused by "touch". Thats why, if you hold a female's hand, they will be dedicated, and they will probably aroused, while the male will probably think lightly of it. This is one of the reasons why parents make their daughters wear "appropriate" attire. In my opinion, these ads should be put away. These ads are just posted for a "sexual" relationship and not a long/lasting/loving one.

  13. I don't think a "cellphone" would give you great service. I think the service provider will (Cingular, Verizon Wireless, T-Mobile). I would recommend Cingular...for your information though.If you want a good cellphone, and you intend to spend a decent amount, I think the Motorola RAZR would be great. That is, if you want a cellphone with many options and doesn't look too bad.Maybe a Motorola L6 would be pretty decent? I would suggest the RAZR though.

  14. Well, by bringing up this question, this will bring many controversies. I think it's appropriate for homosexual couples to have children, but only by adoption. I don't think "using" a man for his sperm would be right. Maybe, if you really want a child of your own, you can accept sperm donations (yes, there are such things).


    Yes, I think it's very wrong to "use" a man. The child will probably end up with social problems because, instead of having a father and a mother, they would have two mothers. In that case, they will probably be made fun of. Children are the most evil weapon.


    After thinking about this post, I think homosexual's adopting children will not be all right. The child will be made fun of, etc. But, I have no say in this, so discuss. :lol:

  15. I myself have inserted several links in my messages, but they were regarding the topic I was writing about. One such link was for mobile Directv, and it linked to the article about the service. I hope I'm not breaking any rules, but I'm sure someone will let me know if I am.

    No, you're doing great for a new member. :angry: Keep up the good posting.

    Also, I think it means, by no links in sigs, etc., you can only have links leading to the xisto corp. :angry: But just remember, no, absolutely no referal links. :D

  16. I know, it's scary, they're getting more...real, the websites. I have learned somethings to stay away from. Sometimes, the scammers make their site look exactly the same, but check the URL, is it the same? If it's not, then it's probably a scam. Also, check for holes in the messages, as in, does it make any sense? Have you ever done these things? If a website states that they will never ask you for your password, and someone caliming to be the website asks for your password, it's, by reason, fake.

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