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Posts posted by BordaForx

  1. Well, I have gotten failing grades before. Spanish has almost killed my grade. I always have hated the teachers. When I was in middle/high school, every teacher that I disliked, I failed that class. It's sad. I regret that. But...for some reason, the teachers that I didn't like, they didn't like me, too. I guess they knew I didn't like them. They would treat me differently from the class, giving me disadvantages.With that happening, I got even worse grades, which made me even angrier. Then I finally stopped all these temper tantrums and started to "try" to like the teacher and study more. I eventually passed the classes, and now I'm in college almot completing school.Whenever I have bad grades, I, in my opinion, find it better to look at what I did wrong, instead of the teacher/proffesor's fault. I would ask myself questions like..."Did I study enough? Did I try my hardest? Was I daydreaming?"Maybe you will feel much better if you liked the teacher...maybe it's because you have a bad study habit. I'm not sure, but maybe you can find the problem yourself. Best Regards.

  2. Seriously, I think notepad is the best. Hand-made, it's the greatest. I used notepad ever since I learned web design. I hate programs like frontpage and all that. I prefer the "old fashioned" way. :angry: It's so much better. Unless I have to edit something quickly, I might use dreamweaver or something like that. There are millions of these programs, all claiming to be good. I guess you have to actually try it before you know if it is good or not.

  3. That's what relationships are. If you are losing interest in her, she's not the right one for you. You might get into a fight, but you won't lose interest if you actually like her. There are actually no suggestions for this, from me. Every person has their own different/varied "tastes" and everybody thinks differently. From what I have learned, people get "sexually" aroused by someone of the opposite/same sex because of their symetrical body forms.In AP Biology, they told us that it was not the hair, style, but the body form. If you really are losing interest in her, I woud suggest you don't see each other for a while; then meet each other and let's see how you feel for one last chance.

  4. This seriously looks like an advertisement. :angry:

    But, whatever, I think this is just a pure scam. Wait, my mistake, this is pure scam. If you can EASILY earn $1,000,000 USD that easily, I think vast amounts of people in this world will be millionares. If this actually is not scam and DOES work, this site would probably be so famous, you won't even need advertisement, you'll be on the news, anyway.


    That's my thought anyway...

  5. Someone posted on here that the way to NOT become a moderator is to ask about it. :D Hi, John Foreman. Welcome to the forum from one of the elders. I am a music fan also. I like every kind of music except Blue Grass and Rap (If you call rap music). I see you are already hosted. What is your url? I'd like to take a look.


    Well, Mich, I wouldn't really consider you an "elder" in the forums. I wouldn't even consider ME an elder in the forum, but John, welcome, and I hope you follow the rules. You surely have been doing that. :angry: That means, you MIGHT get to be a moderator, if you continue posting and one of the Admins see you are worthy of being a moderator. But...never ask.


    By the way guys, I'm back. :angry:

  6. That is gravely sad. Why would your father leave to the United States, and he will just marry another person? He should at least, at the minimum, divorce your mother before he marries another woman. That is just not right for your Father to do.Like you said, your dad loves you very much, he buys food for you when you were hungry. It's true, he does love you, but there is something he doesn't know. Divorce, itself is a negative impact on children, it's not healthy for the children to suffer divorce, or in your case, it's even worse. On average, girls tend to handle divorce situations better than boys, though. You feel like you're a bystander, right? Having suicidal thoughts are normal, but you should learn to stand the suicidal feelings. You're mother should be spending regular time with you, since you're dealing with this situation. Also, I recommend you see a counselor, if this is really happening to you. I hope the best for your family. Good wishes, good luck.

  7. Yeah, good thing boys don't do that. I still seriously don't get girls, why do they do that kind of stuff? It makes no sense. Become friends with better people. Those girls aren't your friends. They're probably just using you to become "popular".If you really want to be their friends, which I doubt, you can talk to them about how stupid they're acting; tell them that they're just doing some stupid things that don't make any sense. Good luck. :)

  8. You meant ketchup caged within the fries? Wow that's really nice idea. The fries then would have to be specially made. And the ketchup would be as hot as the fries. If this method really works, we could have fried ice cream also, where the bread crumps gets fried while covering the freezing cold ice cream.

    I'm sorry to disapoint you budy, but the "fried ice cream" idea, is actually made and served in many restaurants. :P It's actually pretty good. But going back on topic, french fried with ketchup would be nasty, very nasty. Bad idea. :)

  9. Well, it all depends on what kind of website you have. If it's a professional site, I recommend you not to use it. For some reason, I think it doesn't look well in a professional site. If you're making something other than a professional site, I think it would be a great idea to make money. The downside about adsense is, if someone hates you, they can just keep clicking and <- snipped -> then eventually, you'll be banned from adsense for "cheating". Hope that helps!}}

  10. Well, there are some minor problems with this one. First is...what if the french fries break, wouldn't it spill all over your shirt? Also, people allergic to ketchup, what a nasty situtation the'll get themselves into. I love ketchup, but I don't like when you put too much inside. When you put the ketchup inside the french fries, that'll be too much for me, and will degrade in my scale.

  11. Well, with a 4.0 GPA, I wouldn't be so scared. If you're taking the SAT now, the highest possible score (A little FYI here) just changed to 2,400 because of Creative Writing and an essay. You shouldn't be scared. If you mess up, you can just retake it again, again, and again, until you're satisfied with the grade. During my time, the highest score you could get was a 1,600 (WHICH I ACED, YEAH!) Also, write more! My brother said he didn't do too well on the writing. :) *sigh*. Seriously, relax, study (even if they tell you not to), and you'll do well. When I took the SAT, I was surprised I learned all of the questions they gave us, we all learned in 6-11th grade. I'm not kidding. They're just...easy questions like: BEGINNING ALGEBRA hidden behind a barrier of words. There are now: Critical Reading, Math, and Writing. If you score an 800 in all of them, you'll get a perfect score. I hope that gave you a better understanding of the SAT, which might "calm you down".

  12. Do you mean that you're managing your time better, or is high school more difficult than college?
    I've always heard college takes more time, and that in college you don't get to have a life if you're a serious student. And what are you studying in college? Are you a full-time or part-time student?

    I meant I was managing my time WAY better. College is more difficult, obviously. I'm a full-time student. Yeah, I spend 75% of my time studying for college. It's a nuisance sometimes. I'm studying medicine. :P Hopefully, I pass that, and get pass the residency. :)

  13. When you're using a Yahoo! account, whenever Yahoo! sends you mail, it is ALWAYS outlined in this blue color. Most of the mail Yahoo! sends to me is usually advertisement, and asking me to get SBC YAHOO! DSL (which I already have, ironic, isn't it?). If it is not outlined in blue, it is pure spam, and someone messing around and just have no life trying to give you a virus.

  14. things like, alot (it isn't a word)

    Well, I've learned NOT to use "alot" AKA: a lot. I've learned that using the words "vast amounts (of)" is a better way to say "a lot". Or sometimes, you could use, "copious" or maybe "numerous". In college, putting a word like a lot or all right just isn't "all right". So, judging by what you're learning, you're in middle school, right?

  15. Good 'ol me. In high school, I was had a 4.0 GPA. :D Now, in college, I'm glad to say I'm still a 4.0 (GPA) student. :) But I still remember my 12th grade report card, if anybody wants to know it. :P I bet you do. Here it is:

    AP English: 99% (A)AP Math: 96% (A)
    Spanish AP: 93% (A)
    French III: 97% (A)
    AP Java (ONLY 1 CREDIT. I CAN'T BELIEVE IT): 95% (A)
    History: 98% (A)
    AP Biology: 100% (YAY!)
    AP Calculus class: 92.5 rounded 93 (A) almost got a B *whew* :D
    Finite Math: 93%
    Band: PASS

    Well, I remeber, I didn't have any time back then...almost died. :) Good thing, I'm doing better with grades and time in college. :P

  16. I know a great one for free. It's called AVG Free Edition. I had Nortorn Anti-Virus once, and trust me, the AVG is better. Also, I recommend adding a Spybot Search and Destroy, and Ad-aware SE Personal. With those on the run, and checking everyday, I think you can have a pretty much safe computer. Oh, and also, they're all free. That's the good part.

  17. Se?or Maniac: 3Avalon: 1Se?or Maniac - I like the green and black blending. Great choice of color. Great font choice. I think it's good enough to be the next Batman movie. Avalon - I like the complication of the sig, but it doesn't fit to me. Too much color, I think? I'm not sure.Anways, great job, both of you had great sigs.

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