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Posts posted by BordaForx

  1. As a Christian, I would say that the meaning of life is to be good, serve OTHERS and not yourself, do not have pride, for pride leads to corruption. Serve god, love your parents, love your neighbors. Be a good person. What is the meaning of a good person? Well, be HONEST. Make money honestly (no scams). That's the meaning of life to me.

  2. Yes, doctors, I have no problem with them, but the waiting...Last time, I had a stomach infection (yeah, I couldn't even walk), it took him 1 hour to come check me up, 2 minutes to check me up. Just gave me medicine, all that. Wow! I was mad. I waited there, in pain, and then he checks me up in only 2 minutes. I think there needs to be a way for doctors to come to patients more quickly (besides the ER).

  3. I think we all will die in 3rd world war.. which will be with lots of thous massive weapons which will make on lots os places will be bad gasses [or something like that].. and there sure is big problem with thous terorists from assian countrys..
    I hope there won't be such thing like die in nearest 100 years :(.. and I hope people won't kill each other and in futer everything will be in PEACE :( :( :(..

    As a Christian, I know that the world will be destroyed, but people have been saying this for 2,000 years (my friend who's HISTORY teacher told me). So, maybe you guys are just too stressed. My friend tells me the world will end, but we will all probably be dead by the time the world ends. No need to worry. :(

  4. I don't think it's a holiday and the reason why you haven't heard of it (like I hadn't either until today) is because you probably come from a country that uses the 14/3/2006 dating system.

    Naw, I'm from the United States. It's 3/14/2006 here. :( Nice guess. :(

  5. school is like a prison they keep kids/teens their that are under 18.the schools gives us crappy foods and not a enougth to eat. and they have camras all over the school god dame t! now i can't steal food frome the caferteria no more.well any ways they allso have the police walking down the hall ways.one time i got in to a fight and then after the fight 2 fat police officers gaved me a mean looke while they was takening me to the office it felt i was on deth row.the home roomes are like the prision cells the soccer and football feilds are like yard were they give the prisonners free time. the teachers are like the people that work at the prison.and they give us to much god dam! H O M E W OR K E!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Trust me, you'll be graduating soon. To me, Pre-k to 12th grade was short, short, and short. It was a great experience I had, and won't forget. :( Don't drop out, you'll later regret it. Almost everybody nowadays are at least graduating from high school, so don't drop out. And...wow!?! They have surveillance cameras now? How bad were you guys for the state to get CAMERAS for you guys? You guys messed it up bad. During my time, nobody objected to the teachers, we all listened to them, and we didn't dare do anything, or we'd get hit...yes, hit/spanked. I still remember that paddle :( .

  6. Yes, technology might have cut into some time (of yours), but has also helped us. For example, I bet all of you have seen Wallstreet, right? Look at that. This whole world is running on technology. Although the computer can be used for doing good, it can also be used for bad. Some people use the computer for adult contents. Computer has also taken away "school time" for many people here. Yeah, I'm kind of depressed in this computer stuff, too. They should add more stuff to it. :( Maybe, I could invent that...or not.

  7. I think a lot of them are made using latin or greek terms... Hex is something for six.

    Latin for six is (don't laugh, if you do, you're immature) sex.

    one = unus
    two = duos
    three = tres
    four = quattor
    five = quinque
    six = sex
    seven = septem
    eight = octo
    nine = novem
    ten = decem

    So, yeah, a Latin scholar you are.

  8. 1-Senor Maniac (0)2-Albus Dumbledore (0)
    3-Razor (0)
    4-Saint-Michael (2)
    5-Truefusion (0)
    6-Mayank (0)
    7-Avalon (0)
    8-CoolFreaker (1)
    9-Reaver (1)

    My vote will go to...Saint-Michael. I like how he blended with black with this cool blue color. Also, nice, the text fits in perfect. Also like the picture. :(

    Notice from Becca:
    You seem to have forgotten to copy and paste the latest one or something. editted it for you.

  9. Guess what? I know what the problem is. The website, http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/, is a "spyware" company. I just figured out last year that if you have vast amounts of spyware in your computer, they randomly start calling people! Last time, I had this spyware, it kept calling people in Europe, considering I was in the U.S.A.I suggest you get rid of the spyware by donwloading these free programs: spyware search and destroy, ad-aware SE personal.Google it, you'll find it. :( I don't wanna give links or Xisto mods/admins will think this is an advertisement.

  10. Well seeing as how many people come from different backrounds, I just wanted to know where everyone is located. Due to the fact that we all are from different locations. So when I am on in the morning some people are just going to sleep. So when do you think we get the most traffic to the site, and where are people located the most, in Europe, Middle East, North America, South America, Australia?

    For me is the United States, the people that get critized the most, are obsessed with fighting in Iraq and military power, have a crappy President ( :( ) that has accomplished a lot, just not the right way, and lots of allies. Were a powerful country, with lots of allies. So good luck! :(

    And this leads to the debate was Bush correct in invading Iraq? I say no. I think you should study your information before you even post that. Maybe we are a powerful country (right now), but no, not many allies. The U.N. almost rejected the war in Iraq. If China haven't voted absent, the U.S. would not be in Iraq right now. Have you noticed that almost every country has pulled out of Iraq. Everybody except Bush, yes, Bush, stubborn Bush. Bush has no reason to be in Iraq right now. We have caused more chaos in Iraq than ever before.


    But, going back on subject. I'm from the United States of course and I'm proud of it despite Bush being our president.

  11. My favorite tv show would have to be cops because i am 14 and I wanna be a state police.
    I know they dont make money to be rich so I dont know about it but I love the show even though I get mad sometimes on how the police handle people.

    Most of the time they handly things orderly on the show but sometimes now and then the police are out of order.

    For example:They talk all nice and then call backup and when back up gets there they start running their mouth.They would say step out of the car and the person would be geting out the car and they would throw them on the grown and hold them down like they are trying not to be arrested.

    That's how they do it all the time. That's how they were trained.
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