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Posts posted by BordaForx

  1. Yes, I HATE traffic. Jugdging by what you're using, I think you're not from the USA. In Houston, where I live, we have huge, huge traffic. It's so annoying. Guess what? Even this "tollway" which promised you that they will get you to your place faster, has huge, vast amounts of traffic. But, remember this. While we're in traffic, there are people in Iraq/Afghanistan where they are dying right this minute. You should appreciate that you're not one of those people. :) By saying that, we should all praise 6 hours traffic in Houston.

  2. I've said this many times. We were put on this life to do good. As what I believe in, when you die, you will go to heaven, and you'll stay there forever. So, yes, according to me (and the Bible), we humans are immortal, and we are not mortals. Even if we do wrong, we will not perish, we will just go to hell. Well, while I'm at this earth, I'll do everything I can do at this earth to the best of my abilities. I will go to school, get a great education, help people out (studying medicine :P ), and just enjoy life.By how you're saying it, it sounds like you're all goths. :) That's not a good thing. Gothic people (no offense), have no lives. If you really don't like anything in this world, why are you even in this world? All you're doing is ruining everybody else's experience in this great fantastic journey we call "earth". Also, last but certainly not least, I give condolence to you and your family as your family experience with this hard, tragic death. I wish the best for your Grandfather and your family. Best wishes!

  3. Well, I've been here for a long, long time. It seems like forever (June 11, 2005). I'm very surprised I haven't posted my introduction yet. Here it goes:Okay, I'm very much into web design (of course, or I wouldn't be here). I'm in a band, that's a pretty big hit where I live. But, now, this band is going away, because of me going to college. Right now, I'm in college and studying medicine in college. I hope I get my degree and finish my residency. My goal is to be a pulmonologist. As most of you know, I'm here for the hosting (of course, right?) Well, if you need to know anymore about me, just post here, and I'll answer as soon as possible. Also, I think many of you know me (I hope you do). :P Well, that's all I've got to say! :)

  4. Wow, that's interesting! Google and Yahoo! really ARE enemies! :P I love both of their services.Yahoo!, I use them for e-mail, news, and geocities (for some web design tests)Google...I just that for search engine only.I think I'll still use the Yahoo! free web hosting, though.Right now, I'm trying to earn more credits so I can get a long-term hosting from Xisto. :) (which is obviously the best free web hosting).

  5. Really, I don't understand MOST Americans (I'm an American myself). Why do we hate Islams? They have done nothing wrong to this country. They've done nothing. Americans just like to show hate to random people for random reasons. My "friends" think that all muslims are terrorist. Really! I get so angry when they say that. Also, since we're discussing Islam, take China for example. Why do you hate the Chinese? What have they done to deserve the "American hatred". All they have been doing was minding their own business, and have a steady/growing economy.

  6. Welcome to the Trap 17 community. Just a little reminder though, even some of the "old" members don't always remember this.


    -Make quality posts when you post, because those "one liners" might be counted as spam and you won't get hosted"


    -Follow the Forum rules, the Trap 17 READ ME can be found at the bottom of this post (my signature).


    But most of all, have a great time discussing and posting. Hope you have a great time here, and continue to stay. Welcome!

  7. I think you left something out. First, if a kid just "tattles" on you, and the teacher doesn't see it, they have no right to suspend you. Either you're lying, or you're leaving something out. Also, who would keep "running into walls"? That's just...not right. I mean, once, or even twice is okay, but not your case. Be a good student, and trust me, you won't ever hate one subject, you might not like the teacher, but you won't "hate the subject". If you're a good student and make good grades, maybe even the teachers you hate will be "nice to you". They will give the the benefit of the doubt.

  8. I've never seen someone get sent to home because they were wet. During my days, if you got wet, they made you change into your PE (physical education) shirt/shorts. But...how can you get embarassed with that? I don't see anything wrong with it, because many people are clumsy. But, if you really are embarassed, just tough it out, pretend nothing happened. If someone asks what happens, just simply reply that you wanted to see what happened when you pull the metal rod, and you "actually got sent home from school"! Tough it out, say something funny, or if you really don't want to do that, just change subjects.

  9. Considering what I believe, yes, we will stay in heaven. There are no such things as, "I made 10 good deeds, so I stay in heaven for 10 years"! That's just crazy. What you should think is: be good to the best of your ability, and help people and not yourselves. And, if you do do something bad, repent (ask for forgiveness) and never, ever make that mistake again. I know for a fact, that all of you have done something you have regretted. Trust me, you won't just "run out of" good deeds, so you will be back in earth again.

  10. Wow! :) I actually "guessed" it right. Confusing, but I'm a Latin scholor...the terms are very related to Latin. I never realized that. I usually get 9 hours of sleep; I usually sleep at 12:00. But when I'm working though, sometimes, I just don't really have enough time and I just don't sleep. I know, it's not healthy.

  11. Yeah, I think it's for every letter you have, you get a certain amount of credits. Instead of just spamming and posting "one liners", you should make quality posts. You shouldn't be concerned though as there are many topics you can discuss. It's a great/wide variety. Or, if you're going on vacation, you can buy hosting credits, I'm not sure how that works, but if you want more information on that, PM OpaQue.

  12. Okay, first things first. Admit it guys, the Harry Potter movies will not be the same without Rupert Grint. No matter how you like or dislike him (I don't really like him). His grimaces everything, it's already created an image in your head, and that's how Ron is like. I hope the source is inaccurate and Rupert continues acting the Harry Potter movies until the last one.

  13. I used to game alot, wasting vast amounts of time, but I still game, and I still love it.Here are my top games:1. World of Warcraft (man, I just stopped playing that game!)2. Age of Empires III3. ANY Tycoon games (I just love those games! SO ADDICTIVE!)4. Halo 5. Zelda (Oh, man, a classic)I think that's all for now. :)

  14. Many internet advertisements have proved to be a failure. I don't understand why people still invest in it. People just don't care about it. Sometimes, internet advertisements are just plain annoying! Admit it, none of you guys actually take time to click an advertisement link, and you actually took the time to read it! I know I wouldn't. Everybody knows the "CLICK HERE TO GET A FREE IPOD!" links are just pure scam. Advertisements in the internet (as most people think) have turned into negative advertisements, and most people will think of it as a scam.

  15. You know...payed firewalls aren't exactly the "best". I use AVG Free Edition, and trust me, it was WAY better than the Nortorn Anti-virus I used. I also use Spybot S&D, and Ad-aware SE Personal. With these three programs, my computer is actually pretty safe. Not the safest, but remember, I never even payed for these.

  16. religious candy banned during valintines day?? pft....i do believe in god..and no offense but i dont care for religions that run peoples lives like that...for instance some religions i think it is cathloic cannot read or do anything about Harry Potter because the pope believes it is turning good little children to the devill..but anyways i still think it is sad that he dos not want "Under God" Put in it...if he does not want "Under God" in it, i suppose that he wont want to touch money ever again...because it says God on there....

    I know, this world, or *cough*US*cough* (in my opinion, no offense, I live here too though) is getting more corrupt by God's standard. Who cares if there is "Under God" in a sentence. To me, these people have nothing to do, but cause trouble. They have too much time on their hands. They need to stop making such weird rules. It doesn't matter if you believe or don't believe in God, you don't have to be so "neglectant".
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