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Posts posted by BordaForx

  1. When I went to college, I was fortunate enough to be able to not take a foreign language class in college because I passed my placement exam for Spanish. But what happens if you didn't pass? I know many people who haven't passed and are later required to take that foreign language during college (not all programs require this, but some do).Many people that are studying these languages are protesting and claiming that it is a waste of time. Many people claim that it is useless. After all, isn't college supposed to "prepare" you for your future career? What if your future career didn't involve you to speak a foreign language? Would it be a waste of time to just try to learn a foreign language?Here is my opinion on this. I think language is a great way to communicate with other people around the world. Many people know this as, "the world is getting smaller". As for me, I know English, Spanish, Latin, and French, so I wouldn't have to worry about this, but many people around the US are struggling. I think that language should not be a requirement because it isn't really a "subject". It would be considered an "elective."Please discuss.

  2. From what I know, there isn't a side effect from caffeinated soap unless, as someone as previously said, you are allergic to caffeine. As study shows, caffeine has the ability to prevent skin cancer. Caffeine has also been known to reduce tumors and to reduce cancer (by drinking). But of course, that isn't recommended because this would require a large amount of caffeine.

  3. I'm sorry, but I disagree with your way of how to increase your metabolism. By increasing your metabolism, I assume that most people here are wanting to lose weight. Eating several meals in a day instead of the normal three meals a day is completely wrong. Why is it wrong? It's not healthy and the three meals a day was invented so you can stay active and not be fatigue during the day.


    I would just like to state that people here should eat three meals a day instead of seperating your meals and eating whenever they are hungry. Eating several small meals in a day rather than a one or two large ones is very unhealthy and will actually help you gain weight. If you really want to lose weight, you should eat a nutrional breakfast (I recommend milk, apple, bread (wheat), orange(s) (juice)). Why? If you eat a nutrional breakfast it will kick-start your day with nutrition and you will be more active which is the key to losing weight. You will also not be as "hungry" during lunch so you won't eat that much.


    But the main key to losing weight is to eat very nutritional meals and exercise. Of course, you don't need to do any "major" weight lifting to lose weight. You could try to "walk as fast as you can around the neighborhood for as long as you can manage" as Yratorm, LightMage has clearly said. This is very healthy and really will help you lose weight. Weight lifting doesn't necessarily help you lose any weight. As for nutrition, you should drink plenty of water. If you are extremely overweight you should eat more proteins and stay away from the carbs. Fruits and vegetables are your best best but you still have to have some intake of proteins or you could have some serious health problems later.


    Hopefully, this has given you a meaningful understanding of the appropriate way to lose weight. Some people starve themselves which is completely wrong and shouldn't be done. :P

  4. I think we can gain back our integrity. But first, we need to stop causing chaos in foreign countries that have nothing to do with us. Exactly what Saint Michael said. I can't see any war that the US should have fought except for the revolutionary war and World War I and II. Besides that, the US should have fought no other wars. We, the US, tend to love to stick our noses into foreign country's affairs. That's why everyone in the world hates us so much. If anybody hasn't noticed, the USA isn't very "loved" by any country. The US doesn't fight the war, they cause it (unlike the case in Iraq though). For example, right now USA is trying to cause chaos in North Korea so the people (anybody) will turn against China (only my opinion).W could somehow gain our integrity back only if we stop getting into other people's affairs. We should just mind our own business and handle our own economy. Iraq doesn't need a democracy. If they do, it'll be utter chaos as we can all see. They need that dictatorship to hold their government steady and it's people will follow the law.

  5. I voted for Yahoo.! You weren't specific in your topic and didn't state what they ruled AT. If you were talking about search engines, Google would've won hands down. But if you were talking about the site overall, I would have to choose Yahoo!. Yahoo! gives user an easy access to the weather, news, and etc. You don't to click on anything else, it's all on the front page for you which makes it very convenient for users.

  6. Honestly, I can't tell if I'm eating something organic or not. Usually, people consume organic food because it is healthier; thats why I eat it.


    It's not dumb that organic food is more expensive. It certainly isn't "easier" to make. The reason it is organic is because the farmers don't use harmful herbicides and pesticides with natural undisturbed soil. I would think that would be harder to manage.

  7. It is always sad to see a member leave Xisto. Hopefully, you will still come back on the shoutbox to talk with us for a while. I hope you fulfill your interests or dreams. I completely understood when you said that you needed to spend time with your wife and children. I just got married and it really does take time off your schedule, but it is really worth it. Good luck and hopefully we'll see you soon.

  8. I completely agree with you! I was raised Baptist so my views might be a little biased. No, not a little, a lot. From what I was told, X-mas was made so it would cross out "Christ". When I was younger and said it, all the teachers would get so mad at me. :lol: Basically, I was taught to avoid saying it.


    Nowadays, I think people say it because you know how the modern world is. People want to avoid Christianity and remain "secular". I think it's wrong and if you're going to celebrate a Christian holiday, you should say it correctly.

  9. Hey! Welcome to Xisto. Hopefully, you'll get your hosting soon. As long as you post following the rules (hopefully, you read the rules) and I assure you you'll get hosting soon; that is, good hosting. Maybe you can tell us a little more about yourself. Like what your hobbies are and what you like to do? How did you find Xisto? :) Well, once again welcome, and ask around if you have any questions, you'll find the people here very friendly.

  10. Actually, it's hola. :blink: I've been to Spain a couple of times. Mostly in Madrid and Barcelona. Both are great places to live; you're very lucky. Anyways, welcome to Trap 17. I hope you have a great time posting here. You'll find a lot of people here who are interested in the same subjects as you. :wacko: Have fun.

  11. Hello. Welcome to Xisto. I hope you have a great time posting and hopefully will get hosting soon. But before you start, you should read the 'README' and follow the rules which will get you hosting quickly. I'm much into anime, but I'm sure a lot of people here in Xisto are. To be honest, I couldn't really understand what you said in that long, run-on sentence/paragraph.

  12. Well, I have dealt with stress for a long time and I am starting to overcome it. I have actually started to do work early. Once it is assigned, I work on it. I find that I have much more free time and has clearly helped my stress. Basically, most of my procrastination is gone.But I still have one problem; my anger is still over the roof. I still get so mad that I can't control it. I have an "adult"'s temper tantrum as my friends call it. I still can't help it. I try to control it, but I can't. :blink:

  13. Hello!


    Before I start, you might want to know a little about the situation I am in right now. I am in college and sometimes am very, very stressed. This could lead me to become very angry and just hit random stuff. When I was in my early, middle, and late teenage years, I was always constantly angry at nothing. When I think back about what I was angry about, there was nothing to be angry about. But during that time I was angry, I just can't stop. I just get so mad. Weird? I know. Sometimes, I even feel depressed but I know I'm not because I have such a good life, I really can't see anything wrong with it; yet, I am still stressed.


    Also, I am having problems with my girlfriend (I think it is because I am stressed). Sometimes I just get so mad for being late for dinner or something because she's always so "busy" that I just lose control. Maybe it's because I feel like I'm useless because she's richer than me, etc. I think I take some of my "stressed" anger and take it out on her because I am so mad (I can't help it). During these couple of days, she and I haven't really gotten along together because we have gotten in a little argument. I even forgot what it was; but I remember it was because I had a huge temper tantrum over something.


    At times, I just feel like I'm in the dumps and I just get so mad (for no reason). But I think the main problem is college. I think I know the problems sometimes. I feel busy, but I'm not. How? I procrastinate. Guess what? It's such a bad habit that I can't stop it. I can't stop procrastinating. I can't stop watching TV all day long and laying off that essay until the last day. It's a very bad habit I can't stop. If this continues, I will probably lose my degree, girlfriend, and mind.


    I can't cope any longer. Any advice would be appreciated. And also, advice on how to apologize to my girlfriend would be appreciated, too. Thank you.

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