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Everything posted by BordaForx

  1. Here, you will give advice (tutorials) on how to get to the top of Google.
  2. The store guy probably saw that your brother didn't know much about computers, so he was explaining "stuff" to him.
  3. Yeah, it rhymes, alot. But sometimes, you don't have to make all the endings rhyme like that. If you think of something good to put in, and it fits, put it in. Put more feelings into it.
  4. I learned HTML, XHMTL, PHP, PHP 5, ASP all by myself. I just read books, and surfed the web for tutorials ( ex: https://www.google.com/search?hl=en&q=PHP+Tutorials )
  5. It should be very easy for a teacher to locate a job. I thought there was a lack of teachers in the USA because of the low payment. Well, hard being a sub, "eh"?
  6. Haha, that's 'cause Google is Copyrighted and Reserved...
  7. You should change the background, so people will have a 'clue' about what you are writing about for your site ( What you are promoting, in your case, it's furniture ). Try putting a 'furniturish' background. Also, as much as I like the sky, it would bring too much attention, distracting the eye from what you want them to see. I recommend that you put the links on the side, too, hence making up for the empty space. Also, the links don't work. Also, where the text is supposed to be, it's too...plain. Try using some background color. Also, some special font!
  8. TUESDAY. I am free that day. I won't have to work, anything. Just sit back, relax.
  9. BordaForx

    What To Do

    I wouldn't know what to do either, when I'm in your position. I'll be dumbfounded as a rat. Good luck with your friend. I hope he gets better.
  10. Hobbies when I was back in 7-10th grade: 1. Take all the chalk from the teacher when they are gone. 2. Destroy school property ( I was in big trouble with that one once. I think I kicked a locker...weird, huh? I still don't see anything wrong with that one ) 3. Watching T.V. ( Never did my homework, just watched T.V. ) 4. Hang out with friends 5. Bring a paintball to school ( Yes, that was fun ) 6. Jump on my desk during class time 7. Bring a cd-player ( Didn't have an iPod or mp3 player back then ), and listen to it during class, hidden inside my shirt. 8. Drumming ( I quit it, but I loved it back then! ) 9. Being the class 'clown' Yes, the good 'ol days. I regret doing some of those things ( even though it was fun. Now that I'm graduated, I can't do any of those things anymore. It was so fun. I bet you kids never have that much fun nowadays... What do I like to do nowadays? Now? I'm jobless, but I have an application for alot of jobs, and I'm sure to get one of 'em. I used to be in a band, and actually acted as though it was my career. It was fun. Now, I'm finding a job. What would i like to do now? Here it is: 1. Spend time alone and watch T.V. 2. Listen to music all day long. 3. Making up music I don't really have much to do now that I'm grown.
  11. Here's mine: Soldiers The day has gone by I want to try I want to try to be something But I come up with nothing The wars our father have fought The lessons I have been taught The reasons I have been here Everytime I leak a tear I hear the screams The terror I never realized it to be this way Until now I was so distant But it was like they were close up But there was a resistant Between me and my fathers The wars our father have fought The lessons I have been taught The reasons I have been here Everytime I leak a tear So wake me up I've been waiting years It brings back all the tears All those fears Sisters, brothers, fathers, mothers They're all here to help But to me, I see nothing I am the nada The wars our father have fought The lessons I have been taught The reasons I have been here Everytime I leak a tear Yes, those tears bring back years of joy All those years, I have been a toy A toy soldier So I stand up tall with my backs up straight This anxiety is taking over me Let me be I don't feel joy I am a soldier The wars our father have fought The lessons I have been taught The reasons I have been here Everytime I leak a tear
  12. It doesn't look real. If it is real, I'll go out and hunt it.
  13. No, it's messed up. The song is just ... not right. That's why it's not going to be on our album.
  14. Being a vocolist, I'm usually very busy, but I met this girl, and found her to be very cool.About 1 month later, I started liking her, and now everytime I see her, I get nervous, I stutter, and I'm not myself. ( Not myself, I am usually very confident and don't get scared easily...) What should I do?
  15. I played the guitar for over 2 years, but eventually moved to singing 'cause I have more talent there.
  16. Just way too hard for me. I have no patience in me.
  17. Well, I don't mind work in school, as long as it doesn't lead up to 7 hours of HOMEwork.I wouldn't want to just play all day in school. That would just be messed up.Once a while wouldn't hurt though.
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