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Posts posted by Fractured.Logic

  1. Welcome to the Trap, Other-Nitin :lol: (Hope you don't mind the bad joke :XD:)


    Seriously, though! Welcome!


    You'll find the Trap a very worthwhile place to spend some time, and there's never a short supply of different topics to post on!


    However, before you jump from the "high board," here's some content that you may also find useful (even though you say you are here to discuss and not earn web hosting).


    So take care, and see you around!

  2. Welcome to the Trap, wuglr | Tom! There's a place here for everyone from any walk of life to discuss what motivates and interests them, so don't worry about not being so technically inclined! If you ever need help with any of that, I and many others would gladly rise to the occasion to assist you! Many members of my extended family are very musically-inclined, although I ended up only dabbling slightly with piano playing. Still, I greatly appreciate the power of emotion and communication that music generates, and I cheer for you following your passion.


    When you find the time, please fully read the following content. It will help you feel more comfortable with the Trap, its rules and what it has to offer.


    Take care, and I hope to see you around! :lol:

  3. It's a very well-oiled machine here. :lol: The MyCents 3.0 system is incredible... when you read about how it judges quality over quantity, as well as reputation and suchforth, I don't think it quite fully sinks in what that means (at first). But, if you've the effort and the interest, it makes a huge impact and fast. I've been here a little over a month now and I've already earned over $15! In my first couple of weeks, I was earning an average of about 11 cents per post. Now, I'm rolling along at an average of 17.7 cents per post.Good luck with your goal; sounds like a healthy challenge!

  4. Corporeal misanthropy:

    Ambivalence kithes self-destruction;

    Tempestuous vilification excretes a residue,

    And spreads across one's tongue like

    The oil of Szechuan peppers. Fire pervades as the

    Osculum slackens and drool burbles from the germ-infested

    Nether; cavities accumulate exponentially, spreading

    Infection to the marrow and rotting one's own

    Carcass before it is buried.


    --There's more I plan to write, but I wanted to share what I had. I wrote the above in a little less than an hour. :lol:

  5. Ubuntu is a great start.


    I don't think it'll be hard to partition the mac, since hard drives are under the same standards(I think).


    If you decide to go with Ubuntu, you can partition it with the partitioning program that comes with the LiveCD.

    It's also a good idea to try a few popular distributions before sticking with one.


    I'm not sure how the partitioning software and the boot-loader (which is GRUB boot-loader for ubuntu) will work with mac computers, I have no experience with mac.

    So then I am going to want to know more about this boot-loader, and it's compatibility with Mac. If anyone knows about this, please speak up! I'll research it in the meanwhile. :lol:


    If you like graphics and such, you can also try ubuntu studio, which has more professional tools for editing and creating multimedia. It's also a good idea to try out those you mentioned, just to see if you like them more.

    I'm skeptical that I'd find a program I love more than GIMP! But I will definitely look into it. It sounds interesting, and I trust your input very much!


    You could also post more information about the computer you're going to install linux on, maybe some of us could provide more information about distros for the system you have.

    Fully planning on that, but I won't be able to get you any hardware specs until tomorrow.

  6. So the computer that I'll be hooking up when my room is finished will be my older machine. I chose this machine for two reasons:


    1. My PC needs a new screen :XD:


    2. My Mac is my graphics machine, with the full Adobe CS2, and has more of my art. :P


    Currently, my top choices for distributions are Ubuntu or Yellow Dog.


    I've had my eye on Yellow Dog because it is based on the Red Hat Enterprise Linux/CentOS core. My first experience with Linux was Red Hat 9, and I fell in love with the OS because of that distribution. It would probably be less of a learning curve for me to go with something related to Red Hat.


    I've also been very interested in Ubuntu, however, because I've heard so many good things about it: functionality, usability and ease-of-installation (among many other things).


    I have briefly played around with Gentoo, but, since it is reputed as the gamer's Linux, I wanted to save my next experience with that for partitioning on my PC later (which was built to be a gaming machine).


    I am open to hearing & learning about other distributions that any of you would recommend.




    I'll edit this post later with the hardware specs, which I forgot to write down before coming into the Center today. But, to give you an idea, the computer is about 8 or 9 years old, and a G4 currently running Mac OS X.3 (Panther). Please keep in mind, when replying, that I don't want to lose my programs and previous works of art and I'd like to partition the HD to run Linux. I have never tried to partition on a Mac, but I am assuming (until proven otherwise) that it is likely to be quite different than partitioning on a PC. :)


    All right, that about sums it up! Let the discussion begin!



  7. I haven't seen a radio with dials like that in a long time (except for the one in my mother's antique Chrysler 300)! Goes to show what I know about radios, though :lol: You'd think I'd be better informed with all the interesting, old engines, cars, and other stuff collected at my grandfather's museum of Oregon history (which I help my mother maintain when the opportunity is available).The banner crop is... amazing. I feel like I can reach out and touch that water droplet, and come away with my fingertip wet! Incredible attention to detail, Austin, and very impressive.

  8. Family far outweighs technology when it comes to priorities, so never apologize for that. Of course, several of us Trappers miss you, but all in due time. May preparations & adjustments go as smoothly as possible, and please pass my love and blessings along to your family. Losing my own grandmother was one of the most difficult things I ever experienced, so I would like to say I understand how you all feel. Best wishes, SM, and please take care.

  9. Indeed, the Trap is a wonderful place to hang out, Angela. Welcome!


    I am sorry to hear about your experience with a potential scam. I have not personally heard about Profit Learning Studio, but there are, unfortunately, a great many scams out there. I wouldn't be surprised if they were one. At least you caught it early on!


    The Trap offers a place to discuss just about anything, so there's a pretty solid guarantee you'll find something right up your alley! However, before you jump right in, please fully read the following content:


    Don't be shy if you have any questions! I, and many others, are always here to help!


    Take care!

  10. Welcome, Dook-E (very amusing handle :XD:) to the Trap!




    This is a great place to get started with learning Web Design. There are a bunch of people here who know all the ropes when it comes to coding your own pages. I'm quite familiar with HTML/CSS, personally, which are considered the essential basics. Don't be afraid to ask any questions you may have; I, and many others, are always here to help!


    Please fully read the following content, and you should feel a lot more comfortable here. :)


  11. Amazing information, SM. You've taken so much time to compile this report, and I really appreciate the educational value of it. You've also laid bare some very sensitive information. That took a lot of guts, hon, and I have a wealth of respect for you.


    You seemed to play down the severity of what you experienced, but that is (by far) no easy task that you endured. You don't go into details, either, about what battle and front-line experiences you may have had which would piled on the mental equivalent of Atlas' great burden (which no mortal should ever endure). Also, the knowledge of what happened to kill those men is just as heavy a knowledge. It is curious, indeed, how certain events connect together to affect the mind.


    I would like to mention that PTSD can also be inspired by non-militant stressors. My step-father has suffered from PTSD for almost 9 years now. It's a long story why, and I would never have his permission to share the details (unfortunately), but certain individuals (who were running an illicit-gains business through where he used to work) pushed him to the point of having a greatly-debilitating mental breakdown. He was, thankfully, never actually involved in any of the illegal activities. However, one does not need to be involved to inadvertantly (and involuntarily) be mixed up in it.


    He has struggled to establish his Disability, and recently was denied yet again (and the stress of being repeatedly denied has not helped his condition whatsoever).


    There are times that I wish I could do something to help him. Unfortunately, he will always be missing a part of himself, no matter how much my mother and I are there for him. Still, we remain by his side, as true family ought to (in my opinion).


    I am saddened that you have not felt you could share your burden with your family. Although, I wish you an eventually-restored health and happiness, and I truly hope that you will not always be missing a part of yourself.

  12. Amazing perspectives, Austin! You really have a wealth of talent, and I hope to see more from you in the near future! My favorites from these are the leaf closeup and the old radio... simplicity that speaks volumes more; I love the depth of perspective.Very curious manipulation with the final photograph... I like the idea and effect of blending black & white into color along with the soft-to-sharp focus.

  13. Always treasure that hobby, Austin, and never let it idle. Photography is a thoroughly enriching pastime, and I personally enjoy (very much!) seeing what can be produced from another's perspective of real life composition. I have always loved black & white photography more than any other sort. Something about taking the color out seems to draw me deeper into the captured emotion of a snapshot.Thank you for sharing a photo of yourself! You've a beauty of a truck and a great smile... careful how you use 'em. :lol:

  14. Welcome, proskiier23.


    Would you like to tell us a bit more about yourself; what interests you and what brought you to the Trap? This is a great community, with a wealth of interesting, friendly & helpful individuals, so please indulge liberally in questions & conversation with us!


    Please acquaint yourself with the following information, as it will help you immensely in your endeavors here.


  15. Welcome to the Trap, Cryticfarm.


    Miladin has pointed you in the right direction: please file a support ticket with Xisto and they will assist you as soon as they are able. Please refer to any of the following links to help you learn more about the site and what they have to offer.


    Good luck and I hope this has helped you resolve your situation.

  16. Hello, Rudi! Nitin has done a great job of welcoming you! I would like to welcome you, too!

    Besides the FAQ, here are some very good links to read. They are in English, so please ask questions if you don't understand something!

    There are a lot of wonderful people here, so don't be shy! There are even people who can help you with learning better English, if you want! So, have fun, and I look forward to seeing you around!

  17. Welcome back, Seńor AustinG/\"Tractor\"! I did not know you, but I am glad to meet you! I would like to encourage you, for my benefit as well as the rest of our fine collection of newbies, to wholly introduce yourself. It is always a pleasure to learn about a person's quirks and traits, what interests them, and such. :lol:


    Now, although you are a returning member, two and a half years isn't a small lapse of time! Therefore, here are some links that you may find useful. Please give every link at least a brief glance-over, as a lot has probably changed around here since you last participated!


    Have fun, and I look forward to seeing you around!

  18. My step-father would be an absolute 7, beyond a shadow of a doubt. He and Dawkins would probably have a lot in common... I often tell my mother that it's a shame he never sired a child of his own, since he is a brilliant artist and musician with the most amazing memory capacity (literally photographic).


    My mother and I, however, are odd birds in the proverbial flock. I don't think I am able to rate myself to a single number; I am somewhere between 4 and 7, on a sliding scale. I have a very complicated view of balance and energy, and the capability to manipulate both.


    My hypotheses delve into the realm of quantum physics, although I would haste to say I've only dusted the surface. I never have (nor will ever) disallow for the presence of a form of energy which would be interpreted as God (or something else of a theistic nature), but I view it as merely such: a form of energy... able to manipulate itself and its (potentially universal) environment as it may see fit, whether intentionally or no.


    Animals (all animals, humans included) are too complex and intelligent, with specifically unique personalities (even though we are barely using our brain capacity) to say there is not something else "stirring the pot." But I view religion (ALL religion, not just Christianity), as a currently-very-successful attempt to manipulate, control, and instill a particular quiescence in the general majority. After all of these centuries, and all of the translations, and all of the exaggerations and embellishments that inevitably decorate the generational retelling of any story... who can truly say what is the "word" of any deity, let alone God?


    The bible, in my opinion, is a horribly ungrammatical travesty of the English language, and then the English language is an immensely far cry from the ancient languages first used to interpret the deific inspirations of those mortals from a long-forgotten era.


    Awareness & interpretation has evolved as much as our physical bodies and capabilities have. To claim that one is accurately representing a "truth" from many ages past is to lie to both oneself and to those who have entrusted their faith in what one is proclaiming.


    Anyhow, I think that's enough shock and potential offense for one dose. On a completely separate note, I am fascinated by this scale and appreciate the opportunity to learn about it.



  19. I concur, but let's take it a step further. I think that the entire forum section dedicated to applications for web hosting, in general, should be given a lavish funeral (complete with eloquent eulogy)! No one's posted there for a long time (thankfully), and the "Getting Started" links that we greeters have compiled make certain that our newbies have a very small chance of being so confused as to ever post there. If anything would make them confused, it would be by leaving that forum segment where it is.


    Let's get the ball rolling on cleaning this wonderful place up a bit! Go go gadget Trappers! X)

  20. Here are some new listings from http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/!


    Job Title: Drupal Expert - Contract Work


    Date Posted: 2009-05-20


    Location: St. Paul


    State: MN


    Country: USA






    Looking for a quick proposal. We'd like to start the process of moving our 4 sites to Drupal and we're looking around for the right consultant/developer/agency to help us get there. Our initial site VillaLandscapes.com would be the "easiest" and smallest of the 4 sites and the one that we're currently would like to focus on. Basically the site will be redesigned and a PSD layout provided to you. We've obtained a Linux based Virtual Dedicated Server hosting and will have the basic version of Drupal already installed.


    We're looking for someone to take our design, apply the theme and configure Drupal to allow for additional sites in the future. Please allow for few hours of on-site training (if possible) of Drupal and collaboration with our designer and IT guy. For this proposal, Villa Landscapes will most likely use "out of the box" modules so no custom features needed for this site. Will provide already built flash galleries to drop here as well.


    Please let me know if you need anything else answered before sending us an estimate.


    Thank you!


    Please provide examples of related Drupal work.

    Desired Skills: Drupal 6, PHP, MySQL, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery, AJAX


    * Location: St. Paul area

    * Compensation: Project based

    * Telecommuting is ok.


    Contact Method: job-uh5zj-1180359531@craigslist.org




    Date Posted: 2009-05-20


    Location: New York City


    State: NY


    Country: USA



    Urgently seeking web designer in NY metro area with fresh and innovative ideas to join small & brilliant team for new online gaming site based in India. Site is currently up and running in BETA version, but need someone with strong conceptual & creative ideas to completely re-design the site, as well as for ongoing maintenance (revisions, updates, additions). Looking for a real team-player and out-of-the box thinker! Projects will be on a freelance basis for now with great potential for growth, as the company is rapidly expanding.

    Knowledge of/experience with Indian market preferred but not essential.


    check out current site at: https://www.rummycircle.com/


    Job responsibilities will include: -

    * Website re-design

    * Website Content related changes - Images, Banners, Text, Style sheets, Flash Animation etc.

    * Creative Email graphics design

    * Ad graphics - Banners, Flash Animation


    Skills needed:

    * Creative Suite, Illustrator, Photoshop,Good Understanding HTML and CSS, Flash, Video Editing, Dreamweaver. (should know existing and latest versions)

    * Good command of English language.

    * Strong eye for detail, design, colors, aesthetics.

    * Should be able to think creatively and come up with new designs and ideas.

    * Energetic and Go-getter.


    Experience : 2-5 yrs


    Please email Vikram @ the address below.


    Please include sample work with response.


    * Location: nyc

    * Compensation: competitive/ per-project basis

    * Telecommuting is ok.


    Contact Person: Vikram


    Contact Method: trivikraman.thampy@games24x7.com




    Job Title: English to Korean Translator


    Date Posted: 2009-05-20


    Country: USA



    We're looking for a talented individual, with references, to translate 5 pages of English into Korean.


    We're looking for someone to possibly do this kind of work on a steady basis. Please submit your references and resume to the above email address. Thank you.


    * Compensation: $150 for the project


    Contact Method: gigs-t5kde-1177791096@craigslist.org

  21. Apparently, the public access I use hates tinypic (completely and utterly denied)... and imagehost just gave my work the axe :lol: What a bummer!On a positive note, however, photobucket completely revamped their site, which I hadn't been aware of. I'm actually rather impressed... now to see if they've stepped up to the hosting plate, as well! I have created an account for my alias and will hopefully be able to fix the broken images very soon!

  22. Welcome Drumknot/Cian! Love the name, but I can't say I've read Terry Pratchett before. Is he/she a science fiction & fantasy author? If not, then that'd be why I don't know him/her (I'm very particular to the genre). If he/she is, however, I'll chalk it up to being obsessed with Elizabeth Haydon and Neal Stephenson as of late :D


    You are from where I wish I was :) ... Seriously, I have an obsession with Ireland and its lore... but I am woefully grounded in the country of my birth for the foreseeable future. :lol:


    Anyhow! I am a mother of a 2 year old daughter, so I completely understand where you are coming from on the protective issue. I've been there, seen that (and done a bit more :P) when it comes to the internet, and even struggled to master an addiction to it for many years (which I can say that I finally managed to succeed at!). I've also experienced my share of predatory scares, but I look at it now as an extremely good experience for helping me prevent my daughter from going through the same. I don't believe in restricting her from learning for herself, mind you, but being able to educate her on what to expect is extremely important to me.


    I would like to offer my various talents in art (traditional & graphic), writing, web coding and other general knowledge, and it shall remain at your behest for whatever you may need! Welcome to the community; you'll find that there is a wealth of wonderful people lurking in the shadows, and all of them willing to assist however they possibly may!


    I see that my darling Tenshi has already taken care of showing you the most necessary links for getting started. Somehow, I recognize that particular layout of links... :D It's all good, though!


    :D :XD:


    So congratulations on your first forum post, and I hope to see more soon! Don't forget to check out the shoutbox. I'm generally lurking there between 8 am and 12 pm PST (GMT -8) and others frequently peek in throughout the day.


    You've met Tenshi. Some other friends, and/or otherwise generally awesome individuals to keep an eye out for are:


    SaintMichael, jlhaslip, rayzoredge, Baniboy, kimochitim, rvalkass, k_nitin_r, andreip and AshBash


    Those are the ones I've personally met thusfar, but there are many others, too!


    So, have fun and I hope to see you around soon!

  23. Greetings, Sean!


    *double checks* ... Am I really the first to reply to this introduction? That's unusual, but don't take it to heart. :lol: The people around here are truly in a league of their own when it comes to quality interaction.


    Please take some time to visit the following links and learn more about the Trap and what it has to offer!


    So you are mainly a blogger? Maybe you can lend me some tips... my writing skills are strictly traditional (storywriting, poetry, etc.), but I've been interested in learning more about that.


    I am also an artist (traditional & graphic), and I enjoy dabbling with raw code (HTML/CSS).


    My goal here is to create an online portfolio/resume and then use that to kickstart a potential business opportunity doing commissions for others (at least until I can get my foot in the door with game art & design :XD:). I am also involved in the as-yet-nebulous formation of a Freelancer's Union, which is an idea that Kimochitim broached to create a literally-worldwide network of talent and teamwork.

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