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Posts posted by Fractured.Logic

  1. Yes, it's pretty twisted :) I was playing around with exaggerating facial features and then this piece came to life. Yes, someone out there could really sit like that... as painful as it might appear! :lol: I tried to keep the proportion accurate, but the rest I purposefully skewed. Enjoy :XD:


    Posted Image

    Original hand-inked image


    Posted Image

    Image after playing around with Pixlr, an online editor.

  2. Welcome, saspar, to the Trap!


    Don't worry about your English, or being a beginner with web design. The Trap has many people who are very willing (myself included!) to assist you with anything you would like to learn! There is even a section on here supporting self-education!


    There is, generally, guaranteed to be at least one section on here that appeals to you. You will also find that there are plenty of others whose mother language is not English, and wouldn't mind speaking to you sometime in a language you are more comfortable with. Just remember to keep any non-English interaction to private messages! :D


    Do you have any other interests than learning web design?




    So, to get you started, and to help you feel more comfortable with the Trap and what it has to offer, please read the following content. Take plenty of time to read it fully. If you have trouble understanding any of it, please ask questions. The only stupid question is the one that is never asked!


    :DNew User Links :D

    And, in the beginning, there was... a lot of information! :lol:


    Forum Rules!

    Laying down the law! :D


    The Trap17 ReadMe

    The nitty gritty details :P


    The Trap17 Story

    Every great idea has a humble beginning... :)


    Howto: Signing Up & Getting Started

    Sometimes, it’s the baby steps that are the most important of all :D


    Howto: First Steps to Free Webhosting

    The most powerful tool is the engine by which you become known to the world. :XD:


    Howto: Earn Your Free Domain!

    Possession is 9/10 of the law! :D


    About the MyCents Credit System

    The most precious things in life, money cannot buy... but it’s still nice to have! :D

    Hope that helps you out! Take care, have fun, and I look forward to seeing you around!

  3. Thank you for the wonderful compliments!:lol:I have one other piece I've shared on this forum already (it's not that much further down on the first page), as is an essay I was quite proud of writing. I'll dig up some of my other stuff sometime to share, as well :) Check back for when I can update this one again ... I'm not sure it's going to even end when I finish the originally-intended phrasing :PI wouldn't claim to be such an expert of human psychology and behavior, but I am duly honored that you would think so! It warms my heart to think that someone would find me interesting to know :XD:

  4. This tutorial (ofsorts :D) is for my fellow members of our unofficial Trap17 welcoming committee. I've put these links together over the time I've been here, rearranging and fixing the urls as I noticed errors and such in my copypasting. Once I was happy with the arrangement and validity of the links, I decided to play with their appearance. Hex color coding is one of my favorite things to mess around with, and is something I learned several years ago. You are welcome to copypaste the coding and save it somewhere to use whenever you greet a newbie (although make sure that no one else has pasted them first... there is no reason to overwhelm the fresh blood :D). If you would like a different color arrangement, but do not want to take the time to edit it yourself, I would be happy to alter my coding for you when I am able. Just private message me with your request and the color(s) you would prefer.


  5. To my best knowledge, they should count. Though, don't just take my word for it. I've a decent amount of posts under my belt, but I haven't actually been around here for all that long. Your best bet is to ask a mod or put in a support ticket on the Xisto - Support website


    So, welcome to the Trap!


    I've seen a lot of interesting people in my almost-27 years, but now I have a new one to add to the "collection": A "jock" :XD: that enjoys computers and coding :lol:! And here, I thought I was a walking contradiction much of the time :D (I'm a first-nature artist & writer who also enjoys math and computers and robotics) It's all good though! I think it's great that you are taking strides outside the stereotypes and meshing two different interest groups together :)


    But, be assured (as I think you may have already discovered, judging by your post count :P) that there are conversation spots around here for everything you might be interested in, whether you feel like more of a jock one day, or a geek the next, or would rather chat about your latest music obsession!


    However, before you just jump in, here is some very important content to help you learn how to tread the water around here. :D


    So, take care and have fun! I look forward to seeing you around. :D

  6. Welcome, Adrian :lol:


    I haven't heard of any problems since I started participating - everything runs like a very well-oiled machine here! And there are a great many wonderful individuals lurking in various areas that have a wealth of knowledge and a warming willingness to help!


    Ash has done a very fine job of getting you started. Remember to sign up with Xisto using the same email address you used here. Once you make 5 posts, your accounts will be sync'd and you'll start earning credit! It's really just as simple as that, no strings! You can earn anything here... even your own domain! In a little over a month, I've personally earned over $19 in credit, and I'm still going strong! Quality posts really make a huge difference, so take the time to put some decent thought into everything you discuss and you'll really make some excellent strides around here.


    Don't be shy if you have any questions!


    Looking forward to seeing you around!

  7. Updated and edited! Still a work in progress, though! :lol:


    Corporeal misanthropy:

    Ambivalence kithes self-destruction;

    Tempestuous vilification excretes a residue,

    And spreads across one's tongue like

    The oil of Szechuan peppers. The essence of Fire pervades; the

    Osculum slackens, and drool burbles from the germ-infested

    Nether. Cavities accumulate exponentially, spreading

    Infection to the root of all evil, and decomposing one's own

    Carcass before it is buried.


    Formaldehyde, in theory, might also preserve

    A shred of the truth. Tho', when the tentative, fledgling

    Lie expounds upon itself to create a magnificently grotesque

    Legacy of its own, we light the conflagration and hope that the

    Ashes will bear our own proverbial phoenix; were it that

    Cumulative, rampant flames were the answer to every

    Indiscretion? Terra would vie against Jupiter for its noxious

    Existence; a charcoal whose effulgence would wane, consumed by

    Sulfuric dolour and the dark of the unknown.

  8. You don't have to be a techie or a geek to fit in here, nightskydrama. There's a wonderful variety of forums, subforums and topics to get involved with that have nothing to do with computers! If you ever decide you'd like to learn something about the fabulous geekdom, however, there are several people here ready and willing to share what we know.


    So, welcome to the Trap!


    Ash has done a fine job of getting you started, so I've no need to drop any more links in your lap. If you ever have questions, don't be shy! Take care, and have fun!

  9. Belated welcome, IamAg


    You have done a fine job on your websites, considering you designed (& I presume coded?) them yourself :lol: The second site didn't load correctly, but I'm more likely to chalk that up to the public access computer I have to use for right now.


    Don't worry about what you know or don't know - there are a great many people here (myself included!) who are willing to share what we know and help you out! There's people from all sorts of backgrounds here, so you are pretty much guaranteed to find someone you'll click with. :XD:


    To get you further started, here is some very useful content that I highly recommend you take the time to read fully.


    So, take care and have fun! I look forward to seeing you around. :)

  10. Female gamer, here! :lol:


    I should never profess to be better than anyone else as one, though. The whole e-*voluntarily censored* measurement never seemed like much more than the hormonal-driven immaturity that many youths (and most adult men still) suffer through.


    It's been about a year since I was able to game on any platform, and it will be a while yet before I feel I would have the time to play decently. I am an ex-addict of WoW, having joined up 2 months after it's debut and played until mid 2008. My pride and joy out of all of that game time turned out to be a 70 hunter and a 70 arcane/ice mage. It was entirely unintentional on my part that I chose the two "easiest" character types to level, really :P ... and one of my favorite alts was a Protection Warrior that I still wish I could have taken all the way before I had to throw in my towel. Alas, I had wanted one of those bear mounts for her so much... but those have since been discontinued.


    My favorite game for the PS3 has remained Heavenly Sword - because of how it was made, mostly, and the fact that the bad guy is the same man who did the voice for Gollum. :XD:


    As for the rest of my experiences and preferences... well... if you truly care to inquire, my private message box is always open :)

  11. I have, admittedly, enjoyed techno and electronically-enhanced music at certain times. However, when one has a skilled bassist for a step-father, one is consequently spoiled when it comes to the real thing. There is, simply and absolutely, an obvious difference in quality and skill required to create one type of music over the other... which is not to say that the former is not deserving of some credit. But, even I could churn something electronic out, and I don't know the first thing about being a real musician (the most advanced thing I know is what an octave is :XD:).


    The most appealing thing, in my opinion, about techno/electronic music is that it is easy to hide mistakes and make them sound good. You don't have to be a musician, you just need to be good with manipulating sound programs (or know someone who is).


    There's my two cents on the issue. Take care, folks!



  12. Welcome to the Trap, gonebdg:lol:


    Would you care to introduce yourself any further? What sort of things interest you? What skills do you already possess, and what would you like more help with from existing members? What do you want to create your web forum for? What target audience, and what topics, are you most interested in interacting and discussing with/on?


    The Trap is a wonderful place, truly. I hope you enjoy your stay here.


    When you can find the time, please fully read the following content. It will help you to understand the point and purpose and history of the Trap, and also help you get the most out of your participation. Enjoy!


    Take care, and have fun! Hope to see you around! :XD:

  13. Welcome to the Trap, Sybil:lol:


    .... hmm? Whoops! I mean, Dave/Phil or whoever you'll be next week :)


    On a bit of a more serious note, however, there is absolutely no reason, whatsoever, to tone down on your humor. (- Dave exeunt, stage right. Stage left, back: A young woman is seated, comforting a whimpering mug of coffee and humming it a soothing lullaby -) It's very welcome around here, and I think you'll find it mirrored more often than you'd expect! So, you are sort of living on the West Coast, are you? :XD: Well I am definitely here, whether I like it or not (more often than not, though, I do :P).


    I'm very amazed by your list of knowledge and skills! And it's great that you are willing to teach yourself what you know; I wish more people (especially those in the management branches of the work force) were more impressed with the serious initiative that displays.


    Bani's taken care of the more important content links for you, already. However, if you feel you need any other help getting started, please ask! Though... I'm more in a position to ask you to take me on as an "apt pupil" (though I promise not to go psychotic and threaten you with fingerprint matches if you don't wish to :D).


    Anyhow! I think that just about covers my part of the unofficial welcoming committee around here. I'm one of many who enjoy jumping in and treading the shark-infested waters, so feel free to barrage us anytime with conversation or curiosities alike! So, take care and have fun! I look forward to seeing you around!

  14. Welcome, jullaby!


    We share a love of art, it'd seem! I first learned how to do portraits when I was in the 4th grade (American school system). Due to my obsessive nature, and an already-blossoming love of art, that eventually developed into a curious mix of realistic and characterization art... which was later augmented by a fascination with japanese animation (no specific anime, just the overall style). I can often replicate or include elements of existing images in what I draw (which made me popular with fanart commissions for a time), and, a few years ago, I used to do requests for people on GaiaOnline (where you turn their little sprite into a full-size character).


    I would very much love to see some of your work, sometime! I have shared a few small examples of my own work, down in the GFX forum, if you are interested.


    Now, this is where I would normally plug the content links for a new member, but Ash already took care of that! So, if you ever need anything, feel free to ask! Looking forward to seeing you around!

  15. Welcome, zhulov3rz!


    Your knowledge of coding blows mine clear out of the water :XD: What a fantastic array! And, with the knowledgeable and wonderfully helpful people around here, that's sure to improve even more! Welcome to the Trap, sir.


    Mr. jlhaslip has given you some great advice, up there. I'd like to supplement it a bit and drop some very good reading content in your lap (for both you and your parents, if I understand your situation correctly). It'll help all of you understand what we are about, and it will surely help them feel more comfortable with allowing your participation!


    So, take care and have fun! I look forward to seeing you around! :lol:

  16. Well hello there, much information has already been shared in this topic but since you are so eager to hear from me, I suppose I'll share some information that I know.

    Hello :XD: Thank you so much for taking the time to reply to my topic! *Glee*


    So a while back I attempted dual booting Ubuntu with Leopard on my PPC machine and believe when I say: it was a nightmare. Finding any kind of drivers for my graphics and sound cards that could run on a PPC build of linux was impossible, even with my google-fu. In the end, I gave up on that machine and waited until I could afford a brand new MacBook Pro. With it, as Jlhaslip said, I was able to successfully get a triple boot working with Mac os X, Windows XP, and Ubuntu. I even made a topic about how to do it, (it's somewhere buried in these forums).

    Mildly daunting... but I shall prevail! Yahr! :lol:


    I shall look for that topic :)


    For Linux distro's, Ubuntu is my favorite, but if you are familiar with Red Hat, I would actually recommend looking into Fedora (preferably with the gnome desktop environment). It has the feel of Red Hat, but with the style and ease of use of Ubuntu. I have never tried Yellow Dog, but if you can't decide try running some of the different distro's from the live CD. It should give you a taste of how the operating system will look and feel.

    Thanks so much for the input and advice! I'd heard about Red Hat becoming Fedora, but I'd been under the impression it was for servers only, or something of that nature. It's been a while! That's my excuse, yep...


    As far as a boot loader goes, Grub works fine on intel macs, but I have not tried it on a PPC so I'm not quite sure if that would be supported. However, all apple computers have a bootloader built into their firmware that activates when you hold down the "Option" (or "Alt") key at boot. That doesn't quite do it for me so I use one called rEFIt. Unfortunately, that bootloader is for Intel machines only, however I managed to find one for PPC named yaboot. I have never tried this so if you decide to use it you'll be on your own.

    Good to know; thanks so much for the helpful information! I shall keep an eye out for articles on the pros and cons on GRUB & LILO & yaboot (although I will have to research that later... this weekend is going to be packed with things to do :D)


    After re-reading my post it does sound like I am being quite pessimistic about running linux on a PPC mac, but don't let that make you give up.

    Nah, you weren't being a pessimist... realist, perhaps :P


    I'm a stubborn wretch when it comes to getting an idea in my head that I have to accomplish... so good luck shaking me off :D


    I had some pretty bad experiences attempting to get it to work on my machine, however I have read many forum posts on the specific distro's websites of users who have successfully gotten linux to work well on PPC machines. I appreciate your dedication and I would be happy to answer (to the best of my abilities), any other questions you may have.

    I, too, have read articles professing the awesomeness of Linux on the Mac PPC, and I have determined that this is going to work, come *bleep* or high water. X)


    I appreciate your awesomeness and knowledge! Thanks so much for the wealth of information, as well as the offer to be there if I need any other assistance. You've earned a loyal and adoring friend/fan. See you around!

  17. CrazyRob, Gates has been ripping the Steves off (as well as the original creators of DOS) since the very beginning! There was a documentary I watched a few years ago, in one of my college computer courses, about how the three of them (yes, they once were all college buddies working together) got started. Gates' first GUI was a very poorly masked rip-off of the Steves' first GUI. And then he managed to finagle a relationship with Apple again, later, to steal more ideas. I honestly think that's the only way he was ever able to get ahead, and that he was only able to stay ahead because of under-the-table dealings and monopolizing. Mind you, the Steves aren't much better, anymore, than he is... if at all. Or, perhaps that's Apple at fault, not the Steves; I haven't exactly checked lately to see if they are still in control of that company.


    Linux for the win! :lol:

  18. Thank you for the information about Ubuntu, truefusion. To my best knowledge, my PPC is older than the ones built with the Intel chip. I also forgot to write down the hardware specs, again. *sigh* I'm a scattertwit, on my best days!


    I had a lot of fun with Gentoo when I played with it before (remotely installing it on a PS3), even with the errors that frequently presented themselves in the process. I think, though, that the constant maintenance would be more than I personally have time for at this point in my life... so I will definitely put my interest in that distribution on hold.


    The concept of getting another HDD would, in essence, be fine. However, I have no way to afford anything like that (now, or for quite a while), nor do I know the first thing about tinkering with Mac hardware. I only ever taught myself to tinker with a PC tower. That's definitely not an option, although it would be something I'd be interested in looking more into when (:)) my financial situation changes for the better.




    Jim: Thanks! It's a great deal of weight off of my shoulders knowing that there's someone around here that has such a level of expertise in the area of my situation. Hopefully I will attract his attention, or I'll happily hunt him down :XD:



  19. Welcome, Sara, to the Trap! What a lovely, in-depth introduction! Haven't seen one like yours for a while. :)


    I love your idea to start a tutoring business online! That's quite fantastic, really... I wish I'd thought of something like that; looking for a partner? :lol: Seriously, though, if you ever need help with anything, I and many others are always available to help you out.


    You might also be interested in learning more about the Freelancer's Union idea that a few of us are getting off of the ground. We are, in a nutshell, like a literal web of world-wide talent; people working together and combining their skills to tackle projects that would typically require too much of a single person. If you're interested, please contact kimochitim for further details.




    Your understanding of the MyCents 3.0 program is dead-on. I have personally earned over $15 in a little over a month here, and I currently contribute between 2 and 4 hours in the mornings, 5 days a week (and post at an average of 2.5 topics).


    Due to circumstances beyond my control, I am waiting to actually buy my web hosting and get started with my own idea. Though, yes, you can buy anything with credit as long as you are willing to keep up the quality posts. From what I've seen here, though, that should be no difficult task for you!


    On a personal note (I hope you don't mind!), I can deeply relate to the money issue, though... I've been scraping by on state assistance and the grace of my parents since mid of last year, and I'm stuck in a small town with the 4th highest unemployment rate in the state x.x. But, on the other hand, even with the difficulties of my current situation, my daughter is so much better off for having her grandparents around on a regular basis. It warms my heart so much to see her developing so well (and quickly!) in all the important aspects.


    I am also in my 20's (27 very soon, actually), and looking into continuing my education (once I've established financial support of my daughter... she comes first in everything!). I occasionally find myself struggling with depression, and I am (reluctantly) beginning to admit to myself that I may have to quell my fears about non-natural assistance and start using medication. I have a "condition" (for lack of a better term) where there's A, B and C of a given situation, and my mind remembers A and C, and drops B out completely, but A and C act as a complete, unaltered memory. I've experienced this as long as I can remember... which is a bit ironic since I have so many holes in my memory (which I don't realize entirely until a family member tries to talk to me about something I have no recollection of x.x).


    May I ask you what your condition is, if you don't mind sharing it?




    My passion for stories is fully in the science fiction & fantasy genre, although I never did manage to get into the Harry Potter series. I did read a couple of the books, but I forgot to keep on top of it. What I did read, I enjoyed very much, though. I don't read fan fiction, but I do write poetry and stories with a passionate fervor. Though, given my mental status, a lot of my stuff tends to come out very twisted! Feel free to read my submissions in the Creativity Forum sometime, if you like. :P


    Curiously enough, I also sew, knit and crochet (although I have little time for it these days, with a 2 year old running rampant). I don't know very many other people my age who delve into that realm of knowledge. I first learned how to crochet when I was 6 years old. :XD:


    I am also a passionate artist (of both traditional and graphic media). I very much love Linux as an operating system far more than either Windows or Mac. I enjoy dabbling in coding and programming, although my knowledge remains rather basic in comparison to other users (especially around here)!




    Anyhow! Now that I've blistered your eyes far more than necessary, as it were, here is some very useful reading content to get you started. It's no Harry Potter, but it'll help you feel more comfortable with jumping right in with us and having fun!


    All right! Take care, then. I hope to see you around soon!

  20. What a fantastic background (although you may or may not see it that way :XD:)!


    Welcome to the Trap, akramh! I can say with full confidence that you've found a place that far outclasses anything like Geocities for web hosting. That you've tolerated Geocities at all speaks well of your patience! :lol:


    You're expertise will be a welcome addition to the community, I'm sure. Still, if you ever need anything, I and many others are always willing to be of assistance! Never be shy with questions; the only stupid question is one that is never asked (in my opinion, at any rate)!


    When you can find the time, please fully read the following content. It should help you get started and feel more comfortable with participating.


    So take care, and I look forward to seeing you around. :)
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