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Posts posted by Fractured.Logic

  1. Miladin - love it B)

    Windows: *convulsive twitch* I use a Mac when I am Linux-deprived B) Windows is only for when I absolutely have no other choice.

    And I'm horribly ashamed to admit that my console experience is dreadfully limited compared to my LARP, tabletop, freestyle and MMO experience. I enjoy the stories B)


    Jlhaslip -

    I indeed used the same email for both - though I am not sure how long it should take for it to register my earnings? Or does the Introduction category not attribute any?

    (or use my email address if you wish ).


  2. Thank you very much, Mila - may I call you that?Linux-user - sadly, due to various circumstances I would be disallowed to disclose, no. Linux-:P, however, always. Always interested in Linux-related discussion and adoration.Great links - so much useful information. I'm really looking forward to getting involved!

  3. :P So my first instinct is to, of course, introduce myself. But, as per the forum rules I read, I can't share any personal information anywhere in the forums? I'll just operate on that assumption.Anyhow, I am a lifelong, first-nature artist & writer, and a lover of games and coding. My background in art is extensive (both traditional & graphic), and includes a wealth of experience with Adobe programs as well as GIMP (which I was first introduced to when I dabbled with Redhat 9). My background in coding is far less extensive, but I have a solid knowledge of HTML and CSS. If anyone would be willing to tutor me in more advanced coding... B)I think that's about it, as far as non-personal goes.Feel free to bombard me with questions, however. B) Take care!
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