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Posts posted by Fractured.Logic

  1. Thanks so much, Tenshi! Sorry it took me a while to reply (I forgot you'd commented :lol:). The third and the fourth image are composites of 2 existing pieces I found online, so don't give me too much credit! Those were created with just layers and blended opacities and filter effects. I love seeing what I can do with others' art as much as I do mine, because it opens up whole other worlds of possibilities that I wouldn't have been able to fabricate entirely on my own.

  2. Yahr! The last shooter game I ever played was the original MDK... so I have no understanding of CS:S. Nonetheless, I find this sig simple and clean, but intense (in a good way!). That particular shade of blackish-blue is a remarkable compliment to the battle-clad militant. I love how you layed-over the two perspectives of the shooter... fantastic. The perspective arrangement creates a marginal depth; subtle but an unmistakable distinction between fore- and background.

  3. Weak english? Hardly! You've a decent grasp of grammar from what I can see - better than a fair percentage of American-English natives, I'd say :lol:


    Welcome to the Trap, Syaoran/Jiew/Jeff!


    If you wouldn't mind, I'd like to prod you to tell us a bit more about yourself. What are your main interests & reasons for joining the Trap?


    Personally, I'm here to build an online portfolio, resume and eventually build my own business. I am a single mother of a darling 2 year old, I know HTML/CSS, and I am an artist & writer with an adoration for Linux!


    Anyhow, here are some links to get you well on your own way!


    Looking forward to seeing you around! Take care!

  4. Positive, darling. :lol:


    Posted Image


    That's relevant crops from three screencaps - the activation link error, my original, activation email and the error message from ImageFilez themselves. And they still haven't replied to my second inquiry for assistance :\


    Oh, and I have a total of three "password recovery" emails from them still sitting in my inbox. I was a bit click-happy with that option... no luck.

  5. So that's what this is... this is an amazing idea. I definitely have to look into this more... not necessarily for the Trap (I'm very happy with the credit I already earn here), but for when I finally decide to purchase my plan and get started. I'm still going to be in the brainstorming stage for a while... but this is definitely something I have to seriously consider!

  6. Welcome to the Trap, Inverse! What a lovely array of skills and experience that you've collected for yourself. I never could bring myself to study to be an accountant, either... even though I enjoy math in other regards. You have my sympathy and admiration for sticking with it as long as you have!


    And I doubt you could offend anyone here... and, as for the accountants, since it takes a very specially-talented type of person to truly enjoy accounting, I don't think you have anything to worry about. Someone who has the gumption and perseverance to follow that path in life is bound to have a pretty thick skin!


    You know, with your variety of talents, you might be interested in an idea that's been broached here recently (and which I am a part of): a freelancer's union (think worldwide, literally-human network :lol:). Please send a private message to kimochitim if you'd like more information!


    And, I shall leave you with a number of helpful links to get you started! Some of them, you may have read already... but I guarantee not all! So enjoy the literature and I look forward to seeing you around! Take care!


  7. I have tried sent off two contact forms already, actually, with no reply... and I waited a few days after each form was sent off before I allowed myself to feel annoyed. If there was a way I could delete the nebulous account and start over... but then I'm concerned that this whole mess would end up like "the song that never ends..."*twitch... sigh*Thank you for trying to be thoughtful, though :lol:

  8. Argh! GIMP is the superior editor of all! Argh!*hoists pirate hook high so that it glints wickedly in that perfectly-positioned sunbeam...*I love Adobe and have used it for years upon years... but GIMP has my heart. Anything to do with Linux has my heart, though (woe!) I should be so unlucky that I am bereft of its awesomeness for the immediate future.But thank you for the compliments :lol:

  9. Aye. Hand-sketched, although I didn't ink this one. I wanted a smoother, blended effect. And I overlaid the coloring as a reduced-opacity group of layers (I was limited to manipulating with a mouse and using Photoshop 7 for this work, which was the main motivation behind the time restrictions I mentioned before). When I have my full setup (CS2 + Wacom Intuos 3), then I give myself a lot more room to play and a lot more time to work on things.

  10. I didn't spend as much time on this piece as I normally would. Still, I thought it came out quite well despite the time restrictions I placed upon myself.


    So, until I figure out what my situation is with ImageFilez, I've hosted this with ImageHost.org:


    Posted Image


    Constructive criticism is loved!






    At the request of Andre, here are some more quick-works by moi :XD:


    Posted Image


    Posted Image


    Posted Image

  11. It's been quite a while since I initially signed up with ImageFilez. However, I have never been able to activate my account with them. The link they sent me always returns a 404 error, and their login refuses to let me proceed.Has anyone had this happen to them? Does anyone have any advice on how I should proceed? I'm quite attached to my username, and I'm not particularly keen on scrapping it and trying to think of another... just to re-register and quite possibly have this happen to me again.*twitch... sigh*

  12. This is the same Longest Journey that was released about 9 or 10 years ago, right? If so, I must express my heartfelt, enthusiastic agreement.Over the years, and all the games I've played, this has remained one of my all time favorites. I found a glitch the first time I played it... at the train station. You can do the puzzles in a particular order that makes it so you can't pick up the item on the tracks. (I think it was something which later affected the electical box, but it's been so long...)There was another story-game that I loved, and played around the same time, too... what was it? Oh yes, Syberia! Another all-time favorite. If you've never heard of it, try to find it and check it out. If you truly love stories and puzzles, especially when combined to create an epic environment, then you will adore this game, as well. The development of the main character is absolutely amazing... turning her from a straightlaced lawyer-esque personality into a passionate, curious, child-like personality who... *end spoiler, wicked grin*

  13. Welcome, Caltator. I have to decline voting on your poll because I do not feel I know enough about you! I hope that will soon be remedied in the near future. Please bear in mind, for your future contributions, that the quality of your posts counts a lot more than the quantity of your posts. Familiarize yourself with the MyCents 3.0 system... it's fantastic! For example, the last time the credit system updated my information, I had earned $8 and 15.74 MyCents in 49 posts... which calculates to about 16.65 cents per post. I like to write long and thorough posts, though!

    Sir Bash, there, has really done a great job with getting you started. Here are a few more links for your browsing pleasure, however!

    Take care, and I look forward to seeing what you have to contribute! Take care!

  14. Welcome, Xenogia! I look forward to reading what you have to contribute! Here are some links to get you started!


    You sound like a very interesting person, and I hope I get the chance to meet you, text-to-text, in the very near future! Please take care :lol:

  15. First impression, quick scan:The artist in me is complaining that it's too straightlaced in design... but, for all I know, that's a limitation that you cannot bypass. Most forums I've seen are all based upon a template, and have considerable restrictions against creative design. As far as forums go, you have a nice array of choices, which is always great for attracting a variety of users. From a strictly personal standpoint, I would be more encouraged to join and participate if there was a bit more... personality... in the site. When I am browsing, I feel like I've been pulled into a virtual environment generated by an AI, not a human. :XD: Mind you, that probably appeals to others who are less artistic in nature.I do like the quotation graphics denoting each active topic, however: simple, very appropriate, and still amusing.I am more of a dark red / pale gold type of person, so the colors don't particularly move me very much. Neither do the colors here, at the Trap, move me very much... I am inspired to participate here by the incredible array of people involved, and I was attracted by the absolutely fantastic idea of an alternative method for earning an otherwise-paid service. It doesn't look like you have found that perfectly-enticing nugget that'll lure the little fishies to your pond. You will, though, of that I am certain.:lol:

  16. Darling, though you are talking about a story with characters that you and he developed, this isn't a topic for the Creativity Forum. Life Talk, or maybe Dating & Relationships? (Although I had a hard time picking a subforum that really fit this topic... but that's why they're mods, not me! :XD:)


    Thing is, there are two problems with posting here:


    1. This forum is strictly to share your creative spurts, for the joy of sharing your creative spurts and no other ulterior motive. So while this issue involves an example of a creative spurt, it is not about said creative spurt... I hope I'm not confusing you too much. So this topic needs to be moved, in my opinion. Mods: yea, nay?


    2. You (and everyone else) gets no post count for contributing here. Thence, few people (sadly) are motivated to participate in this particular forum. I'm hoping to eventually influence that in a different direction, by participating more and leading by example.


    Nonetheless, it is unavoidable (for now) that you aren't going to get much attention (if any) other than mine, here (I honestly think I'm the only person that checks the Creativity forum on a regular basis).


    This response will get me no credit, for example. But I want to help you out. The necessity for a response that I sense from you entirely supercedes any credit I would otherwise receive.


    Now, if you do get around to writing about these characters and you want to share that... that's for this forum :lol:




    Ok, now with that being said I will respond to the topic itself.


    Sweetie, hold dear what you have/had from that association. Write about as much as you truly feel inspired to; what you may feel is stupid will be adored by others who have no idea what inspired the expression of your creativity and emotions. Even if you never share your writing with others, write... and love what you have written... for the words are the product of something special.


    Bear in mind, as well, that if he's not willing to have a relationship with you (now, or ever), then understand that the proverbial dice have rolled against it and there is something else out there meant for you. More than likely, it's better; although I understand that that will be difficult to believe at this point in time, especially if you won't find this other relationship for a while yet. My grandmother, for example, lived most of her life and buried two/three husbands before she finally was able to live the last years of her time on Earth with her soulmate (who had been a lifelong friend of hers). What I hope is inspirational from that particular example (as it is for me) is that, despite the odds, she was able to spend some of her life with her true companion, and she truly cherished that.


    I cannot begin to understand his reasoning for his actions, for I have only you as a meager source to tickle at my empathy. All I can say is that, regardless of your personal beliefs, there is a natural balance to life in general. It's a scientific law, although I am one of a very small number of people who have translated said law to operate upon a more metaphysical property of existence. Nothing is without an equal and exact opposite; nothing.


    Good luck to you, darling, and I hope that I will have the honor to eventually read that with which your own muse would grace the literary world.

  17. I've let this topic sit by idly for a while, now. I had really been hoping for some more input with specific answers to some of the questions I listed previously. Most especially, I would love to hear some real-world input from people who have operated (or still do operate) a business in a similar field of experience.


    When you reply, if you would be so kind... please answer any of the following questions which apply to your particular situation:


    1. What hangups did you (do you) encounter?


    1. ( a ) Did you encounter these hangups on a daily, weekly, bi-monthly, monthly, semi-annual, or annual basis?


    1. ( b ) In looking back, how do you think you might have cut back on the problems you experienced?


    2. What do you wish you would have done differently, had you known better?


    3. Does running an online business require any registry or licenses (like a physical business would)?


    4. What sort of copyright issues have you encountered, and have you ever had to deal with your work being stolen?


    4. ( a ) If so, how were you able to resolve that?


    5. Do you have any marketing advice for insuring a long-term income?


    6. Do you have any other advice, personal or business-related?

  18. So what about a site existing mainly as an online portfolio (I'm also thinking of creating a virtual resume and putting it together with div tags, or something of that nature)... how would that be affected by this Sandbox technique? Is it reasonable to proceed with just a portfolio and build a business website around that as I progress with the acquisition of clientele?What are other ways to show I am serious other than having frequent updates? I mean, what would I be updating (in the beginning, at any rate), except when I might create new art and/or writing examples... either on my own or by request?Mind you, the Sandbox actually sounds like a reasonable idea... and, from a browsing perspective, I highly respect the effort to filter out the unrelated and/or misleading websites. But from the "newbie" business venture perspective...So much to think about.Oh yea, in case I didn't mention it earlier: You're the best :XD: I love how helpful everyone I've met thusfar has been. I keep thinking "this is too good to be true," but every day keeps rolling out more progress... and building up my excitement and enthusiasm! Whee!:lol:

  19. BeSSiaN, not to worry. Are you familiar with US currency?$ <-- this sign indicates dollars.A penny/cent (the equivalent of a MyCent), is a fraction of a dollar; specifically 1/100.You currently have 24.72/100, meaning you have earned approximately 25 cents thusfar and about a quarter of a dollar.When you earn 100/100, or greater, then Xisto will update your earnings, based upon the value in dollars.This number will not be updated again until after you have earned another 100/100.Please bear in mind that your earnings may seem slower if you are making smaller posts like the one I see here. MyCents 3.0 judges your earnings on a lot of factors, with the quantity of your posts one of the least taken into consideration.Good luck!

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