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Posts posted by Fractured.Logic

  1. Attention!*falls over and squiggles, elated!*Wow, I couldn't possibly be more delighted that I've impacted someone with a form of my expression! Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback!Though you may have born no child of your flesh and blood, do not let modesty undermine your role as another kind of mother (which is just as special, in my opinion)! You are someone who others look up to, and love; that is beautiful, in its own right. B):P

  2. :P


    So this was brought up in the Shoutbox, and I will protect the name of the originator until he wishes to identify himself. In the meanwhile, I thought that the issue should still be discussed, for everyone's educational sake.


    Topic: Linking to Warez


    My standpoint is that I would expect the Trap to be rather hesitant about linking to any warez, not only for legal ramifications, but also for the prolific tendency to be exposed to various nasty viruses. However, being that I am still, technically, a newbie... I did not feel comfortable stating one way or the other on this issue. Obviously, I am no stranger to the... *cough*... acquisition of certain software by... *cough*... alternative means (darn dry throat B)). B) And, I'd be willing to bet that a large percentage of people involved with the Trap are even-better-informed on the nature of these things.


    So what is the Trap's view on warez, and the linkage thereof? Things to consider in your reply:


    -Legal issues...?

    -Realistic possibilities to compromise the Shell...?

    -Other consequences...?

    -Opinion of warez, and the people who crack the proverbial eggs...?


    -GONG- Let the debate begin!

  3. Hello, my fellow femme B)


    And now "a member" (although I'm still technically a newbie for a few more posts B)) is going to bombard your introduction with a healthy dose of adoration. I just knew we'd have something in common!




    I love all things animal, even the creepy crawlies! (would have studied to be a vet, but I'm more of an artist & writer at heart, and I chose to become a mommy, too B)) I have a funny story that you may appreciate! Just yesterday, I discovered that a spider had planted her eggsac on my daughter's stroller. I opened up my trunk after grocery shopping and lo if there wasn't a horde of what I think were pumpkin spiders (really bright yellow with tiny black speckles) crawling between the back wheel and the handle (and more were in the process of hatching). It was great. I mean, I was definitely caught off guard, but what was my first instinct? Take the cell phone out, queue the camera program, click-click. Then I shared it with a couple random passersby. Then I went home, took the stroller out of my trunk, and carefully transferred the baby spiders and the sac (I could see the other hatchlings squirming, too!) over to a nice, grassy spot.


    I'm a science fiction & fantasy lover, in the book realm. I don't really explore much outside of that genre, unless something really stands out to me. My favorite authors include Elizabeth Haydon and Neal Stephenson! I recently bought a hardcopy of N.S.'s newest book, Anathem, and it's signed by him! *swoon* (But I haven't met him yet... someday! *crossfingers*)


    I'm also a fan of the Japanese culture, although I admit that I know far less than I wish I did. I did study a short form of Tai Chi for a few years, and I am determined to someday learn at least a little of the language. And I think their command of art is beyond amazing; I've found it very influential in my own work. I didn't know that Tenshi meant Angel, but I'll add that to my quasi-expansive memory bank of interesting tidbits! Does your friend know what "rairakku" means? Someone mentioned it was a Japanese word &/or term, but never could tell me what it meant. I always loved how it sounded!


    Ok, so since you have read a few things already (great job!), here are some other topics that you may or may not have read up on:


    Hope that helps!


    If you need any help at all, with anything (website, or otherwise), speak up! There's a wealth of helpful people around here! I'm also available, so feel free to bug me anytime!


    Take care, and see you around!

  4. Hello, Rixi! I love the name; it's very catchy!


    Welcome to the Trap! It's a wonderful community; please don't be shy! Whether you are here to simply advertise your game, or solicit help, or just chat up the fellow geekness, you are certain to find all you need here. I love this place (if you can't tell :P)!


    If you haven't read up on the rules, yet, here's some content to whet your whistle a bit:


    Hope that helps you out!


    Please keep me posted on the progress of your game! I'm a huge SF/F fan, so anything to do with science fiction &/or fantasy really excites & inspires me. I'm also an artist & a writer, and I am looking into studying game art & design after I finish my Assoc. of General Studies; if you need help with anything, please let me know! I'd love the opportunity to pitch in and learn something new!


    Take care, and see you around!

  5. To introduce my situation:


    Despite a wealth of self-taught experience with computers, most of my life spent obsessively cultivating talents in art and writing, and many years of dabbling, I am faced with the real potential to start my own business. My first inclination is to be incredibly nervous, but I am holding tight on my figurative reigns and attempting to plan as carefully as possible.




    1. I have never had a domain before, because I have (previously) never been able to consider anything requiring an online purchase. Now that I have discovered a place that offers the ability to earn the equivalent of real money, suddenly I have so much more at my disposal. I do not wish to take any of that for granted, or tread forth carelessly and end up sabotaging myself (and my hopes). If I understand correctly, one is able to purchase an entirely-unique domain on Xisto (no subdomain). Would it be a good idea, for someone just getting started with their first real business venture, to register a domain on Xisto, prior to the purchase of their plan? How does that affect the plan & vice versa?


    2. I am having a fair amount of difficulty deciding which plan I want to save up for. I have narrowed my choices down to between the Logic & Logic PRO (anything more seems like way too much for me to know what to do with). But my dilemma pervades because even the basic Logic plan is far more than I've ever had at my disposal before. What are the pros and cons of the Logic and Logic PRO plans? Would it be better to start with the basic and later upgrade, or would it be better to start from the middle and have more room to "play"?


    3. I've been participating for two weeks now, and I've earned $6. This question is for the experienced, long-term members, if you would please honor me with some of your time and assistance. Based on the rate I appear to be earning funds: Is it better to pay month-by-month and get started with my website sooner, or is it better to save up for a 3-, 6-, 9-, or year plan first?


    4. Any other advice &/or input? All constructive criticism is welcome!

  6. Well I think Kimo is saying that we need to each establish our personal websites first. However, for a collaborative project, I think you've got a great idea there, Sone. What I would see us doing is, after each creating our personal websites, we connect them all together with the team website... like a literal web. Everyone understands that a network connects things together, so take it to a whole new, virtual, worldwide level; a world-wide network of talent with the team website acting as the hub, and everyone's personal website as the cords. The potential is truly limitless.

  7. but how would the dinosaur reproduce? if it did have vrigin births then their'll be many lochness monsters.

    My idea of the existence of Nessie, and other great legends, is the same as my idea of dragons... which is: something like it must exist, or have existed at one point, to inspire the tale... no matter how exaggerated it may have become.

    I chose to dig up this topic, however, for another reason, as quoted above. As was mentioned by the great Doctor Malcom (Jeff Goldblum), in Jurassic Park, there are species out there who are capable of changing their gender based upon circumstance (frogs come to mind, most immediately). Additionally, if I remember right (please correct me if I am wrong), snails and worms are hermaphrodites and/or able to produce their own offspring. Do not doubt the power of nature to reproduce, even against the most "absolute" of odds.

  8. Pray tell, but what doubts are most troubling you? I would dearly love to help you however I possibly may. I know Photoshop inside and out... quite literally. Been manipulating with that program for over 12 years. :P Also, I've known GIMP since before it was multiple-OS compatible, and Linux-only... which, I would say, is about 7 or 8 years now?In my opinion, there's only one being out there who really needs to have an enormous burden weighing him down... and that's the great Atlas.So share the love, come inside; here's a cuddly blanket and a virtual mug of cocoa with semi-melted mallows bobbling at the lip. There are loads of people in here who are gnawing at the bit to help others like you (myself included!). Believe me, this is not the place where one is required to solve their own problems; instead, quite the opposite!

  9. Indeed. China, pre-Gaullic Erin are only two of the ancient civilizations which touted dragons in their Lore, and not necessarily as a bad thing. The two I mention, however, are really the only two (to my best knowledge) which have survived in at least partial form to continue telling their stories to new generations.It makes you wonder, if any person were able to peel away the layers of exaggeration built over time, what we'd find at the source of it all. There certainly must be something, of that I am positive.This topic of discussion reminds me of something I heard a long time ago... something about the Mayan calendar portraying something significant about what we know today as Atlantis. I wish I could remember the whole story, it was incredibly fascinating, but no one has ever been able to explain how the Mayans would know anything about people from across the vast expanse of the Atlantic (which was, undoubtedly, even more vast at that time, due to differences in, and the tectonic placement of landmasses). Supposedly, people of that point in time, didn't have the means, or knowledge, to construct a proper vessel to surmount such a distance. And yet... :P[Edit]I wonder if Greece could be irrefutably connected with the Mesopotamian civilizations... has anyone ever researched if they also mentioned beasts of a draconic nature in their Lore along with the chimera and suchforth?[/Edit]

  10. Apologize not! If you feel you have something to improve upon, focus your energies on said improvement, instead! Har!

    I'm hyper. :P

    Anyway! An enormous & affectionate welcome from moi, Madamoiselle Fractured.Logic!

    It's a fantastic place here, so dig in your heels and have some fun!

    Oh yes, and I am very experienced with both Photoshop and GIMP, so dump any questions you may have on me at anytime! B)


  11. Hear hear, Ray. I completely agree. But I think, in a situation like this, being a jack of all trades is actually the perfect scenario. You'll be able to jump in on a lot more team projects because you will likely have something to offer that isn't quite fulfilled by the others. And when there's a little too much of one thing, you can step back and offer something else to bump things closer to a proper balance.


    That's the way I'd look at it, anyway.


    So anyway, here's a more detailed list of what I am personally able to do:


    excellent vocabulary (bookworm since the age of 2 + spelling bee in elementary years = way too much time to learn the literary things in life)

    fantastic spelling & grammar (seriously... too much time on my hands when I was younger...)

    I can write anything, from poetry to novels (except blogs; I know, I know... as computer literate as I am, otherwise, I know jack be diddly squat with a burning... :P about blogging)

    advanced experience with Adobe products (I've been using Photoshop since version 4, and Illustrator since version 5)

    experienced with GNU Image Manipulation Program B)(I was introduced to this while playing around with Redhat 9, back in the day; promptly fell in love)

    first-nature artist (graphite, charcoal, oil paint, hand-inking)

    decently familiar with OpenOffice (this program kicks the serious @%*! out of Microsoft Office B))

    solid knowledge of HTML & CSS (self-taught B))

    typing ability: last tested at 111 wpm, 99% accuracy


    Not so much for "real world" skills, but there you have it B)

  12. Tsk! Age is a number, not an excuse or a hinderance (says she in her mid-twenties) B) And budding talent is what it is, regardless of how long it remains in said form. I, therefore, stand by what I said! B)Thank you for the compliment on my wording. You have elicited a blush in response.:P

  13. And the disappointment wafts down to settle upon my shoulders, woe!*snickerfit*Ok, but I really do wish you had kept writing. Think about taking another crack at it sometime; see what comes about. It would be a shame to see a budding talent remain permanently ignored.

  14. I was actually in a very similar situation to this, when I was a new driver. I had been given an older vehicle, an 80's model Mazda 323. To this day, I will never know what happened to the brakes (no one could find an air bubble, or anything else wrong in the brake line). I was coming down a hill that merged with the local highway. I went to depress the brake, and there was nothing there. Absolutely nothing.I was 18 years old, and I had waited to get my license because I had been terrified of driving. I knew nothing about the emergency brake back then, didn't even know it existed. The car I was driving was automatic, to boot. So there I was, careening down the (fairly steep) hill at an excess of 50 mph and increasing. As I approached the highway, I saw a freight truck. My heart leapt in my throat and I cranked the driver's wheel (which was rack & pinion) as hard to the right as I could. I barely missed the freighter and, instead, took a chunk out of the front right section of another car before directing mine into the hillside.Ironically, that car I hit was a rental belonging to my uncle's car lot :PI probably could have reacted better, and I often wonder what I could have done differently when I reflect upon it.Hope some of you found this (very true) story entertaining. B)

  15. I believe that every "fiction" (as, similarly, states the theory of the lie), is based upon a seed of truth. The trick is to shed the layers of exaggeration, embellishment, or other "bardic" and/or generational additions to the story.


    Now if you were to get further into the hypotheses of other dimensions and parallel existences (and quantum physics), that adds another interesting scenario. This is one I've researched, now and then, more than others... but I have yet to be satisfied with any "proof" I may have squandered thereof.


    However, when people believe in a deity that can impregnate an untouched woman to bear its child on the force of its mere will (a speculation not unique, believe it or not, to the Christian derivative of religion), and allow themselves to be influenced by the supposedly-deific interpretations of mortal beings, with only other mortal beings to declare their honesty and accuracy... who is to say what is, or is not real? It is, in the end, strictly a matter of what you are willing to believe in, whether you feel that you have established proof of it, or not.

  16. SM and Buffalo and JL :PWow, you are popular! B) I haven't done anything (yet) to get the "big boys" to notice me, but I'm just one of the more zealous, enthusiastic newbies to the scene. Still, hello! B) I'm an artist, writer, and something of a coder (if you count HTML and CSS B)). Oh yea, and I love Linux, and am currently itching to partition my HD and install a new distribution to wallow happily therein. I'd get into why I have to twiddle my thumbs for now, but that's for another "date" B) Patience is a virtue, so they say B) ... *fidget*Anyhow! Hope to see you around, and take care!:P

  17. I do declare you are more fond of ellipses and commas than I ever was B)It's not that bad of a piece, although I can definitely see where there is room for improvement. Setting aside that the topic as the classically over-written dilemma of love, here is my "two cents."There is one "rule" which I set for myself a long time ago: if you are going to structure a poem, do so by a less common method; nor force the poem to rhyme, but let it happen naturally if it will happen in the piece at all. Mind you, I'm a steadfast fan of freestyle above most others, so don't let my bias discourage you if you prefer otherwise!I do hope you kept writing :P If so, do you have anything new to contribute?

  18. Degenerative Evolution


    Broken glass magnifies the sharper image:

    severing neurological pith

    with sliver-edged scalpel pressed,

    so intimately, against the quivering.


    Method of madness: “Think outside the (black) box,

    but only when it is socially

    appropriate to do so.”

    Normal is an introverted hypocrite?


    I suppose I’m more normal than I had thought,

    but that doesn’t explain why I still

    can’t fathom the popular

    demand for a hive mind singularity.


    And, to that end, it seems that I should –


    Treat others not as I wish to be treated?

    Amen: the new, improved superglue;

    who needs that old Golden Rule

    when one, simple word absolves all transgressions?


    Convenience caters to the criminal,

    and then happily ever after?

    Charming molests the pageboy,

    while White slaves for seven men with Alzheimer’s.


    And nobody cares because it’s all old news.

    Morally numbed by the media,

    with gray matter leaking down

    through nasal passages; drowned by apathy.


    A process of elimination?


    In one regard, the better alternative:

    the flock is culled by its own design

    while the minority waits,

    patient, watching as logic feuds with chaos.


    But the aftershocks are inevitable.

    The fewer who go down with the ship,

    the more for the clean-up crew,

    and the easier it is to pick up the pieces.


    Who will catch the drift before the timer dings,

    and the minuet’s vibrations fade

    into an endless silence?

    Logic bends, like Atlas; suffocating weight


    But science makes a buoyant trampoline.

  19. I'm not usually a fan of strict rhyme patterns, but I found your father's work very expressive. It is my opinion that poetry is best when it truly communicates the emotional investment of its author.Please pass along my admiration of his writing talent. I hope he is someone that you consider to be an inspiration, despite the hardships that may have interfered along the way.

  20. Love the introduction, Jonny Anonymous, welcome!MyCents 3.0 won't actually acknowledge you until you complete 5 posts, but after that it's definitely based on quality above quantity. For example, this morning I was at $3 and 35.6 MyCents and 29 posts... about 11.5 cents per post. Other people average about 19 cents per post. I've found that it's a very creative system with a generous curve, overall.There are plenty of helpful people around here, so don't be shy! Cheers, and good luck! See you around :P

  21. Welcome, Drake B) It's great to have you, looking forward to seeing what you will contribute!Ike - you are never too old to learn something new! The only time you are done learning is when your physical corpus is either decomposing or ashed and happily floating on the wind (occasionally landing in the unsuspecting person's mouth, etc :P)I taught myself to play the piano, but never was entirely serious. My obsessions have led me to excel at other forms of art: writing, drawing, painting, graphics, etc. I learned to read on my own when I was about 2 years old, and have been thoroughly addicted to books since. Do you like science fiction & fantasy, Drake? If so, I'll see if you already know my favorite authors, or not B)IQ - I refuse to judge my intelligence by a number. Never had myself tested, and I never care to, either B)I totally agree about the enrichment of children by music and arts, though! My daughter is very well-exposed to multiple mediums, not only by me but by her maternal grandparents. Her grandfather recently helped his local blues band master their first CD... which may or may not be saying all that much for an experienced group, but it's better than never mastering at all!)As for studies... I'm working part time on finishing my Associate of General Studies, and then I have semi-solid plans to pursue a BS in Game Art & Design. I don't have as much experience with 3D design, but I find it fascinating, and I have a latent addiction for gaming which I manage to keep in check, for the most part B)So... that's about it, I think. Feel free to message me anytime, Drake! Take care B)

  22. Rayzor, you are the best :PUnfortunately, a lot of my "network" that I may have established in the past are people that I am no longer in contact with (and haven't been in contact with for years). So I am, essentially, starting from scratch. Nonetheless, I have a wonderful friend I've made in my area that has amazing marketing skills and experience. So I've seriously considered collaborating with her (writing reports that she, in turn, could sell, etc). But I would also like to offer my abilities as a traditional/graphic artist, as well as have an opportunity to use my skills with HTML/CSS (and learn more advanced languages). I am also a very skilled writer (excellent grammar, vocabulary, spelling), and have often dreamed of becoming a novelist/published poet.I've also been told by many people that I could easily create designs for tattoo artists (I'm very skilled with advanced celtic knot-like designs, for example). I don't have the ability to make those big prints, though... so I'm not sure how to advertise myself in that regard, were I to pursue such an avenue.My first step is to decide which package I want to buy, and whether I want to save up for a long-term plan or a monthly plan. Then I want to create an online portfolio, of sorts - not sure if I want to focus on art, writing, or both. Then I want to look into options of turning that portfolio into a serious business. Does that sound realistic?I have no experience with copyrighting, but I am trying to learn more about it (for the sake of protecting the integrity of my work now that I am seriously looking into the monetary benefits).And I'm painfully optimistic (much to the bafflement of others), so I don't expect any negativity to stumble me much, if at all. B)

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