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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. Dell just announced that they will have OEM preinstalled into their new Dell Precision desktops at a low low price of $709 USD with tonnes of new offers. It will include the new RedHat Enterprise Linux 3. For the full article from which I summarized above, click here So, there are OEM for Linux, and I hope DELL sticks to it xboxrulz
  2. I actually don't agree with you, that was 50-60 years ago, I think Japan has the rights to be with the UNSC since we're all humans, and if we need peace, we can all help each other. Thanks to the Linux community that taught me that.xboxrulz
  3. It's one of those things like giving Windows for free if you signup for free hosting. Which is complete bogus since it costs too much. It would be reasonable if you ask Xisto to run their forum using vBulletin, although, I don't suggest it.xboxrulz
  4. Currently, the server is running on Perl 5.8.4, it would be best if it ran on the newest technology. Also, you should really upgrade Apache and maybe PHP.xboxrulz
  5. GuySpook, that's exactly from CNN which someone already posted... I posted the Toronto Star's versionxboxrulz
  6. can someone move the picture and delete the duplicate top section.We need our EDIT button back... seriously!Thanks,xboxrulz
  7. yes, the pope just died: Full Story from the Star: This is hot off the press. 1 minute after the pope died. :s xboxrulz Notice from serverph: edited quote tags
  8. Tonic, there's nothing about a new law. The only thing is that the government is just revising the copyright law. Please read the following sentence:"courts and Copyright Boards support the proposition that downloading and uploading of music is legal"xboxrulz
  9. Since I'm an Atheist, I don't have direct ties to Roman Catholic or any religion. I just hope for the best for him. It's really sad to see a world idol slip away. But as part of human life, we must accept that there's no immortality, therefore people dies.It's a fact and not fiction.xboxrulz
  10. Since SP2 is crappy, of course I'm not using the SP2 firewall, I'm using McAfee's firewall!xboxrulz
  11. Avalon definitely beats KDE 3.4 and GNOME 2.10 to the pulp, but don't be too certain Windows fans, wait until the X server gets a new face lift Click here But seriously, I can't wait to see Mac OS X (10.4) Tiger running. xboxrulz
  12. Although I love the open source projects, I personally never recommend phpBB. I rather have IPB. I only recommend MercuryBoard xboxrulz
  13. It's my opinion to stand for Linux and for the open source community. Linux is NOT 100%ly better than Windows. My X server crashed last weekend while playing America's Army. Plus, I already got hosting, I don't post just for points, I post because I have something to say. Also, about the USB discs, yes I have a couple and I just stick it into my USb port and it mounts automatically, all I have to do is to type /mnt/removable or /mnt/usbdiscxboxrulz
  14. I only use lol, LMAO, ROTL, ROTLOL when I'm actually laughing; so I do use it when I'm laughing and if I don't have any comment or things to say I type ...xboxrulz
  15. I'm a 14 year old male and about the argument saying that females usually don't like the computers; statistically that is true but I see that there are alot of females that love the comps as much as the males do. My computer teacher is a female.I have a female cousin that does alot of web designing on like AsianAvenue, and go on web blogs/community like Friendster or HI5.So, gender doesn't really matter. It all comes to interest.That's my IMO.xboxrulz
  16. FinalDesign, there are too many Linux software, I can't simply pick it out of SourceForge or Tucows to find it, you must go around the internet for that. Since I'm not in designing, I don't know any Linux design software. The GIMP which has the same standards as Adobe Photoshop and that's all I know actually. xboxrulz
  17. Actually, no9t9, the person who built my computer (Amigo Systems) in Toronto gives you an option to install Linux for free. As I said, it comes by request, which is still in OEM. Since my parents are not experts, when they bought me my computer, they requested Windows XP over Linux and still I asked them to install Linux on a partition. As for Linux fanatics, we absolutely hate Microsoft not because we're jealous, we hate them for dominating the market and not allowing competitors to even stand up or try to earn a percentage of the market. Plus, these proprietory software companies are hogging all the ideas as their property. If it wasn't for the open source model, most of the closed source software that you see now wouldn't even exist. It's because in the 70s and the 80s, people relied on each other to accomplish something which required the opensource model. I stand up for the open source model because I believe that ideas CANNOT be owned and anyone may use that idea to an extent. What I mean is that they can't copy it exactly.no9t9, also when you said business perspective, companies like Red Hat, Novell, IBM, Intel, Mandrake are in the process to make Linux more user friendly. Without them, then you're right, Linux can't dominate the market.Yes, you're right about Windows is less WORK and certainly not LESS HASSLE. I have used Windows for several years, I've seen the BSoD, random reboots on Windows XP and random error reports that says that my system has problem but doesn't. Although Windows = less work, which the equation also means laziness. I'm paying $229 for 1 piece of software that performs poorly, and makes people lazy. I find here that I should spend that $229 for going to Hong Kong instead.Review:- There are retailers that do give you an option that makes Linux OEM- We're not all jealous of Microsoft, they just hog the market and doing some operations that are illegal- Linux does look at the business and home user markets- Windows = more HASSLE = more money spent- Windows = less work = lazy people- spending $229 for crappy software isn't worth itThat's my argument defending the Linux community.xboxrulz
  18. The government of Canada didn't say that they're gonna change the name now, I did this post to see if anyone would like a better name than Canada that was thought up at the time.It looks like Canada is still the best pick :)I would rather called our country superior :)xboxrulz
  19. Here's to do the other way around placing Windows onto Linux:1) Buy a copy of VMWare 4.5.22) Install the Linux version (be sure that the kernel supports it and that you have an X server)3) Install Windows with your Windows installation disc.4) DONExboxrulz
  20. In 1867, there was a problem that rose up during name deciding. They argued for a long time.If it wasn't Thomas D'Arcy McGee, Canada would've been:BritannicaAquiloniaBorealiaHochelagaLaurentiaNorlandSuperiorTuponiaEfisgaColoniaTransatlantiaVictorialandUrsuliaVesperiaxboxrulz
  21. it definitely works, but I'm only sure if it's running in Linux.xboxrulz
  22. This is what I found out from my high school:1) "She's great"2) "...., your mother"3) "I *uc* you mom last night and it was great"And usually I ignore them, if not, I say "that doesn't work on me, you fool!". I find it useless and showing that the kids only wanted to "show off" which I find very immature and very stupid.Who the hell came up w/ this?xboxrulz
  23. Due to Windows' registry requirements, all software must end with .bat, .com, .exe in order to execute. If not, it will think that it's an invalid file.xboxrulz
  24. If you don't want to install Linux just yet but wanting to try it, download KNOPPIX here. Quote from: http://www.knoppix.com/ xboxrulz
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