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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. truely said realthor, I knew someone would set these guys set. Don't let M$ tell you that Linux costs a lot of their stupid FUD (Fear/Uncertainty/Doubt) "Get the Facts" advertisements. Those aren't facts, those are pure BS. Also, Linux isn't hard to use at all, they also have great graphics optimization. Refer here to my long post(s): http://forums.xisto.com/topic/31157-gaming-with-linux/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/22953-windows-or-linux-which-is-better-windows-or-linux/ http://forums.xisto.com/topic/4343-open-source-what-do-you-think-about/ Some info are outdated
  2. well, here are the things why I hate Bush:- he's screwing up the world economy (by making OPEC members pissed = US dollars drop = exchange rate is more expensive)- he minds other people's business (why would you go into Iraq, even when UN said not to get in, then asks UN to help)- being voted to his 2nd term to actually crash the world's market. The latest CAD --> USD is $1 CAD = 90 cents American.
  3. From what I know, there's no way Microsoft will ever escape the piracy problem. The only way is to make your operating system cheap enough so most people can afford it, the "Walmart" way.xboxrulz
  4. The clear answer is no. Since the launch of version 2, it is is possible to download 2.x series for free. I suggest you to use Quicksilver Forums, a fast, easy and very modular forum board. Easy to learn too ! Oh, and it's way faster than IPB, IPB is bloated. xboxrulz
  5. I run @ 1280x1024 on a LG Flatron L1715S LCD DisplayMy machine is currently running SuSE Linux 10.0 and rarely Windoze.For my laptop:I run @ 1024x768 on a Samsung NV 5000 laptop LCD screen.My laptop currently running on PC-BSD 1.0 rc2 (no Windoze)xboxrulz
  6. I consider this some type of tutorial, really shallow one, but not spam. He does have some good tips and points.As for wireless, you can use the ndiswrapper to install Windows wireless drivers into Unix based/inspired operating systems.xboxrulz
  7. Here are the reasons why gaming on Linux is better than on Windows. It all comes down to the core of the operating system design. First let's take a look at Direct X versus OpenGL. OpenGL was here long before Microsoft decided to make its own standards. Direct X by design is already worse than OpenGL let alone that they close the source to the thing. Second, it's not just Linux is better in gaming, any operating system that relies on the X Window System is better in gaming that Windows. Why? The reason behind this is that the X window system has better response time, and has a framebuffer that exceeds Windows at least 5x faster! Third, memory management, UNIX based/inspired operating systems. Simply, you'll get less game crashes, if your game was written properly. For instance, when playing C&C Generals on Windows, if you click too many buttons, selecting too many characters, dropping nukes on your enemy almost at the same time, Windows will crash. On the other hand, doing the exact same on Linux (via Cedega), it doesn't happen. For more of my arguments, it's here xboxrulz
  8. simply, if you want to save money, just switch to open source operating systems like Linux or FreeBSD.xboxrulz
  9. SuSE Linux 9.3 is an amazing Linux distribution. I have used it since its 9.0 release. I tried the other distributions but kept bouncing back to SuSE. I have it installed on my desktop and laptop.xboxrulz
  10. Windows ME is like the Mach kernel (GNU), it contains the biggest flaws u can have, it makes some itself, it has its own rules, hard to understand. It is because they try to make it work, but fits unreasonable "fixes", yet it makes it harder; just like in WIN ME.xboxrulz
  11. I choose Linux over FreeBSD, because Linux has evolved further than a UNIX system. It is it's own system, but using UNIX as it's base. Linux's development is faster and has more people backing it up.xboxrulz
  12. wow, about 2 months not being here and this post has expanded to two pages, anyways, let's start the bunson burner and let's roll: R Crazy Idiot: Ah, an ignorant Windows user who thinks that someone will make a virus once it comes popular. In Linux, if you have ever paid attention to it, it has a sophisticated permission system which will restrict maliculous software from ever altering system files and it will not delete any files that it DOES NOT HAVE PERMISSION to. Also, if you have SELinux installed, all services and software are locked in into a chroot jail and if a code tries to brake through, it will be automatically terminated. Also, depending how you configured Linux, it can crash easily. Yet, if you leave it to default settings from the distributor, it will have less chance of being crashed. All operating system crashes, but Linux crashes less than Windows because Linux handles the memory better. Crashing also depends on your hardware. Windows and Linux will crash if you have a crappy machine. Dragonfly: The point of Linux is NOT to be a replacement for Windows, it is AN ALTERNATIVE for Windows. That's all I have say for now. xboxrulz
  13. no it CANNOT. Linspire is bad, it only charge you for free stuff. Anyways, I use SuSE Linux because it has all the configurators I use, and it's the best Linux distro for me.xboxrulz
  14. I've actually heard that phrase at SuSE Forums. A who forum topic on Windows Vista is here: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ You should really read the mastercard jokes on the second page referring to the picture. xboxrulz
  15. I find ur "Linux zealot" friend crazy because I as a Linux user, hate GNOME too. I love KDE.xboxrulz
  16. For me? Favourite Linux distro goes to... ummm... SuSE Linux since no other distro I use tops it. It especially rocks w/ KDE 3.4Mandrake (Mandriva) is just crappy.xboxrulz
  17. guess what I would vote , of course Linux if there's that option, if not Macs, I love Macs since when I saw the first iMac w/ Mac OS 9. (I hated OS 9 compared to X)but still it is easier and better than Windows, IMO. I'm not gonna dig into details because I need to go.xboxrulz
  18. I still don't suggest Mandriva because it's really really one of the most bugged up Linux distribution I've ever seen.xboxrulz
  19. 7 CD for Debian is kinda ridiculous for me too...That's y I went to SuSE Linux instead.xboxrulz
  20. Microsoft are bunch of people who only cares about the money. Lack of quality in products to make money. Anyways, it's ironic to not find any antispy ware detecting that Windows XP is a spyware :Pxboxrulz
  21. Mandriva Limited Edition is not that special. Mandriva also dosn't allow you to upgrade KDE unless a new version is out or you must join their club to do so.SuSE is better since it allows that and it's "specialler" (although it is not a word).xboxrulz
  22. I don't see why we should clone humans, maybe cloning body parts to replace the parts you lost.. Even if the child died and you cloned him or her, you may not get the same emotional or knowledge that the "predecessor" had. So, why cloning?xboxrulz
  23. i think that shortcuts like these:lol (laugh out loud)lmao (Laughing my a** off)roflol (Rolling on the floor laughing out loud)brb (Be right back)gtg (Got to go)afk (Away from keyboard)wtf (what the f***)are great because in a game I don't need to type "/me laughs out loud", instead I can type "lol" which is faster.The only internet lango that I can't stand is th1s is t3h b3st p0st (or something like that), it make it harder to read than shortcuts like lol, roflol, brb, gtg, afk and etc.xboxrulz
  24. This is great news. I hope to see more cancer cured stories. Hehe, good thing I donated to Terry Fox Run Foundation....xboxrulz
  25. that shouldn't be hard. Speaking of NUM LOCK:For KDE users go to control panel --> peripherals --> keyboard then change your default setting from leave unchanged to Num Lock On.xboxrulz
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