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Everything posted by xboxrulz

  1. these utilities are so simple that anyone would think about it some point. Bill Gates was the first one to grasp the idea, but I thought about having one on Windows 98.xboxrulz
  2. The topic starter has not researched his data, rendering that this post is a dud. All the facts lead that Bush might of went in for gas and for democracy and got false info on WMDs.This topic should now be closed.xboxrulz
  3. this sounds like a racism and a discrimination topic. It's just like saying to someone, I hate the Chinese, the Jews and whites, the blacks and etc. I personally don't think anyone should be discriminated. I personally don't think any race or coloured people should be hated.I like the French people; and I'm also going to France this summer for the first time....xboxrulz
  4. How is Bush promoting "democracy" if their own country is censored to certain things. If he truely allows democracy, people are allowed to say bad things to him right at his face or to his colleagues; but right now if you do so, u're treated as a terrorist.Is Bush a dictator in democracy? Maybe...I don't really care if the US is democrate or not, as long as Canada is...xboxrulz
  5. Not really, some Linux distros have that options too!In SuSE, u use the YaST system backup utility.xboxrulz
  6. I use Linux, I SuSE Linux one of the best distros. xboxrulz
  7. actually GNOME and KDE gobbles the exact same memory space.It depends how much software you shove on the system.The difference between GNOME and KDE is their toolkit and look. KDE uses QT and GNOME uses GTK.xboxrulz
  8. Wine supports Office 97, 2000 and XP but you need to configure it to do so.xboxrulz
  9. you should try to use alternative OSes like Linux or Mac, customizable but you don't need to edit system files (unless u intend to)xboxrulz
  10. well, I'm a guy who is in the gray area. I love the XBOX (and its games and Bungie) but I hate Microsoft and Windows.Another stable Linux OS is SuSE :Pxboxrulz
  11. Why do we need to pay for something if we can get it for free using SuperKaramba built for KDE 3.4 on all UNIX systems?xboxrulz
  12. xboxrulz


    glad that you're happy from one of the Linux distros.xboxrulz
  13. Lycoris? It's worst than Linspire! I still say, if you want a "real" Linux system without features cutted down, go for SuSE, Fedora or Ubuntu.xboxrulz
  14. ummm... He wants to keep Linux, please re-read the post carefully. If you do C:\>fdisk /mbr, it replaces the bootloader with the Windows on and you cannot boot Linux.xboxrulz
  15. umm.. I just said that it was a commercial product and can't be downloaded for free. I never stated any sites about pirating it?Please read the full post before posting that.The only way to obtain LSong is thru Linspire and their CNR system.xboxrulz
  16. What? how is this amazing? This isn't new. I already knew that Voyager was somewhere drifting in space for 25+ years. I knew this for years.Moving on....MaryAnne Der Esei, why do you need to feel sorry for an atheist? I'm an atheist, and I love my life. No offence, but there's no evidence that God made the universe. [Note to others who will post afterwards, I'm not gonna start a flamewar and I'm not going to rebuttle your statements unless it's going too far.]xboxrulz
  17. Oxygen, try to use SUSE, there's a free legal torrent for it, just search it on Google or go to suseforums.net. It is the easiest and as flexible as Gentoo distribution! It uses the RPM system like Fedora Core and no tarballs are really required.Happy playing w/ ur Fedora Core!xboxrulz
  18. 5.0 uses the 2.6.10 kernel but it has some problems if you're trying to use Cedega.xboxrulz
  19. Linux is not only for programmers. It's designed for everyone dependant on the distribution.xboxrulz
  20. I have Linux and Windows together, never had the prob. Must be Windows being weird and corrupted its own partition.xboxrulz
  21. read my title, and signature. Linux all the WAY (and Macs too!)I love SuSE Linux.What happened to Win2K?xboxrulz
  22. I love Win2K since it's the most stable and the least buggiest after SP4. WinXP is worst even w/ SP2; but Linux and Macs are still the best.xboxrulz
  23. Mandriva sucks! It's ridiculed w/ bugs and I simply hate it for a fact.Fedora is an experimental operating system, that is why it doesn't work as well as you want it.xboxrulz
  24. init is the basis of Linux. It is the first process after the kernel loads. VMWare sucks at making Linux work. But, it's good at making Windows work on Linuxxboxrulz
  25. Actually, Win2K was much much better than WinXP because of the stupid bugs and that the service packs are bloated with crapware.xboxrulz
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