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Everything posted by mama_soap

  1. At least the change is not affecting too many things I mean, the address of the sign-in page is the same, and also, meaning that people (in the UK) who already have a gmail address will not have to change it. I do hope they can get the gmail address back, because it's, well, snappier. There can't be too much to a name, though, and I think I have no problem typing out g o o g l e m a i l for an e-mail address!
  2. Well - I am in my teens as well. I have always liked to imagine it's crucial to have a certain sense of respect for your time, although I am not sure if I have followed up this attitude as much as I'd have liked to. I day dream a lot - and for the sake of convenience I tell my self that day dreaming is not a waste of time, because it can be... erm... good for relaxation and mental fitness But seriously, I do think that everything we do contributes in some way or the other to our state of being, so you can't really be wasting time, because no matter how you spend time, your self is evolving and maturing on the basis of whatever you've done with your existance so far (although the side effect is that this development could be negative or positive, depending on how you want to look at it). Does that make sense? Perpaphs a little (ok, considerably) impractical and idealistic, but definitely convenient It's good to keep yourself occupied. With whatever (as long as it's legal, heh). I have found things are lot simpler when you have things to do, things to keep your mind occupied. I think the poem "Next, Please", by Philip Larkin says it all - I definitely identify with it to a large extent, in spite of the fact that it is a rather melancholy poem, and I generally settle down more easily with bubbly ones. For those who haven't read it, stay tuned to the post Cheers!
  3. Phew... this is going to be a long list :lol:For a long time, I thought spam was probably the worst thing that happened to me as a consequence of being plugged in to the net. Ever since gmail, though (as many people have correctly pointed out), that problem seems to have faded away from focus.I am - rather obviously - disgusted with websites that deliberately try to choke my PC with malicious software - from spyware to adware to viruses - it frustrates me no end. I think the vulnerability of my computer reduced after my switch to Linux, but I'm not entirely sure I can get rid of the hacking threat completely.Advertizements that are out of context. Whether banners or popups or pop-unders, I get easily irritated with ads that simply have nothing to do with the rest of the website they appear in. Especially the dating ads that turn up every now and then... arrghhhh!Scams, of course. But I am not nearly as annoyed about scams as I would perhaps be about viruses, because most of the scams I have seen are - well, scams in a rather obvious sort of way. If you fall for something like poetry.com, you probably deserve getting cheated. Okay, sorry - that's perhaps rude, but it's almost - if not entirely - true. Some scams can be convincing, I guess...Badly designed websites - including the ones I've created - really make me want to pull my hair out sometimes. Like someone pointed out earlier (sorry I can't remember who) there are things following your cursor and multiple cartoons flashing at you and... blah blah blah. I'm sure everyone's been there
  4. Well, the website you're talking about seems to have simply placed the image and the text together, of course, inside a <div> container... perhaps they have an external stylesheet that reduces the z-index of images. In any case, what you could try doing is create a separate body.main class and set background image to whatever picture you want, and have an attribute that says no-scroll. For instance: body.main{background-image:url('whatever');background-repeat: no-repeat;background-attachment: fixed;} If you aren't particularly familiar with CSS, try visiting the W3Schools training pages. Cheerio
  5. Looks like I am late on this one, but nevertheless, how did the debate go? Sounds interesting to me. Always hard to debate when there's a good gap between your personal opinion and the statement that you're defending
  6. Okie, here's my conversation: And then it hung up! Certainly did not like the role-reversal idea - guess he/she's rather egoistic about his/her position I like the 5/Robot/California bit.
  7. Precisely. That mail you got is screaming spam; and it actually sounds scary - people actually have the guts to openly ask for ids, passwords, and pings?! I wonder if it ever works *shudder* Luckily I only get the regular - and rather boring - spam... offering free ipods and things like that. I think once everyone realizes that there is no such thing as a free ipod, there should be no real danger from spammers. And yeah, I guess anyone who asks for passwords needs to be ignored.
  8. Hey... the while needs a condition to go with it. You see, the idea of a do-while loop is that you're asking your compiler to excecute a sequence of statements (DO) as long as (WHILE) some condition is satistfied. For instance, you might want to add 5 to a variable till the value of that variable reaches, say, 100. Your program would look like this: #include<whatever.h>void main(){ int i = 0; do{ i=i+5; }while(i<=100);} I'm curious as to what book you are using to study your C++. Just in case you are not entirely satisfied, you could look at the following free resources: http://www.freeprogrammingresources.com/cppbooks.html http://www.thefreecountry.com/documentation/onlinecpp.shtml You could, in particular, try this: A Beginner's Guide to C++ Of course, you could just skim CH1 and go straight to Ch2 which seems more relevant right now. or this: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ [Link to a book called Thinking in C++, Vol 1] Keep us updated on your progress Cheers!
  9. Wow, you're right. I hope I haven't replied in this thread, didn't check all thirty six pages I oscillate between Opera and Firefox (versions 8.5 and 1.7.3, respectively). It's hard to choose between the two as far as I'm concerned (and IE is out of question because I'm on Fedora. I just go use Opera with "identify as Internet Explorer" checked ). My earlier installation of Linux somehow never managed to run Opera properly, and it hung up at regular intervals when Opera was running. That got me negatively prejudiced against opera, although I re-downloaded it when I saw the latest was up for free... and on my new system, it works very well indeed. I would love an ad blocker, though! On windows, I use Avant/Amaya/Firefox/Opera. I can't use IE too often because I'm literally addicted to tabbed browsing Cheerio
  10. Looks generally all right to me, although it depends on what you want to do. There are a couple of errors in syntax: if (pw == zach) // zach needs to be inside quotes. cout << "You guessed it!" //You need a semi colon here.elsecout << "Sorry try again" //You need a semi colon here. Also, since you're trying to compare pw with zach, and zach is not a variable (I'm assuming this, else please declare zach somewhere in the beginning), pw needs to be an array of characters, not a single character. Have you done arrays yet? G'luck and keep at it... cheers!
  11. Ok... *shivers* if I'm not too late for this, cout me in. I have *gulp* never made a sig before (i.e., never made a sig that I showed anyone), but I'll try this time. All my apprehensions aside, I am sure it's going to be fun
  12. It has to be Douglas Adams as far as I am concerned:In the beginning, the universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and was widely regarded as a bad move.The answer to life, the universe and everything is forty-two.But more seriously, I think it's those eternal lines from Frost's poem (sorry if this post is getting too cliche):The woods are tempting, dark and deepBut I have promises to keepAnd miles to go before I sleepAnd miles to go before I sleep.[Forget the punctuation, sorry.]I could go on forever, so I think I will stop here.[No, that's not a quote, I meant that ]
  13. Extremely sorry for going off-topic, but I just want to thank serverph for that link, it's a very useful site, and I had been looking for something like it for ages! I am so glad I have finally found it Thank you! And, by the way, sxyloverboy, is the slideshow non-functional, or is it that my browser is incapable of seeing it? I am on Firefox... just curious.
  14. I must say, that is a rather interesting way of putting it I get irritated with the ads that do not conform to the being-targetted policy. For instance, there's this soap that comes on Indian Television, and it focuses on the philosophy of how it's-not-all-about-how-good-you-look, and it's crammed with ads of cosmetic products. Most ironical, lol.
  15. I love the shot of the keyboard, it looks very interesting. Yet to browse through the other sections, but couldn't resist mentioning this. I am sure I'll come back here once I've browsed through everything.
  16. Hey Bihmaniak, Welcome aboard! Looking forward to seeing you at the forums I think all of us here can vouch for the "best"ness of Xisto. I wanted another hosting a/c for a non-commercial club (creative writing) in college, and I simply couldn't find anything that came anywhere close to Xisto. I don't think multiple accounts are allowed in Xisto, for excellent reasons, I'm sure - I don't have a problem with that, I just want to make a case in point; namely, that Xisto is pretty much the simplest, cheapest and best hosting out there. Believe me, I have looked around By the way, talk17 is an interesting alternative, although Xisto it is Welcome again, and have fun!
  17. I use my comp largely for programming practice, viewing photographs I take, reading/studying - I use many open-source texts for my studies. I use the comp for my creative writing, for creating websites. Oh well, for creating a website. I also use it for listening to music, and surfing the net. E-mail is a vital aspect of my life. That's about it. What would I do without my computer?
  18. Seems to work fairly well for me! My Gmail account home page loads noticably faster, and I increased network.http.pipelining.maxrequests to 15 (as opposed to something more than 20). Very interesting indeed. By the way, as a matter of general curiosity (/stupidity, dunno which) what does changing the value of network.http.proxy.pipelining do?Thanks for the detailed instructions
  19. Hmm... sounds rather wierd to me, and I don't think that it's anything beyond an amusing idea - it clearly looks like exploitation of emotions/sentiments by a group of people (company, whatever). However, reminds me of various mythological and fantasy stories where rings and other inanimate objects have special powers because they have special souls inside them - okay, that was a joke in bad taste, I'm afraid, but that's what struck me when I read the post first Definitely not an idea I feel comfortable about.
  20. I like DeviantArt too. I am not a member yet, I just browse around to look at the pics and poems. I hang out at my own forums once in a while, although it's zeroed down on activity, and I am kinda worried about that. I spend a considerable amount of time at TopCoder, (https://www.topcoder.com/ tc) a website for programmers from all over the world. It's a very active and very cool community. Apart from that, I generally surf around, and there's Xisto, of course. During my hols a couple of months ago, I spent most of my time at Xisto -- what with college and exams and fests that come with college, I haven't been able to hang out here as much as I would like to But when I do have an evening with no assignments for the next day, I almost always find myself browsing the forums here at Xisto
  21. Well, this is from a page that was linked from the given page... So, perhaps his murderer didn't kill him because of spam only. I agree, couldn't have put it better Murder's a serious offence, and while I think spamming shouldn't be legal (especially mails that have crappy adult content), I certainly would condemn the idea of murdering someone who spams. I'm sure there are more rational ways of punishing spammers; I'm putting these thoughts down in the context of if-the-report-above-isn't-true.
  22. That's almost exactly how I feel I'm not sure if I was bored at all; I thought the background stuff was reasonably intriguing. This is definitely better than the fifth book, which I thought was slightly dragging (only slightly, don't flame me! ). Almost my favorite in the series already. [below is stuff that is off-topic: perhaps a moderator could read this if he/she has a couple of minutes on hand] On a side note: I just started a new thread for people who've read HP6; I know this thread is for HP6, but it's running into four pages, I thought the discussion would be more organized if people who've read the book could talk about it separately - just my opinion, of course. However, by the looks of it, the thread is deleted, and I am sure whoever deleted it had good reason to -- but I'm just curious, I'd like to know if it was a breach of the ToS, if I was doing something wrong - I would like to know so that I avoid making the same sort of mistake again! I was a little surprised that it was deleted w/out notice Like I said, if nothing else, I probably deserve to know why a thread I started dissapeared...
  23. DoR,It usually takes twenty-four hours (or at least, that's how long I think you're expected to wait). It could take less than that, and sometimes, a little more - I guess when the admins are busy or not available, it could take a little over a day. It's never terribly long; in case you're wondering :DHave fun and hope to see your site soon Cheers!
  24. Are you referring to the various distributions of Linux? And compatability with any other os shouldn't be an issue [erm... please correct me if I am wrong] because you're either going to run it out of a CD [like knoppix] or you're going to partition your hard disk. Either way, Linux will not interfere with what's on the other side of the disk, so I don't think you need to worry about that
  25. A lot depends on how you define what is good and what is not. It's such a relative concept that it is always rather tricky to deal with the idea. I think X is "good", Y thinks X is "bad", is there an absolute truth about X that lies beyond me and Y? Er... that wouldn't be an easy question to answer. The same sort of problem applies when you try to talk about what is 'right' and what is not. No offence at all, but that sounds a bit too straightforward an argument to me Sorry if I am missing something, but there are many things you'd like to consider before concluding what the 'good man' should feel. It depends on how close a friend the addict was, it depends on whether our good guy was being honest to himself or not (what were his real intentions?). And what is ruin? Depends again on what kind of an addict this friend is... into drugs to the point of destroying himself (in which case there was no life and freedom to begin with) or into drugs to the point of mild addiction (in which case getting him out of prison should'nt be a big deal, though I'm not entirely sure). In short, life's complicated for everyone, there is - at least as far as I'm concerned - no absolute meaning that can be associated meaningfully (er...) with the concepts of goodness and badness. I guess I leave this open to further discussion from here, after basically saying "I don't know" (oh dear...) - and I'm surely going to follow this up to see what everyone thinks
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