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Everything posted by mama_soap

  1. mama_soap

    Men! WHY?

    Ditto from me. I hope that was just a bad mood taking over when you wrote that vent, and that you're feeling better now I am sure I make no sense when I am in a bad mood - I mean, when I loose it, I loose it completely, but as a rule of thumb, I refrain from making generalizations - all generalizations are bound to be false, including this one Ok, forgive the bad joke. Hope you get to feel better at the end of your day - good luck.
  2. Well, to get straight to the point now... this is the news from TopCoder Inc. - they have this annual logo design competition, and I thought members of the Xisto Graphics Crew will be interested If you'd like to state that you got to know about this because you read this post I made here, please drop me a pm so that I can pass on my TopCoder ID. However, irrespective of that, please do try and make it in the contest, because it looks like there's only a week left. I'd be immensly delighted to see some of our stuff up there Please do make sure (needless to say) that you read the guidelines there very, very carefully This will be the website you want to visit if you're interested. You'll probably have to register with TopCoder, but it's free and I am sure you'll find that there's nothing to loose. Good luck, everyone!
  3. Jesse, Perhaps this is some good news for you - I am able to send mails using your test account. Here are the settings I used: That is, most importantly, I think - SSL mode on. Port number 465. Try implementing these changes and then sending mail. The screenshot is from Thunderbird, but this should work on Outlook Express just as well, as long as the corresponding options have been updated. Good luck and hope you get your account working Cheers!
  4. 15 credits does not give you a free .com domain. If you want a top-level domain for your site, you'll have to buy one (there are probably ways of getting them without paying, but such methods are often unreliable, and getting 15 credits is definitely not such a method). Xisto gives you free subdomains, and using a xxx.trap17.com subdomain does not cost you any credits - as I am sure you have noticed already
  5. It's an interesting idea in the sense that the simplicity stands out in the middle of the sophistication (not that sophisticated banners are not nice ). However, I am not entirely sure if the message is as professional as it could be - I mean, slogans that are on the lighter side are really cool, but light-hearted stuff that is directly relevant is cooler - unless I am missing something here (I am sorry in that case...). But yeah - really nice try, and keep at it Simple is beautiful, although you could try and experiment with this a little more.
  6. Dark God, I am sure it's good to find your reported error fixed Congratulations on getting a problem solved! Every time I think I have found something I thought is a potential bug, it invariably turns out that something's wrong with the way I'm doing things. I've become kinda paranoid about reporting problems, lol. I'm waiting for Olympus... or should I say I can't wait for Olympus! And the version of phpBB that I'm using on my server at home is 2.0.17 and will probably stay that for a while. I'll probably upgrade when I re-do my site. Planning to take my current site offline and bring it back on around New Year's. So here's hoping there's someone who has upgrading plans more in the near future lucentio, a mod is a modification that enhances the bare-bones system that you've installed from the original s/w package. Bit like extensions for firefox... Try the official modifications page. And if you are looking for something more specific, try google. Like they say, remember that google is your friend and is more likely to answer your questions immediately and accurately. No offence - it's just that you will find it quicker.
  7. I think Mayank has covered it all. I can only suggest messing around with your existing settings a little, many service providers have special settings that you might want to pay attention to - maybe the port numebr is different from the default, maybe SSL needs to be turned on. On the other hand, it is possible that there is some problem with the outgoing mail server - I mean, that could be the case on some occassions, although you will more likely solve your problem by either modifying your settings suitably, or, as Mayank suggested, try checking your security settings. Good Luck, and hope your problem's solved soon
  8. Cain, Like jlhaslip, I have two instances of the phpbb forums running, as it were, without any trouble, and I am pretty sure that I had installed them from the phpbb installer that came with cpanel. Now, however, when I try installing a new instance of phpbb, I end up with an error. I try upgrading one of the older isntances, and the upgrade script does not run. I know this is perhaps of no help to you, but I think it is (remotely, albeit) possible that the installer that comes with the cpanel is not working as well as it should. Maybe I am missing something completely - sorry if I am. [On a side note - for those who are interested, this is what doing an upgrade gives me: The disk quota problem is highly unlikely, because I am sure I have more than 75 mb left, which should me quite enough!] I think it's fair to ask at this point - who here has managed a successfull install of phpbb 2.0.17 with the cpanel installer? If you have the time, you could try going here and doing a completely manual installation. I beg to differ from guangdian in that I do not think installing phpbb from the tar/zip files that you get on the website is a matter of how knowlegdeable you are, it is only a matter of having the time to do it. If you need help on a manual install, I am sure we can see you through it. Or perhaps you could just wait till the cpanel installer works better... Cheers, and good luck
  9. I thought I did that, but must've done something wrong... maybe I just did not save the changes. Done now And thanks again!
  10. I will probably try and catch some sleep... I don't feel hungry if I am asleep.Phew... sorry for that pathetic answer, I'm tired out after a long day at college, will look at this later tonight
  11. I am afraid this is the incorrect way of going about the problem. You cannot assign a variable of an user defined datatype to a variable of a built in data type, which is exactly what you're trying to do (well, technically you can, but that's only when we come to objects and object-oriented programming). Now, creating an array of planets is not very difficult - here's what you have to do: Planet array[3]; That is all, should work You have to write a separate function that reads data and assigns it to the Planet variable. The general format would probably be: void readPlanet(Planet* x){............your statements go in here..........} and while using this function in the main module, you could try readPlanet(&array) Similarly, write a function called writePlanet which does exactly the opposite If you are concerned about how to use pointer arithmatic in the context of this function, then you can read the code for writePlanet below (I am hoping it will work, but I haven't tested it yet). writePlanet(Planet* x){int i=0;while(i<3){cout << "\n Planet name " << x[i].planName;cout << "\n Planet's distance from the sun" << x[i].planSun;cout << "\n Planet's diameter " << x[i].planDiam;}return;} You could make the function compatible for different array sizes, by making the array size a parameter, and using that parameter in place of "3". Good luck and hope this helps
  12. Oh my god... I can't thank you enough... really, this is beautifully done - very extraordinary! *still can't believe it's me* Yeah, I do remember the background - I thought it was amazing - perhaps especially since I love gray and the way you handled the colors made it look very very classy indeed, and you actually gave something similar - *leaps around in joy* Seriously, I wouldn't know what to say - I guess I understand the expression tongue-tied quite well now. Thank you, thank you very much!! Cheers!
  13. This, again, is from the phpbb website: I guess they do have an update script written in php that can interact with the database and update is as required. If Xisto does not upgrade the version, then perhaps you could consider manually downloading the changed files, reading the documentation and performing the necessary changes. Cheers!
  14. Ok, a couple of things. First, you have: while (divisor <= num) {divisor = divisor + 1;} That's an extra closing bracket. When this code is compiled, the compiler will give the variable "divisor" some location in the memory and dump the number "2" there. Then it will excecute this while loop and by the time it is done, that location will have the value of "num", and the rest of the code is rendered pointless. if (num / divisor != 0)cout << divisor;elsecout << " no Prime factors"; Okay, the num/divisor should be num%divisor. You only want to know if divisor divides evenly into num or not. For that, you only need to check on the remainder, not the quotient. Also, this will output those divisors also which are non-primes. For instance, if num=8, the program will probably output 2,4,8, of which 4 and 8 are definitely composite. I'd suggest you write a small isprime() function and check if divisor is prime or not during every iteration. The code will look like this: if(num % divisor != 0){ if(isprime(divisor)) cout << divisor;} Again, the else statement should be outside the while loop, not inside it. If it's inside, your output will resemble: 2no prime factors4no prime factorsno prime factorsno prime factors8 which is clearly not desirable. Please remember to write out the function isprime() in full. It's a standard function you'll find in any text, and besides, it's also a good exercise if you're starting out Good luck and keep us updated.
  15. Perhaps one could extend on this idea... by making the names acronymish.... you could have each letter standing for something... for instance: 500 - T - Teriffic Member 1000 - TR - Thoroughly Rooted Member 2000 - TRA - The Rage Ahead 3000 - TRAP - Trapped: Relentlessly Addicted Phenomenon Ok, I admit they're bad expansions, but that's all I could get off the top of my head. I'll try to come up with propoer acronyms and non-acronymic names soon, and I promise they'll be better than this - or at least not as pathetic as this
  16. I would seriously recommend reading Sophie's World . A book that answers - in my opinion - this sort of question better than anyone can over a single forum post (sorry, no offence...). It's not really just about a particular book, it's just that if you want to take a philosophical question seriously, then that's beyond the scope of a forum - you will need to break your head over it repeatedly, spend a few sleepless nights, etc, etc, before you can even hope coming anywhere close to an answer. Technically speaking, I second sportytalk's reply. That's life for you
  17. abu7mad: When you login to your cpanel, you can try looking at the leftmost column, the second block that is titled "General Server Information". There, you will find that the path to perl is #!/usr/bin/perl, i.e., the first choice As a matter of general principle, when you want to test a perl installation on any server, you could copy the following: #!/usr/bin/perl#### printenv -- demo CGI program which just prints its environment##print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";foreach $var (sort(keys(%ENV))) { $val = $ENV{$var}; $val =~ s|\n|\\n|g; $val =~ s|"|\\"|g; print "${var}=\"${val}\"\n";} into a plaintext editor, save it as printenv.pl, upload it to your public_html directory, and run it from there to look up information on the perl installation. I am not sure if you could/should do this on Xisto, though, and since you only need the path, that's almost certainly #!/usr/bin/perl. Hope this helps Cheers and good luck with the CGI stuff.
  18. Just dropped an invite, hope you recieved it. Uh-oh... I hope people don't actually end up paying for invites, considering GMail is officially free. Also, perhaps because of the category name, the search "Google Invite" in Google does return Xisto as the second result
  19. When I fall sick, I take the battery out of my cell phone, discard the SIM, curl up in bed, and hibernate... and then someone comes a-knockin', or the landline starts ringing. Seriously, Murphy's law... holds pretty good in most cases (for the uninitiated: Murphy's law = "Anything that can go wrong, will.").I understand your annoyance - been there more times than I'd care to admit, lol. I am more aggravated by people who use cellphones during classes in college - ever since I started making presentations, I realized how annoying that could get... people messaging away, not particularly bothered about anything at all... Phew, sorry for the side rant. Try and put up with stuff, I guess it's the only thing to do And consider taking the battery off the handset
  20. *Thumbs Up*er.... for whatever it's worth :PI really like the feel of this one. It's somehow calm and the color looks great. I'm perhaps used to your more elaborate borders, so maybe missed that just a little bit here.... but really nice work
  21. Welcome aboard If you'd like to build your own image galleries, I think you must really love doing php and mySQL, lol. (Just noticed your post in another topic regarding image galleries, I think. Please correct me if I'm wrong ) Nothing like hand-coding, is there? Anyway, I am sure we'll have plenty to talk about at the forums, so hope to see you around very soon. Have fun!On a side note (sorry for going off-topic - can't resist ), a belated happy birthday to jlhaslip Cheers!
  22. *scratches head vigourously* Well, I am feeling slightly guilty now, because very often I end up brushing just once a day, and frankly, it's made no difference to the state of affairs inside my mouth (they are, if anything, normal or better than normal). There was a time when (I imagine) I was very sincere with my brushing, but that was when I found a cavity that had apparently "gone too far", so I had to get a root canal treatment done (and it hurt like crazy... the only good thing was I could have ice creams all night after the treatment, to numb the pain, and I normally stay away from ice creams because eating cold -> getting a cold). Then I had to go through braces because the front teeth jutted out rather badly, for which I had to get four teeth removed *arrghhh*. You can say I don't fancy the dentists very much now. One good way of staying out of trouble is to stay out of the regular check-ups. I simply don't get 'em done I don't mean to send the wrong signals here: for anyone who's feeling wrongly inspired from my little experience, please go for your check ups like you always do, and brush your teeth twice a day Just that I agree with xaetos, life at the dentist's can a quite ironical somethimes... Try Odgen Nash's take on dentists: I found that amusing... and I could identify with it one hundered per cent Cheers, and hope the venting helped you overcome your dental sorrows
  23. I am not sure if this will help, but I would suggest looking up the official guide for ideas. You can also try looking up this tutorial . Cheers
  24. Sounds good to me I want to be on a voyage while this is happening... it'll be nice to be stuck on a piece of water that's radiating light... wow, there, now I'm sure I'll dream about this tonight Thanks for sharing, this is rather curious.
  25. I'll second mayank's suggestion. Maybe it's the "ftp@" that's creating the problem. When I tried logging in with your username and an arbitrary password (really sorry about that, but I was certian it wouldn't work!), the error returned was "server replied: error 503 authentication failed", so it's unlikely that it's a server problem. Using only "jlhaslip.trap17.com" should help. Good luck
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