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Everything posted by serverph

  1. here are some solutions: http://www.blooberry.com/indexdot/html/topics/indent.htm dontmaim's work best for indenting just the first line of text. just use as many as you need, to create the effect you want.
  2. didnt notice bexa's webstat. you may try what i use. just check my site (webstat/counter on the lowest left corner) pretty extensive web stat, although you can also use the ones in your cpanel
  3. enjoy the link everyone, as long as the source does not get it's bandwidth snuffed
  4. maybe, you mean... "double-posting" http://forums.xisto.com/topic/2973-2-gb-free-for-file-storage-or-web-hosting-dont-wait-to-see-the-link/= My post there goes this way: "have used that one... keeps going down every now and then. and their support sux big time. never got a reply from their support team on my queries about their downtime. if you have a heavily visited site (like mine tongue.gif heheheĆ¼ 3,500+ pageviews just this week), you can't afford long downtimes or you lose your loyal visitors."
  5. this updated template looks better and more organized with column boxes included. btw, your thumb image is linked to the thumb itself, and not the larger image.
  6. no sweat i forgot to add that it's 54MB (and i'm on dial-up, lolz!)hope it's the real video and not a bogus one, or i've wasted my online time downloading this thing. lolz
  7. there has to be a way to resolve that.... hmmmnnn... it seems the filter window isstretched too wide. how do you resize that in v8.0? double-clicking a window title bar(where it shows "Colored pencil 100%" in your sample image) usually toggles it frombig > small, small > big. still won't work? can you not manually stretch it back andforth (with stretch arrows along its border)? but i don't know if it would work with your version. will think of some solutions stillif there are any left update us on how it goes.
  8. here's the video i found, m still downloading it but we can download it simultaneously http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  9. just bookmark the lobby url and you can get into it faster one click. :angry:what i bookmark for me is the "view new posts" link. i bypass the portal index, and the forum index, and get straight ahead to new posts since i last visited. it helps if you areusing your own PC and you can set Xisto to log you in automatically when you setyour log-in options to remember your log-in details.
  10. I have version 7.0 so i cant help you there with certainty. does the problem stay even if the app is MaXiMiZeD [the top right buttons, {minimize},{restore/MAXIMIZE},{close}]?
  11. sweet layout you got there zip_mc heavenly.
  12. serverph


    welcome to Xisto renegade. enjoy your stay here :rolleyes:and a tongue-sticking-out-smiley is what i use most
  13. the Xisto button image is linked locally, googlue. it's not showing.double-check online image location as it can't get to your drive H:/
  14. more practice then for you, err maybe your next edited images will not be as bad as you think.
  15. why many mods? because Xisto is a 24/7 service. and mods come in here in different times of the day. do the mods bother you in way? why begrudge the number of mods here? they are here to help, the more, the better.what's the army system? well, it's a game for those who would like to play it. if you don't like to play it, then don't. nobody is forcing you to play it. excess baggage? well,the internet is full with them, so live with it.what's the reputation? it's something to track how you have contributed to the forums.not just some crappy posts which just rant on things. members (including admins/mods)can give a positive or negative reputation if they feel you DESERVE one.over-crowded with ads? it's just in the forum, and not on your hosting pages (if you aregiven hosting here). so what if there's a lot? you can always go for paid hosting, andnever be bothered with ads, and forum posting, altogether. if it's not there and nobodyclicks them, well, we all will have no hosting. and Google Adsense has been tried here.that cannot support the PROFESSIONAL features offered by Xisto. you must be awarethat webmasters have bad experience with payments when it comes to adsense.You're welcome.
  16. try to work on it for now. i'll try to setup the same script locally on my PC, then test it. it's risky what you're asking heheheĆ¼ i'd rather walk you through the setup after i test it on my side. i will help you within 24 hours or so, as i'm about to log off already and it may take some time to reconfigure your setup.
  17. hmmmnn... let's do a rundown of things which you may have missed. upload your files in folder of your choice. then: 1. go to your cpanel. 2. go to mysql page, and click on phpmyadmin on the bottom part of the page. 3. after phpymyadmin pops up, create a new MYSQL database on the left panel. NOTE: your db will be prefixed with your subdomain_ (example: bexa_bannersql) 4. close phypmyadmin. refresh mysql page. your new database should appear there. 5. check that you have an existing mysql user on the bottom part of the page. if none exists, create one. it will be prefixed again with your subdomain_ (remember the password you use here). 6. Grant permissions on a MySQL database to a MySQL user. (just above the existing mysql user in #5). leave Privileges setting as it is. then toggle to grant permission of a USER to the MYSQL DB you created earlier. 7. After page refreshes, you would see a set of connection strings applicable to the DB. Check the PHP syntax there. 8. Proceed with setup of your php script at this point with the details you now have. that should cover it all, i guess.
  18. romantic deejames you have to ask her to join Xisto for her to see it often. :angry:but make sure to complement those words with actions
  19. welcome to Xisto, peter. nice poll you have running in your site there :angry:i'd rather have 4 more beers. lolz!
  20. serverph

    Ftp Prog?

    this topic has been discussed to death in this forum. try using the search button fora change, and read the topic answers provided in earlier posts.
  21. delete the database you created yourself for this script. follow instead the instruction provided in the README.html that came along with the script. when you still have a problem, just holler.
  22. well, culture changes over time. and language too. every generation creates a new set of words and phrases, though not formally acceptable during their time, but gains acceptance over time and even ends up in a dictionary somewhere. griping about it will just stress you more. just get in sync with the times. btw (oh right, that's BY THE WAY ) instructor, perhaps?
  23. well, the best person who can help you is the one who developed that code (in your case, phpwebscripts).
  24. great! i just have around 10GB of data so my indexing would be 1/4 of your time btw, googlue, can it index external data...? let's say i have 50 CDs of data as well. transferring them to a harddrive would consume a ton of disk space, and i just want them to stay in CDs.
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