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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. If you're being asked for a BIOS password then why not ask your friend what the password is? If you're looking for a free operating system you can download online, try one of the following: Kubuntu Ubuntu Fedora openSUSE
  2. Accessing the database doesn't actually count as using any bandwidth as far as I know, as you're accessing a server within Xisto's network, so there isn't any real bandwidth cost. The pages you'd generate would be the same from a database-driven site and a flat-file site, so they would use identical bandwidth to your end users. It very much depends what you're doing. Remember that a database is designed to be sorted, queried and searched, and is therefore optimised for it. It also runs on a separate server, again specifically for that purpose. Flat files were not designed to be treated as databases, and the functions to "query" them are very limited, and usually have to be written from scratch. These functions will therefore likely use far more CPU power than performing the equivalent task on a database. CMSs have no maximum limit to the number of concurrent users. Even if the database has a limit to the number of concurrent users, it is always being accessed by the same user - the one you set in the configuration for the CMS. Apache servers have a configuration option allowing the admin to limit the number of concurrent users accessing a server. That would affect any website (whether database-driven or flat-file based) as it limits the number of users who can view any HTML output. There's not really anything you can do about that limit - it's there to stop server overloads and DoS attacks. I would disagree that flat-files would be better. It does depend on the exact type of data, and what you intend to do with it, but a database just provides so much more flexibility to you. It would also be faster and have less impact on the server. When your site is small flat files may be fine and fast enough, but when you start getting thousands of them, a full text search could take minutes! For 5-6 pages flat files would be fine. They're simple, but they just don't scale well. Many small sites use pure HTML pages with no PHP or database back end. They're fine, but they are small sites, and not very flexible. When you want to provide any facility beyond displaying pages in a basic manner (searching, sorting, querying, organising, or further site features such as logins, email newsletters, etc.) you can't really with pure HTML, and you have to add databases and scripting anyway.
  3. The Turbo button was a form of automated overclocking, or sometimes confusingly, underclocking. They worked by either boosting the clock speed, so that the PC ran faster, in the same way people overclock their PC today, or by slowing it down or disabling the processor's cache. The overclocking has an obvious advantage - to make your PC run faster, although hotter (hence why it wasn't left on all the time). The underclocking was necessary for games that used the processor clock speed for timing. As processors got faster, so did these old games, making them impossible to play. Slowing the processor down made the games playable on newer hardware.
  4. According to information on Wikipedia and Boeing press releases, the 787 will first be delivered to customers by the end of 2010. It made it's maiden flight back in December last year, over two years later than the original planned date. It is currently undergoing flight testing before delivery.
  5. I've lost count of the number of times I've told that lie myself. By far the most common one. And so far people always miss the fact I'm lying, or they just don't want to ask again
  6. If you decide to install it, you will be given partition options. I believe now the installer has an automagical choice to say "Keep my Windows installation, free up some space for Linux to be installed on". If it doesn't then choose the option to manually edit the partitions, shrink your Windows partition, and use the free space to create a new partition for Linux.
  7. The Nokia X6 16GB appears to be released, but not an 8GB version: http://www.microsoft.com/en-gb/mobile/phones/all/ the UK it is on sale for ?299, which is the equivalent of PKR 39,000. Nokia's Pakistan website has a page that is supposed to list recommended dealers, but it appears to be blank...
  8. Here is another image for everyone to have a go at. No harm in having more than one Tennis going on at the same time http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png, can we try to keep it large this time - it's just easier to work on that way, and we can see the weirdness better!
  9. Topic is resolved.Please PM any moderator to continue this discussion. Until then, this topic is closed.
  10. No, it still won't detect it because the ONLY reason the iPhoneTM can detect your finger is because it measures the change in capacitance. The screen is coated with a conductor, carrying a current. Your finger is also a conductor. When you touch the screen this causes a change in capacitance, which the phone detects and measures to determine exactly where you're poking the screen. Heat has nothing to do with the detection. That's how it really works.
  11. That cigar gives her a gangster look, so I feel she needs to have a reason to look like that:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  12. Two reasons why you can't print money - it's illegal, and it devalues the original currency. The Royal Mint prints money in very strict quantities, and most of it is to replace old notes and coins that are worn out, rather than creating new money. If you print new money then you make all of the money in your country worth slightly less, so it would effectively be pointless if everyone started doing it. There are also practical issues as to printing money. The papers, dyes, printing processes, watermarks, counterfoils, etc are all produced with very specific processes, and you would raise suspicions in trying to replicate them. It's not worth the risk. It's illegal and carries very heavy jail sentences in most countries. Remember that everyone is very used to the money in their own country, and they know exactly what it looks and feels like, even if they aren't consciously checking it. I'm not an expert, but I've been handed money in shops before and refused to accept it because it is fake. People know, so you would have great difficulty passing it off to people, and would get caught out incredibly easily.
  13. Domains are always set to auto-renew by default. You can change this in the billing area for each domain if you don't want to automatically renew them. Unfortunately, once a domain is renewed you can't recover that cost. You can always try selling the domain on to someone else though to recover your costs if you don't want the domain though. As for cancelling your logic plan, send a support ticket and see what they can offer you. If you are in debt on the invoices however, then they will likely want those paying for before they'll let you take out any other plans.
  14. Sure. I didn't make this render, and I can't remember where I found it online unfortunately. It's just been sat on my PC waiting to be used I guess. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png It was a difficult balance to strike, but I eventually decided that even though it looks blown-out and over-exposed, it looks slightly more 'real' (if that makes sense). I did try to turn down the brightness of the main fire ball, while keeping the glow, but I wasn't satisfied with the quality of the result. Thanks
  15. Microsoft have been showing off their virtual character that used the Kinect technology:http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ anyone else find it just a little bit creepy?
  16. CPU and RAM generally not. They require settings on your motherboard to change them, and if your motherboard doesn't let you change those settings then there is not a lot you can do. Software running within the operating system can't really do anything about it. The graphics card is a different matter. Software such as ATI Overdrive and RivaTuner can overclock your graphics card from within the operating system, allowing you to change things such as the core clock frequency, memory frequency and even fan speed. Just make sure you have the latest drivers and the latest version of the overclocking software to give you the best possible chance of it working.
  17. For me, that option does nothing They're marked as read when I read them, but it just doesn't get rid of them, so they sit there forever. Deleting them is the only option I've found that works at the moment.
  18. I have exactly the same problem. After reading them, which should remove the notifications, they still sit there. If you click on the green square around the number, so you get a list of notifications, then tick the boxes next to each notification and choose the option to delete them, then they should disappear. I still think it should happen automatically though, but that's the only option at the moment, apart from turning off notifications completely.
  19. If your motherboard won't let you adjust voltages then there is very little you can do unfortunately. Increasing the voltages is necessary to make it possible for the CPU to detect changes in the shorter time periods allowed with higher clock speeds. Not increasing the voltage simply means the CPU is operating too quickly to reach the voltage levels required to represent digital data. Often, changing the CPU cooler is suggested, but that's unlikely to help as using the stock voltages means that heat should not be a limiting factor for you.
  20. The 7439, in the 7400 series of chips, is a quad NAND-gate chip with each NAND gate having two inputs. The ST logo suggests the company is ST Microelectronics: http://www.st.com/content/st_com/en.html However, the only part they have with "7439" in the code is a digital audio processing chip: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
  21. I can see it just fine. Here is the path to it: http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png I have checked again and it's still there and working perfectly The Spiderman one is Tramposch's!
  22. Hangman? As in the game where you guess letters to spell a word? There are plenty of Hangman games available to play for free online in your browser: http://www.dmoz.org/Games/Video_Games/Word_Games/Browser_Based/Hangman/ If you want a download versions there are lots of free, open-source Hangman games. Try this one for example, which looks like it runs on Windows: http://hangman.codeplex.com/
  23. The Dreamcast is an excellent example, actually. It was a real pioneer of online gaming, way ahead of other consoles at the time. However, at the time of its release only 42% of the country had any access to the Internet. 96% of those people were using dial-up. 99% of people only had one PC, so had no use for any kind of network. The market they were aiming at was therefore slightly limited But the technology was good, it was just released ahead of its time and before the required technology was advanced enough. Kinect looks like it could suffer from the same problem - the idea could be good, but the technology doesn't look like it has advanced enough to be a success.
  24. True. Which is why you need a balance making sure that computers cannot answer the CAPTCHA, yet humans can with no trouble at all. As computer OCR technology has advanced, traditional CAPTCHAS became a bit too complex and obtuse for humans to reliably get correct. The "What colour is an orange?" and "Which of these is not an animal: rabbit, shoe, dog?" type of CAPTCHA is easy to answer for a human, and doesn't require the sort of squinting and deciphering a traditional CAPTCHA now requires, yet computers can't process the natural language effectively. If a user is only posting one comment then let them post without signing up, and use a CAPTCHA to prevent spam. If they create an account, make them fill out one CAPTCHA, then remember that the account is a confirmed human. Spammers can get around this by having humans create accounts and complete the first CAPTCHA, but it is a big deterrent to them compared to other sites which are easier targets.
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