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Everything posted by rvalkass

  1. A topic that's four years old has probably run its course. Locked.
  2. 7GB in 48 hours is quite a lot - around 150MB every hour. Have a look at your logs and see if you can find out anything more about the bandwidth being used. For example, is it a constant high level of around 150MB/hour or are there very large spikes followed by periods of low transfer? Can you find out which files are being accessed most often, and the amount of bandwidth used up by those files? Also see if you can find out how much bandwidth is being used by each IP address visiting your site. If one IP address is using huge amounts of bandwidth compared to the others, you might want to consider banning that IP address if it is such a problem.
  3. The site loads for me (currently just a directory listing). Could you check it again and confirm whether it loads - it's possible the problem was only temporary.
  4. In the UK we tend to call it jolt, so it doesn't really make sense following the title :PJolt (or jerk if you're an American) is the rate of change of acceleration (the first derivative of acceleration), ie. how quickly the acceleration of an object is changing. As acceleration is the rate of change of velocity, you can express jolt as the rate of change of rate of change of velocity, or the second derivative of velocity. As velocity is the rate of change of position, you can express jolt as the rate of change of the rate of change of the rate of change of position, or the third derivative of position.
  5. I assume the page you got looked something like this (just an example): http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ That's called a directory listing, and is what the server shows when it can't find a default page in a directory. When someone types a web address into their browser that is just a directory ( such as http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) as opposed to a specific file ( http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ ) then the web server starts looking for default files. As you rightly say, these default files are usually called index.html, index.htm, index.php, index.asp, index.shtml or home.html, etc. The exact list of options you've got to name that default page are defined by the server, but index.html is a very safe bet (any server admin would be mad to not have it as one of the options), especially if it has been working for you before. The directory listing appearing means that the server can't find a file with one of its "default" names, which means that Dreamweaver didn't upload a file with a default name (index.html). That's unlikely to be something you clicked or filled out wrong. The permissions problem is one I have run into a few times, and has usually been caused if a file has been only partially uploaded (ie. you cancelled the FTP upload part way through, or your Internet connection was cut or something) which sends the server into a bit of confusion. So far the only way I have found to solve the problem is to delete the files using cPanel and upload them again. What I would recommend you do is download a separate FTP application (Dreamweaver can be a right pain in the backside) and upload everything from scratch. WinSCP is a good free choice. Use that to delete all your files from your web hosting account, then upload the latest copies from your computer. Of course, make sure you have a copy on your computer before deleting everything
  6. Fine, if I must actually make use of maths Let the total number of houses on the street = N Your house number = x Sum of all the house numbers lower than yours, Slow = 1/2 * (x-1) * x Sum of all the house numbers higher than yours, Shigh = 1/2 * (N-x) * (N+x+1) To satisfy the question Slow = Shigh x(x-1) = (N-x)(N+x+1) x2-x = N2 + N - x2 - x 2x2 = N2 - N x = sqrt(1/2 * (N2 + N)) So, if there are 42 houses on the road, you'd be number 30. Of course this should really be limited to the case where whole integer values of x are solutions, as few people number their house 30.05. This also assumes the houses are numbered in the sequence 1, 2, 3... rather than you living on the odd or even side of the street, houses having been demolished or converted since original construction, and general screwups by Royal Mail.
  7. Is that you're the only house on the street Sum of all the house numbers smaller than yours = 0 Sum of all the house numbers greater than yours = 0 0 = 0 Q.E.D. I think this is why my teachers hated me at school
  8. I'll make a wild stab in the dark that x is approximately equal to 8.722I am likely very wrong
  9. Delta means "change in" in mathematics. It is therefore not a variable but an operator, and cannot be treated as a variable. For example, the differential δx/δt cannot be simplified by "dividing" top and bottom by δ, as mathematically that makes no sense. However, you can treat δx as a whole as a variable. For example: δx/δt = 15t + 7 δx = ( 15t + 7 ) δt x = 7.5t2 + 7t + c The δt can be used as one thing if it makes mathematical and physical sense at the time. However, you shouldn't split the δ and t (or x or whatever variable) as you would be changing the meaning and value.
  10. It varies. I've had domains approved and working within a couple of hours, whereas some have taken a few days. Also, as it's currently the weekend, there's probably fewer staff around at Xisto to approve things. If by Tuesday or Wednesday it hasn't been approved then submit a ticket asking what the progress is on it.
  11. Another new poster and just for w_d I've replaced Saw with a BBC weather report http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  12. Aww, am I not allowed to make it more difficult by forcing people to cut around Obama's head?
  13. Before the if statement triggering that error, echo out the values of $to, $recipients, $cost, $balance and $left. That should help you narrow down where the problem is occurring.
  14. According to one of the reviewers, the relay doesn't use the same pin layout as other relays. I know it sounds obvious, but check that you're applying power to the right pins Big blue capacitors ( a technical term, that one ) are almost always electrolytic, so make sure you've got it round the right way in your circuit.
  15. Every classroom needs a giant map on the wall Oh, and a US president.http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  16. This section of code generates the error you are talking about: if ($left == '0'){$error[] = 'Not enough SMS credits to deliver this message.';} As you can see, that error is triggered when the variable $left is set to 0. Working back up the code we find these lines: $check = mysql_query("SELECT name, firstname, active, sms FROM users WHERE username = '$username'");$row = mysql_fetch_row($check); $_SESSION['name'] = $row[0];$_SESSION['firstname'] = $row[1]; $_SESSION['active'] = $row[2];$_SESSION['sms'] = $row[3];$_SESSION['username'] = $username;$left = $_SESSION['sms'];$on = $_SESSION['active']; So $left is set from the 'sms' column in the database. Presumably on the row you are using the value for 'sms' is zero. Have a look in the database and check what the value is.
  17. Your request will be reviewed by one of our GFX Crew or members.
  18. Yes. You earn myCENTs for your posts. Every so often these get converted into credit in your billing account. To make sure this happens, sign up for a billing account at https://support.xisto.com/ using the same email address you use for your forum account. When the credited balance appears in your billing account, you can spend it on domains and hosting. You can also top your account up using other methods such as credit cards. Yes. The hosting is the same as that offered by https://xisto.com/ - you're just paying your invoices differently. It depends on the length, quality and popularity of your post. After a while you get a feel for how many you'll earn from each post. Note that you need to have a billing account and make 5 posts before it will calculate them. This depends on the length and quality of your posts. Most people earn a few dollars every few days, and domains cost around $10 for one year.
  19. I have never heard that term... All I can think of is that it refers to the serial number needed to install Adobe Flash on a computer. To get one of those you need to buy the Flash software from Adobe: http://www.adobe.com/uk/products/flash.htmlIt currently retails for ?653.30, although discounts are available for students and educational staff, and a free trial is available.If you have bought a Flash website template then you will need Adobe Flash to edit and customise it.
  20. When you make posts they earn you myCENTS. The amount you earn depends on the length of the post, the quality of it, how popular it is, etc. Every so often your myCENTS are converted into credit in your billing account (you'll need to make an account on the billing site https://support.xisto.com/ using the same email address as you did for your forum account). You can then use the credit in your billing account to pay for hosting and domains. You can also add funds using slightly more traditional means such as a credit card or PayPal. Writing good posts benefits Xisto (the company that owns this website). They run ads to guests on the forums, and in forum pages that appear on search engines. If you write good posts that are popular, and therefore appear high up on search engines and attract lots of visitors (and therefore ad revenue) then Xisto can afford to direct a bit of that to you to spend on their services. The hope is also that you'll like the service enough to recommend it to other people, who would then pay for domains and hosting, generating more business.
  21. Another new photo, another new opportunity for random modifications. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  22. A good resource is to check out W3Schools. They have comprehensive information to help you learn HTML and learn HTML5. The site is free to use, and where a large number of people start out learning. The O'Reilly series of books are also usually excellent resources, and the ones below look like they would be a good start: http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596101978.do http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596527327.do http://shop.oreilly.com/product/9780596806033.do
  23. Sorry, I just couldn't face that Windows desktop any more...http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/404.png
  24. Seems like the sort of thing they'd do, especially with the Playstation Move being announced too. They had to have something to grab the headlines and get peoples attention. If it was scripted, I'm sure people wouldn't have minded if they said so in the video. If they made it clear it was just a preview and wasn't actually real, but just a suggestion of what it might be able to do, then I don't think it would have had such a negative reaction. They seem to have made a habit of painfully scripting pretty much every demo it seems Watch this for some cringeworthy "acting" of a video call. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/ Even the less formal demos and quotes from "celebrities" trying it out seem very scripted and stilted rather than natural reactions and gameplay.
  25. Yes. It hasn't yet been granted a type certificate by the CAA, so it can't fly commercially or really be delivered to anyone.
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