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Posts posted by Parubilla

  1. A family is a right, not a privilege, according to Article 16(1) of the UN Declaration of Human Rights. Men and women are also granted equal rights to marriage, and control over the marriage. As it is specified that there should be no discrimination (everyone has equal rights) then there is no reason for preventing homosexual couples from adopting.

    Well When I said family I was referring to the kids, not everyone can have kids, there are couples in the world who would die to have to kids, but they can't because of infertility, or different reasons... So it may be a right but it's a privilege as well, not everyone can afford infertility treatments or adoption process... So when it turns like that it is a privilege and everyone in the world who has the opportunity to have children should feel really lucky.

  2. Well you say the gay couples shouldn't have the privilege to have a family, which you are right to have a family is not a right is a privilege not everyone have it, for different reasons, but when it comes to adopting, then you are referring to gay man-man couples, but then what about lesbian couples? they can have their children, they are the mothers of the child, no one can take those kids away from their mother, then why gay couples shouldn't?, anyway those kids are going to be raised under the same kind of family, parents of the same genre. Traditionally families are conform by: two parents: one woman one man and the kids, but that has been changing over the years, now you see families with one parent and they are doing fine, some of them, others don't, but that's just the way it is, who knows maybe gay parents are going to be better parents than any regular parent, because you appreciate a lot more the things when it's was very hard for you to obtain it. Then it's our responsibility as straight people to not let the traditional family dies and be responsible for our children. And common it is not a right to have a firearm, that maybe the law in some countries, but it's not like everyone in the world should have one because it is a right... that's just crazy...

  3. Well it's the same everywhere like watching a game or going to a concert, they can maintain that lifestyle and those prizes because people are willing to pay for that, if even for one game no fan goes to the stadium I'm sure they will consider a reduction on the tickets at least. I don't think being an athlete is an easy job, because you have to train a lot to become a pro, it's not like anyone can do it, but it's definitely overpriced, because that's right not even a neurosurgeon get paid that much and that's a profession with way more responsibilities than playing a simple sport to entertain.

  4. I can't drink pure milk, my stomach won't digest it, and I would get incredibly sick!, The only milk I drink are the ones lactose-free but those are almost water... I think I use to drink pure milk when I was little, but as I started to get older my stomach won't take it anymore, along with a long list of foods :P, Guess I'm getting old hahaha:P

  5. I think the US spends a lot of money helping the Cubans that come to the states giving them food stamps, money and many others things on the first year they arrived (and it's not like an optional thing they have to do, it's because is the law)... while most of the Americans are not capable to pay for a health insurance because they are too expensive... just to give an example of how the money I believe should be invested on try to improve a lot of basic needs of the Americans that are being treated halfway. The US should lift the Embargo and let the Cubans be, I believe once the country it's open the situation could get a little bit better so it will no be an obligation to the US any longer to give away those resources, and start investing those in their own people that desperately need it... Just my opinion...

  6. Just a little advice before deciding for an Xbox: It is really unpredictable, one day is fine the other you don't know if you're going to have an error, one you can fix or a fatal error that you have to replace the console, in my experience my boyfriend in 3 years since he first bought the Xbox 360, this month bought the fifth console, in the same amount of years he had have a Wii and until this day is working perfectly, so in terms of durability an Xbox is out of the question, this last one he bought is a Elite and those (the most expensive ones) are suppose to be better built than the others and hopefully they will last longer. So if you want to buy an Xbox better go with the expensive one... there's nothing you can do with an arcade, you have almost no accessories included, you have no hard drive, it's a waste of money, pay 60 bucks more and you have a little bit better console, and also I have red a lot reviews that says arcade is the worst of all in terms of quality and durability it break really easily... and the other thing is the costumer service, they take forever to replace or repair the Xbox but they do it anyways... and then when it comes the time to use the warranty, the console must be in it's original state, if you alter the console in any way then you will have to buy another one because the warranty is not effective anymore, and also the fact that you can get banned from live if the system detects you altered your console, and you will lose the best feature the xbox have to offer, so it's better if you don't have a lot of money buy original games little by little but don't risk your console. The same goes for the PS3. And Xbox 360 has the game a lot of people like to play HALO sooo if you are addicted to it you already have your answer. Now the PS3 is awesome as well, it's the latest technology I think with the implementation of the blue ray disks for the games. You get the best image experience of course if you have the tv to take advantage of all the features, and not only you can play but watch all of your movies in HD so it's two things for the prize of one. My boyfriend also bought this console last year and until know zero problems with it, so it is pretty durable, it has lots of fun games as well, the Playstation network that is pretty good, with the creation of the characters and the "virtual city" concept, your computer also recognize the PS3 and you can add movies, music, stuff like that... pretty useful. I personally would go with the PS3 because I have a PS2 so I don't want to loose a lot of things I have already bought that can be use with both consoles, and I want to watch movies the best way possible! :PAnd Wii it's soooo much fun, it's like a family oriented console, haha you have just fun games, you can play with your friends, family and laugh about how silly you look, I would say to buy it last, so it's like a second option, if you don't want to play any "serious" game then you can play Wii. One thing is really good is that it allows you to buy and download a lot of nintendo old games, so it's like an advance original collector box, where you can remember all the games you used to play a long time ago. You can surf the internet with it too, but I'm not sure about that with all the viruses and stuff if it's really safe. And the graphics are regular like PS2 quality I think, the amazing thing are the controls and the different accessories you can buy to the Wii to make it even more interactive. In conclusion my best choice: PS3, a little bit more expensive but worth every penny. :P

  7. I'm a slow walker, but most of the time I'm a hurry so I have to walk really fast almost run, and that thing you are describing there is really frustrating, but if I'm in a hurry I don't care if I'm rude I would say excuse me and pass in between those people, I mean it's not my fault they have enough time haha but I have to say sometimes I'm the slow one and people do that to me, so I don't care I just keep on going and let them pass... I'm short and my boyfriend is really tall so even if he walks normally his steps are going to be always wider so I have to walk really fast to get to his pace and that is really annoying too. :P

  8. My favorite sports are Soccer and Tennis, for tennis well you must have a nice weather, for soccer you can play it indoors too, so it's great. I'm not use to the season thing, so I don't have a sport for each season, if I go on a vacation where I can do winter sports that's great and summer sports, well I have summer all year long haha so not big worries about that... :P

  9. Well If you have what it takes then go for it, but I think before applying to Google, you should let the years pass, for you to gain experience in different companies and learn a lot of stuff that college doesn't teach you. And then after that try, maybe you are a genius in you career and they will take you! :P

  10. Finally have found it on an other forum http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/
    It was solved after running the program http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/

    First I did repair (takes some time).
    Then a format.
    And then after a few times plug-in and out the drive works back normal.

    Thanks for the help

    Why is this topic still open?? It seems a couple years ago this person found an answer, it should be closed and if a person encounters the same problem recently, can find the answer here... Does people really read all the posts in a topic before post another reply??...

  11. It's really hard to fall asleep when you have a lot of things on your mind, I would recommend reading a book so you forget a little bit, everything around you and put your mind on something else, also try to go to sleep at the same hour everyday (If it's possible) so your body creates and schedule for your sleep, also I don't think is a good idea to watch tv because is like too much light, too much information, sometimes it can stress your mind too much and make it difficult to sleep. Sleeping pills, well I don't think it's a good solution, specially if you are a young person, your body should be able to sleep on it's own, try relaxing exercises, yoga, drinking tea or something warm before going to sleep can help you relax as well.

  12. I love animals, but there are still some kinds I don't like.


    Anyway, my favorite would be consider samoyed, they are the most adorable dog to me. :P

    I had been with this dog for a few months, I just kind of miss the time I spent with him. :P

    Posted Image

    I don't know how to make the size smaller. There is more in my computer. :P

    This is a picture I found on google. http://forums.xisto.com/no_longer_exists/


    Golden retriever is nice, too.

    Those dogs are really really cute, even when they are not puppies anymore, they're beautiful, the problem is because they are white you have to keep their fur really clean, I love Akitas as well!


    My favorite animal mmm has to be giraffes they are so big and elegant! but Doggies are more accessible! :D

  13. I wouldn't like that, a chip that can read minds, It would be too invasive, like you don't have any privacy anymore. There are sometimes when you can't speak your thoughts, and is a relieve that at least you get to think them, IE if you have a fight with your boss, and you want to say a lot of things to him but you just can't for whatever reason, you can think about what you would tell him, it would be horrible if the boss have that chip it would turn out really bad for you. The mind is a little space we all have just for ourselves it will be awful if we can't have that anymore.

  14. Kazaa wasn't that a really old p2p program?? I used to have it a looong time ago to download music, and now you are promoting kazaa gold?, it seems a lot of people has been rip off from that website, so it's better not to even try it, if you want to download music legally then are a lot of certified web pages online with really good reviews from the members and tons of advertising...

  15. Yes, eye contact is definitely important, even if your friend has that problem, if the person she's talking to knows the condition she has nothing to worry about... and if not, it's really hard but she has to learn to be confident in her skin, even if she's not with her eyes but her body movement and her inner self, that at the end of the day is what is going to help her find the right guy and I mean you have to be totally mean to laugh or do a comment out of place about her eyes knowing that is something that it's not her fault, and if a guy says something mean about her then he's doing her a favor because it's showing her the bad person he is and it's saving her from a bad relationship with a jerk, I'm sure she'll find someone that can pass that and see her as the person she is. :P

  16. Those tips are very true, specially the commitment one, because if you are in a relationship that's one of the essentials at least for me, why enter in a relationship or keep one that you are not willing to give your 200% for the other person and you?, when both want to give their best for things to work out, then you'll definitively have more chance to the things to develop the way you want... Anyway relationships are not easy but human beings can't live alone so we're always going to try to find our soul mate.

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