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Posts posted by Parubilla

  1. LMAO I am so happy someone other than me admits that they have done that. Done it twice myself. Both times my Cell ended up in the trash. Don't care if it could have been dried out or not. I was NOT about to have my mouth near it knowing where it had been.

    haha Well after some disinfecting wipes it was ready to use again! :P, I couldn't afford a new one so it was that or nothing... So I rather forget the incident and keep on living with my indestructible cellphone.. haha Is still my back up cell, when I don't pay my plan and it gets suspended, that's the phone I use until I get the money... :P

  2. Hahaha well it's always a funny thing to hear when someone drop the cellphone in the toilet, and says a lot about the quality of you cellphone if it survives the accident. I'm pretty careless so it has happened to me a couple times. The first time it was with a motorola phone I put in in my back pocket then I went to the bathroom and forgot about it, pull my pants down in the toilet, the next thing I heard was a Splash and I said ohhhh s***, it was disgusting but at least the toilet was clean hahaha... It was completely death after that, it was one of those cellphones you can't remove the battery and it was new one of my first cellphones my parents almost kill me :P haha. Next two times that happened to me, the same story, I had the cellphone in my back pocket and I was a little bit drunk, the funny thing is one of my friends told me when he saw me going to the bathroom "Be careful not to drop the cellphone in the toilet" next thing he heard was Ohhhh s*** hahaha that one was a Nokia and the best cellphone I ever had. I took the battery out, let it dry, next day turn it on, it was perfect, and it when through the same thing two times and survived, that cellphone is indestructible... my best friend.. haha I hope all the cellphones were the same quality... Now I never put my cellphone on the back pocket and If I'm partying always ask somebody else to hold it (in the front pocket) haha for me! (Lesson learned)So I hope I'm not the only one that had to put her hand on the toilet to get her cellphone! haha :P

  3. I used to do that I didn't know who was the owner of the network but I use it for a long time.. until I got my own DSL so I didn't have to worry about that anymore, you are not causing any harm... and well it is their fault for not secure their signal, it's the same like the example of your house, don't lock the door when you go out and see what kind of surprises you find when you arrive, it's your fault anyways... Now I'm living in the city so people is more careful with the wireless connections so I cannot find a working unsecured connection..

  4. 4)Their pharmacy people will make up stuff. I was there to pick up a prescription one day and they said it would be 20-30 minutes so I waited an hour. Was told 20 more mins...To cut a long story short, I slept on the bench there for 5 hours before I finally gave up and left. The next day we called in and it still wasn't ready. That's just ridiculous.

    OMG!! Totally agree with you the pharmacy is terrible!!!, I used to go there with my grandparents to help them pick their prescription medicines and hours will pass before we could get even near the counter (even with just one or two people in the line ahead of us), they are really really slow, I slept on the bench too one time by the way :P... sometimes you call and they tell you the prescription is ready and once you're there, there's nothing and you have to wait a long time... It just really disrespectful with the time of the costumers!

  5. I don't think is a good idea to open the laptop yourself, it's better to call technical support and see if they can fix that, if the solution is too expensive or if they tell you there's no way they can fix that then open the computer yourself and try to fix it since you have nothing to lose, in the meantime you could use a external monitor to plug in your computer and at least be able to work with it...

  6. Well this topic was really old... The page has been the same since I joined haha, the main page of Xisto for me is to crowded, there are a lot of things going on, it took me a while before I got use to it, there's the shout box on the top, with a lot of links about billing and another things, then at your left is some of your information, the latest posts, the important post, and in the middle is the long list of topics that is really hard to understand as well.. There's too much information in a little space... That's just my opinion...

  7. Well ask him for a third time to go out together, maybe he is busy, if he keeps on telling you that he doesn't have time, then you don't need to beg him to be with you, leave the situation like that and if he really like you then he's going to return and ask you out as well, no matter if it's only 5 minutes to have some coffee or whatever... Just stay calm and always keep in mind that there are a lot of fishes in the sea :P, so if it's not him there may be thousands better than him, that can treasure you the way they should. If he likes you he's going to make the time, because he wants to see you too, if he doesn't then it could be probably a one side crush or that he's not ready to start seeing someone seriously... Good luck with that! :P

  8. The Tim Drum a novel by G?nter Grass. Some might say it is a Jewell of the world literature but that book was really messed up, I red it when I was mm in 9 grade, and it was crazy... First of all the book is huge, which it wasn't a problem for me at the beginning since I love to read, but as soon as I started reading I was like what kind of book is this, there are some really nasty parts, and the book is overly descriptive of all the events so for me it was like too overwhelming I couldn't wait to finish reading... and I was one of the 2 people that successfully finished reading the book so when the exam came, I had to tell the story a thousand times to all of my classmates who didn't red the book, so the images keep appearing in my head... I didn't like that book not my style at all...

  9. I would never use one, for me it's a scary thing to know, I'll rather live using my days to the fullest so when the times comes whatever time it is, at least I know I tried my best to live the best life possible. I would worry everyday of my life if I knew the exact time I'm going to die, so I better continue living and hoping I'm going to have a long life...

  10. Well I don't hate McDonalds but I don't love it either, I go there if I'm in a hurry and don't want to spend a lot of money in food (so it usually wins) hahaha, the burgers are nothing to crave about, the fries well I do like the fries with mayonnaise (which they don't have outside the counter anymore you have to ask for it and thy will give you one little package, if the person is generous maybe two), but anyways at least here in the US it's really really cheap. Now, I'm from Colombia, and McDonald's there is a totally different story, the burgers are really overpriced and smaller than the ones here in the states, the fries have a good price as well as the deserts, and that's my favorite thing about McDonald's, I'm a huge fan of the McFlurry that ice cream is the best, and here in the US they only put the ice cream with the oreo or the m&m, but in Colombia they put chocolate sauce in the oreo one and caramel in the m&m, and that taste delicious, and that variation should be done in the whole world, because is the best cheap ice cream you can get, I would stop on a McDonalds just to buy the ice cream hahaha. In the US you eat in McDonalds because you want to save some money in food, in Colombia it's expensive so the restaurants are really fancy, and you will only see wealthy families with kids asking for the kids meal with the toy and sad parents because they have to eat those small hamburgers haha... So it's a huge contrast... People without kids just don't go to McDonalds's we have a fast food chain in Colombia that is the mother of all excellent, big and not that affordable hamburgers (but they are huge at least) called EL CORRAL hahaha those are the best hamburgers and fries I have ever taste! My personal favorite! :P

  11. Even if you go south you're going to find cold, not as cold as probably your town is, but cold enough to make you wear a little sweater, here in miami these days has been pretty cold, this morning was like 32 outside, so it may not sound freezing but for miami, that's cold :P... but I'm happy it was about time to have some refreshing air down here! :P

  12. I don't know why are you so against it, Flash is a really useful application to create web, games, animations, even illustrations, and is the standard program everyone use and I think action script is not that hard to learn so that is a plus... One thing I do have to say about flash is because is the number one program to create all of these things, Adobe has gone a little bit to far with the pricing, all of the Adobe programs are really expensive, but you have to buy it because you need it, that's the sad part... and since there's no way you would buy another suite but the Adobe one, it's a scary thing to think about putting your hand in your pocket to buy those programs...

  13. I prefer designing the web page, because it gives way more flexibility than a template, and it's original since it's your own design. With templates it could happen that you find a thousand pages with the same design, or that a person enter your page and have seen the same design before, so it gives you a bad image. If you are not very experienced with designing your own layouts then probably the fist one that you create is not going to look perfect but if you keep on practicing you will see your improvement. It's just a matter of time and dedication. And also even if you find a really good template, there are things that are not going to work specifically to your needs, so it's much better start from scratch and have a perfect fit. :P

  14. this is true for the most part. But if your using your credit card to play for this room. Is it not true when your day expires so does that card? without a CC payment how would they know when your days are up? what about if you left a day sooner? They would have to reemburse your card for that. Also too, where you may have worked that may have been but in some of these smaller countries they just may use a CC number in a room card.

    Yep what you are saying it's true, but the reason why that happens is because the machine where you program the card key room (that is barely connected to the power switch in the wall), when you introduce the room number you also put the days the card is going to be active, you just look at your computer and see how many days that person is going to be staying and put that number on the card, and voila it's done, if for any reason you want to stay more then the card needs to be programmed again.

    The whole idea of your credit card number in a room key it's insane what if you lose it?, the CC number stays in the computer the room key is just that a room key. And your credit card doesn't get charged until you check out from the hotel, so if you leave a day early it depends on the hotel if they charge you for the day anyways or they charge you a special fee...

  15. I only tried once making surveys, but with gaming lagoon, but it is too tiresome, I got once a $20 Xbox market points card, but then I started receiving tons of spam emails on my account, receiving calls offering products on my cellphone it's was horrible, all thanks to those surveys, so no more surveys for me either...

  16. Well I don't know if this applies to web, but there are times when Screen shot is disabled as well, for example when you play a dvd movie in your computer if you take a screen shot of it, a blue screen appears where the image of the dvd is suppose to appear, so maybe that is possible in web too or I don't know if I'm just being crazy hahaha:P

  17. I'm sorry but the tip about not returning your card key when you check out from the hotel is crazy... I used to work in a hotel at the front desk and that's not true, you card key doesn't have any personal information so it's impossible for a person to stole your identity if someone gets your card key, in fact it doesn't have any information about you except from your room number and that's just a number not even a name. The hotel makes thousand of cards they are all the same, and when someone check in you just introduce the card on the machine insert the room number and that's it, you don't have to return it when you leave, you can take it as a souvenir or whatever, but if you left it, it doesn't matter because the hotel reuses the cards, you just save them some money, but nobody can steal anything from that card.

  18. Just wanted to correct you on the fact that the later-generation PS3's do not support backwards-compatibility with PS2 or PSX games anymore, which added to the price drop to make PS3's more consumer-friendly. (Remember when they used to ask for $500 and $600 per console, depending on the 20GB or 40GB variant?) If you wanted one, you should have bit the bullet and forked over the cash in 2007 and 2008, when they still had PS3's with backwards-compatibility using the Emotion engine or emulation software. You might be able to find one on eBay, but good luck with that. :P

    Well when I asked for that the guy at best buy told me if I buy the 80Gb it will play the ps2 games, but yes you're right I just review the Playstation page, and only the 80Gb produced on 2006 and 2007 would play ps2 disks. But anyway there's is a place that says that the compatibility depends on the manufacture of the game is they want to put that function or not so even if the console doesn't have that pre-installed it may be able to play some ps2 games.

    Here is the information if somebody needs it: playstation.com
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