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Posts posted by Parubilla

  1. In my country is really common for children to go to "school" early, because most moms has to send them so they can go to work (because of the economic fact). I think is important for kids to start learning early because I have heard babies brain is like a sponge they do learn a lot, from everything and I also think is important for kids to be surrounded by little kids their age so they develop social skills as well, but If I have the time and the opportunity to stay with my kids and take care of them full time, then I would rather send my baby to school later so I can spend more time with him, because kids grow up fast, and the next day they don't want to spent time with you but with their friends or other people, but I also think it would be good to send him to a kinder garden maybe a couple hours a day, maybe to or three so he can learn something and share with other kids as well, stay in a different environment.

  2. Solar energy is a great solution for the energetic problems, it can be use for anything, and it?s great that people is coming out with new uses, and new forms of obtaining the energy and make it more efficient. A lot of people doubt of the solar energy because they say what about night time or what about when the rays are not very strong, but when you research a little bit more, you realize that the answer of those questions is a BATTERY. All the solar energy that is recollected from the panel goes to a battery that stores the energy so you can use it even if it?s night time, of course the whole system is going to be different depending on the amount of energy you required, even if a day the solar rays are not strong enough or if it?s raining it does not mean your are not getting any energy, because the solar rays are still coming to the earth but you will receive a lower amount of energy into your battery, but you will probably still have enough to live on those days. I think solar energy systems as we know it still need more development, but we are getting there. Because we still have fossil energy we (regular joes) just don?t think about alternative energies, but we are running out of these fossils are there will be the day when the alternative is not going to be a second option but the only options to obtain energy.

  3. I think to go to a psychologist when you have a problem is very accurate, because these doctors see thousands of people every month, so they probably see a lot of people with the same problems everyday. But I also believe that you should go, when you feel that your problem has outgrown you, that you with your own strength cannot solve it, because if you relay on someone else every time you found yourself with problems then you are not going to be able to be strong yourself, there are certain things I believe everyone should go trough to find your inner strength to get out of the situations that oppress you. What does not kill you make you stronger :)

  4. I think coke addiction is really common, I have met several people who can?t stop. I have a friend that his family used to buy coke directly from the coke truck because they will drink too much and the one in the supermarket was not enough. But then my friend got sick and he went to the doctor and he found he had an ulcer, and since that day, he stopped drinking sodas, not only coke but any soda, also stopped drinking alcohol, it was shocking because after seeing him not having like a healthy, I don?t know how to say it, like healthy beverage lifestyle, it was a 360 change. So I believe unless you touch bottom, and realized that drinking that much soda is not good for your health and really change your eating and drinking habits, because I believe what you say, if you buy pizza it does not go with water, you must drink a coke, so if you start eating healthier foods, that can be combine with different beverages you will see that is easier to control yourself.I don?t think that drinking coke or any soda once in a while is bad, so if you manage to control the amount of coke you drink you?ll be cure. :)

  5. Hahaha those laws were hilarious, the kissing one is stupid, but at the same time it make sense because, I don?t know if it happens to everyone but I think it is annoying to be, let?s say riding the bus, and a couple next to you is making out for a looong time, it?s like c?mon guys get a room already. A funny story happened to me once, I was in a bus and it was packed, I could not move at all, and I got stuck between a couple, and the guy was trying to hug the girl and kiss her and I was the middle so the guy will put like his arm over me or push me I got so mad that I told the couple like stop it already, it was reallyyy annoying.The Alberta law does not make any sense at all, why would you give a guy who just got out of jail a gun?, that is like giving a person who is in rehab a drink :S.And the killer, it seems like a joke, it?s not a freaking war, the person is going to commit murder, why would he tell the victim, like "dear victim, Tomorrow night I?ll be waiting for you in the supermarket parking lot to abduct you, remember to wear sexy clothes since you are going to be rape, this is a short time notice so we don?t get in any trouble, love, The murderer." hahahaha that?s stupid.I mean there are old laws that were useful in their time, why would those laws still be active after those no longer apply to current times?. That is slacking on the job.

  6. Hahahaha yep I remember the ball mouse, it was annoying, specially when it was dirty and would suddenly stopped working. Optical mouse was a great invention, but I have to say I haven?t use it for a while, because for the desktop I use the tablet mouse, and that mouse just have like a fabric on the bottom, and the rest of the time I use the track pad of the laptop, and that made me remember when laptops had this little ball in the middle of the keyboard as a mouse, when I first saw them I though were the coolest thing ever, and a little while ago I found one of these old laptops in a closet, turn it on, and try to use the freaking ball, it was impossible I could n ?t use I was like "what the hell", it was really hard to make it move, I don?t know if it was because we haven?t use that computer for a long time and the little ball was kind of stuck, or that we are already used to the sensitivity of the newer mice so we cannot use the older ones without getting exasperated. ;)

  7. Those experiences are very common, it happened to me once, and I have heard the same stories from several different people. When you feel that you are awake but you have no control of your body, and that is a really scary feeling because you feel like you really want to get out of there or call someone but you can't.My personal experience was one night, I was sleeping and suddenly I felt that a lot of "people" or precenses surrounding me, and I was freaking out because they were geting closer and closer to me by the second and I couldn't move or scream it was a horrible feeling to have, and I started crying and praying and suddenly it was all gone. Someone explained to me, that this situations happen in a state that you are not completely asleep or awake, so your brain is kind of "confused" so you don't actually know wheter that is real or not, but for you it feel real, it was something like that.I do believe in God, evil, ghost, souls everything, I have always believe that if you can say that there is a God that is like allmighty and supernatural that is above us, why it's not going to exist supernatural evil as well?, there are a lot of things in the world that cannot be explained and shouldn't be explained like you shouldn't mess with things that you are not going to be able to control or understand.

  8. Working at the age of 14 must be hard, but life is not easy for everyone, it?s a shame that you probably won?t spend that much time with your friends as you would want but I don?t think that you are going to sacrifice your education because you are working a couple of hours a day, because I don?t think you can even find a job at that age, and if you actually don?t go to school because you are working then that is a legal issue for your parents.And if it?s not actually working but helping around the house or if you have younger brothers taking care of your brothers or any other "easy" task then you should not be that selfish and start helping out. Children are responsibilities for the parents, but as the kids get older there would be always have a space to help out in the family, as a said before it?s a shame not everyone has the same good life experiences but those unique things everyone lives is what make us stronger everyday.You should not be thinking about taking your life because it would be really hard for your parents, I don?t think parents want their kids to pass trough hardships but sometimes things get out of hand and parents need help and if you are there and can do something to help them surpass those situations then you should be willing to help anyway you (still being 14) can.

  9. Hi to allI will give you some advices to lose some weight , or all the weight , it depends on how serious are you going to take this advices ;)
    You must know that those advices have nothing to do with science , it's from my own experience so it's tested and a 100% guarantee!

    1: Weight is about eating a lot , and the best way to loose appetit is by "Smoking" , yes smoking cigarets will cut your appetite , especially if the cigarets are of a bad quality , and bad taste , this will double the effect.

    2: Work at launch and diner time , make extra work hours , so that you will not have time even to eat.

    3: Mary an ugly woman , and let her cook for you , then eat togheter , yes she will cut your appetite , especially if she start screaming at your face.

    4: Work and live in the Algerian desert , under a temperature of about 120 F° ,this will burn the fats very quickly.

    5: Think about anything that stress you , exams ,relationships , maths problems . Php coding will be a good point to start from "especially session() "

    6: Eat at very dirty restaurants , this will cause you food poisoning , or drink public water , and you may have the thyphoide fever and loose weight very quickly.

    PS: don't combine all this valuable advices at once , or you will vanish ;)

    I know a joke about someone who was very thin , and wanted to gain some weight , so he wented to see the doctor , and he advised him to stop smoking.
    Ok , after some months he became very fat , and returned to see the doctor to lose some weight , and the doctor advised him to start smoking again ;)
    It's all about smoking ;)

    Oh my gosh are you serious about this advices?, like smocking for example yes it would make you thinner but, then it´s going to make you even uglier, because your teeth are going to be horrible, your breath, your clothes, no matter how much perfume you use the smell never goes away, the hair, like c´mon there are so many good reasons to not start smocking.

    You shuld never skip your meals, first of all it would make you hungrier later and you will probably eat double, which actually is going to make you gain more weight.

    Who would like to marry someone you don´t even like, no matter if it´s unfortunate looking or really pretty, I think the most important thing when you are with someone is if you feel attracted to that person or not.

    Dirty restaurants that is just disgusting.

    I am thinking that you wrote all this as a joke, and no one is going to actually follow those advices but who knows just in case good advises to lose weight: (Or I think that are good, hopefully they are :P)

    1. Theres no easy magical diet.
    2. You have to eat healthy, and if this does not work for you then you should so to the doctor to see if you are gaining weight for other reasons.
    3. Exercise, always exercise, it is the most difficult thing to do, specially to start but once you get into the routine you will see the results. A good idea is always to find a gym buddy at least you will not be alone exercising.

  10. It depends, in my country is not that they charge more for the refill, but the tanks are in bad condition, so when people buy the cylinders to use in their houses and most of them are really poor people accidents happens and tragedies as well, so it?s a really dangerous situation not only for the household that is going to use that tank but also for the neighbors. Propane cylinders for houses are not that common anymore since we have the natural gas connections everywhere but some people where these connections are not allowed still use the cylinders. The gas cylinder in vehicles is permitted but it has to be installed in a certified place, also the government has incentives for drivers who convert their vehicles from gasoline to natural gas. It is a good solution since gasoline prizes are rising by the day, but is dangerous as well if is not installed properly, there was an accident one time at a gas station when a driver was filling up his cylinder and suddenly the tank explode and it fled out of the car, there were no people injured but it could have been worst.

  11. 1) Admin should encourage promotion, 2) Foremost, Promote Knowledesutra as a FreeHost


    I think the forum itself is promoting I don?t think as Xisto but when it was Xisto it appeared as a free host when you searched those words in google, so automaticly you would sign in and opened an account to start posting, but I believe far more important than that is that it used to have a lot of activity that it does not have now so be able to have the MyCents proportion you used to have is more difficult now.

    I do think the idea of incentives to members is great not only for promoting the site outside the forum but for being active in the forum as well.


    3) Expand into Domaining and Create Economy


    To be able to trade MyCents into a lot of different things it wuld be great but at the same time it would bring lots of trouble to the people in charge of the forum because the have no longer full control over how MyCents are being use, and that will cause trouble in between the members and with the administrators as well. On the other hand it will make the community grow a lot because it would be kind of "real money" so you could actually do the kind of transactions you menctioned as a part time job.


    5) Get to Firing & Get to Hiring


    This is really hard also because it is a job, and jobs need to be paid or people would get bored, and is really hard to find a person that is going to be paying attention to the forum 24/7, you could voluuntier for a little while but after that there would be no one doing the job.


    6) Give Out Rewards & Recognition


    This is great because it would make the people in the forum post more and try to come up with really interesting topics that would make the forum be active (as it was) again.

  12. I think electric cars are not fully develop yet. I?ve seen a couple and they are really tiny, like I would be afraid to be on the streets with that car, because those cars make me think about safety, like what if I have an accident is almost like riding a motorcycle, I could get seriously injured, and also electric cars are not design for tall or big people, because I?m a petite girl I don?t think I would have any trouble in terms of size, but I can?t imagine a huge person coming out of that car it would be like the clown car. I was seeing last night in the television a program about ecologic cars, and they showed a Honda car, it was like a sedan I think 5 people would fit perfectly, and it worked on a mix of hydrogen and oxygen completely, so the car does not use any fossil source, it?s still on development but I think little by little we we?ll see better solutions of cars that use renewable energy in the market and with better prizes, because let?s face it, these new car are really expensive compared to regular cars.

  13. The forum is changing, when I first log in I remember spending all day replying to forums, and getting a lot of MyCents, now I hardly see people online, and it's sad because I think the services I have obtain through the forum are really good, and I have never had a major problem with them, I would be really sad if the forum disappear, I can say I'm guilty I don't post everyday but I would make the time :)

  14. No buddy , i think its a new way to block freedom , people have the right to express them selves by speaking , writing manifesting ,...anything.And i think that's a constitutionnal right ,freedom of expression is a right for everyone , even Egyptian.
    If the Egyptian government has a problem with someone or some community , then they should deal with them , not with the entire nation.

    Totally agree with you, everyone should have the right to say whatever they want, search whatever, just be free in all the ways. I was watching CNN last night and they were saying that the Chinese government blocked out the word Egypt, which I think is stupid, but in the news they were saying that uprisings are contagious, bot i definitely would not want to live in a country that don't let me access information, because the more knowledge the people have the more power, and same for the government, those governments don't think is convenient to let people have knowledge freedom.

  15. I would definitely change it, but the only thing that get me thinking is my number that I don't want to change it, because I don't want to let everyone know my number again it takes a lot of time, and there are always confusions, but on the other hand my current service provider is quite expensive compared to other providers in the market, so I'm trying to get a good plan on my current provider but if I can't then I'm going to have to change it.

  16. It's really shocking when you hear this kind of news because all I can think is how this new baby is going to be raised, and I believe that is the main problem, if you had your baby at 14 I don't think you know enough about life or prepared to be able to take care of a baby properly, what kind of things can you teach your baby or your kid, when you don't know a lot of things yourself. You missed of all your stages and I believe as you grow up you start to realize how much you missed, your teenage years, your young adult years, because with a child life changes completely, and you cannot do the same things and continue with your regular life, so that daughter being pregnant at 14 is the result of a young father as well and the result of a young grandmother as well. Is like a circle that never ends, and I believe is not going to end until serious education is imparted into this family and it's future members. I saw a documentary about earth population and how the earth at some point is not going to be able to hold it's population, because the births are growing faster than the deceases, so they were talking about how families should planned it children more, so they put as an good example of birth control the education. There is a town in India, where all women receive education, and the average age of having children was like 28 29 and the scientist was comparing these results with the rest of India where women were having children at 18 19, by the time they were 29 they had like 5 children, so this shows how education plays an outstanding role in birth control. On tho other hand, I can believe that the 40 something grandmother is happy about the girl having a baby at that age, for me that doesn't make any sense, it shows the kind of person you're dealing with, how someone could be happy when you already know all of the hardships you are going to pass because a child is born in the wrong time?, if it where a normal person, you would not want your family to go trough the same things.

  17. I think for what you are explaining it would be easier to buy an mp3 player, if you just use the phone to talk, then you don't need an expensive phone that comes with an expensive service plan, just buy the mp3 player that are getting cheaper by the day, you can connect them to your car and play music while the battery is charging at the same time, so it will work out for long trips.

  18. I don't agree with you when you say that we lost our common sense because we don't investigate or learn things from our own anymore, because I think one of the main reasons that we live in community and share things with people is to learn from other people experiences, I don't think we are born with common sense, because we see babies trying to put it fingers in the outlet (and we all think that's not to have common sense because we all know that if you put your fingers in the outlet you could get electrocuted), so as we start to grow by watching and listening to all of the things around us we learn what we call common sense, that I believe as the other person said is the ability to point out the obvious, but since is something we learn from the people around us and the experiences from other people, may be people we don't know but we are certain of that experience, then if no one has told you not to stick your tongue to a poll you are probably going to do it. I believe is really stubborn of a person not to believe what he learns from the experiences from other people and his own experiences, but at the same time this can be contradictory because common sense it's not the same for all the people, for example, a kid who has grown in a very violent environment, for him is just common sense to beat someone until that person is half dead because that individual insulted him, but for a kid growing up in a normal environment the right thing to do is ask for an apology from the other person, and that's the common sense for him, so which one is right?, there's not universal common sense that everyone should have because is not possible for all of us to see the things the same way, so I don't believe we lost it is just that we haven't found a balance on how things should be seen.

  19. I have mix feelings when I think about death penalty, because first I think that death penalty is like granting a wish to that person, because they are not going to suffer having to live a life behind bars and thinking about what they did and being punish for it everyday in their life, but on the other hand I think that is also a person that does not deserve anything, not the money the government spend every year in food, medicine, just to keep him alive, so it's really hard to think of a punishment worth for that person, sometimes I think about them being torture until they die, but then the human rights come in saying how human life needs to be respect always, but does this person respected human life?, being hired to kill someone or killing someone by your own will I'm not defending it but it's not the same as come to a place and shoot indiscriminately to a bunch of people, that's just having no feelings at all for anything, so for me that's a person that deserve all the bad things in the world.

  20. I used to work at the front desk of a hotel in the night shift, and that situation happened a lot, specially in high season, what we used to do is put a sign in the door saying that we didn't have any more rooms available and normally those were calm nights. If a costumer like you said came in anyways there are no more rooms, what could I do, even if the person had an awful day I cannot create an extra room, the best thing I could do was called another affiliated hotels to see if they had any availability for the night.I also remembered my manager always told me that you didn't have to pay attention to rude customer, that if you see someone raising your voice to you or being disrespectful to you, all you needed to say was "I'm sorry but I cannot help you until you calm down", and they should calm down, if they didn't you don't needed to do anything for them, you aren't there to receive complaints from rude costumers.

  21. I think the best thing you can do is to come clean with your boyfriend about everything before things get ugly with your ex, because if you don't do anything, your boyfriend is going to find out sooner or later and he's is going to be even more pissed with you. If you love him then tell him the truth and try to explain to him what happened, everyone make mistakes we are all humans, so maybe he'll understand the situation and forgive you at some point. If he forgive you then don't expect him to be like normal right away because he is going to be piss but eventually he'll be the same as always, you betray his trust and you need to do anything you can to gain it back.You cannot pay attention to your ex because if you do it once, you'll have to do it over and over again, so be brave and try to solve things.

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