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Posts posted by Parubilla

  1. Yes, I mean it's not how short the answer is, but the content, if it's something that doesn't add anything to the topic, then it can be considered Spam, but if it's an interesting short answer then it's good. And yes I have seen those how to earn money online post, I don't even read them, I receive enough spam on my email account to waste my time reading some more, and there isn't a specific part of the forum where those offers should be?? there it's easier to control and only put the ones that really work and help you make extra money.

  2. I like both! those games are sooo good, I could keep on playing them forever, rock band has great songs guitar hero as well, but when buying the set of instruments I choose the rock band ones for the prize, but it seems the rock band drums doesn't allow you to use double pedal, so when the guitar hero metallica arrives, I don't know what I'm going to do the play the drums, buy a Guitar hero ones!But anyways rock band it's easier than guitar hero, IE the singing on rock band it's easier to get a 100% while on guitar hero it's more demanding, it's more sensitive if you breathe too heavily it starts jumping so you don't get a perfect score. But I'll keep on buying the two games! :P

  3. Well there are some items I buy from name brands, because even if I spent a little bit more on those, they are going to last because the quality is better, but this doesn't apply to all the name brands some are good some aren't you just have to know your product and stick to it haha. I understand the financial situation right know is tight but there are some things you just can't go cheap, because you're going to spend more money replacing it than if you originally bought the good quality one, instead of do more with your money you did less. I particularly think that the price you pay says a lot about the product your buying, If I buy really cheap shoes I expect them to last a little time if they last longer that's great if they're not they pay it cost. But not only expensive name brands have the best designs, there are a lot of small designers that have great products and don't charge as much as the big ones charge, and you'll have items that are not as usual as the ones everybody has. And there's nothing wrong with Walmart clothes, I have buy a lot of great quality pieces there, I bought the best pair of trousers there, really cheap and cute, for me it's always difficult to find pants, but those fit like no other brand pant I have tried. Because jeans are a different story but pants OMG it's so hard to find the right ones... :P

  4. I love Chamomile tea and it's the best medicine you can drink when you have a stomach ache, it works really good and it's natural, but I always prefer to buy the one that is completely natural that is the actual plant not the one with the tea bags, I fell the plant is way more stronger and works faster. Simply put a little bit of the plant in a cup with a little bit of water, one minute in the microwave, and then use a strainer to separate the water from the plant and drink it, it will do wonders...I love the plant by the way it's really cute with the little yellow flowers :P

  5. I got a similar virus a while ago, it didn't allow me to use any updates for windows, not the defender, the security center, and the funny thing is that the message that appears looks totally real like there's actually something wrong with your computer any different from a virus, so I started to research a little bit about my symptoms and found out was a vundo something like that, that works silently and I don't know how many things did that I didn't notice, but anyways after the virus was gone my computer started running again normal. So those are the most dangerous ones I think in terms of information because you don't notice that easy...

  6. I guess I'm just weird :P Or perhaps I'm too picky.

    Well you're not the only picky one, I too agree that sexy is not only about looks, the way a person thinks and speaks and carry himself it can turn you on or take you to the north pole, so smart and interesting is something that comes to my mind first when I say sexy. If I see a guy and it's good looking that's it is good looking but sexy I have to wait until I talk to him for a while.

    And looks well for me is sexy in guy a broad back, nice arms, mmm tall definitely and nice smile.. :P

  7. Well the new Guitar Hero is going to be Guitar hero metallica Guitar Hero Metallica Video, it's going to be out on March 29 for Xbox 360 and Playstation 3, and maybe a month later the one for wii and ps2 :P (If it takes less to do it, why they released it after the complicated ones???), but anyways I can wait to play this game!!!!!! I hope they put a lot of great Metallica songs and I can wait to play it with the double pedal drums, (which I will have to buy the guitar hero ones beacuse apparently the rock band drums doesn't accept the double pedal or at least that's what I heard)... the characters look almost the same of the integrants of Metallica, but I have to say that James has a really scary face on the game, his eyes are furious... But I'm really excited! haha I'm a huge fan of these games! :P:P

  8. I think it works if you are really lucky to find a person that is serious like you and it's looking forward to meet someone to hopefully start a relationship, it's an alternative if you really don't have a lot of time to meet different people the old fashioned way :P... I haven't try it, but I did find someone a looong time ago when chat rooms where nice and clean hahaha, and I met this guy, we started talking on the phone and by messenger and then we met, we became good friends and after a couple years we finally started dating it lasted for a while but at the end it didn't work out, and he is one of my best friends now... But things have change, when I first met him the internet was totally different, I don't think I'll do the same now, I'll be scared to do the same thing I did back then... I tried the same thing a couple of times after that and OMG it was horrible just by listen to the voice on the phone I could tell what kind of person was, so I got over that. Other thing I realized after all the relationship with that guy is that a lot of internet dating pages offer matching by compatibility, they make a test and they put you with people that is similar to you, I don't think that works that easy, with this guy we like the exact same things, we have the same character, it's like we're twins separated at the time we were born hahaha, than even now we amazed of how similar we are, but is a similar that turns into boring with the time, so it just really hard without knowing a person to say that this is your perfect match just based on that...

  9. As I girl I think if you want it then go for it, I mean the worst thing that can happen (If it's a nice guy/girl off course) it's I'm sorry I don't like you or I'm not interested, you have nothing to lose but a lot to win. You don't get anywhere by being shy, you just have to find the correct time to bring things up and you'll get your answer good or not, you just have to be strong and face it, there's always going to be someone who like you, you just have to keep your mind open to new possibilities and be patient. :P

  10. For me a good Eye friendly design is something happy, light colors with some strong colors that make focal points of the whole page, I personally like clean but interesting designs, but that just me, I don't like when a web have a black background with neon colors or colors that contrast too much in a bad way on the text, it really hurt my eyes... XD. But anyways if the layout is well design,if it looks good, no matter if it's clean or kind of a organize mess, is going to be a success.

  11. Well I do believe in God I was raised as a Christian and that's what I've been taught since I was little. But to believe or not well is just something that is in your mind, for me is like you always have something to look up to, even if the whole world is against you and you have no friends, family or nothing is a refugee in your mind that helps you move on, that offers you a hand and that's all inside you. I believe the mind is powerful and well even if it's God or a superior force, if that helps you move on in life, I don't see why not believe. But I totally have to agree with Mr Inviso, even if you pray to a God or not, it's all in the view you have, is what moves you, the kind of person you are that attract good or bad people/experiences around you.. haha I think by the experiences I had so far I'm kind of a mix... But back to the question if believe in God or not, yes I believe in the whole God concept and I don't think I'm ever going to change that, it's too deep within me.

  12. It happened to my boyfriend and then happened to me months afterwards, when my boyfriend I have no idea how but got his hotmail account hacked by an angry person and then that person even talked to his contacts and everything, send emails it was horrible.. he lost it anyways. And then when it happen to me, I don't know it was a girl or something, an angry one as well, started talking a lot of lies about me to my contacts sent emails as well, but I did got my account back, at the end she sent the password to my boyfriend, one angry chick... it was really funny, and I have no idea how this person guess my password I never give my password to anyone not even my boyfriend so it was just weird...

  13. I have a Samsung M510, I like it except for the slippery keys U_U"... the funny thing is that it has a lot of functions that I was looking for when buying a cellphone and now that I have it, I only use it to call or send text messages, not the camera, or the bluetooth or the mp3 thing or video, so it's just really funny how you dream of having a multi-use cellphone but you actually never use it to the fullest.

  14. Well I think eating process varies from person to person, in my case I eat really slow and chew my food a lot of times if I don't I get a stomach ache, but there's people who eat in two bites and it's perfect afterward, so it all depends on the metabolism. I did heard once that drinking anything while your eating can affect your stomach because saliva have an specific consistency and if you alter that is not going to dissolve the food the way it should, and the food is going then to be too solid in your stomach, so the stomach have to work longer..

  15. Yep no one write letters anymore, and is kind of sad, because I feel that when people write something on paper you can perceive better all the feelings that person put into those words, when I read an email or a text message and don't feel the same way. So I try to write always letters to special people in my life, to put a little bit more or human contact in the daily life and change the computer type for a while... I love Technology but we shouldn't lose the writing letter concept, but giving it a other point of view it saves paper and pens haha so at least the transition helps in something. :P

  16. I was reading the news and found that "Circuit City" is in Bankruptcy, is going to close 567 stores and 30.000 employees are going to be fired, that's quite a surprise, it looks like the situation is not getting any better. I really feel for those families, I hope the situation start improving as soon as possible...

  17. I do believe in some home remedies or natural remedies, they work good if you use the correct one and not some weird one that sound more like a urban legend than a remedy. For me for example I always use chamomile for stomach ache and it works perfect, or if your have a a sore throat you can drink honey with lemon and it soothes the throat, or Eucalyptus with honey is good for the throat as well. And the natural remedies are much better for your body, I truly prefer those.

  18. When I don't have money to buy food, that's what I do, I'll eat lot's of pasta and grains, for example, beans or lentils or chickpeas are protein so they can replace any meat, and they are cheap as well and taste good. And I don't know if it's a good solution but my doctor recommended to me because I was getting too skinny, is buy ensure, but not the one that comes ready to drink(that one is really expensive), but the one in powder it's not that cheap but it's affordable and last a long time and it gives you all of the nutrients you need to be healthy, of course it's a complement, it's not like you can only drink that and not eat anything, but anyways it can be prepared with water or milk and it will help you to be healthy, with energy, even if you don't eat the same amount of food you used to.

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