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Posts posted by Parubilla

  1. Well in my case I'm the big sister, and yes I will bother my little brother until he does the things the way things should be done, just because you are lazy and like to do things half way it doesn't mean everyone has to live under the same conditions, I will bother in the common areas, well if it's my brother's room or something that's his problem... Your things and how you keep them reflect part of yourself, and c'mon it's really nasty to come into a house that it's dirty, the day he has his own house I will not say a thing about whether is clean or not...I do have to say sometimes is annoying but somebody have to take that roll, I always tell my boyfriend too to keep his room clean, do his bed, and if I enter his room and it's messy, for me it's really annoying to the point I will fix it myself (After that he feel bad and start organizing the room as well :P) hahahaha, just a different kind of view...

  2. My first Email account was with Yahoo!, then I switched to Hotmail and then I Switched to Gmail. I still have all three accounts just for different uses, Yahoo is my back up account one something is wrong with Hotmail and I have specific contacts that I chat with from Yahoo!, then it's Hotmail, I've been using msn messenger forever so that's the main reason I keep that account, and Gmail I use it for work, it's perfect to communicate fast through the chat or send large files, the storage is great... So I like all three... It depend on what kind of use you give to your email account. :P

  3. But there aren't regular size cellphones already to make video calls? That service is already available just with putting and extra camera on the front of the cellphone and it's done.. but the one you are describing with that screen is huge, and I personally think the most important feature of a cellphone is that it's easy to carry and can fit in any pocket... :P

  4. The two religions have some similarities, starting by the fact that both believe in only one God, both have a sacred book and well if you put those two verses together just like that yes maybe they both look like they are provoking violence into the believers. But here's the point I do agree you just can't take two verses and throw it into a statement like that without studying what was happening at that time when that was written. I don't think religions are violent the violent are the human beings because we like to be the ones on power the ones that are right, we are not tolerant, and people had fight through the history whether is for religion, territory, love whatever they feel it's not to their complacence. So religion it's not the one at fault, the perfect example is in just what you just did with the verses, you interpret them like you felt to prove your point, you are not being objective, so just imagine all the selfish people in the world trying to put the sacred books to their convenience, wars will happen, misunderstandings, anything.. I believe anything in the extremes is bad, so extremists group that turn into violence and kill tons of innocent people in the name of any religion or country or idea, I'm never going to agree with that, and I don't know if I'm wrong, but I don't think a real Muslim will agree that Allah demand them to kill people because they aren't part of their believes, that just pure human greediness... And the same for the Christians, God doesn't demand them to kill others, He tells them to expand his word all over the world even to the last place on earth, so everyone knows about Him, killing is not part of it.

  5. Well I have tried several antiviruses and Avast! has always turn out to be the keeper, I got to agree with Variablez that it's horrible with spyware, but I found MalwareBytes anti-malware and it's awesome, fast scan and remove all the spyware. I also like counter spy, is really good but it's not free... So I'll continue with Avast! :P

  6. Well I do understand what you want to do, and it takes just patient:


    1. First of all you make your design in photoshop (just the images, for the text you use dreamweaver).

    2. Once is done you cut it with the knife tool in the sections you are describing.

    3. Then you go to file - save for web and a window is going to appear and you specify the type of file, the quality and then you save it. (You have to make sure that the all slices option is on, if not you're only going to save the one that is selected.

    4. After that you go to Dreamweaver create a new HTML file, and then go to view - table mode - layout mode, one that is done you can use the draw layout table function that is located in the layout tab. With this tool you create a table with cells that have the exact dimension of the images you cut on photoshop.

    5. One the table is create you exit the layout mode, and insert the images in each one of the cells you created before.

    6. Then if you have issues making the images coincide, you have to modify the table options so there are no spaces between cells and no borders, etc.

    7. After you have your layout you start to introduce your text and that's it.


    Hope this can help you and it's exactly what you are looking for, any questions let me know :P

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