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Posts posted by Parubilla

  1. Be it coke or pepsi or other drinks the problem is in pesticide contained in it. The amount in it makes worst for the drinkers. In india coke and pepsi found guilty of adding amount which way above acceptable level. Besides that in india they don't care for the storage of the drinks. You'll find that these drinks are there for more than 2 years and i don't know how they managed to drink all that. There are many legal cases against coke and pepsi in india. They infected rivers and water reserves with their poison and now they have large percentage of pesticides in it.
    Still people drink all that and life goes on.

    I saw that documentary on tv about people complaining that Coke infected the water of a poor town in India, it was horrible to see how bad the water was not only for drinking but for any use, this case in particular turn out "well" because the people put a lawsuit against Coke company and won, they had to close down the plant but the damage was already done, because the population couldn't use the water of the town anymore. That's why it kind of make me mad when I see this Coke commercials saying enjoy life and stuff because it make me think about the people suffering the consequences from the production of this beverage.

    I do think it's harmful for the body to drink sodas specially dark sodas, because here in Colombia for example they use Coke to clean up screws and machinery stuff, they put Coke in a glass and left the stuff in there for a couple hours (I don't know how many), and when they get the stuff out is totally clean, no grease no dirt no anything, so if the coke does that to a screw I can't imagine the damage caused to the stomach.

    I try not to drink sodas but it is really hard not to drink them sometimes.

  2. Dealing with this kind of situation that is truly frustrating and hard, because at the end of the day you are not the father of these kids and you don't need to be responsible for them, but you are doing it because you want to do it. I don't think there's anything legal you can do to help the situation because is money that does not exist, and there's also no incentive that would make him work to support his kids because his biggest incentive should be HIS KIDS, it's like c'mon I don't have kids but I hope to have them in the future, and I definitely want to work my *bottom* off to give them everything that they'll need and want and more, and if you don't have that desire, then you are not a parent, because a dad is not the sperm donor, is not the one that see the kids once in a while or give them a gift once in a while, a real dad is a combination of things, the one that care for his kids, emotionally and economically, kids are expensive that is once thing I personally always have in mind, that's why I think people should think thrice before having kids, and if you are not going to be responsible for them then do the world a favor and get a vasectomy.I think your fiancee shouldn't count on him for anything, because he's nothing, he shouldn't be able to see the kids either because I don't think any mom would want to have that kind of person as an example for her kids, that is the crappy person you want your kids to call dad?, I don't think so.As for you, you got yourself in this situation knowing of all the trouble of your fiancee, so if it's turning your life upside down and giving you that much trouble you should give the situation a little more thought and think if you still want to be in there.

  3. Well If your first love was really special then I think you can never forget that person or feeling, because it was the first time that you felt any special feeling for someone, and I think first love are always like really innocent and sweet, that's why you will always keep them in your mind and heart.I personally still remember my first love, and we are still friends and talk, because I think it is really hard to take out of your life a person you had feelings for and just because things didn't work out at that moment it does not mean that the person was a bad person (well if you have reasons to believe that then it's going to be hard to have that person in your life), anyways, first love doesn't necessarily need to be the first boyfriend or girlfriend, sometimes you get into things you shouldn't and you probably don't want to know about those people anymore, but to really feel love for a person is a totally different feeling that just being in a mere relationship.

  4. So, maybe it's a good thing that there is a large variety of "drugs" for different peoples likes and dislikes.(I'm not sure good is the right term here actually, but you get my meaning) Personally, I have no problem what so ever with alcohol. The part about fogging up the brain is the good part, far as I can tell. You know, when you've had one of those days, and your annoyed and ticked off and just in a bad mood, the fogging up of the brain can be rather helpful. If properly used, and not overused, alcohol can be a very good way to blow off steam, relax or othewise stepp away from temporary problems in life. At least it has been around since the beginning of time, and if not overused, is not particularly harmful. Unlike chemical drugs for depression.
    As far as pot goes, hate to say it, but the majority of people that I know that smoke pot seem to suffer brain damage from it. It effects whatever part of the brain that gives people a sense of purpose and direction, or the ability to get up off their butts and do something constructive. Like work. I'm not saying this is true in everone's case, just the majority of those I know.

    Well I do not defend any addictive drug, you say pot produces brain damage but so does alcohol, have you seen a person after years of taking alcohol indiscriminately how they end up? they can't get like drunk or let's say wasted like regular people does, but they are not themselves or sober anymore either, I believe all drugs such as alcohol, cigarettes, and hard drugs should be open for everyone, because it's up to you to take them or not, I say for example I drink alcohol from time to time at parties or whatever but no matter how many problems or how depressed I am, I'm not going to drown myself in alcohol or drugs.

    If drugs are legalized then the prizes will go down, the drug trafficking problem is going to be more manageable for the producing countries and for the consuming countries. I think at first is going to be like a "drug explosion", and everyone is going to be high all the time, but after that I think is going to be a lot more controlled by the people part.
    I believe drug legalization is not convenient for the governments or for the mafia because there's a lot of money behind it, and they are not going to let it scape just like that, I think is the double morals of our governors that on one side are saying NO to drugs and on the other they are using it or receiving money from it.

  5. That is a really hard to manage topic in a company, not only for the employer, but for the other employees as well, because let's say you are new on a company, and your boss already put someone to train you, it happens a lot that this person is not willing to give you all of it knowledge because that person is kind of afraid that you are going to end up replacing him or taking the position or the raise he had been waiting for, so the longer you take to learn your roll, the more time that person is going to have to show that he is "better" than you. It is sad that we see this kind of envious people everywhere, and it's the company's lost because a company is a team, everyone needs to do their best doing their tasks and helping each other whenever they can so everything runs smoothly. I remembered the case of a person near me, that found a wonderful job, a dream job as a general manager of a division in a company. His curriculum was excellent, the human resources people couldn't find a better person for the position. This person took the job and surprise surprise that nobody wanted to work as they should be working because there were a couple people from inside the company who wanted that position but weren't chosen, and they made this person life impossible, that situation last for like a year and a half and his seniors end up replacing him because the division wasn't working the way it should. Probably the story would have been different if the people around the manager did their job correctly and help him, who knows, but it is sad to see people acting like that and being mean to each other, affecting not only the person but the company as well.I saw once a documentary about Asian companies, making their employees take special training to create a sense of commitment and love for the company they are working, enforcing team work and creating an atmosphere of "the company goals are first than individual goals", which I think helps a lot in those cases of controlling information because if you are going to be the stone stopping the company for completing it's goals then you are likely to be replacing for not being a team player. Information is power but if besides that information that you have you are not a powerful person then no matter how hard you try to keep it for yourself at one point or another the company will find a person to replace you with the sharing profile they are looking for.

  6. I think myCents is not as effective in terms of counting the post you make, as it was before, I remember that before it was like instantly updated, and now it takes more than a day I think to get a notification, which is a bother because you don't know how many cents you actually have in the moment, but let's get real, at least is still working, the thing now is that you have to start posting a lot sooner so you don't get a late fee or you get behind on the payments of your dues.

  7. I calculate my age in years, as you get older you do not want to think about how many extra days or months you have. In my country we calculate the age in months but for babies until they are like 3 years old, after that you just lost count, and even if it is in babies, when you ask their ages and a proud mom says 17 months it kinds of take you a while (not that much time) but anyways, you start counting in your head until you get it, it is easier if you just say 1 and thats it. >_<

  8. I've been hearing similar news from my country, and it is extremely angering and sad, how a person can punish and innocent child for his/hers own problems with their sentimental partner. Nothing can be a valid excuse to commit murder, and much less the murder of a child and your own child. These people should be punished not with death, because I think that would be a gift, they are not going to actually suffer and have a murder in the conscience, it should be a real punishment where they are remembered every single day of their lives what they did.There was a case of a woman that killed his baby son, and made up a story about the baby being kidnapped, she even gave a description of the person who allegedly took her baby ?ah? she was all over the news crying for her baby saying a bunch of lies, and everyone believed her. A couple of days later the police found the body of the baby on a plastic bag, on the bottom of a cliff, the lady got arrested. I do not know that happen to her, but you have to be mentally unstable to kill a baby, that is sooo sad, how many people in the world would give anything to have a child and there are people who are not thankful for being able to have them.

  9. I think climate change is a phenomenon that we are seeing all over the world. The other day I was watching a documentary in Discovery Channel about the climate change effects on animals, and it was really sad to see how animals are hardly adjusting to the changes in their environment, for example the polar bears, they usually hibernate during the winter with their newborns for weeks, and what they do to stay protected from the snow and cold, is dig caves under the ice and stay there, but since the ice is melting sooner, sometimes they die in the caves because they get trapped in there unable to get out, because the biological clock of the bears is programmed to have a longer winter, so every time we are seeing less and less bears because the baby bears are not surviving, it?s heartbreaking to see that there are going to be a lot of species of animals that maybe our children or grandchildren are not going to be able to know.Now talking on the effects on humans, well it is really bad as well, because we are seeing floods everywhere, snow storms, extreme cold or heat, I mean it is scary to think that someday the coast cities are not going to exist anymore, and that the world as we know it is rapidly changing. But for us humans we get used to the changes really fast and we are going to be able to find solutions for the new world that is arising over us, but for me the scary part is that you are not safe from the nature power no matter where you are, it could be an earthquake, or a flood or a tsunami, or a volcano. :S

  10. Computers to introduce yourself???, that make no sense, unless you are introducing yourself to be some kind of computer super geek that does not need to socialize but to be in front of the computer all day in a dark room without talking to anyone O_o.I think the best way to introduce yourself is "BE YOURSELF", let's be real you are not going to be liked by everyone, but first impressions are very important I think you should always present your best face when meeting someone for the first time, off course as the time passes and people get to know you they will find out your defects but that's the part of meeting people right?

  11. I think the problem with corruption and honest people trying to work with it, is that when you work in that kind of environment at the end of the story you are going to end up being the "bad" person, because the standards of what's good and wrong are totally distorted. It's like a mafia, it's too much power that people involved has, because they are not the only ones in the process, there's always infinite amounts of money running behind that, and people are not willing to lose their share. The best way to get out of that situation when you are not willing to make part of it, is just quit, or hide your anger and frustration if the first option is not possible, because if you are a regular joe no matter how hard you try you are not going to be able to change anything, it's sad but it is the crude reality that a lot of people has to live with.

  12. I used to hear yahoo all the time launchcast, but then suddenly it stopped working :( it was sad because if you rated the songs, the player will play different songs according to the genres you usually listen to. Then I switch to the WMP (bahhh), but there is this radio station I listen to all the time, It's my kind of music, It's call 181FM 90's Alternative and I love the music they play. It's up to your tastes anyway ;)

  13. I'm reallyyyy lazy, and it's really hard for me to do things ahead of time but I hate running with things at the last minute, and sometimes when I am working I get too caught on something and forget about the other things I have to do. So what I've been doing to fix this problem is to do a list of all the things I have to do in a piece of paper, staring from the must urgent to the ones that can wait a little bit more, and make a work schedule. Then I start working always keeping in mind the time I'm supposed to spend on every single thing, and I get everything done on time. Sometimes happens that I'm not keeping up with the time on a task, because I don't know, my brain is not moving fast enough >_<, and what I do is to switch to a different task to get my head out of the other one, and then when I'm done with something different, I come back to the precious one and I'll do it faster.I think it really does not matter if you use technology or not, as long as you feel comfortable and get your things done on time.

  14. Well the culprits may be old, but they still can commit the crime, when you think about murder, it can be done not only by taking the person by force, it can be poison, or when the person was asleep, who knows a killer mind is dark, there are so many ways of killing someone than you can even think of, and there were 3 right? probably the old guys planned the crime and the other guy executed it. There are crazy people in the world and it could be your neighbor, like this woman in the US that reappear after more than 10 years of being kidnapped, when I saw the documentary of the story I though, how come the neighbors never realized there was something weird in that patio?.It's a shame anyways that thinks like that happens everyday, and no matter if the culprits are old or young I just hope they get the punishment they deserve.

  15. Obesity is the parents fault. No matter how much unhealthy food kids eats when they are with their friends, they are not going to get fat just for a greasy meal every other day. Now if your kids spend most of their days out in the street, then it is still the parents fault, where are they?, if you do not have time to take care of your children then don?t have any children until you organize your time, kids need care, protection, guidance, and that applies to food as well, is your responsibility as a parent to give them healthy foods, and to teach them what to eat and what not to eat, it is not like you are not going to give your children some candy once in a while, but to also teach them self control, I have seen children on television, who need to be eating the whole time, to one point where their parents have to put locks on the refrigerator or cabinets, these children did not become like that after night, off course since they were little, their parents did not teach them good eating habits and now they are out of control, is like those parents that does not have any rules in the house and when the kids are teenagers they can control them anymore, it is a process a learning process for the kids to learn to eat healthy and maintain a healthy life of exercise, god food, and some junk food because let?s face it is really good, who does not like a shake, or a hamburger once in a while??.I don?t think we can blame the food industry directly about kids obesity, because even though is not like they advertise that you are going to get fat just by eating their fries, they do put the calories and stuff of the food you are eating, it?s like cigarettes and alcohol, you do know that if you do it in excess you are going to get sick, but it is your own self control that make you stop at a certain point, and they do say that alcohol y bad for your health, cigarettes too, blah blah, so basically they are just doing their job, making money, you would not complaint about it if you were the one receiving the millionaire earnings they make every year with their food.The kids mmm noppp, they are just kids, they eat based on their parent eating habits, so if you give them a good example and eat all of your veggies they are going to eat them too, and probably they are not going to like every single veggie in the world, but if you let them try, different forms, shapes, flavors, preparations, they there is going to be one they are going to like, probably not row or in salad, but maybe soup or juice or cake, there are so many ways children can enjoy healthy foods you just have to be creative with them.

  16. I think you should let the things flow and see what happens. The girl just broke off an engagement so I do not think the feelings she had just gone away in 3 weeks, she might be confused, since probably you are the only guy she is hanging around with, and for you the same thing, if you are a 100 percent sure, that you do not want to be in a relationship just tell her that you want to settle down in the new city first before having a sentimental commitment to someone, but anyways only time will tell. If you are not sure don?t say anything you do not want to be moving again anytime soon ;)

  17. Every four days is not that much, so you don?t have to worry, if the girl likes it, go ahead and continue with it if she does not then you are lost man, It basically depends if she is responding to those messages or just ignoring them, I usually don?t text that much I rather call to say hi or meet the person personally, but I see my younger brother texting 24/7, so four days is nothing.I do have a problem with the way social culture is moving, like everything has become so impersonal, you use facebook or the cellphone, and sometimes you even see people in a social meting chatting with their cellphones oh goshhh that is annoying is like go and lock yourself in a dark room it is horrible.

  18. I think that people are mean, that?s it. I totally agree with the post before, because on the internet you are not seeing each other faces, not listening to any tone voices, so you can basically say whatever you want without being "discovered", without caring about other people feelings, all you are seeing it?s a silly nickname and that?s it, you tend to forget that you are talking to another human being that could be your cousin or whatever, and people also use chat rooms to take it all the feelings and anger and things that in "real life" you would not say to other people. I remember that I used to enter chat rooms a lot when I was younger, and at the beginning people were nice, but little by little people started to get mean, and you know, nobody would treat you like that outside that chat room so I just stopped like life is already full of drama you don?t need to add some more to your daily by chatting with mean people.

  19. I think what matters is not the physical age but the mental one, I mean for example if you are 20 something and you work and have responsibilities, it does not matter if you have friends that are 40 years old because basically they are living the same or similar situations that you are living so you can understand each other a little bit more than with a 15 year old who?s in high school and crazy about beaver. I personally like to have all kinds of friends, the older ones already pass your life moment so they will give you (sometimes) a bigger view of life, the ones that are your age are just like you so it?s like let?s enjoy this moment and then with the younger ones you can kind of go back and be silly and laugh and remind yourself how you were like when you were that age.About the post about the 8 year old hanging out with the 18 year old, well I will be worried for my son and for the 18 year old girl, like that girl has something wrong with her head, when you turn 18 is like you own the world and want to do anything and only stay with your friends and living... and the 8 year old should be enjoying being a kid thats all, because that one of the best parts of the life I think, when you don?t have to worry about anything big just be good at school and play with your friends.

  20. It?s funny how people always have this kinds of topics to discuss, because we always talk things in general. Yes there are some people in the world who are deeply religious and are horrible people, and that is always going to happen, we are humans we make mistakes nobody is perfect and no matter how much someone believes makes good there is going to be some mistake in their lives. But there?s also good people, and I personally don?t like to define people by religion or political beliefs or anything vain to put it in some way, I just look at their actions, how they carry their lives, and make a decision based on that, for me you just have to spend some time with people get to know them and then apply a judgment. Religion is one of those things that is totally subjective, everyone have their own opinion about it, their own believes, so why start a discussion with some one you are never going to agree with? for me is nonsense. I?m a Christian and I don?t fight with people over religion, if people want to believe there?s no God, let them believe, if what I think is truth then at some point they are going to realize it, or I?m going to realize that all of what I thought was a lie. If in my next life I reincarnate in a bug, then bad for me I should have listened. Everyone have a right to believe or think whatever they want. Is sad when they make the opposite of what they preach, but whatever, that?s life and their lives, you just have to worry of how are you living yours.

  21. Sometimes at work I have to code the web sites I design, and I?m not a developer or expert with coding, so I guess if I put the validation buttons it will show some mistakes. Most of the clients don?t have any idea what that means they only care if the web page works and if it?s shown correctly, so I don?t want them to see right away the mistakes that I made with the coding, I don?t know if the validation means your site works perfectly or if it?s wrong, it is good but could be better, because the site still works great, but I think is cool to put the buttons just to show that your page goes with the actual standards. Just for you I guess and your "pride" as a web designer. I have to get better with my coding so I can pass the inspection :)

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