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Posts posted by Parubilla

  1. My neighborhood is very safe, it's a really nice area, my city isn't that much safe, I wouldn't like to walk at night alone anywhere but it's ok if you have company, well depending on the area off course. I have to walk like five blocks from my house to the bus station that I use to go to work everyday and when I return at night it's dark already but there are always cops taking care of the area and you also see like regular people walking to their homes as well so it's not that scary. I always carry with me a scalpel (I'm a graphic designer) well just in case.. But I hope I never have to use it for more cutting paper...

  2. I used to have my mobile as an alarm clock until one day I don't know what happened but it didn't sound anymore :P (time to change the cellphone ha?), so I end up oversleeping and arriving to my work at eleven (thank God my boss is an angel and just laughed about the incident :D), and then I started using my computer as an alarm and I had the Alice deejay song "better off alone" haha until one day I was sleepy and try to turn off the alarm and the computer fell from my nightstand and it broke a little bit :D:D, since then I didn't have an alarm so I had to sleep looking at the watch so I knew when was time to wake up, It is horrible because you became really nervous that you are not going to wake up in time, but somehow your body just know and you wake up just in time... It's a weird feeling but awful because it happens even on weekends... Then one day I told one of my workmates that I didn't have an alarm clock and he was the sweetest on earth and bought me one :), but it is a regular alarm clock with the pee pee pee sound and is pretty bad to wake up to that but is better than nothing... :D

  3. My opinion is if you don't know what to do or how exactly do you feel about the two guys, then you should take a time out and think for a while and not start a relationship... start to focus on different things other than the guys and being on a relationship and let the time define your feelings. I personally think that if the relationship with your ex didn't end up in bad terms then you will always have feelings for him because you'll always have good memories about the time you were together, but as the time passes then you start not seeing yourself with him if it's true that you don't love him enough to start over. And the other guy well you will always have that opportunity so why hurry just take your time and don't screw up that possible relationship just because you're not sure, that's worst because then the guy will truly hate you, and thats a horrible thing to happen... :) hope it helps...

  4. Well Joomla in a few words is I would say the easiest way to create a website, totally user friendly, thousand of templates (free and paid), you just install it and start uploading your content, without knowing any programing, just basic computer knowledge. I have created some pages in Joomla for the clients who like to "do it all" so you just charge more and teach them how to manage their website so "they won't bother you anymore" I don't think that ever happens hahaha :D. But anyways it's worth to try it and learn how to use I think is a really powerful tool and have lots of support. :)

  5. I don't think gamers can quit, it's impossible, when you find something really fun and it's your favorite thing to do you are not going to leave it, maybe as you get older and have more responsabilities the hours they spent playing are going to be less but to totally leave it there's no way. Just for example I don't consider myself as a hardcore gamer but I definitely love video games if I have free time I would spent it playing for sure, now that I'm working I have less time to play :P or less free time :) haha, and I realized it is trully an addiction one day I borrowed from my brother in law a psp and it was incredible I spent all my time playing when I was supossed to be working... and I don't have a game console in my house now but I'm dying to get one... And thats the big dilemma! Play or not play haha :D

  6. Well I like it, it feels pretty natural but I do have a couple sugestions:1. In the main banner the one with the girl and the logo, you can hardly read the logo bacause it's purple over black so it's too dark, try a lighter color and it will look better.2. The repeating background looks too obvious specially in I don't know if thats the top of the bottom of the image but you can see where it starts and ends so it doesn't have the effect anymore, and also in those parts is hard to read the texts.3. The footer, that changes drastically to a white, you shoud make it more like the rest of the webpage (with the same feeling :)).Your client is going to like it because it is really nice, I can't wait to see the final product! :D

  7. I told you, you don't need to follow the IP method, you just need to wait for the video to load, erase all cookies, check work offline in your browser and you can watch the video without disruption. It's really tried out by me and works. You can surf with other browsers :D

    Ok that's great, cause I was getting really annoying by those messages, and it's not a video limit it's a time limit which is even more annoying, 90 minutes I think and then wait 50 minutes, no thank you I rather start watching the video from another page and close the megavideo one. But your solution is great I'm going to try it! Thank you!

  8. hahaha I guess I'm girl #10 to post or #9 if I count my vote on the poll, but yes there would be always more guys in forums and stuff, but as some other girls said things are changing and some of us that weren't raised only with dolls and kitchens haha :P are taking the technology world, and not all of the girls that are into coding and web pages are geeks, maybe a little bit but I met a lot of pretty ones in college, we were only like 6 girls and tons of guys but I think we have a lot to offer to the technology field we see things in a different way and definitively we are more multitasking than guys. :D

  9. Well I can't tell for sure if Americans are stupid but the ones in the video are... hahaha, I remembered one of those videos I saw one that ask someone something like "From which state is KFC?" and the person didn't answer the question so the person ask again "do you know what KFC means?" and the other person answered yes Kentucky Fried Chicken hahahaha dahhh haha it's was hilarious... but there's a lot of people in the country not all of them are stupid... but those videos are really funny...

  10. Well some of you aren't closed to the immigration situation so that's the reason why you misjudge the whole thing. It is true that is wrong to practice as a dentist without a license but sometimes you are leave without a choice. 1. I totally believe this person was a dentist at his country and is as well qualified or maybe better qualified than any other dentist in the US. 2. Well maybe he had his "office" in his kitchen but probably had all the instruments that a regular dentist has.3. When you come to the US and you have a diploma in your home country you have to homologate that degree and as for dentist is almost the same like studying your career all over again, not only is time consuming and you probably doesn't have that time because you have to provide for your family one way or another, but is also extremely expensive, and that is not the only thing but if you don't speak English then it's impossible to take those courses, and to learn English takes time as well, and sometimes even if you do know English there are a lot of technical terms that you probably wouldn't understand so it will take longer, this man was left without a choice. 4. Also psychologically speaking is really sad that had studying for a long time to be a dentist you have to come to a different country and work as a IE. dishwasher just because you can afford to have a license, but you have all the knowledge in the world to be consider an excellent one. So it all comes to offer more affordable and flexible options to certify individuals that can serve in a good way to the society instead of making it even harder. That is a different kind of immigration (The educated people) that can actually help grow their communities. PS. And I'm sure he had a lot of clients because dentist in the US are totally expensive, it's cheaper in my case that I'm from Colombia to go there to get my treatments done than do it here. And I also had a experience with this dentist, we took my brother to get his teeth check and he told us he had like 5 cavities my mom was totally mad she couldn't believe it, but she said I don't have the money to fix your teeth now we're going to have to wait until vacation time. We went to Colombia for Christmas and my mom took my brother to the dentist again, and he told us he didn't have any cavities that his teeth were excellent, just did a little regular clean up and that was all... soo that left you with a lot of thinking to do.. and that 5 cavity dentist was a license one.. so when it comes to steal your money they do anything... :S

  11. I'm from Colombia and I finished high school there, now we are in the US and my brother is attending high school here, and in South Florida I think the education needs a 180 change, to keep all the students interested in the studies, because there are smart kids out there that no matter how bad the education is they always take the extra mile and do more work, but for the kids that doesn't like school that much is like for years of being mediocre and teacher allow that. My brother, he is not a huge fan of the studies, and this first year of high school I have seen him doing homework like twice, not even open a book the whole week, so I remember when I was in high school and it was totally different I have tons of homework and studying to do... And also that point system makes easier to pass the year being lazy... So that only encourage kids not to make any efforts but to like easy things and that's not the best thinking you can have for your personal life... And my brothers school is suppose to be a magnet, so I can't imagine how the others schools are... And well the sad part is that for regular people public schools are the only option, maybe if private schools weren't that overpriced so they could be a real second option for students we could have a better education and then probably first of all the government would put a little bit more effort into improving the school system so we can have better students and future professionals. In Colombia for example the public schools are really good the education is really good, the problem is that there aren't enough public schools for all of the kids, and public schools in Colombia are only for really poor people so the environment sometimes is not the best you can ask for, but then we have private schools that some of them are overpriced just like all of the private schools here, but you also have more affordable private schools so there's a little bit for everyone, you can find private schools that fit your pocket, so I think there should be that variation on prices here also and that would help improve the quality of the students in the states...

  12. I don't know if believe or not, there are so many weird things in the earth that humans can't explain so we always try to come up with something to cover that lack of knowledge, so it could be ufo's or a god or a devil or a gnome... there may be who knows I haven't seen one in my life nor my family or friends or people near me so it's really hard to imagine those beings, if there are I hope they don't look as people in movies or in documentaries have describe them and show them, because I would freak out if one of those things appear in front of my eyes... :P

  13. I will divide the money also, once I saw this show about lottery winners, and one of the guys that won a lot of money contacted an expert to help him distribute the money, and one of the things the expert said was to separate first of all some "mad money" that you would use to pamper yourself and buy the things you've always wanted so you wouldn't feel tempted to use all of the money and throw it away on something stupid, then after that fix and monthly income that would last for the years to come, then invest some.. and after all that is your money so try to use it wisely as possible, help your family and friends and live a nice live now that you have help others that aren't as lucky...

  14. Have anyone tried to resolve those Oculus puzzles?, is a really cool website in 3D with weird symbols and apparently some weird looking puzzles that don't obey to logic is more like a lucky thing hahaha... So anyways a thousand tries later I finally unlocked a puzzled and then the page totally changed and took me to a movie trailer I think, so I believe that's the whole meaning of the website, but then after the trailer finished it took me to a tatoo artist blog so it was reallyyy weird.

    The animations are cool anyways, for those who want to see here's the page:


  15. Well maybe long term relationships makes you gain weight, first of all you're most of the time eating out and I would say 90% of the time you don't make healthy choices, second I think that the security you feel when you have a stable relationship makes you more relaxed in terms of personal appearance because you know that person loves you no matter what blah blah... but when you are single you want to "impress" other people and make people like you so you pay more attention to the appearance. I personally have never gain weight because of a relationship a'm kind of and when I'm single I'm kind of different I rather show first my ugly side and If a guy likes me after seen me like that then he's going to love when I look my best :P, and that also mean he doesn't care about external appearance in the first place so that's my guy! hahaha

  16. Mmmm not as much as I would like... Sometimes I'm really determined and do all the things I have and want to do efficiently, but sometimes even though I know I have to do certain things I just do nothing and at the end of the day I feel bad because I have too many things and none of them are complete, so is like all or nothing, it's frustrating sometimes... laziness is really troublesome...

  17. Well they can be dangerous, it's more like a luck thing, my mom's cousin got burned because there was a electric storm outside and she had her cellphone on her belly, and there was lighting near by and something got wrong in the cellphone and all of her skin from her belly to her genitals got burned it was pretty bad. Also you can get burn if you talk on the phone while the battery is charging...

  18. I think for teen boys and girls too, to watch porn is normal, it's like a phase of growing, but once you start becoming an adult you start leaving that phase behind, maybe once in a while but not like everyday, I personally think is pathetic for an adult person to watch porn on a daily basis, it's like c'mon get a life start practicing instead of only watching...

  19. Firefox all the way! IE is like a virus magnet, no matter how many advertising saying how secure the new version is, nothing can beat firefox, the addons, the security is great, since I switched to firefox the viruses lowered I would say a 90% compared to what I get with IE, but sadly I still have to use it sometimes, when I have to install something new to windows, because the downloads and stuff are only available if you use IE.. And I also use it to test the web pages when I create them... Lately I've been having a weird problem with IE, it doesn't show me the images properly unless I do a right click and show image, so anything that requires the use of IE turns out the same I don't know if it's configuration because I been looking to everything and haven't seen anything out of order or if it's a virus that apparently it isn't because the antivirus hasn't show anything so IE officially sucks!

  20. I love the Simpsons, for me it's funnier and I don't get tired of the episodes no matter how many times I watch them... Family guy it's ok but it's really annoying sometimes, when they repeat the scene over and over again for me it's like shut the ---- up! and peter... I can't stand him... haha just my opinion, but I like family guy when they do subtle jokes, for me those are funnier than the direct ones, the episode when they show hittler with a McCain-Palin pin on his clothes was hilarious, and they show that image for a second if you closed your eyes you missed it, it was genius... and the thing is that you get more opportunities to watch family guy than The Simpsons at least here in the States, it's like an all day marathon, different channels different hours, while the Simpsons is like one channel at an odd hour so I always forget :P

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