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About cemeteryrecords

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    Member [Level 3]
  • Birthday 12/03/1990

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    Chicago, IL
  • Interests
    Music & Computers

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  1. Without editing my php pages, they randomly stopped working, however html pages still work fine.
  2. Watch the video in my sig. Esoteric agenga. it talks a lot about 2012.
  3. But MILLIONS OF YEARS?? There is NOTHING to base ideas on for that.
  4. "I imagine that sometime in the distant future, humanity will explore and colonize distant stars in this galaxy and perhaps even in other galaxies. There is a major obstacle when it comes to space travel: the distances are huge. It takes several years even for light to go from the closest stars to the Sun to the Sun. So, how will humanity accomplish this? The answer is time, or as I like to put it, the fourth dimension.In our 3-dimensional universe, we have three dimensions: length, width, and depth. Then we have something else, which we call time. So what is time? To us, time is nothing more than the passage of events. But, if you think of time as a fourth dimension, time isn't just something linear. We are rather forced along this fourth dimension in a linear fashion, causing "time" to be linear. Therefore, long-distance travel will be accomplished by "folding" the fourth dimension, creating a shortcut from point A to point B, which effectively makes the trip much shorter.Or, perhaps we will simply travel close to the speed of light. But, I think the 4th dimension will be used.Any thoughts? Theories?"--That is all theoretical of course. Personally I think colonizing the moon and mars will come before stars. With current technology, we're not getting much farther than that. If you can figure out a way to successfully fold time via the fourth dimension, you alert us at Xisto immediately. Other than that, I really don't see much happening about it in the near (or even distant) future.I do believe technology will advance, and more things will be possible, but for now, eh.Well, I think if we evolved from bronze to modern (industrial?) technology in 2000 years, humanity should be able to get that technology in a few million years at least. This of course assumes that we don't nuke ourselves back into the stone age. tongue.gif---oh wow, i didnt know we we're looking millions of years into the future. We'll after agenda 21 and a single government rules the world, who know's what they'll allow in the space travel section? Looking millions of years into the future is uncomprehendable. It's like trying to imagine the world, when your still in the womb..
  5. "I imagine that sometime in the distant future, humanity will explore and colonize distant stars in this galaxy and perhaps even in other galaxies. There is a major obstacle when it comes to space travel: the distances are huge. It takes several years even for light to go from the closest stars to the Sun to the Sun. So, how will humanity accomplish this? The answer is time, or as I like to put it, the fourth dimension.In our 3-dimensional universe, we have three dimensions: length, width, and depth. Then we have something else, which we call time. So what is time? To us, time is nothing more than the passage of events. But, if you think of time as a fourth dimension, time isn't just something linear. We are rather forced along this fourth dimension in a linear fashion, causing "time" to be linear. Therefore, long-distance travel will be accomplished by "folding" the fourth dimension, creating a shortcut from point A to point B, which effectively makes the trip much shorter.Or, perhaps we will simply travel close to the speed of light. But, I think the 4th dimension will be used.Any thoughts? Theories?"--That is all theoretical of course. Personally I think colonizing the moon and mars will come before stars. With current technology, we're not getting much farther than that. If you can figure out a way to successfully fold time via the fourth dimension, you alert us at Xisto immediately. Other than that, I really don't see much happening about it in the near (or even distant) future.I do believe technology will advance, and more things will be possible, but for now, eh.
  6. Hello jaychant and welcome to our community. Game development must be really fun but hard too. I'm getting interested into game developing. I only tryed my change developing flash game but they aren't so intresting for sure xD. As for music I sometimes listen to Eminem too but I'm going more for TI, Lil Wayne, T-Pain, Lupe Fiasco. Well have a nice stay here and be ready to be amazed by the kindly community we have here smile.gif .Cheers!Actually, shock of the day: game development isn't that hard! If you download a game creation utility like Game Maker, you can start out with absolutely no programming experience and make your first game very soon. The hard part is when you shoot for good quality, i.e. when you want to sell your games.-I personally like to use Blender 3D if I'm starting from scratch, becasue they have a nice game engine and physics system built-in. But for quick, fun games, I like to use First Person Shooter Creator. Always a classic
  7. -AC3D is a 3d editor/creator/renderer perfect for creating 3d logos. Photoshop (or my personal favorite, Gimp) Gimp is free. Both are perfect for non-3d, but still very amazing logos. But for a newbie, like yourself, may i recommend, simple, easier, online logo making: https://cooltext.com/ Notice from rvalkass: Added Quote tags.
  8. I use both linux (slackware) and windows(xp)... they both serve their own purpose for me... when Im into programming, coding stuff, feeling 1337 lol I go with my slackware and when Im playing games,entertainment,etc. I go with windows smile.gif-Same here. I use Win vista and BT4 beta. Both serve a purpose...but dam windows...
  9. - I would personally wait. The kid is going to have to go through YEARS and YEARS of school...let him/her have their playtime now. Notice from galexcd: Remember to quote any content that you didn't write. That includes replying to other members
  10. https://home.mcafee.com/StaticGenericPage.aspx?page=cookienotsupported&url=%2fspeedometer%2fdefault.aspx%3fculture%3den-US%26ctst%3d1 This Site is really cool.. check out your internet connection speed. For some guys who dont know what is internet connection speed, this article found on the same site might be helpful. What is Internet connection speed? Internet connection speed refers to the data transfer rate from the Internet to your computer. Basically that means the amount of time it takes your computer to download a given amount of data. Internet connection speeds are usually measured in Kbps (kilobits per second, or thousands of bits per second) or KBps (kilobytes per second). Nowadays with the technological improvements in data transfer speeds, Internet connection speeds can also be measured in Mbps (megabits per second, or millions of bits per second) or MBps (megabytes per second). For example, if you had a 28.8K (28,800 bps) modem, then it would take at least 4 - 5 minutes to download a 1MB file. If you had digital subscriber line (DSL), the same 1MB file would take approximately 10 - 20 seconds. -Very nice find! I came in at dsl/cable speed, right on!
  11. Ooo, very tasty. -never had it, or even seen it, Where is it sold?
  12. Here's my page: <html> <head> <title>FreakbooK</title> </head> <body bgcolor="#000000"><style type="text/css">h1 {color: rgb(255,0,0)}h2 {color: rgb(255,0,0)}p {color: rgb(255,0,0)}</style> <center> <h1>FreakbooK</h1> </center> HollA At ThE WorlD! - <a href="addguest.html">Add</a> To ThA FreakbooK! <hr><!--begin--> <hr> <ul> <li><a href="../">BacK HomE PagE</a><br> </ul> </body></html> when people add a message, it appears right below the "begin" partbut how do i make it so all added text is red? cause its black by default, and so is the background..i got the heading red, and links are blue. but i cant figure out reguar font.
  13. To tell if she is just playing you she will act different around people. If she only comes around when you have something she wants she will be nice to you and mess with your head to get it. The only way to solve that problem is to play her back. When she has something you want mess with her head to get it. And if she changes because of the way you are acting and asking why you have changed let her no that you don't want to play the games..... Then if she tells you that she will change don't believe her cause once a player always a player. Best thing to do is leave her and find someone new cause nothing good will come out from being with her...
  14. The Best way is to NOT use internet explorer. Have..um..*cough*..knowledge, in exploiting. 90% of exploits are written for windows, and 30% are just for IE! However, out of ALL the programs I...know about... NO exploits for Firefox, or Chrome, Or any others. The most th firefox user have to fear for security is like, phishing pages. and with those...dont be stupid! Watch what you're doing. And like tendigitz said: "Don't give your picture to strangers" [sarcasm] Cause if they get your picture, they can scan it and theres a special code linked in it, that allows them access to your computer! :D Be safe kids.-Cem Rec
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